Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 491 Defeat like a mountain

Chapter 491 Defeat like a mountain

The group of fresh corpses that stood up out of thin air immediately disrupted the position of Poling City, and the undead army of the shadow of the eclipse flooded in like a tide, as if the levee collapsed, and the defense line of Poling City was destroyed once, blowing thousands of miles away .

Seen from a high altitude, they looked like countless black spots. They quickly eroded the territory of Poling City, and soon the high walls on all sides collapsed and disappeared in a burst of smoke and dust!

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the ground was covered with broken wood. The soldiers of Poling City fell down in groups like leeks that had been cut off, and then they were resurrected by the incarnation of Black Moon again, killing their companions around them!
"No, we can't let the avatar of Black Moon approach here again, we must take action immediately!" Seeing this scene, Old City Master Huang clenched his fists, trembling all over his body!
"Hmph, it's wishful thinking to dare to fight against me!" The black moon avatars spoke at the same time, with complete contempt flashing across their eyes. They waved their hands casually, and a black awn descended, burning a fiery flame in Poling City. Hundreds of soldiers died unexpectedly!

"The demons heretics, surrender immediately!" Several figures rose from the city lord, their eyes wide open, and they could no longer watch the tragic battle situation.

"It's our half-step foundation builder. With them, there is still hope in Poling City!" All the soldiers below were encouraged. They raised their weapons and let out a loud battle cry!

In mid-air, under the blowing of the long wind, those elders were all bone-bone fairy winds, hunting in robes, each holding a seal of the sword formula in their hands, and using all kinds of magic weapons in their hands, they vowed to chop the incarnation of Black Moon into a pulp , Grind into dust powder!

"Hmph, evil heretics, remember my name, my name is Zhou Bangye, I am the one who kills you, and put an end to your evil in this country!" A half-step foundation builder at the head pointed to the front, as if there was something on his body. Unrivaled momentum!
Everyone is cheering and encouraging, and morale is soaring!
"Hehe, rubbish and waste, they are all ants in front of this seat!" The black moon incarnation of Bafang sneered, stretched out his hand and shot out an extremely black streamer, as if it was real, like a crack in hell!
"Ahhh!" Repeated screams came, and the dark crack was like a sharp blade hitting the body of the half-step foundation builder. Their crystal-clear spirit bodies, like glass, were indestructible and could resist the attacks of low-grade Taoist weapons. But now it's as brittle as paper!
Their bodies were directly torn apart. Originally, their strength was comparable to that of Quyangguan and Elder Xu, and they were the top fighters in Poling City, but at this moment they were blown away like broken sandbags!
"Too weak, too weak!" Black Moon's avatar sprinted forward, tightly grasping Zhou Bangye's neck with one hand, and only heard a crisp cracking sound, and directly tore his neck off!

"What? How is this possible?"

"Elder Zhou!" Thousands of soldiers under Poling City witnessed this extremely bloody scene. With just a flick of a finger, the incarnation of Black Moon easily killed Zhou Bangye who was still majestic before!
"Heaven, earth, help!" All the soldiers fell into complete despair, looking at Zhou Bangye's body slowly floating down from mid-air, the bright red blood soaked the earth!

City Lord Huang stared blankly at this scene. In mid-air, the bloody massacre was still going on. The eight incarnations of Black Moon were simply the most terrifying demon gods in hell. Kill the most powerful man in the city in seconds!
"City Lord Huang, what should we do now!" In the council hall of the City Lord's Mansion, the elders of the staff were all panicked, and their last hope was easily torn apart by the incarnation of Black Moon. Now they are like mourners!

"Let's retreat, we're defeated!" City Lord Huang looked at the almost invincible Black Moon incarnate in midair and said these words with difficulty.

What the war leaves behind is blood, sorrow, ruined cities, and irreparable pain!
The Poling City, which was built in a hurry during the crisis, is a glorious city. As a war fortress, it has killed countless undead. It seems that it has swallowed countless lives on this battlefield with a meat grinder!

"Run away, run away, take the flying magic weapon!" The crowd was in a mess, everyone was running for their lives, there was no strong foundation builder, and the broken spirit city has become a small wooden boat in the wind and rain, and it may happen at any time Overturned!

In addition to the frightening incarnation of the black moon massacring invincible in the city, completely devouring countless lives, there is also a kind of terrifying creature on the battlefield, they are still wearing the black robes of the shadow of the eclipse, but their bodies It swelled to the point of turning into a meat ball, extremely ugly and ugly, like a sarcoma!
This kind of thing rampages on the battlefield like a battering ram. After a few impacts, the city wall that had defended Poling City for many days fell without any suspense. Now Poling City has no defense at all. , the army of undead can drive straight in, and the broken spirit city is already a girl who has been stripped naked and defenseless!

And after conquering this war fortress, it will be extremely difficult for the imperial army, which has been emptied, to resist the attack of the undead. A thousand miles to the south of Poling City, it is in this country that the breath of life is the most exuberant. The place, the imperial capital of the Xiaoshuo Empire, Kaiyang City!

There are tens of millions of people there. Once people from the shadow of the eclipse capture this place, under the cover of the undead sky, endless undead will be transformed. The Lord of the Black Moon can easily rely on this undead A life-and-death army unites the entire world!

Han Dongxu dropped the last few flaming pills, and the soaring flames immediately engulfed countless undead, but it didn't have much effect, and more undead got up from behind!

"Kill, kill those undead, including those comrades who just fell, in order to prevent them from being stained by the shadow of the lunar eclipse after death, we can only clean up their corpses!" Xue Zhenghao was huge like a giant, heavy Running and crushing countless undead along the way, he grabbed a huge sarcoma undead and threw it aside fiercely, then threw a bright red explosive, blasting the corpses under his feet!

The completely shattered corpse fragments could no longer condense, and could no longer be summoned by the incarnation of Black Moon!Han Dongxu led his team members to clear the area, and led them to hide behind the ruined walls.

"Damn it." Even Qi Zhengyan, who usually doesn't say much, couldn't help cursing fiercely, his frosty face was full of anger.

"I didn't expect Ding Yingshang to betray us. If it wasn't for her, the Qianyuan Guardian Pill Formation was still there, and our defense line would not be broken so easily!" Han Dongxu shook his head and sighed.

Xue Zhenghao also frowned and said, "It would be great if Zhang Kun was still here. With him, no matter how difficult things are, we can solve them!"

"Hey, I don't know what happened to him in the depths of the black mist!" Han Dongxu clenched his fists, with a worried expression on his face.

Qi Zhengyan said in a deep voice, "Zhang Kun must be fine, even Prince Daosheng and the others were trapped in the depths of the black mist, but only Zhang Kun did not appear there, I think he must have found a way to escape !"

"Well, I hope he is safe and sound, but I don't know what will happen if he finds out that Ding Yingshang has betrayed us." Xue Zhenghao sighed.

"Before Zhang Kun was the one who cared the most about Ding Yingshang's trust. He even handed over the core part of the alchemy to her for refining, but it turned out to be like this!" Han Dongxu clenched his fists, furious.

No one thought that Ding Yingshang was actually a pawn placed by the shadow of the lunar eclipse beside Zhang Kun. When Chen Xiyue was in office, she originally planned to use Ding Yingshang to assassinate Zhang Kun.

But then something happened suddenly, Chen Xiyue withdrew from the shadow of the eclipse, and was no longer an enemy of Zhang Kun, but Ding Yingshang was still used as a pawn by the Lord of the Black Moon after he came!

Ding Yingshang fled with the blueprint of the core of the pill formation, closed the pill formation, and then the tide of undead from the shadow of the lunar eclipse surged up and swallowed everything!
All of a sudden, Zhang Kun's original team had suffered a lot of infamy, even with Zhang Kun, they were belittled as useless by them, and they also said that it was because of him raising tigers that Poling City fell into such an unprecedented crisis. among.

Of course, Han Dongxu only had haha ​​for such remarks. The elders of Huangjimen wanted to take the opportunity to suppress Zhang Kun's arrogance, but they were directly stopped by Huang Chengzhu.

The three of them were panting heavily under the cover of the ruined walls. The city had been broken and the walls had collapsed. In the regiment, many people are red-eyed, and no place is safe.

"Have you had a good rest? We are still a few streets away from the area where the flying mounts are kept. Now the place is full of undead, so we have to kill them!" Han Dongxu said through gritted teeth.

Qi Zhengyan and Xue Zhenghao also nodded in agreement.

"Did you see that undead in front? It's the latest type of sarcoma undead. It seems to have been transformed by those Moon Cultists!" Han Dongxu pointed to an extremely ugly guy in front of him, gestured to his teammates to start action.

"Roar!" The sarcoid was obviously not human anymore, he made a teeth-piercing sound, the sarcoma on his body exploded, like a venom capsule bursting, the sour venom fell on the ground, and immediately A big hole was burned out in the ground made of bricks and stones!
"Swipe, swipe, swipe!" Streams of clear sword energy came across the sky, but the cold light shot out, the sword qi was like a rainbow, the silk ribbon was fluttering, and the sky was filled with blue shadows. Sword, but seeing her standing up, her clothes fluttering, she tapped several swords on the body of the sarcoma undead in a blink of an eye, and the frosty sword energy immediately froze the sarcoma undead to death!

(End of this chapter)

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