Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 497 Suppressing the Lord of the Black Moon

Chapter 497 Suppressing the Lord of the Black Moon
Zhang Kun handed over the fragments of the bronze mirror in his hand. This was the first time the fragments had left his side after he obtained the Mirror Domain. Zhang Kun probably never dreamed that one day he would hand over the fragments of the Mirror Domain to others , and the other party is also the leader of the shadow of the eclipse.

"You pay attention to your precautions. After the ceremony starts, it will definitely attract the attention of the Lord of the Black Moon. He will definitely send people to attack us. I don't have any combat power. If we are in danger, we will all rely on you!" Chen Xiyue finally said these words Then he closed his eyes and chanted a spell that Zhang Kun couldn't understand.

Zhang Kun understood that Chen Xiyue was using the power of her own blood to establish a connection with the Lord of the Black Moon, through this altar that could summon the Lord of the Black Moon, relying on the huge energy contained in the mirror field, to carry out performing rituals he could not comprehend.

"Persist for a while and you'll be fine!" Zhang Kun held Chengying and watched nervously. This may be their only hope. As long as Chen Xiyue can use the power of the mirror to kill the Lord of the Black Moon, the endless undead The army is nothing to be afraid of, and one day it will be wiped out.

The powerful spiritual power is wanton on the fragments of the mirror field, which is a huge energy that Zhang Kun has never attracted. The power of the soul that has died under this catastrophe of the undead is transformed into a pure white beam of light. It hit the sky, shot away, and immediately surpassed countless layers of space, and shot directly on the throne of the Lord of the Black Moon. The terrifying and powerful force of fragments is simply an existence beyond this world, even in an instant. It was suppressed by a certain law, but it is still the supreme and powerful divine power!

The Lord of the Black Moon sat lazily on the throne, and his attack on the Xiaoshuo Empire was not hindered in the slightest. From Black Moon City, which used to be Poling City, to Kaiyang City, there were several satellite cities of the imperial city scattered in the middle. Among them, all of them were easily destroyed by the army of undead without exception!

Three corrupt living skeleton monsters and four revived ancient general souls in the [-] mountains are frantically attacking the top combat power of Xiaoshuo Empire. This is a seamless plan. The Lord of the Black Moon is in his lair. In the middle of it, he recovered his strength safely.

He now needs to absorb the blood of [-] living beings a day. Of course, he doesn't need to go out in person. With the existence of the undead sky, as long as the endless undead army slaughters, it can bring him a huge amount of blood and energy.

However, it was also his desire for blood that caused the undead army not to rush straight to Kaiyang City, but to slaughter all the surrounding villages and towns before continuing to march.

This more or less gave the Xiaoshuo Empire a little time to breathe. The strong man Xu Qing decided to sacrifice those isolated cities and villages. Although it caused an uproar from the ruling and opposition parties, at such a critical moment, he had no choice at all.

"It won't take long for this deity's strength to recover. Before summoning the four dead generals and awakening three monsters, it took a lot of power for this deity. The most hateful thing is that Chen Xiyue. If it weren't for her, this deity would have ruled the world long ago. !" The Lord of the Black Moon drank blood, and countless ghosts of living souls surrounded him.

That was the curse cast on him by countless victims, but it is a pity that no matter how desperate and vicious the curse is, it is insignificant to the Lord of the Black Moon and cannot have any effect on him at all!

Just as the corner of his mouth curled into a wicked smile, a pure white beam of light descended from the sky, aiming straight at the Black Moon Throne!
"Boom boom boom!" The power of the soul after being refined by the mirror field is so pure, the beam of light descends and instantly seals the body of the Lord of the Black Moon.

"What, this is, the power of blood?" Finally, a trace of horror appeared on the stern face of the Lord of the Black Moon. He felt that the white light was actually a fusion of seven-colored brilliance, and the seven-colored brilliance naturally only came from one source, that is Chen Xiyue's Immortal Body with Seven Apertures!
"You actually used my power to control you in reverse?" The Lord of the Black Moon was about to burst into tears. He was the supreme fairy lord who turned his hands into clouds and covered his hands with rain, standing at a higher level and overlooking the existence of ants in this world. !

He injected his own mark into Chen Xiyue's blood, and was able to establish a strange connection between the two, and it was this connection that allowed him to descend from the upper realm without being rejected by this realm.

But what he didn't expect at all was that Chen Xiyue would be so bold as to restrict him in turn!

"What's wrong with you, Supreme Immortal Lord?" The faces of the Moon Cultists serving around the Black Moon Throne changed wildly. That invincible existence was actually suppressed at this moment?

"Impossible, she doesn't have such a powerful power to drive the fairy body, who gave her such a powerful power?" Even the proud Lord of the Black Moon had a surprised expression on his face at this moment, he was suppressed to death at this moment Damn, the newly recovered skill actually gradually faded under that white glow!

"The pupil of the black moon, open!" I saw the eyebrows of the Lord of the Black Moon suddenly split open, and a strange black vertical pupil slowly opened!

Immediately, the entire sky was covered by the monstrous vertical pupils, which sprinkled black ink-colored brilliance. The power of the Lord of the Black Moon was beyond everyone's imagination, and everything under the black-ink-colored light was seen by him. Be clear.

His field of vision immediately covered the entire territory of the black mist, and the three major sect masters who were fighting were startled. When they looked up, they saw strange eyes all over the pitch-black sky, which made people shudder and felt sick.

"What is that?" Gongsun Yangyan couldn't help asking.

"The Supreme Immortal Lord is omniscient and omnipotent. Nothing can escape his eyes. Surrender, Gongsun Yangyan. You are the strongest alchemy genius I have ever seen in the Xiaoshuo Empire. I don't want you to fall away." Huai Huai Blood Demon Ni put her palms together and said with a smile.

"Ah!" Just when Huai Xue Yaoni was full of confidence, a painful wail came over. Countless vertical pupils in the sky cracked and blood even flowed out. The wailing turned out to be from the invincible Lord of the Black Moon.

The face of the blood-blooded demon girl who coexisted with holiness and strangeness completely changed. She looked at the mid-air in disbelief, her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief. The impression that the man gave him was nothing but invincibility, which was at the level of strength. The world is different, the Lord of the Black Moon can hardly follow his words, truly invincible and powerful!

But it was such a man, who actually wailed at this moment, what could hurt him?Huai Xue Yaoni even felt that the power in her body was passing away, and the power bestowed by the Lord of the Black Moon could no longer be maintained at this moment!
"Okay!" Gongsun Yangyan shouted excitedly, and a huge fireball appeared in his palm with both hands. At this moment, Gongsun Yangyan seemed to be in charge of the power of the stars, and he brought up the world with every gesture. The situation is changing, this flame seems to contain the brilliant power of heaven, Gongsun Yangyan shot out the flame, and immediately formed a blazing fire belt, like a torrent that destroys the world, destroying everything where it is crushed!
Huaixue Yaoni's complexion darkened, and she quickly threw out her arms to resist, but was burned mercilessly, she quickly retreated, her thousand arms merged into one, and grabbed Gongsun Yangyan!

"You are exhausted, the dead should stay in the grave!" Gongsun Yangyan laughed heartily, as if he had returned to the heyday of his youth, when countless young girls pursued him with fresh clothes and angry horses.

Huai Xue Yaoni saw a fearless and fearless light in his eyes, just like a young man who is fighting in the sky and the world. For a moment, she seemed to think of a certain person, and she couldn't help but tremble, and immediately recovered , Hold your hands tightly!
"Boom!" There was a huge roar, and half of the sky was stained red with blood. It was the palm of Huai Xue Yaoni who was blown to pieces, and pieces of meat and bones fell all over the ground. Come on!
Gongsun Yangyan's flames are accompanied by a majestic and awe-inspiring righteousness, and the Dao of Origin cauldron endowed him with a mysterious dao rhyme of strength. Praise his courage and boldness!
"嗤嗤嗤!" There was a smell of barbecue, and the body of the Huai blood demon nun flew upside down. Gongsun Yangyan used the cauldron of origin to smash directly at her. The moment the Lord of the Black Moon was suppressed, he grabbed Hold the moment when Huai Xue Yaoni's aura falls!

"Boom, boom, boom!" The blood overflowed from the corner of Huaixue Yaoni's mouth. She could no longer maintain the golden core state, and the power bestowed by the Lord of the Black Moon has gradually dissipated. Buried by history!

Gongsun Yangyan also imitated her and stretched out a big hand, grabbing her body. Although the blood-blooded demon nun was dressed as a monk, her exquisite figure still looked extremely alluring, making every man fall in love with her. Spray.

But Gongsun Yangyan didn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade. He grabbed the Huai Xue Yaoni with one hand and stuffed her into the cauldron of origin.

This blood-blooded demon nun is not a human body in essence, but the soul of a demon spirit. It was used by the Lord of the Black Moon after many years of death. Her body is composed of the purest vitality, which can be said to be an existence close to the immortal essence. If part of the power of the Lord of the Black Moon can refine this pill, Gongsun Yangyan might be able to go one step further!
Gongsun Yangyan quickly sealed his dantian, his breath fell back instantly, he stopped using the power of the golden elixir, and flew towards the elders of the Yaohuang Mountain.

"The scream just now should be from the Lord of the Black Moon. Although I don't know what happened, I'm sure he must be in danger at the moment. If he is sick and killing him, quickly find him and kill him!" Gongsun Yangyan He smiled lightly, but his face turned slightly pale, obviously the forceful use of the power of the golden core consumed him a lot.

The Black Moon Eyes of the Lord of the Black Moon scanned the battlefield. Although he was repeatedly suppressed by the white light, which made him miserable and embarrassed, but after all, he was a fairy-level existence, so he still saw the battlefield through the Black Moon Eyes. everything that happened.

Including Zhang Kun and Chen Xiyue and the others!

 After thinking about it, it’s too much to add more at once, so I should add two chapters every day, and finish it in about four days, okay?Then update five chapters today.

(End of this chapter)

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