Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 479

Chapter 479
It's a pity that all his methods are nothing more than decorations to Zhang Kun, who has Kunyu's physique. His own strength can be said to be the weakest in the field. At that time, Zhang Kun killed him like crushing an ant!
Everyone was stunned, this blow was just a random blow from Zhang Kun, he didn't even use the Yingying Sword, he just transformed the tide of vitality into the palm of his hand and took it directly!

"Hiss!" Everyone couldn't help but gasped, their faces were a bit serious, and everyone who knew each other could see the horror in each other's eyes at a glance.

"Let's do it together!" Qian Hongshan snorted coldly, the red lotus fire suit on her body was urged to the extreme, the boundless fire light reflected the mountains and rivers red, and the flames of phoenix feathers overflowed around her side, if an ordinary qi practitioner is in The surrounding area had long been roasted and lost its combat effectiveness. She waved the scepter in her hand, and the flame agate on it suddenly emitted infinite brilliance. In the world of flames, she was like a queen.

"Boom boom boom!" Three fireballs shot directly at Zhang Kun, causing a violent twist in the air. Each fireball was as powerful as lava bursting. It was a natural disaster that could destroy a small town. Ordinary Qi practitioners, no matter how high they are, will definitely be embarrassed when they encounter such a flame!
However, Zhang Kun had obtained the inheritance left by the demon king Chongyan in the Yanmo Cave, and the Supreme Flame Technique still remains in his mind. In Zhang Kun's eyes, they are just small flames, and his speed soared instantly. , there was a faint flame condensed in his hand, and a elixir entered the mouth, and the vitality in Zhang Kun's body seemed to be ignited instantly, and an inextinguishable golden flame was already burning in his star pupils!
Chengying flew to Zhang Kun's side through the air, the jumping flames soaked the sword body, and the soaring flames shot straight into the sky!

"Hazy Moon!" Zhang Kun gave a low shout, and the Chengying Sword split into three sword shadows in an instant. Everyone's faces were startled. One Chengying was enough to turn them upside down. Now that there are three swords, that's okay. ?

However, Zhang Kun was not satisfied with his reciting the formula, and the technique of controlling the sword was used again, and the three sword shadows moved in the wind, and thousands of them were born!

Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things!
Wan Daojian was lined up behind Zhang Kun. He controlled the sword formation like a peerless sword fairy.

"Go!" Zhang Kun just opened his mouth softly, and the Wandao Fire Sword moved instantly, and every blow carried a terrifying impact, even if it was stubborn stone or steel, it was like a piece of paper in front of the Fire Sword. Usually, the three flames released by Qian Hongshan swallowed the sky, and the two fiery flames collided violently in the midair!
"Bang bang bang!"

Three fireballs trembled in the void, and the fire swords were like flying goose feather catkins. The momentum of the fireball hit by each sword was weaker. Qian Hongshan could only feel her heart shaking violently, and looked at it in disbelief. Colliding flames in the sky!
"Why, why! I'm a fourth-level Qi trainer, he's just innate, why is Zhang Kun so much stronger than me?" Qian Hongshan was so shocked that his eyes almost fell out.

Zhang Kun smiled lightly: "Go again!"

With a wave of his hand, countless fire swords reappeared, and thousands of fire swords appeared directly in the whole world!
"Is this person's vitality inexhaustible?" Gu Anmo and Tu Chen were secretly startled. The vitality in their bodies was almost exhausted at this point in the battle. How could Zhang Kun fight so calmly?

"Huh!" Qian Hongshan took another deep breath, and the scepter in her hand was shining brightly. She had injected all her life's strength into the scepter at this moment, and even took care of her red lotus fire clothes flawlessly. The flames of the scepter disappeared, but the flame on the scepter was stronger than ever.

"Go, Fire Feather Phoenix!" Qian Hongshan screamed, as if her throat was about to burst, her body trembled, and her breath fell in an instant!
But her face was full of joy, because a fire-feathered phoenix had spread its wings and soared before her eyes. Its supreme body was composed of pure flames, and each feather was composed of terrifying and brutal spiritual fire. , the fire-feathered phoenix streaked across the sky, even illuminating half of the sky. Wherever it passed, the ten thousand fire swords summoned by Zhang Kun collapsed!
"Hahaha, good time!" Zhang Kun laughed loudly, and retracted Chengying's body. The vitality in his body was surging to the extreme. Several Tongyuanzhengqi pills were used to the extreme, bringing a huge amount of vitality, and Zhang Kun absorbed the surrounding world The tide of vitality drained that area into a void, and Kunyu's physique, which had just reached the perfection of the first level, was completely lit up, and the color of glazed diamonds shone in the sky!

"Death!" Zhang Kun waved his sword lightly, and a sword light that was so huge that it could not be seen was as if the sky and the earth were hanging upside down. That fire feather phoenix would be beheaded with one strike!

Fengming for nine days, the fire phoenix raised its head and flapped its wings upwards, and brilliant flames blasted towards Zhang Kun. Its body was like a huge flying shuttle, and it struck thousands of miles across in an instant!

The void was completely burned, and the flames were accompanied by extremely destructive lightning balls, and the entire space seemed to be evaporated.

Liang Lingxue's body trembled, and she looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief. Her pretty face was covered with tears. Is there anyone who can resist such a powerful attack?

Gu Anmo and Tu Chen were also shocked. Fortunately, they did not oppose a crazy woman like Qian Hongshan, otherwise they would also be seriously injured by this terrifying blow!

"Bang bang bang!" It's a pity that everyone guessed wrong, the sword light fell, and the whole area was flooded by the bright sword light, endless clouds and mist billowed, and the sharp sword cut off half of the wings of the fire feather phoenix, cutting A large piece of fire wing that split off was like a cloud falling from the sky, and when it landed on the ground, it immediately burned a huge pit in the hard earth, and all the substances were evaporated out of thin air in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Kun showed no mercy at all. He took three steps in the void, swinging Chengying to slash downwards with each step. After three steps, he had already stepped on the back of Huoyu Phoenix. At this moment, he Wanting to become the person who slaughtered the phoenix, three sword lights flew across the sky, and the body of the fire feather phoenix suddenly became riddled with holes. There was a violent explosion, and its body faded away, as if it might explode at any time Normally, when Cheng Ying cuts deep into Huofeng's back, he only sees an extremely gorgeous battle, and the whole Huofeng is dismembered by Zhang Kun in this way!

As if fireworks were set off in the sky, bright flames overflowed everywhere. A noble phoenix could not even resist Zhang Kun's five swords, and it was completely dissipated in the sky. Zhang Kun came from the fire, so fast that he could not see it. As far as his afterimage is concerned, the physical body of the quasi-dao weapon level is really too powerful, he can directly use the physical body to break through the air resistance, come and go freely, and the speed is extremely fast!

"Death!" Zhang Kun didn't have the slightest pity in his eyes. He struck Qian Hongshan directly with his sword. Qian Hongshan's eyes widened. She was still immersed in the excitement of successfully summoning the fire phoenix. The fire phoenix that she was so proud of was killed by Zhang Kun, and there was no hair left. She urged the red lotus fire clothes in horror. Blooming and rising, she was bathed in the flames, like a queen of fire lotus!
It's a pity that before Zhang Kun's sword arrived, the terrifying sword intent had already descended. Qian Hongshan couldn't help but kneel down. She felt that the flames on her body were being suppressed, and the heavy sword energy cut her body. Even with the protection of the Dao weapon, she still felt that her body was about to explode, and the clothes on her body were torn off inch by inch. She was at a loss for what to do, and hurriedly looked at Gu Anmo and Tu Chen in the distance!
"Boom!" Chengying Sword finally struck, and a flash of rainbow light crashed into her body. Zhang Kun's figure only appeared for a flash before reappearing in the midair. Word.

Qian Hongshan was surprised to find that she was not damaged at all, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She thought it was her Taoism that protected her, and when she looked at Zhang Kun who didn't say a word in the distance, she thought that she was exhausted, already At the end of the crossbow!
"Zhang Kun, you have done a lot of evil. My sect master said before he died, Zhang Kun is the murderer!" Qian Hongshan roared angrily at Zhang Kun. She was accusing Zhang Kun of killing the suzerain of the Tianhuo sect!
Everyone's expressions changed when they heard it. How could it be possible? No matter how strong or evil Zhang Kun was, he was only capable of fighting in the Qi training period. How could he step up and fight to challenge the supreme giant like the suzerain of Tianhuo Sect?
"If he really has such strength, shall we continue to besiege him?" For the first time, Gu Anmo had the intention to retreat. If what Qian Hongshan said was true, then what kind of terrifying existence did they provoke?

"You talk too much nonsense, so what if I killed it?" Zhang Kun stood with his hands behind his back, looked at Qian Hongshan lightly and said, "Your time is up!"

As soon as the words fell, Qian Hongshan's body trembled violently. She finally knew what happened, her eyes widened, she looked at Zhang Kun and repeatedly begged for mercy: "Zhang Kun, you can't kill me, don't kill me, ah what!"

"Boom!" There was only the sound of flesh being torn apart, and a gap of light appeared between Qian Hongshan's eyebrows, which was originally healthy, and spread continuously until it reached her whole body. At this moment, her body was full of cracks like spider webs. , the next moment her body was blasted to pieces, leaving no residue left!
"Hiss!" The remaining people gasped wildly. The battle has progressed until now, and the six masters have besieged Zhang Kun. He has already beheaded two people and seriously injured one person in a snap of his fingers!
"Who are you?" Gu Anmo's voice trembled when he asked!

(End of this chapter)

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