Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 484

Chapter 484
Under the heavy cloud in the sky, dense raindrops suddenly fell, and boundless thunder condensed in midair, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and the light of thunder reflected the pale faces of everyone.

Because they saw a big bird in mid-air, its body was extremely huge, covering the sky and the sun, and its fat body made it not look like a light bird, but a big fat fish!

"Could it be Kun?" Elder Xu gritted his teeth, his expression unprecedentedly solemn.

Kun is an ancient divine beast, which is only recorded in ancient books, and there is a powerful monster among the [-] mountains in the Xiaoshuo Empire. Dominate the roost among the hundreds of thousands of mountains gathered!

"No, it was also corroded by the undead sky and turned into a living skeleton!" Zhang Juzheng exclaimed, and he saw that the big kun in the thunder cloud was emitting a terrifying corpse aura, and the heavy corpse aura spread Then, the entire black forest was shrouded in a foul and strong breath of death.

Everyone suddenly felt a sense of weakness in their limbs, and the surge of vitality in their bodies stopped. It was extremely difficult and difficult, which was the influence of Yan Luoshi.The arrival of such a large piece of Yan Luoshi can almost turn a small town into a ghost town, and endless carrion and undead will emerge from the ground, and the space is a little distorted, making people feel extremely heavy and uncomfortable!
Zhang Kun quickly took out the elixir, it was Yan Luo's Beheading Pill, and the elixir exploded to form a small clean area near Zhang Kun and the others, no matter what kind of corpse aura it was, it was difficult to invade.

"Not bad!" Elder Xu couldn't help but praised, but he looked at Zhang Kun with a bit of surprise. There is no elder in this Yaohuang Mountain who studies the way of the undead, Zhang Kun's master Gongsun Yangyan is even more so. I don't know anything about it, how did Zhang Kun create such an efficient formula?
"Little friend Zhang Kun is indeed a genius of alchemy!" The two people in Jinghonglou also praised Zhang Kun's move again and again, and their views on him have changed.

The faces of Quyangguan and Daosheng Prince were a little gloomy, especially Daosheng, who had just agreed that he would lead this battle, but Zhang Kun stole the limelight when he came up!

"Boom!" A thick thunderbolt hit the ground, and a scorched smell emerged from the black forest. Those thick century-old trees were hit and burned!
The rotting kun with a living skeleton rode the thick cloud of corpses and swooped towards the crowd, causing the endless corpse aura around it to roll over!

Dao Sheng suddenly went deep into his right hand. The perfect lines and strong muscles looked very enviable. He held his right hand in the void, and a golden light shone, and a halberd made of gold and jade appeared in his hand. , there is a blazing hot flame burning on it, which seems to be able to burn the void!
He yelled, "Suppress me!" His aura has improved several times, and he has reached the level of the sixth level of Qi Cultivation Realm. Elder Cai Xu was at this level when he was not abolished by Elder Xu for ten years, but How old is Cai Xu, and Dao Sheng is only 20 years old this year. With such a terrifying talent, it is no wonder that he was chosen by Emperor Xu Qing as the crown prince, and he wants to pass the throne to him!

"That is the Qilin Golden Flame Halberd of the Daoist Saint, which was tailor-made for him by the best craftsman in the empire. It fits perfectly with him, so now he can also exert [-]-[-]% of the power of this halberd!" Qu Yangguan couldn't help admiring.

The living skeleton and rotten kun seemed like a giant chariot crashing into it, but the Taoist saint in front of it was extremely small, suppressed by a huge physique, and there seemed to be a raging golden flame burning in the dark pupils of the Taoist saint , Qilin Golden Flame Halberd suddenly pressed down with the palm of his hand, and a phantom of a golden sun rose behind him, and at this moment suddenly emitted immeasurable light!
"Prince Daosheng's understanding of the meaning of heaven and earth has deepened again. The vitality aroused by this blow is so huge that there is even a vision of the sun behind him. He is really an outstanding person in the world!" Mrs. Yuanzhen from Jinghonglou Can't help admiring, the rest of the people also nodded.

I saw the living skeleton rot kun colliding with the unicorn golden flame halberd. The penetrating force of the unicorn golden flame halberd hit the living skeleton rot kun but it couldn't cause any damage. The Daoist was crushed, and the black forest was emptied as if, a huge pit appeared on the ground, and the majestic corpse slapped the body of the Daoist. The golden light on his body was wild, and the fiery golden flame continued to burn!

"It's the ancient imperial armor of Huangjimen!" Elder Xu focused his eyes. Although the face of the Daosheng prince was a little pale, he could only see a fine layer of golden light covering the body surface of the Daosheng prince. The muscles are combined together, like a golden man, it is this move that endows him with a strong defense force, even the corpse aura of the living corpse cannot penetrate his body!

At this moment, he has already leaped up, his body rioted, and turned into a bright light, and the big sun behind him moved with him and burned everything!
"Let's help the Taoist prince together!" Everyone hurriedly urged the magic weapon in their hands, and several thunders and sky fires roared towards the living skeleton rot kun. It is impossible to defeat a creature with such a huge vitality as the living skeleton rot kun, let alone the current living skeleton rot kun has the blessing of the undead sky, and its strength is even more terrifying.

Quyangguan stretched out a big hand, and grabbed the living skeleton of Fukun. It was the holy emperor's big handprint of Huangjimen. The bright palm turned into a claw shape. Obviously, Quyangguan was much stronger than Cai Xu. The energy of the Holy Emperor's Mahamudra is more arbitrary. The ability to change the shape of the handprint makes it more powerful. What's even more frightening is that he shot one after another, making nine Holy Emperor's Mahamudra in an instant!
Elder Xu didn't dare to show weakness either, he was very high in the ranking of elders in Yaohuang Mountain, and even a Supreme Elder intended to pass on the position of Supreme to him after he passed away!

He holds a strange flame in his hand, which can be used to slay enemies besides refining pills. At this moment, a ball of brown flames is jumping from his fingertips, which looks extremely miraculous. Holding the flame, a huge fireball was formed, and it was thrown directly towards the living skeleton rot kun below. The fire exploded, igniting all the corpse aura on the living skeletal rot kun. The violent explosion made him The defense of the body surface was destroyed!
The two strong half-step foundation builders shot one after another, and the living skeleton and rot kun let out bursts of wailing!
Zhang Juzheng has already aroused the Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation, and he borrowed the powerful thunder element in this thundercloud. A huge and thick lightning struck across the body of the living skeleton, immediately hitting a head-sized blood The hole, the blood of the living skeleton and the rotten kun came out, and it was all black in color. However, before everyone was happy for too long, they saw the boundless corpse gas pouring in, and repaired the wound of the living skeletal rot. After a while, the blood hole has been completely repaired!

"Roar!" The living skeleton rot kun let out an angry roar. Although it is a monster in the enlightenment period, it has been corrupted at this moment and lost its mind. Dancing flames, it flapped its huge fleshy wings, a terrifying spiritual pressure descended and suppressed everyone's hearts trembling, the fleshy wings set off monstrous black air, and the black light split into seven paths, locking onto the people present and shooting out. go!

"Be careful, the attack of this living skeleton and rotten kun is extremely powerful!" Elder Xu shouted loudly, shooting out a brown flame and colliding with the black light. Crushed!Zhang Juzheng's eyes were fixed, and the thunder in the sky once again condensed and shattered the black glow. His strength is not small compared to Elder Xu, but the rich thunder element here can just be borrowed by him!

A golden light came out of Dao Sheng miraculously. It was a defensive Taoist weapon. A golden light reflected from the solid armor, and it was also bombarded with the black light. No wonder Dao Sheng was able to stay in the second place on the spirit breaking list Position, there are countless powerful Dao weapons all over his body, almost invincible in both attack and defense, and each of them is a private custom-made Dao weapon, which can exert [-] to [-]% of the power, which is comparable to the peak of the ninth level of Qi training. of the strong.

Quyang Pass is even more invincible, bathed in golden light on his body, he directly collided with Heimang head-on at will, and the golden glow shone all over his body. His powerful defense made him completely fearless!

 This is the update of Chasing Update 7.

(End of this chapter)

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