Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 496 Black Moon Altar

Chapter 496 Black Moon Altar
"Should die, boy!" The man shouted and came, seeing that Zhang Kun didn't even have the level of Qi training, and his eyes were full of contempt. He believed that after this punch, Zhang Kun would either turn into mud or powder!

However, something unexpected happened. The punch that was surrounded by black mist and power was torn apart by the clear sword light. Immediately, the person's fist was dripping with blood, and with a click, even the bones were shattered. Broken!

This person was split straight by a sword, and he retreated a hundred meters to stabilize his figure, covering his face with his arms to block the sharp sword energy.

I saw three defensive artifacts surrounding him, which turned into faint light spots at this moment, and they were shattered and dim under Zhang Kun's casual sword!

The power of this sword can't even be resisted by three magic weapons!

"What? How is it possible, this kid is weird!" The group of men in black suddenly changed their faces and became serious instantly. With all kinds of weapons in their hands, they summoned their black vitality and blasted towards Zhang Kun. .

They are not as pedantic as those sects who claim to be decent, they don't want to be as pedantic as those who claim to be decent. They don't mind using their rank and strength to overwhelm others in battle, and they don't hold back their hands. They want Zhang Kun's life with a ruthless hand!

There was a flash of light in Zhang Kun's eyes, and with a wave of his hand, Chengying immediately turned into a rainbow, drew an elegant arc, and pointed directly at the group of men in black, only to hear Zhang Kun whisper: " Slash! Wild Wind!"

The shadow was like the wind passing through the wheat field, beheading the believers of the Lord of the Black Moon one by one. The divine rainbow was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, a head flew up and counted. Zhang Gao's blood.

The next moment the sword shadow flashed, the heart of the other man in black was directly gouged out, he looked at his chest in disbelief, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, his body fell weakly, his eyes were still full of disbelief.

With another flick of the finger, Chengying cut down from the sky, cutting the Yueyue Cultist in half from the center of his eyebrows, and the dead couldn't die anymore!

When Zhang Kun flew out with his sword, it killed people's heads rolling, and blood flowed into rivers. Seeing them falling into a pool of blood, Zhang Kun waved his hand and recalled the divine sword. The faint starlight disappeared.

Chen Xiyue at the side couldn't help but slightly opened her cherry lips, her eyes were full of horror.

"What's the matter?" Seeing her staying where she was, Zhang Kun couldn't help but tilt his head and asked.

"Ah, it's all right, let's go!" Chen Xiyue shook her head lightly, looked at Zhang Kun with a smile, and concealed the shock in her eyes, even if she was the leader of the sect, she had never seen such smooth and smooth sword moves.

"Sure enough, the mental state of refining is extraordinary. No wonder he was able to kill two of my high priests one after another." Chen Xiyue looked at Zhang Kun and thought to herself.

"No, no, I'm the leader, how can I do this in front of him?" Chen Xiyue went crazy when she thought of her identity. Could it be that she really wanted her to be Zhang Kun's younger sister?

Zhang Kun didn't care what Chen Xiyue thought, he frowned and said, "They seem to have said before that the archbishop is coming here soon, so it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Kun stretched out his hand and grabbed Chen Xiyue's onion-shaved five fingers, and took her to run wildly without caring about enjoying the smooth and tender touch.

Chen Xiyue tried to struggle for a while, but after all, she didn't have any vitality in her body at the moment, how could it compare to Zhang Kun's body that was comparable to a quasi-dao weapon?

After thinking for a while, she still clenched Zhang Kun's hand and followed his pace.

"Isn't it okay to be taken care of once in a while?" Chen Xiyue's heart moved, a strange thought came to her mind, and she immediately smiled, as if she had returned to a hundred years ago.

It was an afternoon when cicadas were constantly singing. Chen Xiyue was bullied by several naughty children in the village. The leader was the self-appointed village tyrant, the child king. It was her life, but she refused, so the children insisted on kissing.

The children pressed Chen Xiyue desperately with their bodies, no matter how hard she struggled, it was of no avail, a wave of despair welled up in her heart, and she accepted her fate at that time.

As a result, just when the village bully's fat lips were about to touch her, a childish scream full of anger came over, only to see Chen Xiyue's younger brother waving his fist, running all the way to smash the village bully hard, knocking him Push it to the ground, then immediately took Chen Xiyue's hand and ran all the way!
Even though he was beaten to the point of being covered in blood, even though he didn't have the strength to defeat the village bully who was a circle bigger than him, Chen Xiyue still remembered his unyielding eyes, which were one of the few eyes in her childhood. With fond memories, she swore that day that she would do everything in her power to protect her brother, because he was her hero.

Chen Xiyue was in a daze, as if the one holding her hand was not Zhang Kun, but her younger brother.She only hoped that the distance in the distance would be longer, and that she and Zhang Kun could run longer, before fate swallowed her up.

The two galloped all the way, at a speed no less than that of a galloping Pegasus.Zhang Kun seems to be only in the innate state, but his strength is at the level of the early stage of Qi training. The pure vitality supports his body to move quickly, and although Chen Xiyue is sealed, she is a seven-hole fairy body. This kind of physique After her bloodline was awakened, her body was comparable to a middle-grade Taoist weapon, much more powerful than Zhang Kun.

The surrounding scenery was constantly changing, and the two walked from a desolate desert to a lush, but black and evil forest above the leaves.

The appearance of this kind of forest generally means that the important strategic location of the shadow of the eclipse is nearby.

I don't know how long the two of them have been running, but the vitality in Zhang Kun's body is constantly depleted. Fortunately, he is an alchemist and has a large amount of elixir to support his consumption.

Suddenly, Zhang Kun stopped.Looking around vigilantly, he suddenly saw a black skull phantom appearing in the black mist in the distance. He thought it was his eyes dazzled, but when he tried to sense it with his heart, he found that the skull It really exists.

Presumably, that is where the throne of the Lord of the Black Moon is located!
Relying on the senses of this piece of Kun that are more than ten times that of ordinary people, although he cannot see the face of the Lord of the Black Moon hundreds of miles away, he is enough to feel the existence in that direction.This can be regarded as a singularity of refining the state of mind.

Possesses a sixth sense that is many times stronger than that of a woman. "Why did you stop suddenly?" Chen Xiyue looked at Zhang Kun in bewilderment, a little annoyed and annoyed by his sudden stop.

In fact, she has been numb her mind and heart along the way, she told herself to run along with Zhang Kun, no matter how far or how long it takes, just keep going like this.

But suddenly Zhang Kun stopped, and stopping meant that something was about to happen, which meant that her life would soon come to an end.Although she is not afraid of life and death, she feels very regretful.

"Hush, don't talk, I feel that the throne of the Lord of the Black Moon is five hundred miles away from the north!" Zhang Kun said slowly with his eyes fixed.Chen Xiyue looked towards the north. She also escaped from that place, so she was familiar with the situation there. After a while, she nodded and said softly: "En!"

She couldn't help but glanced at Zhang Kun in surprise. She didn't expect his senses to be so keen. This place was indeed facing the direction of the Black Moon Lord's throne.Chen Xiyue nodded her good-looking head, and a complex expression appeared on her pretty face. She looked around and said to Zhang Kun: "This seems to be an abandoned altar!"

"Abandoned altar?" Zhang Kun couldn't help but wondered. The believers in the Xiaoshuo Empire who were affected by the shadow of the lunar eclipse opened nine altars, one of which was blown up by him with the thousand-year-old special mad fire pill. One is the throne of the Lord of the Black Moon, and the remaining seven are scattered all over the empire.

Zhang Kun intends to destroy all the altars, but time does not allow, the Lord of the Black Moon came too soon!

Chen Xiyue pushed aside the layers of jungle, Zhang Kun immediately swept his sword and swept away the dark forest that obscured his vision. Sure enough, a deserted altar appeared in front of him. into a hexagram pattern.

The most amazing thing is the white stone tablet erected on it, which is the imprint of a round of black moon, which makes people can't help but surrender at a glance. Fortunately, Zhang Kun's mental state can best restrain such soul attacks.

"Yes, the shadow of the lunar eclipse is hidden in the dark. There are not only nine altars, but hundreds of altars, just to prevent the Xiaoshuo Empire's sneak attack, but only nine were activated in the end. Because nine are enough to destroy the altar. The canopy of undead is covering the entire Xiaoshuo Empire, and it's just right for Shadow of the Eclipse to defend the nine altars." Chen Xiyue said slowly.

"It just so happens that this abandoned altar here can be used to complete our plan!" Chen Xiyue smiled, suddenly a black scepter appeared in her hand and chanted some kind of spell in a low voice. The top of the altar floated away.

Zhang Kun watched this scene quietly from the side, grasping the fragments of the mirror field tightly in his hands, waiting for the battle.

With a swipe of her fingers, Chen Xiyue cut open her white wrist. There were several freshly healed scars on that white wrist. It seemed that she often performed bloodletting rituals.

I saw the blood in her hand glistening with colorful light gushing out, turning into a blood chain, and heading towards the stone tablet. When the iridescent blood touched the stone tablet, it was instantly absorbed by it. The stone wall was lifted up out of thin air.

"Zhang Kun, take out the fragments!" Chen Xiyue looked down at Zhang Kun and said, her face was a little pale at the moment, she had received the injury of the Lord of the Black Moon, and now she had to consume essence and blood to preside over the ceremony. It is disappearing bit by bit.

 The update on the 11th is here!

(End of this chapter)

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