Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 481

Chapter 481

Since the six people besieged Zhang Kun, the entire army was wiped out in less than a stick of incense. Zhang Kun's strength was so terrifying that the silence between heaven and earth seemed to be shocked again.

On the top of a small mountain in the wild, the high place is extremely cold, the thick mountain fog has faded, the starry night has ushered in the dawn, the morning wind is howling, at this moment there is only one person left in the mid-air, his eyes are indifferent, his black hair is like lacquer, and his body is like glass Cast into general, colorful!

The sun had risen quietly, and the people in Poling City, who were disturbed by the war, walked up to the top of the city one after another and looked out to the suburbs, only to see a star shining in the mid-air, which was hard to look at.

I saw Zhang Kun standing proudly in the air and staring downwards. He looked at the place where the sun was rising and took a breath. The battle just now touched his heart a little, and his mental state broke through to Xiaocheng under the fierce battle!

Zhang Kun's mental state refinement is already equivalent to the first level of Qi training!
The rays of the sun shone behind him, and thousands of rays of divine light shot towards the sky, which could melt all living beings. Zhang Kun broke through the realm barrier!

Two colors of brilliance shone in his eyes, the yin embraces the yang, the yang embraces the yin, life and death stand side by side!

"What exactly is that, it seems to be a figure?" Some people looked up from below and were all dumbfounded. What kind of existence could emit such a dazzling brilliance?

"Wait a minute, why do I think he looks a bit like Zhang Kun?" Someone couldn't help but cover his mouth to avoid screaming. He was already dumbfounded, and the people around him were all petrified, unbelievable.

Zhang Kun walked down the void step by step slowly, as if there were steps there, he looked at Liang Lingxue in front of him and smiled gently: "It surprised you, but it's all right now, this place has been destroyed, let's go back to the city let's go!"

At this moment, the surroundings are already a mess, everything has been destroyed, the ground is shattered, the trees are crushed into powder, and the air seems to be stagnant.

Liang Lingxue was still immersed in a sluggish state, her pretty eyes were full of the man's shadow, her moist lips like cherries fluttered slightly, and she couldn't help but want to kiss Fangze, she murmured: "Brother Zhang Kun, When did you become so powerful?"

In my impression, Zhang Kun seemed to be the boy in Changyang City who was struggling for his family's livelihood. Even though he had seen Zhang Kun show off his skills on the battlefield of Poling City, Liang Lingxue never thought that he could truly rival a genius !
Not to mention, he was able to kill them all under the siege of six people, and he killed them all neatly without leaving any traces.

"I've always been so powerful." Zhang Kun replied with a smile, his eyes were deep and vast. This battle not only made his body absorb the power of Yu Yefeng's two precious gemstones, reaching the peak of Kunyu's first-tier heaven. Comparing the existence of Dao Artifacts, and once again improving his state of mind and sword practice, he felt that his centrifugation state was perfect, and it was not far from mastering a complete trace of Sword Dao.

If he can really do it, he will be the youngest Qi trainer in the Xiaoshuo Empire for tens of thousands of years, a Qi trainer who has not yet grown up!

"I'm going out today to perform an important task. Lingxue, you should stay in Poling City. With the protection of the Pill Formation, this place is already very safe. As long as there are no undead or monsters in the foundation building period, this place is safe." It's extremely safe, but it's best for you to go back to the master's gate." Zhang Kun took Liang Lingxue's hand and walked towards Poling City.

"Well, I'll wait for you to come back in Poling City!" Liang Lingxue nodded with a smile. At first she was also worried that Zhang Kun would be dangerous if he went out to perform some mission, but after seeing his performance today, Liang Lingxue completely trusted Zhang Kun. strength!
Moreover, according to Zhang Kun, this task is extremely important. If it is successful, this time the undead crisis may be resolved.

The huge pale yellow mask covering the entire territory of Poling City in front of him is a masterpiece made by Zhang Kun and the alchemists and formation masters in the logistics department. Qianyuan guarding the alchemy formation is guarding Poling City On the periphery of the wall, this powerful rune barrier is almost invincible and indestructible, even the fangs and sharp teeth of the undead can't do anything about it!

On the day when Qianyuan guarded the alchemy formation, the whole Poling City was boiling. The old city owner Huang called Zhang Kun to him excitedly, held his hand all the time, shook it vigorously, and kept patting Zhang Kun. shoulders, with a serious look on his face.

It made Zhang Kun feel embarrassed. The emergence of Qianyuan guarding the alchemy array is really a leap across the ages. This is an achievement that so many array mages in the empire have failed to achieve. It was actually made by an alchemist, and This person is just a 15-year-old Liu Dantu!

The significance of this formation is too great, it can indirectly save the lives of thousands of people, and all the elders, including those from Huangjimen, have to admit Zhang Kun's talent.

Originally, Huang Lao City Lord was going to reward Zhang Kun with tens of thousands of contribution points. The points were recorded on the people in the logistics department and Ding Yingshang, and the old city master Huang thought about it and agreed.

Because Zhang Kun's own points are already high enough, if he adds tens of thousands of points, he will overtake both Dao Sheng and Xi Xian. Although he is still not as good as the evil Bai Yangxuan, he is already It is a miracle and a legend.

"Master Zhang Kun, City Lord Huang and all the elders are already waiting for you in the City Lord's Mansion. It is an important meeting on how to carry out the task." Outside Zhang Kun's residence, the disciple who had been arrogant before bowed his waist this time The ground is very low, with a respectful face.

He seems to be Zhang Kun's exclusive service staff, and he will always stay near Zhang Kun's residence when he is free.

Zhang Kun nodded to express his understanding. After Liang Lingxue was settled, he followed the man to the City Lord's Mansion.

When Zhang Kun came there, the city lord's mansion was already full of people, and the meeting hall of the city lord's mansion today seemed to be more lively than before.

Sure enough, there are already many stars gathered here, several sect elders with super strength are all ready to go, they seem to be full of confidence, and their faces are determined to win.

"It seems that they don't know about the big battle last night?" Zhang Kun was a little puzzled. The battle in the suburbs involved several sects and forces. He killed six people in a row, but no one in the city lord's mansion today mentioned this matter.

"It's Zhang Kun who's here, well, I'll be waiting for you!" Old City Master Huang smiled and nodded, looking more and more satisfied with Zhang Kun.

"Seniors, please forgive me for being late, junior." Zhang Kun arched his hands and said.

"You don't need to be too polite, Zhang Kun, you surprised me. I thought you would collapse and disappear from now on. I didn't expect you to break out of your own world by relying on pills." A thick male voice came, and Zhang Kun finally It was discovered that among the elders, there was a young man about his age.

This person is the Taoist Prince. His face is as resolute and resolute as a knife and an axe. His face is cold and indifferent, and there seems to be a golden light shining in his star pupils. He is the head disciple of the Huangji Sect and the future master of the Xiaoshuo Empire.

"The prince is absurd." Zhang Kun shook his head lightly. It seemed that the Daoist didn't understand his own strength. The lethal elixir used by Kun.

"You guys are chatting and laughing, have you forgotten me?" A charming and lazy female voice came, as a perfect stunner, Fairy Xixian, a fairy in the world, was licking her cherry lips playfully.

"I've met Fairy Xixian." Zhang Kun also bowed to her.

Xixian smiled lightly and said, "I'm not a fairy, you can call me Xian'er."

As the only woman among the top three on the Poling List, Xixian's strength should not be underestimated, and what is even more surprising is her beauty.

Once Xi Xian put on the purple dress, she looked even more elegant and charming. The long skirt spread across the ground like quicksilver, the waistline was narrowed very thin, and there were purple patterns outlined on the waistband. It has the charm of the royal court dress, the delicate lace sets off Xixian's white legs, slender and straight, and the exquisite curves are completely outlined, and the snow-white neck is exposed on the proud chest, like an elegant bird. Like a swan, at this moment her temperament crushed the audience, like a queen!
"Ahem, Xian'er is already the concubine my father has appointed for me. After this undead crisis is resolved, I will marry her." The Daosheng prince coughed lightly and said casually.

Everyone couldn't help being slightly surprised, this was the first time they had heard of this news, and they didn't expect Taoist saints to reveal it here.

A blush appeared on Xixian's face, she brushed her hair by her ears, and she smiled brightly with a hint of embarrassment, captivating all beings.

"Well, this is also a match made in heaven. In the history of our Xiaoshuo Empire, many monarchs came from Huangjimen, and the queen is a fairy from Jinghong Tower." Old City Master Huang nodded with a smile.

The elders of all the sects congratulated the two of them one after another, and they had already forgotten about Zhang Kun and left them alone.

Zhang Kun was also happy to be at leisure. He glanced at the members of the Sword Sect Tianhuo Sect, but saw that they looked as usual, as if they didn't know that their precious apprentice had been beheaded by Zhang Kun.

"It seems that they have been discussing countermeasures in the City Lord's Mansion since yesterday, and have never had contact with the outside world. This is good, and it saves me a lot of trouble." Zhang Kun nodded secretly.

Otherwise, he came to the city lord's mansion this time to attend the Hongmen Banquet, and it also proved that Huangjimen and Quyangguan didn't know about Cai Xu's attack on him. The five Tianjiao also planned to target themselves. The power is also kept in the dark, so now that Zhang Kun has killed them, they don't even know it.

It's just that their sects may have been in chaos. Many sects will leave a token representing a person's life. Pass to Broken City.

"Okay, we've already determined the quota for this operation." Huang Laocheng said loudly: "Originally, we planned to let the three major sects send the most top Qi training masters, but at the request of Dao Sheng and Xi Xian Next, we decided that each case will consist of a master and a young man to carry out this mission."

 This is the update of Chasing Update 6.

(End of this chapter)

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