Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 495 The Power of the Golden Elixir

Chapter 495 The Power of the Golden Elixir
"Sect Master!" All the elders exclaimed, staring at Gongsun Yangyan in a daze.

"The suzerain has reached the peak of foundation building. With the existence of the half-step golden core, the golden core has been condensed in his dantian, but it is not perfect. The surging power of the golden core is stored in it. If you use it now, it will be a waste of your previous accumulation. Destroy it!" Elder Yuan Hao was extremely shocked, looking at Gongsun Yangyan with regret in his eyes.

"Hmph, you had a chance to prove the golden core, but now you are fighting with me by destroying the Dao foundation, I want to see how long you can last!" Huai Xue Yaoni sneered, Qianshou abandoned the elder, Qiqi He rushed towards Gongsun Yangyan.

This is a battle at the Golden Core level. These Supreme Elders in the Foundation Establishment Realm have no room to intervene. Even if they stay here, they will not be able to cause harm to the Huai Blood Monster Ni. Instead, they will cause trouble for Gongsun Yangyan. can crush them!
The Supreme Elders retreated several miles one after another, observing this earth-shattering battle from a distance.

"Goodness, goodness, you won't be able to maintain this state for long. Are you sure you want to continue fighting with me? I think it's not easy for you to practice. Put down the butcher knife now, and I can let the Lord of the Black Moon restore the golden core for you!" It was that lazy smile on his face.

Gongsun Yangyan chuckled lightly and said, "You don't have to worry about that."

After finishing speaking, he took out a elixir from his bosom and took it, a huge amount of vitality rushed in, and Huai Xue Yao Ni's face suddenly changed to a little horrified.

As long as Gongsun Yangyan has enough elixir, he can even maintain the state of golden elixir!
"Death!" The blood-blooded demon nun could no longer maintain her original smile, and her thousand hands slammed towards Gongsun Yangyan like a rattan whip, tearing apart the sky!
Gongsun Yangyan is majestic at this moment, when he raises his hand, there is a huge tide of vitality following him, I saw that he was covered in real fire, crossed the void, and drilled into the sea of ​​lotus root arms, and immediately burned, he There are several flames of different colors on his body at the moment, like a rainbow. These are the rare fires that Gongsun Yangyan obtained from his travels around the world. They can not only be used to refine elixirs, but they are also extremely powerful in battle. Danzhiwei drive is even more powerful to the extreme!
"Chi Chi Chi!" As if the straw met the flames, the Huai Xue Yao Ni's arm was burned to death immediately, but before the Supreme Elder of Yaohuang Mountain was happy, he saw the Huai Xue Yao Ni's back grow again. With countless arms, it is impossible to kill them all.

"All colors are slow!" Huai Xue Yaoni let out a devilish laugh, and the entire sky was shrouded in her endless arms. The layers of palms looked extremely soft, but they were as firm as steel. In the heart is like a thousand arrows piercing the heart!
Tens of thousands of arms passed through Gongsun Yangyan's body in various forms, enveloping him tightly, like a cage made of snow-white skin, the mouth of Huai Xue Yaoni showed a proud smile, even if Gongsun Yangyan Yan has temporarily obtained the power of the golden core, and she is not her opponent!
"Sovereign Master!" Seeing this scene, the Taishang elders all stared wide-eyed, wanting to burst into tears, wishing they could rush to save people now.

"Boom!" However, there was a loud noise, and a huge fireball appeared in the midair. The fireball burned endlessly, destroying all illusions. Those white jade-like fingers receded one after another. In the center of the fireball, everyone I saw a quaint tripod.

"Huai blood monster, let's fight to the death!" Gongsun Yangyan stood in the sky above the Dao of Origin, half hanging his body, all the vitality within a few miles was attracted by him, turned into fuel and injected into the Dao of Origin , This treasure of the Zhenzong is burning with a brilliant fire, which seems to be able to burn the void.

"Amitabha." Huai Xue Yaoni didn't answer but just recited the Buddha's name silently. Her figure was normal, and thousands of phantoms suddenly appeared in the mid-air. Every phantom was like a dream. Behind them, there are still thousands of arms ready to move!
Gongsun Yangyan's eyes were fixed, his face was more solemn than ever before, flames burst out, and the two strangled together again.

In the depths of the black mist, the landlord Jinghong also encountered trouble. A great demon of the Yuan Dan period lay in front of her, blocking her way. In the realm of pills, a dozen or so beautiful fairies from Jinghonglou formed a large formation behind them to increase the strength of their master.

And in Kaiyang City, thousands of miles away, thick dark clouds announced that something bad was about to happen. The ministers in the imperial palace were arguing, and princes from all walks of life in the Xiaoshuo Empire came to Kaiyang one by one. City, came to help, but always felt that it was a drop in the bucket, but it just slowed down the time of being destroyed a little bit!

"Boom boom boom!" The heart-heavy sound of footsteps came from a distance, and the people in the entire Kaiyang City could hear the scalp-numbing sound.

Everyone walked up the hundred-foot-high city wall and looked, only to see the thick black air gradually approaching in the distance, and there were several terrifying figures faintly flashing in the black clouds.

"Yumo, Xiling Mingyan!" Standing at the top of the city, Xu Qing's eyes were full of worry, and everyone was still puzzled, not knowing what the emperor was talking about.

Xu Qing sighed and said, "Those were the founding generals thousands of years ago. They died in battle. I didn't expect them to come back now!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and gasped again and again, how powerful the thousand-year-old undead must be. In addition, they were all unstoppable generals before, their strength is unpredictable, and the city of Kaiyang is in danger!

"More than that, look over there!"

The black mist gathered in the distance, and the monstrous beast, which had been as huge as a mountain range, was walking towards Kaiyang City on all fours, and the loud noise was made by it.

The all-out war between the Lord of the Black Moon and the Xiaoshuo Empire has finally broken out!

There was a sound of pushing aside branches and hurried footsteps, followed by indistinct voices.

"Is there anything wrong with you?"

"No, not even a living skeleton."

"Where did this woman hide? Didn't the Lord of the Black Moon say that she was nearby?"

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, Zhang Kun knew that they were looking over here, and the woman they were talking about was probably Chen Xiyue, who did not expect that she was not only wanted by the Xiaoshuo Empire, but also wanted by the Shadow of the Eclipse.

Zhang Kun made a gesture to Chen Xiyue, ready to go out with her, otherwise he would be blocked in the tree hole after being discovered, which would not be conducive to fighting.

But what puzzled Zhang Kun was that Chen Xiyue seemed very unhappy, and finally Zhang Kun pulled her, and Chen Xiyue followed Zhang Kun out with a face full of reluctance.

"Are you all looking for us?" Zhang Kun looked at the four black-clothed believers looking like hell, and said with a smile.

The men in black glanced at each other, and quietly formed a siege, surrounding Zhang Kun and the two of them.prevent the two from escaping.

"My lord, you can't escape this time. The Archbishop and the others will arrive soon."

"My lord, give up resisting and go back with us, the great Lord of the Black Moon will forgive you for your previous rudeness, and then you will be the master of the whole world." One of the believers said sincerely, his eyes full of puzzlement I don't understand why Chen Xiyue defected.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you dare to resist, then don't blame us for taking some extraordinary measures." Another person interrupted rudely, looking at Chen Xiyue's peerless beauty, a lustful look flashed in his eyes, vicious He smiled and said: "I heard that the leader is not close to men on weekdays? Why don't you let me let the leader understand the beauty of it?"

"Presumptuous!" Chen Xiyue shouted tenderly, her face flushed with anger, she did not expect that the cultivator who respected her so much on weekdays would show such an ugly face in a blink of an eye, but this cultist laughed even more arrogantly after seeing Chen Xiyue's anger.

"Hey, I said you can bear this?" Zhang Kun looked at Chen Xiyue's body trembling slightly with anger, but he didn't make any movements, which made him even more puzzled. It's not just a matter of waving hands, so why bother talking to them.

"That," Chen Xiyue looked at Zhang Kun with some embarrassment, blinked her eyes, hesitated to speak, "Actually, I was poisoned by the Lord of the Black Moon, and now I can no longer mobilize my vitality."

Zhang Kun suddenly staggered and almost lost his footing. Are you kidding me? I have been sitting on pins and needles for so long. It turned out that the leader girl in front of me couldn't mobilize half of her vitality, and she was completely reduced to an existence at the mercy of others.

He thought that it would be enough for him to just watch from the sidelines for the rest of the journey, but he didn't expect Chen Xiyue's words to bring him back from fantasy to reality. It turned out that he was the main output.

"I'm sorry," Chen Xiyue clenched her hands and pulled the corner of Zhang Kun's clothes, with an apologetic expression on her face, "I'm a girl, it's not safe to go out alone, I have to hide the truth first."

The corner of Zhang Kun's mouth twitched. He really felt worthless for Elder Xu, Qu Yangguan and the others. The more you will lie.

"Tut tsk tsk, whoops, this expression." Seeing Chen Xiyue's girlish demeanor, the group of members of the shadow of the lunar eclipse suddenly had wolf-like gleams in their eyes, "I didn't expect the leader to have such attributes, we I always thought you were the glamorous type, not bad, not bad, to my liking!"

"What a big-headed ghost to you!" Zhang Kun summoned Chengying with a stomach full of fire and shot a pure sword energy at the believer in front of him. The sword was cold and lingering with the breath of death.

It's a pity that the cultist's reaction was quick, his face changed slightly, and the obscenity on his face instantly subsided. As demon cultists who kill people without batting an eyelid, they are not easy-going lamps, and the man threw a black punch in an instant.

The pitch-black energy surged from all around, and the air was distorted, making it impossible for people to look directly at it!

 One update is a bit too much, let's continue to make up the rest tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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