Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 489 Trap

Chapter 489 Trap
"Let father and emperor come in person?" Prince Daosheng had an extremely complicated look in his eyes. If that man still can't solve the problem, the entire Xiaoshuo Empire might not have the strength to resist the Lord of the Black Moon.

Mrs. Yuanzhen's face had turned completely sickly white, she pondered: "But the emperor's safety is related to the fate of the country, if there is any mistake."

"There is no other way. To deal with the Lord of the Black Moon, we can only send out the top combat power of our Xiaoshuo Empire. Each of us should inform the suzerain of our situation and let them make a decision!" Elder Xu snorted, he felt His vitality is flying away, and his realm has fallen, and it will take a year of cultivation to reach the foundation-building realm again!

The same is true for the few remaining people, their realms are difficult to maintain, and if this continues, they may be reduced to mortals!
"Ahhh!" Everyone suddenly heard a shrill scream from behind them, and when they turned their heads, they saw that the skin of Fairy Xi Xian, who was beautiful and beautiful, was slowly shriveling. Immediately he becomes old and fine wrinkles appear on his face, and he becomes old and ugly soon!
She looked at her withered palm like an old woman with disbelief and unacceptability.

"What?" Everyone was completely stunned, watching the pretty woman in pink turn into an extremely ugly old woman in an instant, they quickly looked at their own skin.

I saw that their skin, which was as tender as a baby's when they thought they cultivated vitality, became sunken, and their shriveled arms were like dead branches, and they all wanted to cry without tears!

"Who is going to save us!" Everyone was in agony, with despair on their faces.

Quyangguan was the first to crush a piece of jade talisman in his arms, and a big clock in Huangjimen suddenly trembled and made a buzzing sound.

The head of the Huangji Sect suddenly opened his eyes from the meditation, golden light burst out, and he frowned suddenly looking at the big clock in front of him.

"Quyang Pass, is he in danger?" The master of Huangji Sect raised his hand, and a picture of the location of Quyang Pass appeared on the big clock, and only Quyang Pass, Daosheng and others were shrouded in boundless and thick black air , The devil's claws are firmly locked on their bodies, and they are continuously drawing the power from their bodies!
"What, the Daoist is there too!" The head of the Huangji sect suddenly changed color, and stood up with a bang, with a majestic and angry light flashing in his eyes.

"What kind of evil heretic dares to imprison my apprentice and extract the energy of my elders of the Huangji Sect!" The master of the Huangji Sect swung his sleeves and snorted coldly. was called over.

At the same time, in the Jinghong Tower, the host of Jinghong stared in shock at the picture that emerged from the water curtain in front of her. Her lover was struggling and crying to her for help, but at this moment she could no longer see Fairy Xixian. It looks like a white-haired old woman!
On the Yaohuang Mountain, at the top of Asking Peak, Gongsun Yangyan and several elders also stared at the animated screen that emerged from the Tripod of Asking with sinking eyes. Elder Xu and Zhang Juzheng were trapped in the trap of the devil's hand. They are declining all the time, they are like deflated balls, unable to store the massive vitality in their bodies at all.

"Not good, where is Zhang Kun?" Gongsun Yangyan glanced but found no trace of Zhang Kun.

"Could it be that his strength is weak and he is already dead?" An elder behind him guessed.

"Impossible!" Gongsun Yangyan interrupted him before he finished speaking.

Gongsun Yangyan frowned and said: "Send our people immediately, and I will personally lead the team to rescue Elder Xu and Zhang Juzheng!"

"Sovereign, you are about to condense the golden core to reach the supreme realm, don't waste your vitality at this time." Elder Yuan Hao stepped forward and said.

But Gongsun Yangyan just shook his head again and again, he flicked his sleeves and said: "I've made up my mind!"

"Yes!" The Supreme Elders were shocked. It seemed that Gongsun Yangyan really cared about Zhang Kun, and he did not hesitate to risk himself to save them.

Thousands of miles away from Poling City, there is an ancient battlefield here. It was once the place where Emperor Xiaoshuo, the founding emperor of the Xiaoshuo Empire, defeated the enemy army to win the world and establish an immortal empire.

Tens of millions of soldiers died here in that battle, many of them were large trainers, and even the foundation builders lost several times, and the few generals who finally helped Emperor Xiaoshuo win the world were none other than Xiaoshuo later. The ancestors of the great princes of the empire!
The corpse aura that is rich here is even more terrifying, and the immortal battle spirit still lingers here. The undead bone general that Zhang Kun and others met on the top of Poling City crawled out from here!

And in the very center of this ancient battlefield, a black beam of light soared into the sky, like the center of a storm. Like a tornado, all the black mist was lifted up, forming a large black cloud in the sky, covering the sky and the sun. , like a doomsday scene.

On the original throne of Chen Xiyue, there was a handsome and strange man sitting upright. People who don't know may know which court nobleman he is, and there is an unspeakable nobility in his gestures, but his The real identity is the existence in the legend, it is the supreme fairy lord of the shadow of the lunar eclipse, the lord of the black moon.

His body is completely transformed from black mist. At this level, his appearance is completely arbitrary, and he can become whatever he wants. After absorbing the life essence of Xu Elder Qu Yangguan and others, he condensed this A perfect body is enough for him to display the peak strength of Jindan!
"When I came to this world, I was supposed to be worshiped by all the people, but I was betrayed by that woman when I came up." The Lord of the Black Moon was full of annoyance. , she actually directly betrayed the Lord of the Black Moon!

"You are all generals who died in battle here, and your cultivation has reached the stage of foundation establishment. Now you all surrender to me!" The Lord of the Black Moon said with a sneer, looking at the people in front of him.

In front of the throne of the Lord of the Black Moon, there are several powerhouses surrounded by thick black energy. They are the foundation-builders who fell in the ancient battlefield. When the undead sky covers this area, they are about to move , but their strength in life was too strong, and Chen Xiyue's power could not revive them, but they were finally awakened when the Lord of the Black Moon came!

"Yes, Lord of the Black Moon!" The eyes of all the powerhouses were gleaming with scarlet blood. They were wearing hideous battle armors, which were condensed by the power of black mist, comparable to the protection of the foundation-building powerhouses. The body is full of true energy, extremely powerful, and it is difficult to break, and the weapons of their lives have also been repaired by the Lord of the Black Moon with great supernatural powers, and they are all handed over to them.

The Lord of the Black Moon looked at the crowd in front of him with satisfaction, but a sneer crossed his heart!
His majestic Lord of the Black Moon, came to this place, and he still needs to use these ants-like wastes at the foundation level. In the original world, he was in charge of an extremely powerful force. If that huge force came with him , let alone a small Xiaoshuo Empire, even taking down this world is just like picking something out of a bag!
"Tell me your names!" The Lord of the Black Moon ordered indifferently on the throne.

"Huaixue, Longruo, Yumo, Xiling Mingyan." The dark shadow-like powerhouses below said coldly. They have all lost their minds, and their bodies are only dominated by the imprint of the dead. Their powerful power in life has all returned However, this time they no longer fought for their own country, but completely devoted their allegiance to the powerful Lord of the Black Moon.

"Hmph, very good!" The Lord of the Black Moon snorted coldly, with a deep black light shining in his eyes.He stretched out his hand to grab it, and a pitch-black scepter suddenly appeared in the void.

"Come on, my subjects, I will give you supreme power!" The Lord of the Black Moon stood up, and the eyes of thousands of Moon Cultists kneeling below were shining with excitement. They served the shadow of the lunar eclipse so For many years, it was just for this moment to accept the divine blessing from the Lord of the Black Moon.

The Lord of the Black Moon stretched out his hand, and a large piece of gloom was like the sun, casting a jet-black light. In the light, one could faintly see evil spirits roaring and resentful spirits flying. Those powers slowly descended to the bottom every month. Unprecedented mutations immediately occurred on the followers and undead generals, and the excitement and joy in the eyes of those Lunar believers gradually faded, replaced by panic and panic.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts!" The bodies of the Moon Cultists twitched, and the moment the light energy entered their bodies, it instantly destroyed their original dantian qi sea, even though they had practiced before. The evil power, but that level of evil power, compared with the power controlled by the Lord of the Black Moon, is just the difference between Yinghuo and Haoyue!
After a while, all the Lunar believers fell silent. Their skin became extremely black, as if they had been smeared with ink. Their heads even grew sharp horns. Like demons, their flesh and blood burst open. , turned into huge and disgusting sarcoid tumors, each of them looked like a large lump of meat, extremely ugly.

"You turned us into monsters?" A Moon Cultist struggled to raise his head with the severe pain in his body, staring desperately at the face of the Lord of the Black Moon.

The Lord of the Black Moon laughed morbidly: "Hahaha, it's possible that you really treat me like a god, it's ridiculous!"

And those generals of the undead absorbed the power of the Lord of the Black Moon, and their bodies soared several times, and a terrifying phantom appeared behind them, as if they could swallow the sun and the moon, destroy the earth, and destroy the empire!
Their strength has gradually advanced to an extremely powerful level, and they have successfully broken through into the golden core realm that Qi practitioners have dreamed of for several lifetimes!

(End of this chapter)

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