Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 482 The world is shocked

Chapter 482 The world is shocked
Zhang Kun frowned slightly. In his opinion, this mission is extremely critical. It can be said that it will determine the success or failure of the war. It is not an exaggeration to send a strong Jindan. How can they be so hasty? Is it possible that they regard this as some kind of gold-plated mission?

Sure enough, the Taoist Prince was wearing a flying fish white gold dragon robe, sitting on the left side of the Huangcheng Lord, and said with a warm smile, "That's right, since Brother Zhang Kun's team has been here before and came back safe and sound, then I think this One mission shouldn't be difficult."

"Well, it's suitable for our young people to experience it." Huang Chengzhu also nodded, and the elders of the surrounding sects also seemed to agree.

Zhang Kun sighed and shook his head again and again.

"Why is Zhang Kun sighing? Could it be that he is dissatisfied with our arrangement?" Dao Sheng's cold thin lips moved slightly, and he looked at Zhang Kun indifferently.

Obviously they have heard that Zhang Kun's team has gained a lot of points for performing missions, and they naturally want to get a share of it.

"With all due respect, this operation is related to the success or failure of the entire war. The location that our team has discovered is very likely to be the location of the main altar of the shadow of the lunar eclipse, and the Lord of the Black Moon will also descend here!" Zhang Kun said solemnly, with a serious face.

Daosheng smiled and stood up, stepped forward and patted Zhang Kun on the shoulder and said: "Young friend Zhang Kun thought about it, the matter is not so serious, if it is really the lair of the shadow of the eclipse, it will make you so Come back easily?"

"This is to lure the snake out of the hole, and set a trap to lure us in. We can only do it if we are fully prepared." Zhang Kunzheng wanted to say something but was interrupted by the Taoist saint.

"Sorry, it's very likely that you don't understand very well," Dao Sheng interrupted, "Our strength is no worse than ordinary elders, so do you understand?"

"Your strength?" Zhang Kun couldn't help asking.

"This kind of question still needs to be asked? Isn't this something everyone should know?" An elder in the Qi training realm next to him said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, Zhang Kun, you are still doubting the strength of Daosheng Prince, that's right, after all, there is a big gap between you, and you really can't understand their world!" Another staff officer of the City Lord's Mansion also looked at it contemptuously. Looking at Zhang Kun, in their eyes, the strength, status and prestige of Taoist saints are several grades higher than Zhang Kun's, so naturally no one will speak for Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun frowned, after all, he didn't argue with them anymore, but said: "Then what I asked before is that the traveler needs to take the vaccine pill, are you willing to agree?"

"Of course I don't agree, little friend Zhang Kun, this kind of experimental pill has such great side effects, how could anyone be willing to try it?" Dao Sheng shook his head again and again, presumably he had heard about Zhang Kun's research and development from the elders of Huangjimen This new medicine.

Zhang Kun shook his head and said, "If that's the case, then your safety will be your own blessing."

"Zhang Kun, why do you look so pessimistic, boosting other people's ambitions and destroying your own prestige, you are disturbing the morale of the army!" An elder of Huangjimen snorted coldly, asking Huang Chengzhu to punish Zhang Kun.

"Your attitude is not suitable for staying on the front line of Poling City. Perhaps it is more suitable for you to go to the logistics department to make alchemy. Anyway, you also led them to get out the alchemy formation, didn't you?"

Zhang Kun sighed secretly in his heart. He didn't expect that after killing Cai Xu, another elder of Huangjimen popped up?He is also strange, Huangjimen can't understand him like that?
"Okay Zhang Kun, you don't need to say much, we have already reached a conclusion, the elder Quyangguan and the Taoist prince sent by Huangjimen this time."

"Jinghong Tower sent Madam Yuanzhen and Fairy Xixian."

"Then the ones in Yaohuang Mountain are Elder Xu and Zhang Juzheng, plus Zhang Kun as the guide." After the city lord Huang introduced the lineup, he let everyone disperse.

"The start of the operation is set at eight o'clock tonight. Go down and get ready."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a commotion of ridicule in the meeting hall.

"Hehe, I said how powerful that Zhang Kun is. He was still gesticulating and scolding Fang Qiu, thinking that he was a core member. In the end, even Huang Laocheng also said that he is the one who leads the way!" Many sect elders laughed. Lost a big tooth.

"Hey, who's to say no, after all, I'm still a teenager, I don't understand anything!"

"Zhang Kun is not bad, but compared with Daosheng and Xixian, he is still too immature, which is a pity, he was born in the same era as them!" Disdainful ridicule and regret came from around Sigh, all these words fell into Zhang Kun's ears, but they were ignored by him, as if dust fell on his quiet and transparent heart, and he waved them away directly.

After leaving the meeting hall of the City Lord's Mansion, there was a huge wave in Poling City, as if it had experienced a major earthquake!
"What's going on? The names of the five Tianjiao on the Poling List were directly erased. Did they all die overnight?" Everyone under the majestic Poling List looked up, but only saw that The names of the top ten who did not move were shaken like an earthquake!
This sudden change caught everyone off guard, and what was even more shocking was that they were not squeezed out by others, but were erased from the breaking list because of their deaths!

Because the breaking spirit list is actually a reward list, after the war is over, outstanding contributors will be rewarded generously according to the above rankings, and they can even be crowned kings and princes in the Xiaoshuo Empire!
But these rewards cannot be given to the dead, so as long as you live and die, your name will be erased from the breaking spirit list and will no longer be displayed!

"Crazy, crazy, why are they all dead?"

"Is there something wrong with the broken spirit list, which caused their names to be hidden temporarily by accident? Go and check to see if they have shown up today." The crowd was as anxious as ants on a hot pot, all Panic.

This is too weird, can't it be that the five of them got together and were taken away by some powerful undead creature, or they competed with each other and the melee resulted in all of them dying?

Zhang Kun walked through the wide Poling City Square, his ears were filled with the voices of people discussing this important event, a playful smile could not help but flashed across the corner of his mouth, and he looked at the Poling List.

Those five people died, and there will naturally be people who replaced them. Several members of Zhang Kun's team rushed into the top ten. Han Dongxu, Qi Zhengyan, Xue Zhenghao, and Ding Yingshang were all among the top ten. Zhang Kun couldn't help but nodded.

"It seems that what I promised before is now fulfilled in advance." Zhang Kun couldn't help but smiled helplessly. His original idea was to let the team members rely on the super-high killing efficiency of the pill to get closer to Qian Hongshan and the others. From the gap between them, sooner or later they will be able to surpass them.

But I didn't expect that because of what happened last night, Qian Hongshan and the others were beheaded by Zhang Kun with a sword, and they just filled the vacancy.

"Hahaha, it seems that we can drink celebration wine tonight!" Zhang Kun couldn't help showing a long-lost smile, ignoring the dull and crazy people, and going to the market to buy some wine and vegetables to celebrate with the team members .

Only those people who are crying and howling under the breaking spirit list don't care about his affairs.

"It's bad, people from the Skyfire Sect have searched all over the city, but they can't find where Qian Hongshan is?"

"We at Shendao Sect don't know where Tang Fenghen has gone, and no one can contact him on the ground!"

"Hey, Young Master Yu is missing?" The elder Bai of the Seven Star Pavilion and the bodyguards of Yu Yefeng were all very anxious. They were hired by the owner of the Seven Star Pavilion at a huge price, just to protect this noble young master. But now he has disappeared out of thin air.

"Hurry up and contact the Pavilion Master!" Bai Lao was already sweating at the moment, if Yu Yefeng really had something wrong, he could only be prepared to meet the anger of the Seven Star Pavilion Master!

"Old Bai, don't worry too much. The young pavilion master has the magic talisman given by the pavilion master. Even if the strong foundation builder comes in person, he can hold on for a while to deliver the distress message. Now that there is no one, maybe it is with that A few Tianjiao made an appointment to perform some mission!" The people below comforted him.

At this time, there were bursts of screams and roars from the camp of the Xiaoshuo Imperial Army. "What's going on, has something serious happened?" Passers-by stopped and looked straight at the imperial army's camp.

Naturally, the imperial army is different from the sect. The keepsakes representing life are stored in the imperial barracks. When they don't see Gu Anmo, the first thing they think of is to see if the keepsake is still there.

I saw a row of brightly burning candles in the tents of the imperial army, and the flickering of the candles looked very vigorous, which meant that the soldiers of the imperial army who left their imprints of spirits and spirits were all alive and well.

What burns on this kind of candle is the fire of the soul. Even if a typhoon comes, the flame cannot be blown away. There is only one explanation for the flame to go out, that is, its owner is dead!

But at the front end of the thousands of rows of candles, there is a candlestick set up alone. The thick candlestick looks very different, but the most surprising thing is that the candle flames on it have been extinguished!

"That's the candle representing the young army's patron, An Mo. Why did it go out? He's really dead!" Everyone's eyes widened. They all knew how strong Gu Anmo was. He was the future lord of the Imperial Army, commanding all the soldiers in the world. Horse, the existence of the tiger talisman.

If he sees a certain force that is not happy, he only needs to move his fingers to slap an army composed of Qi practitioners to wipe it out. Imperial Army!
But such a noble person died?
The wailing sounded continuously, not only in the imperial army, but also in the Tianhuo Sect, Shendaomen, Qixing Pavilion, and the killer organization Xianwei, all of them were in mourning. They had already confirmed the situation to the sect. They are all dead!
(End of this chapter)

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