Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 485 Difficult battle

Chapter 485 Difficult battle

On the other side, Mrs. Yuanzhen and Fairy Xixian in Jinghonglou, the two of them were like kites in the sky, swaying in the wind, colorful lights shone around them, and the black glow couldn't even catch up with their speed. After a while, the black light dissipated directly into the sky and exhausted its energy!
"As expected of the fairies of Jinghonglou, in terms of speed and agility, no one can match them. I saw them today, they are really strong, and they can easily dodge the attack of the ghostly light of the living skeleton and rot kun!" Quyangguan couldn't help but nodded.

The other six people all dealt with Youmang's attack, and everyone immediately focused their attention on Zhang Kun. His strength is the weakest and he is not even a Qi trainer.

Elder Xu and Zhang Juzheng had already stretched out their hands, wanting to help Zhang Kun, but saw a clear and bright sword light flashing, and the black light that seemed to be real was cut open out of thin air!
"How is that possible? It was an attack at the half-step Foundation Establishment level, and Zhang Kun blocked it?"

"How did he do it?" Everyone couldn't help being surprised, they all thought that Zhang Kun would choose to dodge, or use some treasure to resist Youmang, but they didn't expect him to attack directly!

"Sword Breaking Youmang? What level of magic weapon is that crystal clear sword in his hand?" Everyone was really surprised. Zhang Kun's sword seemed ordinary, but it actually contained high technical content. Elder Xu couldn't help but nodded.

"Gongsun Yangyan really didn't miss him, this kid's talent is really amazing!"

But Qu Yangguan, who was about to watch the joke, was pale. Zhang Kun's sword seemed to be as mysterious as the attack performed by the Daoist before, and this person had a high degree of mastery of the Tao.

"Ho ho ho ho!" The living skeleton rot kun was extremely angry after being attacked by the crowd one after another, and thousands of will-o'-the-wisps suddenly appeared around it. Although it lost its wits, it had a fighting instinct. If the mobile pill store is killed, it will be killed by this group of Qi trainers sooner or later!

I saw the living skeleton rot kun stopped, and everyone was surprised. Its speed was extremely fast, breaking through the sound barrier in an instant, reaching at least ten times the speed of sound. Under such a rapid speed, Elder Xu did not have the slightest reaction at all. At that moment, his beard and hair stood upside down with his eyes wide open, and he could only urge the brown flame in his hand to protect his figure!

"Boom!" The living skeleton, Fu Kun, hit the position of Elder Xu with a head hammer. The huge impact force was overwhelming, and the huge force of [-] tons was tilted on Elder Xu's body!

"Pfft!" Elder Xu spat out a mouthful of old blood, and he retreated for a full mile before stopping. His face was extremely pale, and it was obvious that he had received serious internal injuries. This blow seemed to hit him with a giant hammer out of thin air. His armor was directly shattered, and it was also a defensive magic weapon of the quasi-dao level. If the strong foundation builder does not come out, its defense is invincible, but now it is broken like a piece of paper!
"Elder Xu! Are you okay!" Zhang Kun and Zhang Juzheng's complexion changed, and they flew towards Elder Xu quickly. Fortunately, Elder Xu's skill is profound, and the injury he suffered was not fatal. After taking a precious panacea, His face finally recovered a bit of blood, but it's a pity that the armor was completely damaged and could not be repaired!
Everyone was horrified that this living skeleton and rotten kun could hide its strength. From this moment on, the speed of the living skeletal rotten kun had obviously increased several times. It is difficult for any cultivator to evade, but the living skeleton and rot Kun is obviously huge, but it is able to evade the golden light!

It raised its head, opened its bloody mouth, and was about to bite towards the Taoist saint. A terrible siphon force was generated instantly, and everything around it, including boulders and trees, was swallowed by it in one gulp, even the energy and vitality of the world All the spiritual power was swallowed by him, and the area suddenly turned into a vacuum. The Daoist frowned slightly and accelerated to fly along with the force of swallowing, but when he was about to be sucked into the mouth of the living skeleton, he instantly moved towards a strange Angle fly away!

The distribution of power in the vortex formed by the power of swallowing is not even. Dao Sheng has been looking for a gap. Obviously, he made the right bet and found a weak point to break through directly.

"As expected of a Daoist prince, he is so smart, I can see the shadow of the current saint on him!" Qu Yangguan couldn't help admiring, but his hands were not idle. As soon as he waved his hand, five people appeared around him. The golden sword flew out in the direction indicated by him, and hit the living skeleton of Fu Kun with a clanging sound!
The Daoist laughed lightly: "It's just a little cleverness, it can't compare to the grandeur and wisdom of the emperor in governing the world!"

"The recovery power of the living skeletal rot kun is too abnormal. If you want to defeat him, you can only use a Taoist weapon!" Zhang Kun said.

Dao Sheng's eyes were gloomy, and he said coldly: "Zhang Kun, are you doubting my strength?"

"That's right, if you have the strength, kill the living skeleton, Fukun. Otherwise, your strength can only be used to show off in front of your peers, and it will not help this mission at all!" Zhang Kun was relentless in his confrontation.

"Hmph!" Daosheng Prince snorted coldly, a stern look flashed in his eyes, no one in Xiaoshuo Empire dared to talk to him like this for many years!And the person who said this is just a mere innate talent, not even a Qi practitioner!

"Then what strength do you have? Can you kill the living rot kun? Don't you have to rely on us to protect it?" Daosheng looked at Zhang Kun contemptuously. Except for the awn, there has never been any movement, which is undoubtedly a bit of paddling!

"Oh?" The corners of Zhang Kun's mouth slightly twitched, "Someone seems to say that he will lead this battle. Why are you asking me now if I have the strength to kill it?"

Zhang Kun smiled jokingly, glanced at the eyes of everyone present, and immediately twitched the corners of his mouth to reveal a confident smile: "Then I can tell you, I have it!"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, did Zhang Kun, a little genius, really have a so-called way to kill the living skeletons and rot kun?

"Hmph, you're still talking big things at this point, I'd like to see how you can kill the living rot kun!" Dao Sheng snorted coldly, put away the weapon in his hand and watched from the sidelines.

Seeing this, Qu Yangguan sneered again and again. After taking the last big golden handprint, he also chose to stand aside and watch the show, with a gloating smile on his face, ready to see Zhang Kun's cowhide blown out.

"What are you doing?" The injured Elder Xu yelled angrily, and the two Huangjimen stopped their attacks temporarily. This sudden change made Elder Xu furious!
"Hehe, Elder Xu, you can see clearly that Zhang Kun said that he has a way to deal with the living rot kun, and we didn't force him!" Qu Yangguan glanced at Zhang Kun and said jokingly.

"That's right, we believe that little friend Zhang Kun has great supernatural powers, and he will be able to kill the living skeleton, Fu Kun, in one fell swoop. We are making room for him, so as not to disturb little friend Zhang Kun. It would be bad if he missed a big deal!" Daosheng Prince had a gentle smile on his face, but the power between his brows seemed to be natural, and it was extremely gloomy, with a knife hidden in his smile!

Elder Xu and Zhang Juzheng could only sigh, and hurriedly flew towards Zhang Kun. If Zhang Kun failed, they could take care of him and keep him safe.

Zhang Kun stood proudly in the void and closed his eyes tightly, the aura on his body rose little by little, and soon it was like the early stage of Qi training. Everyone was slightly startled. They didn't expect Zhang Kun to hide his secrets, but they immediately reacted After all, Zhang Kun is an alchemist, so it's normal to have some pills to improve his strength.

And that strength is still far behind that of the living skeleton and rot kun!Both Daosheng and Quyangguan sneered, if they only had such strength, it would be a joke.

Fairy Xi Xian couldn't help but shoot a warm light into Zhang Kun's body, and shouted repeatedly: "Young Xia Zhang Kun, I gave you the accelerated state, you should avoid it quickly, that living skeleton is not a vegetarian!"

Zhang Kun chuckled, and there was a sword light following him when he raised his hand. Just when he was about to sacrifice Chengying to deliver a decisive blow, a piercing scream came.

The cry of the living rotten kun was originally like a giant beast, roaring the world, making people frightened, but at this moment, this giant beast made a sound like a baby crying, and the sharp sound pierced everyone's eardrums, making people feel Nausea!
"Damn, hate, hate!" Qu Yangguan suddenly covered his ears, and the baby's crying scream contained a powerful soul attack, and his legs and feet suddenly limp and lay on the ground.

Daosheng Prince seemed to have a soul guardian secret treasure on him, and the impact was not too great, but he couldn't help but squatted down, summoned a weapon with one hand and stuck it on the ground, supporting his crumbling body, his face was not good-looking.

Mrs. Yuanzhen and Fairy Xixian couldn't help covering their heads. The two people in Yaohuang Mountain were the least affected, but their expressions also changed involuntarily!
Just when everyone thought something bad was going on, the living rotten kun seemed to be frightened by something, jumping up and down on the spot and screaming again and again, its shrill cry made people feel chills.

"What happened?" Zhang Kun couldn't help being puzzled. He watched from a distance that the living skeleton, Fu Kun, put away the sword intent on his body.

"Boom!" The surrounding black forest was shattered one after another, and all the branches of the trees were destroyed!The living skeleton and rot kun seemed to be dancing on the spot, and seemed to be breaking free from some terrifying shackles. It didn't attack anyone for a whole stick of incense!
Suddenly, its speed accelerated to the extreme, and it shot towards one direction. All the substances it touched along the way were crushed, and its speed was twice as fast as when it was fighting with everyone before. , a full twenty times the speed of sound, even a strong foundation builder may not be able to catch up with him!
(End of this chapter)

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