Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 487: Chen Xiyue

Chapter 487: Chen Xiyue

The faces of the people changed wildly. They didn't expect that someone was following them but they didn't notice it. If Zhang Kun hadn't reminded them, they might still be unconscious.

Under the eyes of everyone, a black figure appeared in the sea of ​​flames. She was bathed in the flames, and Ting Ting Ah Na walked towards everyone.

"It's you!" Zhang Kun couldn't help but change his expression when he saw that delicate and delicate face.

"Little guy, it's been a long time." The girl in the black skirt said with a charming smile. The girlish demeanor she inadvertently revealed was enough to turn countless boys upside down, and even the Daoist Prince's eyes flashed with fiery color.

"Who are you?" Fairy Xixian asked hostilely. After all, both of them looked young girls, and they were both beautiful girls at the level of fairies. Even Fairy Xixian couldn't help comparing herself with her. After a while, the result made her a little sad. "I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Chen Xiyue, but you should be familiar with my other identity, little guy, don't you think so?" The black skirt girl covered her mouth and smiled.

Everyone cast doubtful eyes on Zhang Kun. This person is definitely an enemy but not a friend, so why did Zhang Kun know her.

"She is the leader of the shadow of the eclipse. I saw her last time when I blew up the altar." Zhang Kun said lightly, but countless thoughts had already flashed. A fragment of a bronze mirror.

"I'm not the leader anymore. I've quit the shadow of the eclipse. I want to change my ways. I don't know if you are willing to accept the little girl." the cold glow.

"In that case, please proclaim yourself a cultivator. After we bring you back to Poling City, we will naturally give you a fair trial." Elder Xu said loudly. None of the people present were stupid, and no one would Take this witch's word for it.

"Well, Chen Xiyue tilted her head and seemed to be thinking about it seriously for a while. Everyone was a little puzzled. Could it be that when this witch really changed her ways, she suddenly showed a charming smile to everyone?" Then I'll be yours The witch in the mouth is ready. "

As soon as Chen Xiyue finished speaking, she turned into a stream of black light and rushed towards the crowd.Everyone woke up immediately, gathered their vitality in a hurry, and all the colorful spells hit the black streamer, but the streamer did not stop at all, it ran through half of the team, and stopped in front of Zhang Kun .

"Foundation Establishment Realm." Elder Xu looked solemnly at Chen Xiyue who was still smiling. Although the spells they gathered just now were hastily cohesive, they were definitely not something that the Qi Cultivating Realm could resist, but they could be completely invulnerable. Injured, then only the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Several other people have also discovered this fact, and they can't help but feel a little desperate. Don't look at the existence of half-step foundation building among them, but they are still powerless in front of the real foundation building powerhouse.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Mrs. Yuanzhen asked coldly. Although Chen Xiyue did not exert the coercion of the foundation builder, her move just now has already explained everything. As long as she is willing, she can easily put All those present were killed.

"I just want to talk to this little guy, you don't think you have any objections?" Chen Xiyue put her right hand on Zhang Kun's shoulder at some point, and said in a discussing tone.

"Impossible, we will not hand over Junior Brother Zhang to you." Zhang Juzheng flatly refused.

"In this case, then I have no choice but to kill you all." Chen Xiyue tilted her head, a little embarrassed, but what she said made everyone's hair stand on end.

"Wait, are you sure there is only Zhang Kun alone? Will it hurt us?" Daosheng Prince glanced at the silent Zhang Kun, and suddenly said.

"Of course, I'm not interested in you, and I can guarantee that I won't hurt this little guy." Chen Xiyue said patiently.

"Everyone, you have also heard that the situation is stronger than others now, and we can only make a choice. If only sacrificing one can save us, I think you should be happy with Zhang Kun. Besides, she also said that it will not hurt us." You, why don't we just..." Although Prince Daosheng didn't finish his sentence, his intention was already obvious.

When everyone was deep in thought, Elder Xu flatly refused: "No, how can we believe the words of this witch!"

"Elder Xu, Brother Zhang, I'll be fine. You still have things to do." Zhang Kun said suddenly, asking to stay.

"Hahaha, did you hear that, even Zhang Kun himself agreed, what else do we have to argue about?" Between life and death, Daosheng Prince didn't care about face, once Zhang Kun agreed, Said hurriedly, for fear that he would go back on his word.

"Then I'll take it as if you all agreed." After Chen Xiyue finished speaking, she grabbed Zhang Kun and disappeared into the depths of the forest before everyone could react.

"Junior Brother Zhang..." Zhang Juzheng murmured, his eyes full of annoyance, he felt that Zhang Kun was taken away because of his lack of strength.

"Don't blame yourself too much. Zhang Kun has always been very cautious. Maybe he has expected it a long time ago, and I don't think the witch really intends to harm Zhang Kun." Elder Xu patted Zhang Juzheng on the shoulder to comfort him. road.

"Then shall we continue to move forward or withdraw to Poling City to report this matter." After Chen Xiyue left, the big stone on everyone's heart finally disappeared, but then they encountered the problem of whether to stay or not.

"Look at the back and you will know that we have no way out." Quyangguan's indifferent voice came from behind the crowd, and they turned their heads suddenly, only to find that the way they came had been shrouded in a deeper black mist. It wouldn't last long with the pills, and after Zhang Kun was taken away, the pills left on their bodies were no longer enough to support them going back.

But if we continue to proceed according to the plan, no one knows what we will encounter in the future, and after Chen Xiyue appeared, the so-called gathering place of believers became more and more like a trap.

Just when everyone was hesitating whether to move on or not, in a hidden tree hole on the other side of the forest, Zhang Kun looked at Chen Xiyue who was drinking tea indifferently in front of him, but felt a sense of insanity.

Because the first thing Chen Xiyue did after putting him down was to throw a fragment of a bronze mirror in front of him, and said in a nonchalant tone, "This is for you."

Zhang Kun and Chen Xiyue's eyes met, and there was a piece of old bronze mirror on the ground. Countless possibilities flashed in Zhang Kun's mind, but the more he thought about it, the more weird it became.

"Do you know what this is?" Zhang Kun asked tentatively.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xiyue showed an impatient expression, and said: "Of course I know what I gave you, don't talk so much nonsense, I'll give it to others if you don't want it."

Zhang Kun looked at this very abnormal leader of the shadow of the eclipse, hesitated for a moment, and picked up the fragment of the bronze mirror on the ground. The fragment of the bronze mirror in his body immediately appeared, and the evolution of thousands of magical rules and symbols Surrounding, pulling the fragment in his hand to merge into one.

A terrifying aura erupted from the bronze mirror, like the mighty power of heaven, covering the entire world in an instant, every creature could feel this aura, even the strongest in this world, in front of this aura, They are all like ants, and he even has the illusion that the way of heaven is coming. The owner of this breath can make the whole world collapse and annihilate with a single thought.

This destructive coercion only appeared for a moment, and it was blocked by a certain law of this world, so that countless strong people woke up from meditation, and when they rose into the sky to search for it, the aura had disappeared Gone, as if everything just now was an illusion.

However, in an unknowable place, in the endless darkness and chaos, one can vaguely see a person sitting cross-legged in nothingness. He exudes an ancient and desolate atmosphere, like a sculpture, as if it has been thousands of years old. It has not moved for ten thousand years.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, as if a sword flashed in his cloudy eyes, and a sword light lit up in this chaos and nothingness, and the whole space was divided by this sword light that opened up the world. , Even the ubiquitous Dao of Heaven was expelled, only his Dao of the Sword controls this place.

"Is it finally coming?" He murmured, his eyes closed slowly again, and the chaos and darkness submerged the figure again.

"I didn't expect you to have two fragments." Chen Xiyue stared at the fragments of the bronze mirror whose light was slowly dimming, her tone was full of emotion.

"Tell me, what did you bring me here for?" Zhang Kun asked calmly after putting away the fragments of the bronze mirror.

"I want to give you the fragments because you are pleasing to the eye, can't you?" Chen Xiyue said angrily, then smiled charmingly, leaned into Zhang Kun's ear, and said seductively: "Could it be that you still want to have something to do with me?" what?"

Zhang Kun felt Chen Xiyue exhale like blue in his ear, and the warm breath hit his face, making his heart flutter slightly, subconsciously distanced himself from her, and looked at her expressionless face. A charming face with a hint of anger and joy.

"Little guy, you're really boring." Chen Xiyue showed a disappointed expression, moved back, and sat down in front of Zhang Kun. Zhang Kun's heart moved slightly, knowing that he should talk about the business next.

Sure enough, Chen Xiyue stared into Zhang Kun's eyes and said word by word: "I want you to kill the Lord of the Black Moon!"

"Huh? The Lord of the Black Moon has come?" With Zhang Kun's concentration, Rao couldn't help shaking his figure, wondering if he heard something wrong, the leader of the cult wanted to kill the god he believed in?No matter how you think about it, it feels like a trap.

 This is the update of Chasing Update 8.

(End of this chapter)

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