Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 490

Chapter 490
There are already four Golden Cores, and the strength of the Lord of the Black Moon is so terrifying!
"The monsters of the Void Core Stage in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, come and see me!" The Lord of the Black Moon said faintly, and his voice immediately turned into a wave of darkness, which traveled through countless spaces and reached the top of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Among them, the corrupt overlords roared one after another, raised their huge beast heads, and roared at the moon!

However, they rose from their lair and leaped across the endless space to meet the Lord of the Black Moon.

With the strength of the monsters in the Void Core Stage, their speed is going to the extreme, and they broke through the sound barrier with ease. The speed of each of them is even more terrifying than that of the living carcass, easily exceeding thirty times the speed of sound, and when they break through the air After leaving, there was a huge bang at the same place. Among the [-] mountains, countless monsters raised their heads and looked at the sky, showing a dazed look.

But the cultists of the Shadow of the Moon Eclipse who were patrolling among the [-] mountains knelt down at the position where the monsters flew up, and kowtowed reverently: "The Lord of the Black Moon is above!"

"I didn't expect the Supreme Immortal Lord to finally come to this world, and the era of our Moon Cultists will soon begin!" Those Moon Cultists in black robes and with tattoos on their faces shouted happily. When the revelation came, the Lord of the Black Moon performed a miracle, allowing each of them to see his appearance in this world. The congregation were all elated, they had been waiting for this day for a long time!

"The Xiaoshuo Empire will soon perish. Under the leadership of the Immortal Lord, there are four undead generals and four corrupt overlords, which are enough to completely erase the name Xiaoshuo Empire from the long river of history!" In front of the altar of the Lord of the Black Moon, the newly elected Bishop of Shadow of the Eclipse was smiling flatteringly at the Lord of the Black Moon.

"Huh, the little Xiaoshuo Empire is just the grit in my eyes. I have my own things to do. You can do this kind of trivial things. After I get the mystery of this world, this world will be handed over to you." I'll manage it for you!" came the cold voice of the Lord of the Black Moon.

The new leader quickly knelt down, feeling as if he had received a great honor, he almost wept with joy and kowtowed repeatedly: "Thank you, God Master, God Master's miraculous skills are unrivaled, unifying the universe, forever!"

"Okay, the bait has been taken over there. Huangjimen Jinghonglou Yaohuangshan has sent their team to kill them all. I still need time to recover my strength." The Lord of the Black Moon said nonchalantly, To him, those guys were just ants, and he didn't even bother to send them to death himself.

"Yes, Lord of the Black Moon!" The black shadow generals below nodded one after another, bloodthirsty pupils shining with bloodthirsty light!
Endless years have passed since they died fighting for their country, and they wandered idly on this vast and desolate plain for the rest of their lives. Now, the appearance of the Lord of the Black Moon has once again given them a sinful mission. The Xiaoshuo Empire is wiped from this world!
The Qianyuan Guardian Pill Formation filled with golden radiance on Poling City has been in operation for several days, and the solid vitality barrier has resisted the sharp claws of low-level undead, and can even directly consume them with fiery true yuan!
Even if the big demon undead at the foundation level can tear apart the alchemy formation and pose a threat to Poling City, it will also give the sects in the world enough buffer time to summon high-level combat forces to fight.As long as the core of the Guardian Pill Formation is still there, the Qianyuan Guardian Pill Formation will be reactivated after the energy of the pill is injected again!
But at this moment, the heart-warming pale golden light of the alchemy disappeared, and countless disciples looked up at the sky, only to see that the alchemy that had protected them for several days was gradually withering!

"What happened?" Everyone was puzzled.

"Someone shut down the core of the pill array!"

"Impossible, apart from Mr. Zhang Kun, only Mr. Ding Yingshang has authority over the core of the alchemy formation. Mr. Zhang Kun has already left the city to carry out the mission. Could it be?" The logistics department made a mess of porridge. Lingcheng looked down.

All I saw was a slim figure, wearing a black robe and hat at the moment, riding a black Pegasus horse away, the strong wind lifted her veil, and the corners of the pretty girl's mouth curled up with a hint of irony at this moment!
The black clouds are pressing down on the city, and the thick black clouds have completely covered most of the sky at this moment, and the sky of undead has already pressed down on the broken spirit city!

The setting sun was still ahead, and there were broken corpses on the sparse trees.

"Defensive formation, call back all those who are outside!" City Lord Huang frowned tightly, as if he could feel that this might be the final battle of Poling City!

"Report casualties in each area, and ask Kaiyang City for support!"

"The northeastern city gate is in danger, so the three teams of Qi trainers are sent to reinforce it!" An anxious military order was issued from the city lord's mansion, and the disciples of the sects in the city came and went, and they were all very busy coming in and out.

Countless imperial troops wearing standard golden armor stood at the front, enduring the most ferocious attack. Huge undead landed on the top of the city in horror, smashing countless solid fortifications, and many huge iron blocks cracked open. They all fell down.Under the sky, it was as dark as when a storm is coming.

Everyone's hearts have been brought to the extreme, fear, fear, despair, such emotions enveloped everyone, war is a disaster for everyone, no one can stay out of it!
The colorful vitality attacks fell, and countless gorgeous flowers exploded in the tide of undead. Huge weapons fell down in the distance, and cracks spread, and countless undead died under the attack of Qi trainers!
The waves of flames and lightning beams bombarded the undead wave, and pieces of undead fell down, but it was useless. Today's undead seemed to have gone crazy, and they all rushed up frantically, one after another, without any help. Stop meaning!

Up to now, Broken City has been under the attack of undead and living skeletons for eight hours. Now there is no difference between day and night, and the attack of undead will never stop!

"Oh my god, what the hell is that!" Suddenly, sharp and crazy laughter came, and several dark lights lit up in the sky in the far distance, and eight black figures were standing in the sky in all directions. Walking slowly, there was a strong evil aura on them, without exception, they all had one-horned black faces, like the most vicious demons in hell!
"Yes, the incarnation of the black moon!" Finally, someone recognized it, and couldn't help but kneel down on the ground with weak legs, his body trembling uncontrollably, looking at the sky with despair in his eyes!
"Hahaha, surrender, ants!" The black moon avatar laughed ferociously, sprinting from eight directions, bringing up eight dark bands of light in the sky!

After the Lord of the Black Moon came to this world, the ability of the Black Moon Avatar has been greatly improved, and every one of the current Black Moon Avatars can be compared to the powerhouses who have just entered the foundation. This is simply a challenge for Poling City disaster!
"Fight to fight, send our foundation builders to stop them!" City Lord Huang almost yelled out his throat, his tiger eyes were bloodshot, and he wanted to go to the battlefield in person!

"City Lord Huang, the foundation-builders summoned by the three sects have entered the black mist!" The elders of the staff of the council said in despair, just eight hours ago, before the undead launched a terrifying attack on Poling City , the master of Huangji sect once came to Poling City!
Afterwards, he, Gongsun Yangyan, and Lord Jinghong took away all the strong foundation builders in Poling City, and went deep into the black mist to search for Daosheng Prince and the others.

In today's Poling City, only a few half-step foundation elders are left with the strongest combat power!

As for the mainstay of the three main schools, those troops in the middle and late stages of Qi training are still being dispatched. Even if they rush here at full speed in the mirage, it will take a full day and night, but Poling City may not be able to wait for tomorrow. It's sun!
"Damn it, at this time!" City Lord Huang smashed his fist on the sand table, furious, but felt powerless for a while.

The elders of the staff also lowered their heads and looked dejected when they saw this scene: "Could it be that Poling City is going to die today?"

"Impossible, we will definitely find a way to crack it!" City Lord Huang roared.

"All the elders who built the foundation in half a step, now is the most critical moment in Poling City. We are outnumbered. We can only defeat them one by one. Give me the defense maps of the various sects!" City Lord Huang forced himself to calm down. , as the supreme commander of this war, he must be responsible for the overall situation.

The air is only fire and gunpowder smoke, outside the trenches is only fear and death. War drums are everywhere, smoke billows, people turn horses and horses, dust flies, the sound of killing fills the sky, horns are blown frequently and alarms are sounded, defense lines have been breached, and the Xiaoshuo Empire has suffered heavy casualties!

The appearance of the incarnation of the black moon turned the already bad battle situation in Poling City into the side of the shadow of the eclipse. In just a quarter of an hour, soldiers who came forward to order the Xiaoshuo Empire fell, and lost their breath forever. !The ground was full of scorched black and mutilated corpses, it was a miserable phenomenon in the world.

"Hahaha, human beings, do you think that death is the scariest thing?" The avatar of the black moon flew towards Poling City unhurriedly. At this moment, the avatars of the black moon from all directions said at the same time: "People who infect you, resurrect them Stand up and continue to fight, killing their original companions is their most tragic fate!"

Hearing such words, the faces of everyone suddenly became extremely miserable. The soldiers who were fighting on the front line couldn't help holding up their large shields and took a step back, but suddenly the dead bones under their feet grabbed their calves!
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The whole battlefield instantly turned into a hell on earth, and under the bloody glow, a bloody massacre began!

Those soldiers who had just shed their blood and died in battle were revived by the power of the incarnation of the black moon at this moment. There was a frightening blood light shining in their godless eyes at the moment, and now there was only one word left in their minds .


 Follow up on the 9th update, please accept it!
(End of this chapter)

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