Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 483 You Don't Believe What I Said

Chapter 483 You Don't Believe What I Said

"Crack!" In the Mansion of the City Lord of Poling City, Old City Lord Huang slapped the table and angrily shouted at the people below: "What, these five ancestors are all dead? Even that Gu Anmo is dead? "

"Oops, oh, the young army lord came here for experience, and was protected by the imperial army in a safe place. How could he die here like this?" Everyone in the council hall of the city lord's mansion was mournful, and the others were still crying. It's easy to say that they are all from the sect and the organization, but Gu Anmo is different. His father is a powerful military leader. With a word from him, the elders in charge of military affairs in Poling City will be dismissed from get out of class.

"Do you know how they died and why they all died overnight?" Facing the question of Huang Lao City Lord, all the people below looked at each other in blank silence. This question can't be answered at all!
No one knows why they died together so coincidentally. Could it be that those guys in the shadow of the eclipse have some weird means to wipe out the five arrogances together without them knowing.

"Maybe it was really done by those people from the shadow of the lunar eclipse. They gathered several curse cultivators who were wanted by the empire in public. Maybe they cast spells and killed them remotely."

"Could it be that they were infected with the undead plague?" There were different opinions in the entire meeting hall, and it was too shocking to compare them to die at the same time!

"But we haven't even found their bodies..."

Old City Master Huang frowned deeply and said, "Immediately send someone to investigate this matter. We must find out exactly how these people died, so as to give an explanation to the forces behind them."

"Yes, old city lord." Everyone responded in panic.

In Poling City, chickens and dogs jumped, the sky was turned upside down, and mourners were everywhere, but the residence of Zhang Kun's team at the Yaohuangshan garrison was another story.

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect that our entire team has entered the top ten of the breaking spirit list as Brother Zhang Kun said." Han Dongxu blushed with excitement.

Zhang Kun laughed and toasted: "Let's celebrate tonight!"

What they drank was of course not an ordinary wine. It was a kind of medicinal wine specially made by Yaohuang Mountain. Elder Luoxia of Yaohuang Mountain was especially good at brewing wine. The wine he brewed was comparable to high-grade medicine. It can cleanse the impurities in the body and increase the vitality in the sea of ​​qi.

Ding Yingshang was dressed very lively tonight, the long orange dress wrapped her body, and the soft curves made the men present feel a little impetuous, but she drank the wine in the glass silently, a little The wine dripped down her white jade neck.Slowly sliding down to her chest, it looked particularly moving.

"You'd better drink less. Don't get drunk." Zhang Kun reminded.

"No, keep drinking!" Ding Yingshang raised her wine glass, her face was rosy and arrogant, very cute.

Zhang Kun shook his head and had no choice but to cooperate with her.

"Hey, brother Zhang Kun, how do you think those arrogances died?" Xue Zhenghao slammed the wine bowl on the table while drinking, and asked in doubt.

Zhang Kun chuckled and said, "It's very simple. Five of them besieged me, and I killed them all with one sword."

"Hahaha, you are drunk, how is it possible, each of the five of them is better than you." Xue Zhenghao patted Zhang Kun on the shoulder and punched him in the chest.

Everyone just thought he was joking. If Zhang Kun killed one by chance, they might believe it, but the five arrogances besieged and shot at the same time, even Zhang Kun couldn't handle it even with three heads and six arms.

"I know you don't believe it, so it's useless to say it." Zhang Kun shook his head helplessly, everyone laughed, continued to drink, and talked about the happy things they encountered recently.

"Okay, everyone, I still have tasks to perform. I hope that the next time we meet again, it will not be on the battlefield. We will celebrate when we return to Yaohuang Mountain." Zhang Kun stood up and drank the last glass of wine, and threw it away. Throwing the wine glass, regardless of the people who were drunk on the wine table, they stepped out of the door. Facing the cold evening wind, Zhang Kun shook his head, and the drunkenness disappeared without a trace.

For Qi practitioners, there are very few alcohols that can truly intoxicate them. As long as they are willing, they can use their vitality to force the alcohol in their blood out of their bodies.

"I hope this time I was thinking too much. The shadow of the eclipse's lair is not there. This is just a simple task." Zhang Kun shook his head and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Sure enough, the remaining six people have arrived, but the old city master Huang is not there. He is probably overwhelmed by the demise of the five arrogances. So far they have not found any useful clues. They just heard what Gu Anmo's attendant once said , Gu Anmo wanted to call a few of them to deal with Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun immediately became the main object of suspicion, but there was no evidence that this matter was related to Zhang Kun. In addition, Gu Anmo and others went to deal with Zhang Kun together. Zhang Kun was still intact, but the five of them fell one after another. reason?
After much deliberation, Huang Laocheng decided to exclude Zhang Kun's name. After all, it is absolutely impossible for a 15-year-old boy to do such a horrible thing that he can kill five Tianjiao in a row so that they can't even send a distress signal. arrived.

Even if Qu Yangguan and others wanted to accuse Zhang Kun of the crime, they would not be charged with such a crime, because anyone with a little judgment ability knows that this is completely impossible.

"Zhang Kun, you're here. We have something to ask you on a mission." Seeing Zhang Kun coming alone, Qu Yangguan had a gloomy look in his eyes.

Zhang Kun waved his hand and said, "Are you trying to say that I killed those five people?"

"That's right, did you kill it?" Quyangguan's voice became a little heavier, as if a heavy hammer was pressing on everyone's hearts.

"I said I killed it, will you believe it?" Zhang Kun spread his hands, with an innocent face and a joke.

"Hahaha, of course I don't believe it." Before Quyangguan could speak, the Taoist prince next to him smiled and said: "Although these five people are not very strong, they are extremely difficult to work together. At most kill half and injure half!"

Zhang Kun glanced at him lightly, amused in his heart, but he didn't speak after all.

"Okay, Quyangguan, do you believe what you said? Don't waste time, we can set off!" Elder Xu frowned again and again. It's the heart of death that never dies.

"Hmph, that's all, an ant that can be crushed to death with one hand, even he doesn't have the ability!" Qu Yangguan sneered, and said ruthlessly in his heart.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Zhang Kun and his party left Poling City on the [-]th. They are all Qi practitioners who can fly in the air, at least they can avoid a large number of undead on the ground, but some flying creatures and spirit enlightenment monsters are not so easy to handle. , but fortunately among them there are Quyangguan and Elder Xu who are the most powerful. Their strength is unfathomable. It seems that they have reached the half-step foundation building.

For those Tianjiao, Taoist and quasi-Taoist tools are just life-saving and emergency things given by their parents, they are not often used on weekdays, and even their strength can't exert the power of Taoist tools.

But Quyangguan and Elder Xu are completely different. They are genuine, half-step foundation-building powerhouses who can fully display the power of a quasi-dao weapon. The level of attack has been able to overwhelm mountains and seas, transpiring an entire large lake, and dumping a mountain peak.

Even Zhang Kun's destruction when he fought with the five Tianjiao and one elder was nothing more than leveling a small hill in the suburbs, and there was still a big gap from the real reclamation of mountains and seas.

After a third of the journey, everyone stopped to clear an open space for recovery and rest. The long-distance flight and the battle consumed a lot of their vitality, but there were two alchemists and one alchemist in the team. May be lacking.

Zhang Kun didn't make a move along the way, as if he was saving his energy, but Xi Xian and Dao Sheng acted like they were out for an outing to practice, and snatched a few less powerful monsters from the elders to kill them.

"Hmph, now I have some self-knowledge, knowing that I am just a guide!" Qu Yangguan snorted and looked at Zhang Kun, who pricked up his ears as if he was trying to distinguish something.

The Taoist saint walked up to Quyangguan wearing the flying fish platinum armor, glanced at Zhang Kun and said jokingly, "Elder Qu, is he the one who threatened to break through our Huangji gate?"

"Hehe, what a clown is worth worrying about. If it weren't for the fact that he still has some use value, he would have been eradicated as a scourge long ago!"

The whereabouts of the people are like a breeze passing through the woods. They are moving very fast. The two fairies of Jinghongmen are the fastest. Originally, their martial art is biased towards speed and dodge direction, and the two women are very dexterous and charming , They became the pathfinders in the team.

"Look, we have found traces of Moon Cultists passing by!" Fairy Xi Xian called everyone to gather around. They seemed to have discovered something, and saw a trace of black air on the soft soil. They will soon be infected and turn into living skeletons, so Qi practitioners will naturally not be affected by such a little shadow energy.

Fairy Xixian stretched out her jade-like fingers and pushed aside a leaf on the soil, and a fresh footprint appeared underneath.

"Hehe, I didn't expect the Moon Cultists to be very cautious and cover their footprints with leaves as a camouflage. Fortunately, Xi Xian, you are ingenious, and you have a beautiful heart!" Daosheng Prince said to Xi Xi with a gentle smile on his face. Xian smiled brightly.

Zhang Kun's eyes were fixed. Since the followers of the shadow of the eclipse are nearby, I'm afraid this place is very dangerous!
"Boom boom boom!" Sure enough, as Zhang Kun expected, there was a sound of stomping all around, as if a giant elephant had been stepping on the floor. Everyone immediately became vigilant and looked at the surrounding situation carefully.

"I will lead this battle, and you all cooperate with my actions!" Daosheng Prince issued an order, like an emperor, which cannot be refuted.

(End of this chapter)

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