Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 480 Unmatched

Chapter 480 Unmatched
Elder Cai Xu's face was extremely ugly. He came to participate in this hunt with the expectation that he would win. How could Zhang Kun be the opponent of the five Tianjiao? Even if he tried his best, he would not belong to those disciples of the great sects. Opponents are not even worthy of carrying their shoes!

But tonight, he felt that his world view was completely subverted. Zhang Kun is not a rabbit at the mercy of others, but an angry lion. When he bared his fangs, everyone could only feel Shivering!
"Whose turn is it next?" Zhang Kun smiled lightly, and did not answer Gu Anmo's question, but just swept the battlefield coldly, as if he was picking the next prey!
"Shoot together, or it's over!" Gu Anmo and Tu Chen wanted to take a look. Tang Fenghen was almost seriously injured and couldn't fight anymore, but at this moment he had to urge the magic knife and Zhang Kun to fight to the death again!But Cai Xu's face sank like water, and his vitality was stimulated to the extreme. Behind him appeared the phantom of the ancient sage king, and his strength also skyrocketed under the blessing.

"Cai Xu, you have been crippled by Elder Xu of Yaohuang Mountain for ten years. I want to see how much strength you have left?" Zhang Kun twitched the corners of his mouth and looked coldly. The people of the Immortal Palace in the world are average.

Cai Xu shuddered again and again, and shouted loudly: "Little Zhang Kun, die!"

Thousands of golden lights suddenly shot out from his body, and a huge handprint rose out of thin air, rolling towards Zhang Kun like the palm of a Tathagata!

"It's the holy emperor's big handprint of the Huangji Gate!" Gu Anmo, as the young army leader of the Xiaoshuo Empire, how could he not know the royal skills of the Xiaoshuo Empire?
He had seen the Daoist Prince use this trick before, boiling the entire void, revealing a terrible gully on the ground, blasting a top-notch corrupted monster with one blow, and crushing it into a pulp!
There are tens of thousands of golden lights blessing around the holy emperor's big handprint. This Cai Xu was originally a sixth-level qi trainer who was blown away by Elder Xu for ten years. Tianjiao is several times stronger, and even the Daoist Prince would have to weigh his palm with all his strength!

"Brother Zhang Kun!" Liang Lingxue shouted eagerly, constantly biting her lips, her pretty face was full of worry, and she was about to unsheath her sword, but Zhang Kun just gave her a reassuring expression!

But what is the peak of the fourth level? After Zhang Kun entered the state of refining the mind, although the vitality in his body was only at the level of heaven, it was comparable to the first level of Qi training. He killed Yu Yefeng just like killing a chicken, because this person's real realm is only the second level of Qi training!
This is only Zhang Kun's most basic strength. The power of the stars in the north has been surrounding him, and several powerful pills have entered his body, igniting the vitality of his whole body, and in this way he can already fight with the four The high-level Qi fighter broke his wrists, and he killed the Fire Feather Phoenix with a few swords is the best proof!

And if he uses the Chengying Divine Sword, then his combat power will be difficult to estimate. This divine sword of unknown rank is not like the quasi-dao weapon in their hands. It can only stimulate a little bit of power, as long as Zhang Kun can do it When the human and sword are united, the state of mind is complete. If you use the combination of the supreme swordsmanship and Chengying to become one, you can even cut off the undead bone generals of the ninth level of Qi training, and even the black moon incarnation summoned by the high priest. Countless undead in half of Haomen battlefield can be slaughtered with one sword!
It's just that this state is too difficult to achieve. It takes the heart to join the sword, nothing outside the heart, and an indomitable sword intent to tear apart the enemies in front of Zhang Kun!

"Boom!" Zhang Kun drew his sword again. The opponent had the peak strength of the fourth-order Qi training, and he had to show his true skills. I saw Zhang Kun flicked the sword body with his fingertips, and Cheng Ying made a clear sword sound. Nine extremely resplendent and mysterious sword patterns lit up on the Legendary Sword, each of which looks like a natural process, after seeing it, it is very fascinating!
The sword pattern lights up high, the sword energy soars to the sky, reaches the sky directly, penetrates the sky and the earth, communicates with the stars, the stars in the sky light up high, sprinkle countless stars, the Chengying Sword has turned into a streamer, this time Zhang Kun did not He didn't take any buffing pills, he only relied on his own strength to control the sword. At this moment, his heart was immersed, and he realized the meaning of this supreme sword. Behind him, a man in blue shirt appeared figure!

If the Lord of the Black Moon was here, he would be extremely shocked, staring at the phantom behind Zhang Kun, and at this moment, although everyone didn't know who the simple figure suddenly appeared behind him, they all felt a burst of fear , the golden armor on Gu Anmo's body was shining brightly, and the spear came across the sky, as if piercing through the pole. Wan Dao split out, Qi Qi stabbed at Zhang Kun, and Tang Fenghen exhausted his last vitality, urging the magic knife Jiuxiao Tianlan, countless flames, clouds and winds were integrated in the knife energy, cutting across and To, the void vibrated, and the clouds and mist churned!

And Zhang Kun closed his eyes and whispered with his sword; "Cut!"

The Chengying sword was connected with him, and flew out directly. This sword pierced the void like a swallow breaking water, and brought up a bright sword light, like a shooting star with its tail flying around. The stars on the sword The awn glowed brightly, sweeping the void, and the ground next to it was already riddled with holes. Nine starlights and sword patterns were intertwined to form a miraculous formation, cutting off the holy emperor's handprint inch by inch!
The attacks of Gu Anmo, Tu Chen, and Tang Fenghen were even more insignificant. The scattered sword light completely devoured their attacks, as if they were torn apart without any resistance, and they were torn apart like paper!

"How is it possible, why is he so strong!?" Everyone present was so horrified that there was nothing to add. Everyone was a disciple of the sect. Why was Zhang Kun so terrifying, and he also destroyed Elder Cai Xu's big handprint of the Holy Emperor from the front?

"If it's the Taoist Prince, Fairy Xixian may not be able to do as well as him here!" Everyone gasped wildly again, and at this moment, regret appeared on their faces!
"You have no chance!" Zhang Kun said coldly, Cheng Ying has returned to his hands, shedding a gorgeous and beautiful sword light, but in the eyes of everyone, it is the light of death!
Zhang Kun held Chengying tightly with both hands, and the energy of the mirror field was stimulated to the extreme. With a snap of his fingers, he had already arrived in front of Cai Xu. With a slash of wild wind, the battlefield seemed to have been plowed, and there was nothing left. After falling down, Cai Xu's golden palm was cut off by a sword. He spit out a mouthful of blood, stared at his arm desperately, the anger in his eyes was about to come out, and his figure shot towards the ground like a sharp arrow. When he smashed it, a huge deep pit appeared, and the corner of his mouth was covered with blood. After falling into a pool of blood, he was still immersed in endless sluggishness!

Zhang Kun was the junior who let him be slaughtered seven days ago. If Elder Xu hadn't made the move, he would have slapped him out when he was in the city lord's mansion, as easy as crushing an ant!

But now he was the one who was about to be crushed to death. Zhang Kun's sword soared several times, as if it was poured from gold. Cheng Ying, who was sharp enough to cut off the magic knife, was like a piece of fragile tofu in front of him. With a single sword to death, all the bones were broken and shattered, and he was cut into thousands of pieces by the sky!
"Elder Cai Xu? Dead?" The eyes of the remaining three Tianjiao are about to pop out. This is a senior figure. Even if his skills have been abolished for ten years, his strength is still completely crushed. For the younger generation, even Dao Sheng and Xi Xian dare not attack him, but now he has fallen into a pool of blood and turned into a dead bone!
"Ahhhh!" Everyone felt that they were going crazy. This time, they had no intention of fighting anymore, and hurriedly tried to run away from Zhang Kun, a terrifying devil!

Killing the elder with a single sword is really terrifying to the extreme, and everyone has no intention of resisting in their minds. It is really invincible, not an enemy on the same level!
"Chengying Divine Sword, destroys everything, cuts everything!" Elder Cai Xu's soul is destroyed after this blow, even if he has Nanci Xuan Chengdan, it will not help, the fragmented soul is hard to gather!

"Want to run?" Zhang Kun chuckled, flicked the divine sword in his hand, and Chengying suddenly turned into a comet streamer, traversed the battlefield at a terrifying speed, got the divine rainbow and lit it up high, and the brilliance shone in the city of Poling It seems that everyone can see that the powerful vitality explodes, as if the world has changed, and the alarm has sounded in Poling City, thinking that there is an enemy attack!
Gu Anmo was in a panic, the sword energy sliced ​​through his golden armor, how precious the armor of the Taoist level was, and it was cut into pieces so uselessly at this moment, how could his body resist the power of the sword intent? The golden spear in his hand fell to the ground, and his body was cut into two pieces. The dead couldn't die anymore!

The sword intent soared into the sky without any hindrance, and the speed did not decrease but increased to catch up with Tu Chen. The blood-eyed boy flashed a blood shadow, and countless clones appeared in midair. Unfortunately, Cheng Ying had already locked him Zhang Kun said lightly, "Let's fall!"

Tu Chen's body exploded in the air, and countless sword shadows strangled his spirit body. The pair of sharp daggers scattered blood and fell to the ground. Fenghen, he shot Zhang Kun first, but Zhang Kun left him to kill him last. The light of the magic knife Jiuxiaotianlan was dim, and Tang Fenghen held the knife to protect his body. Unfortunately, Zhang Kun's speed was half as fast. With a flick of his fingers, he came to him, and he punched him casually on the wrist, and the magic knife fell down, and Chengying directly cut his body in half!

Zhang Kun put away the magic sword, dagger, long spear, red lotus fire suit, stood proudly in the void, closed his eyes, and fought five arrogances and one elder all to death!
(End of this chapter)

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