Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 488

Chapter 488

Chen Xiyue nodded solemnly, Zhang Kun reacted, looked at Chen Xiyue's expectant eyes, and refused without hesitation: "Impossible, the realm of the real body of the Lord of the Black Moon should really be in the realm of fairyland, even with you Cooperating with the inside and the outside is no different from sending to death."

"What if I tell you that the current Lord of the Black Moon is so weak that he may only have the strength of the Jindan realm? And I have a way to further weaken him?" Chen Xiyue asked rhetorically.

"It's worth a try." Zhang Kun pondered, and suddenly stared at Chen Xiyue's beautiful eyes and asked, "But why do you think I would believe the enemy's words? And you also planned the coming of the Lord of the Black Moon Bar?"

"This is probably a woman's desire for revenge. Since he lied to me and cut off my hope, I want to see his expression when he died at the hands of those ants he despised." Chen Xiyue's eyes flashed with pain, and she said lightly Said.

Zhang Kun looked at her dejected face and hidden despair, and knew that this seemingly cynical Chen Xiyue probably had an unknown past, but he still had some doubts in his heart.

"Why don't you still believe it?" Chen Xiyue said indifferently, Zhang Kun waited in silence, although he actually believed a little bit in his heart, but this matter was too important, and he had to treat it with caution.

The two looked at each other speechlessly, and fell into silence for a moment.Chen Xiyue sighed suddenly, and said in a low voice: "A hundred years ago, here was a sect, but one day after a girl came here, that sect disappeared..."

Chen Xiyue calmly narrated the past here, as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her, but Zhang Kun knew that she was talking about herself, and the heart-wrenching nostalgia could not be felt if she hadn't experienced it personally. This incident should be the regret and remorse engraved in Chen Xiyue's heart, the biggest knot in her life.

"Later, the girl awakened her bloodline, and after slaughtering the entire sect from top to bottom, she also fell into a deep sleep in order to fuse the power of her bloodline. I made a promise to the girl who has no business." Chen Xiyue suddenly fell silent again when she said this, she lowered her head, her long hair covered her face, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

However, Zhang Kun probably guessed the following things. The Lord of the Black Moon should have lied to her that he could help her resurrect her younger brother, so that she would willingly do things for him. Now that she was cheated, he betrayed the moon eclipse shadow.

"So, in fact, your actual age is only in your twenties?" Zhang Kun couldn't suppress the weirdness in his heart and asked. He didn't expect Chen Xiyue to call him a little guy all day long, but he was actually not much older than him. No wonder he was hacked so easily. The Lord of the Moon was abducted.

But if what she said is true, then the blood in her body is too terrifying. Since it can produce a strong foundation builder who is less than 20 years old, this is simply unheard of.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Chen Xiyue said angrily, she didn't expect that after she said so much, the guy in front of her focused on some strange things.

But when Zhang Kun saw Chen Xiyue's coquettish girlish demeanor, he already believed it a little bit, and his appearance can be preserved, but this girl's mentality cannot be imitated. Thinking of this, Zhang Kun is even more curious about Chen Xiyue's blood, but he is still rational Did not ask.

"Okay, now let's talk about dealing with the Lord of the Black Moon." Zhang Kun suddenly said seriously, and now he felt that this might really be a chance to completely defeat the Lord of the Black Moon.

"Hmph, it's not too bad." Seeing that Zhang Kun agreed to cooperate with her, Chen Xiyue decided not to argue with this guy about her age.

However, when she thought that she was once the majestic leader of the shadow of the lunar eclipse, and now she was so submissive to a little guy who couldn't practice Qi, she was a little crazy. She was about to say something, but was stopped by Zhang Kun with gestures.

"Someone is here." Zhang Kun said solemnly.

On the other side, in the depths of the dark forest, a group of six people continued to move forward. They did not encounter any monsters except for the living skeletons and rot kun. Although Zhang Kun did not lead the way, they also had a drawn map in their hands. Now they It was already infinitely close to the spot that was not covered by black mist.

"Everyone, we didn't meet any believers of the shadow of the eclipse along the way. If we don't meet them again at the target location, we will find a way to break through the black fog and return to Poling City immediately!" Qu Yangguan said, he But I don't want to stay under the canopy of the undead anymore.

"Well, that's the only way to go, but I don't know what happened to Zhang Kun?" Elder Xu sighed, and there was a hint of worry in everyone's eyes. What is the purpose of that mysterious and powerful girl in black skirt.

Stepping into the final journey, everyone seemed extra cautious. After clearing the thick black mist, an altar appeared in front of them. It seemed to be made of skeletons and blood, but there was nothing on it, nothing. I didn't see any Lunar believers presiding over sacrifices nearby!

"No, it's a trap!" Everyone's expressions changed, but it was already too late. When they stepped into this place, a large cloud of dark clouds gathered in the sky, and black magic hands rushed out from the ground, binding everyone Their hands and feet, like extremely hard shackles, trapped them in place!

"Hahaha, it's a good tonic even though it's stupid!" A skull-like head suddenly appeared in midair!
"Hei, Lord of the Black Moon!" Qu Yangguan tremblingly looked at the head full of darkness and evil floating in the air. Although he had never seen such an existence before, everyone knew that it could bring them Other than His Majesty the Emperor, the only one who could feel this kind of terrifying heart palpitation was the rumored invincible existence, the Immortal Lord of the Shadow of the Eclipse, the Lord of the Black Moon!
"Hahaha, do you recognize me?" The Lord of the Black Moon sneered, as if he was playing with an ant.

The crowd was trapped in the magic hand, struggling desperately, shouting at the Lord of the Black Moon: "Let us out!"

"Hmph, you are so stupid to break into my territory, so obediently become my first food!" The head of the Lord of the Black Moon laughed wildly, and the endless black mist around him seemed to sense something. Yes, rushed towards it crazily, and then turned into a terrifying tide and bombarded Elder Xu and the other six people!
"Ah, what did you do to us?" Everyone felt a sense of soul-stirring, their limbs could not move at all, and they knelt down on the ground, their faces were extremely ugly, and the vitality in their bodies had stopped flowing, and gradually Start to decay.

"Why is this happening, stop and let us go!" Mrs. Yuanzhen yelled sadly, she felt that the vitality in her sea of ​​qi could not be condensed at all, but was escaping, and was bound by the bondage of their bodies. The claws are absorbing energy!

Qu Yangguan's old face contorted in pain, and he tried to break through the shackles by forcefully running the Supreme Cultivation Technique of Huangji Gate, but it didn't work at all, and the vitality in his body no longer obeyed his command at all!

"Don't waste your energy, my will can't be defied, obediently offer your strength and life!" The leader of the black moon laughed wildly, he was frantically drawing power from the six people, his His figure became more solid and less illusory. Obviously, these six people were good nourishing medicine for him!

"Damn Chen Xiyue, if she hadn't disobeyed this deity, I would have ruled the world long ago!" The Lord of the Black Moon snorted and disappeared into the black mist. Now he can come and go freely within the black mist , the black mist is his body, he is this boundless black mist, with just one thought, he can walk through any place covered by all the black mist.

Quyangguan and others were restrained in place, no matter how hard they struggled, they could not escape. The Daoist even smashed a Taoist weapon, blasting the surrounding people into a huge deep pit, but the black mist of the devil's claws The restraint is still not lifted, and the vitality of their bodies is being absorbed into the body of the Lord of the Black Moon bit by bit!

For the first time, negative emotions such as despair, fear, and fear appeared on this group of the most elite powerhouses in Poling City!
"No, we can't be controlled by the Lord of the Black Moon here. Immediately notify the people in Poling City and ask the Lord Huang to send someone to rescue us. This prince cannot fall here!" Jin Guang wanted to surrender, but his face was pale and his body trembled. He had no other choice but to send reinforcements!
In front of the Supreme Immortal Lord, the so-called elites and Tianjiao of the Xiaoshuo Empire are so weak and powerless, they can only be slaughtered like ants!
"No, could this be a trap? The Lord of the Black Moon didn't kill us directly, but left us alive. He must not be afraid of us calling for reinforcements!" Elder Xu resolutely supported his weakness and pain Said: "He just came to this world, and his strength has not fully recovered. I think he needs energy, so he needs to absorb the vitality in our body!"

"If the reinforcements from Poling City are allowed to enter, I'm afraid I will be used as fodder by him!" Elder Xu gritted his teeth and said bitterly. It was also the first time he felt powerless!
Daosheng waved his hand, and angrily reprimanded: "Elder Xu, what do you mean by that? Do you want this prince to wait to die with you people?"

"Prince, calm down, you should not be thinking about your personal safety now. We have already reached the half-step foundation building stage, but under the pressure of the Lord of the Black Moon, we don't even have the ability to resist at all!"

"That is to say, even if the strong foundation builder enters, he is definitely not his opponent. Now His Majesty the Emperor can only come in person!" Elder Xu sighed and made a compromise.

(End of this chapter)

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