Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 501 The Great War Begins

Chapter 501 The Great War Begins

"Hahaha!" At this time, the Lord of the Black Moon laughed loudly, clapping his hands and laughing wildly: "I never thought that you would be so funny, and you would perform such a good show in front of this deity!"

"Xu Qing, right? I can talk to you about the conditions!" The Lord of the Black Moon looked at the crowd jokingly, with a wicked smile on his lips.

"As long as you hand over this kid and that woman to me, I can consider letting your Xiaoshuo Empire go!" the Lord of the Black Moon bewitched.

"Xu Qing, Xu Qing, you are the master of a small Xiaoshuo Empire, have you ever seen a vast world?"

"After I rule the world and wipe out the other empires, how about you being the co-lord of the world? This is a supreme honor and a great gift. I can save your lives, you ants!" Black Moon The Lord leaned on the throne with a lazy look.

Zhang Kun frowned slightly. The people of the sect didn't trust him. If the Lord of the Black Moon was so bewitched, I don't know what they would think.

Sure enough, everyone was shaken for a while, even Xu Qing's expression became stiff, and the master of Tiandao Sect looked at Zhang Kun even more coldly.

"Your Majesty, if Zhang Kun's safety can be exchanged for the safety of our Xiaoshuo Empire, I think this is a good idea!"

"How powerful the Lord of the Black Moon is, we may not have a chance of winning a decisive battle with him. Why don't we take a gamble, even if he doesn't keep his word, the sacrifice is only a mere Zhang Kun." After thinking about it, Zhang Kun's eyes suddenly turned cold. He didn't expect that he had sacrificed so much for this war, but in the end they were so suspicious that they wanted to send him into the jaws of the Lord of the Black Moon!
"How can you do this? You can't believe the devil's words at all. You haven't thought about why he wants us to hand over Zhang Kun, which shows that Zhang Kun is a threat to him. Not only can we not do what he wants, but also You should do your best to protect Zhang Kun!" King Wojia frowned and scolded angrily.

"Hehe, you think too much. How can a mere Zhang Kun threaten the deity?" The Lord of the Black Moon chuckled, turned to look at Xu Qing, and said, "How are you thinking, little guy, is it time to hand over the money?" Zhang Kun will be your emperor, or will you die under my hands in humiliation?"

"Hand over Zhang Kun, Your Majesty!" The master of Tiandao Sect shouted from the side, with a sincere remonstrance.

Xu Qing's face was ugly and he was hesitant.

"Stop!" At this moment, a majestic voice came, and several rainbow lights flashed in the sky. When they got closer, they realized that it was Gongsun Yangyan and Lou Jinghong who were leading the people of Yaohuang Mountain, and they returned to Daosheng. The prince and the others are six, followed by several masters from Jinghonglou.

When Zhang Kun saw this, a smile appeared on his face.

"National teacher!" Xu Qing also greeted Gongsun Yangyan with a warm face, and his attitude towards Gongsun Yangyan was extremely polite.

"Taoist, Xixian, why did they become like this?" Xu Qing noticed his son and his daughter-in-law. He felt so distressed, and stretched out his hand tremblingly to touch Daosheng's body. At this moment, they all showed He is old, and his strength does not exist, and he looks extremely embarrassed.

Gongsun Yangyan sighed and said: "Your Majesty, when we arrived, they were already like this. They were sucked away by the Lord of the Black Moon. I have already given them the elixir, please rest assured, Your Majesty! "

Seeing this situation, Xu Qing couldn't restrain his anger any longer. He turned to look at the Lord of the Black Moon, and roared angrily: "Master of the Black Moon, you have to pay for everything you have done before!"

"Hehe, I'm so boring, let's all go to hell!" Daoes of black light burst out from the Black Moon Throne, and the earth shook violently. , the whole space changes!
The soil under their feet suddenly turned into a black torrent. Bubbles rolled in the pitch-black water. Even Qi practitioners could not stay in the black water for a long time. In the moon, waves of shocking waves emanate out, just like a solar storm, as long as there is a trace of contamination, it will be burned to nothing.

A leader of a sect in the distance was accidentally recruited, and he was instantly wiped out, dead and dao disappeared!
"Be careful, everyone. Although his strength is suppressed, his realm is far superior to ours, and he has endless tricks!" Xu Qing shouted, and took the lead, using the signature martial arts of Huangjimen, the Holy Emperor's big handprint!
All I saw was that the huge palm was completely condensed by Xu Qing's powerful vitality, shining brightly in all worlds, and it was shot at the Lord of the Black Moon with a loud bang!That powerful vitality can even evaporate the torrent of the Kuroshio Current.

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect Xu Qing's strength to reach such a terrifying level. The power of the golden core really lived up to its reputation!
Gongsun Yangyan took out a elixir and took it. In an instant, his strength soared several times. He took several steps in the void, and every time he took a step, his aura rose by one point. In the end, he reached The golden core level has been reached!
He suddenly shot out a real fire, the flames burned up the sky, and blasted towards the Lord of the Black Moon with unrivaled momentum. This is a large-scale Taoism that Gongsun Yangyan evolved by borrowing the power of pills and the energy of heaven and earth. Under one blow, even the real golden core will be backed away!
However, seeing that the Lord of the Black Moon had a face full of indifference, when the holy emperor's big handprint and the monstrous real fire hit him, he didn't dodge or dodge at all, just stood there and let them attack!
"Isn't it too weak? Is it just this little strength?" The Lord of the Black Moon sneered, only to see a black awn flowing all over his body, without leaving any scars, intact!

"What, is that possible?" Xu Qing and Gongsun Yangyan's expression changed immediately, they had no idea that their attack would have no effect on the Lord of the Black Moon, and did not even cause minor injuries!

"Ignorant human beings, how do you understand the real power?" The Lord of the Black Moon sneered again and again, with his hands behind his back, just staying in the middle of this world, looking at everyone with a sneer, the sarcasm was beyond words.

"Let's attack together, I don't believe he can defeat everyone!" Xu Qing shouted angrily, gathering his vitality again, this time holding a three-foot long sword tightly in his hand, he swung a golden rainbow, piercing the sky and going straight!

Everyone shouted loudly, using their own means of pressing the bottom of the box, countless vitality burst in mid-air, and shot at the Lord of the Black Moon in unison!

Immediately, the whole world was shrouded in various colorful colors, and countless different kinds of vitality were mixed together. The power of the explosion would increase several times, and the entire void seemed to be exploded!
"Boom boom boom!" There was a burst of shaking, and there was a loud noise, as if the world was going to be destroyed. No one could resist such intensive rounds of bombing!

"Hahaha!" However, there was a desperate laugh, only to see that the gunpowder smoke had cleared, and in the void, the Lord of the Black Moon was still unscathed!

Everyone held their breath. If this couldn't hurt the Lord of the Black Moon, what else could be done to force him back?Desperation spread among the crowd!
"Impossible, how is it possible, there is no effect?" The eyes of the Master of the Heavenly Knife Sect were about to pop out. They all shot with all their strength just now, and they did not hold back their hands. It should be blown to pieces too!

"Hmph, don't waste your efforts," the Lord of the Black Moon sneered again and again: "An attack lower than a golden core is just a tickle for me!"

The Lord of the Black Moon twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing a trace of cruelty. He looked at the stunned crowd and laughed loudly: "Now it's my turn, die, bugs!"

"Boom boom boom!" The figure of the Lord of the Black Moon exploded, turning into a strange black thread, and the black tide below suddenly surged up. After a series of thick black lights, the black light was held in the hands of the Lord of the Black Moon, and suddenly condensed into a big knife that pierced through the sky and the earth.

"Let's do the surgery first!" The Lord of the Black Moon sneered, and disappeared in place. With a flick of a finger, a giant of the sect was chopped and killed, and blood was spilled all over the ground. He Yuanqi couldn't resist the random blow of the Lord of the Black Moon at all!
The Lord of the Black Moon licked the corner of his mouth, the air was filled with the smell of blood, the bloodlust in his eyes was self-evident!

"Boom!" The black tide surged up in an instant, swallowing the dead Qi trainer without leaving his body. However, in the incredible eyes of everyone, they saw the other end of the black tide, and they actually drilled into it. A pitch-black figure appeared, looking at the outline, it was the Qi trainer who was killed by the Lord of the Black Moon!
"How could this happen!" Everyone gasped, the Lord of the Black Moon alone was enough to give them a headache, if he could increase his strength by killing people from Xiaoshuo Empire , how do they fight?
Before they could react, Tianji slashed several more radiances. The Black Moon Lord's combat power was too powerful. Even though he was suppressed at the Golden Core level, the slashes he slashed at random contained Dao, with a hint of heaven and earth implication contained in it, the power suddenly soared several times, and several Qi practitioners at the foundation level need to work together to use life-saving Taoism to block it!
In an instant, the Lord of the Black Moon activated the counterattack mode. Although he was only one person, he suppressed everyone in the Xiaoshuo Empire. If anyone was careless, there would be a Qi trainer in the Foundation Establishment Realm Falling under his knife, and then being resurrected by him and transferred to his camp, the pressure on the camp of the Xiaoshuo Empire increased bit by bit!
Countless Dao weapons, which were rare to see before, blasted out huge attack power. Countless Dao spells evolved in this space, and the world was full of visions, but the Lord of the Black Moon didn't care at all. Just holding a black nameless saber and slashing it down, many attacks were dissolved into invisible!
(End of this chapter)

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