Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 502 The Terrifying Lord of the Black Moon

Chapter 502 The Terrifying Lord of the Black Moon
"Boom!" There was even the sound of a Taoist artifact being blasted into pieces in the distance. This was the first time Zhang Kun saw a Taoist artifact that could destroy cities and lands easily smashed like broken wood!
Zhang Kun had a serious face. He led Chen Xiyue to walk on the edge of the battlefield, relying on his extraordinary perception to avoid the aftermath of their fierce battle. In such a level of battle, he lost the blessing of the mirror field. Opportunity intervened, and now he had to rely on himself.

Zhang Kun took a deep breath. This battle was far beyond his current level. If he wanted to turn the tide, there was only one way to break through!

"There is a piece of information recorded in the Kunyu Huazhang. When the state of refining the mind is perfect, there will be a short moment when the body and the Tao are combined, and the power is infinite. I can only rely on the opportunity of that moment to use all my strength to defeat the Lord of the Black Moon in one fell swoop. !” Zhang Kun muttered to himself.

He kept taking deep breaths, wanting to calm himself down quickly, running the mantra recorded in the Kunyu Huazhang, and running the vitality in his body to the extreme. He was eager to break through, but under such impatience, he could not feel the slightest The implication of Tao cannot reach the state of perfecting the heart!

Seeing the explosive explosions in front of him, and the aftermath of overflowing vitality destroying heaven and earth, Zhang Kun became more and more anxious. He could see that several Qi practitioners had fallen under the sword of the Lord of the Black Moon. The one from hell The devil in the world opened his killing ring, and no one can stop him!

"Breakthrough, why don't you break through!" Zhang Kun was so anxious that his body was trembling constantly. With his natural talent, he should have broken through the realm long ago. With his accumulation, he should have entered the realm of Qi training naturally. At this moment, his The medicine power of Yuanyuan Dao Dan and Nanci Xuancheng Dan still remained in the body, which is enough to be used for Jin Dan, and it is more than enough to be used on him, but no matter how Zhang Kun mobilizes the vitality and medicine power in the body, the invisible The realm barrier in the middle is not loosened at all!

"Comrades, form the formation!" Xu Qing shouted angrily, thousands of sword lights lit up around his body, the sword light was like a rainbow, piercing the sky, and drawing complex and mysterious formation patterns around his body. A huge formation was formed, and Xu Qing's huge vitality flew away with several kinds of spiritual objects, forming several formations, forming a cornering situation, and the eyes of all the strong men of the Xiaoshuo Empire heard this. Make a decision, fly away and land on the formation, communicate with the formation pattern, and activate the formation!

"Hmph, just struggle as much as you want, even if I'm no longer in the peak state, wouldn't it be easy to crush you to death?" The Lord of the Black Moon sneered again and again, and stopped there, stopping in the void, with a playful look on his face Watching Xu Qing organize the formation.

"Hmph, Lord of the Black Moon, please die. This is the first national protection formation in the Xiaoshuo Empire, the Xiaoshuo Divine Formation!" a prince who established the foundation said confidently, and saw the formation around them. Wen has been completely constructed, with many spiritual objects and several foundation builders and one Jindan powerhouse forming a large formation, the strength of the entire formation is comparable to Jindan late stage!

Zhang Kun couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat for them. Looking at the indifferent eyes of the Lord of the Black Moon, he knew that things might not be that simple!
"Boom!" The formation stretched across thousands of feet, overflowing with golden light, countless divine symbols rising and falling, massive vitality gathered in the formation, and a simple and powerful aura spread across the surface.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to master this ancient formation. It's quite interesting, but you can't show its true strength at all!" The Lord of the Black Moon nodded in praise, but the sarcasm in his tone The meaning is still undiminished!

"Surrender if you know you are afraid!" A sect lord scolded angrily. He had poured all his life's power into the formation. If this attack still doesn't work against the Black Moon Lord, they really have nothing to do. !
"Get up!" With Xu Qing's roar, countless golden vitality swords suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth. The vitality swords are densely packed like mountains and seas, and they are extremely spectacular from a distance!

Countless small swords began to rotate at high speed following a mysterious command, and each time they rotated around the big formation, it would add a point of energy and power. device!

The magic weapon is already the strongest magic weapon that most qi trainers can pursue. Although it is not as powerful as the Taoist weapon, it can still trigger the vision of the world when it is in operation, and its power is infinite!And at this moment, the camp of the Xiaoshuo Empire has used formations to evolve tens of thousands of magic weapons, fully revealing the history of the empire for thousands of years!
"Hahaha, didn't I say that, no matter how many of you there are, attacks below the Golden Core level will have no effect on me at all!" The Black Moon Lord laughed loudly, clenched the black knife in his hand and pointed That big formation is coming!
It is difficult to see the grade of his knife, but Zhang Kun can tell at a glance that this knife is absolutely extraordinary, and his power is definitely above Jiuxiaotianlan. In the master's hand, an extremely powerful power was used, and the dark rays of light actually contained an extremely powerful destructive intent, as long as they touched a little bit, the soul would explode and be torn to pieces without leaving any residue!
However, at this moment, the huge formation suddenly turned, and countless small swords converged into one, forming a huge main sword!

Gathering the vitality of all people together to form a huge master sword of the formation, its power soared several times in an instant, and it even reached the level of the peak of Jindan, but many strong men in the Xiaoshuo Empire spit out a mouthful of blood , maintaining this ancient formation is still too much for them, and the master sword of such a powerful and powerful formation consumes a lot of energy, even the strong foundation builder will feel exhausted!
"Ahhhh, eat us with a sword!" Xu Qing led many masters to shout loudly, and controlled the main sword of the formation to slash down with a force of breaking heaven and earth!Wherever they went, the black shadows who had been resurrected by the Black Moon Lord exploded instantly, and the black air burst into flesh and blood, and they were completely wiped out. Even the Black Moon Lord couldn't use his power to resurrect them again!

This time, the Lord of the Black Moon finally showed some solemnity between his brows. He stopped talking at this time, his eyes froze, and his body turned into a jet-black sharp light, which shot away and pierced the sky!
The rumbling sound filled the world, and even Zhang Kun couldn't help but cover his ears, only to see that the center of the battlefield exploded, and the domain world dominated by the Lord of the Black Moon was directly broken, and the surrounding scenery recovered. However, the next moment a terrifying explosion came, and the whole world suddenly turned pale. The monstrous sword light fell sharply and collided violently with the shattered sword shadow. Going forward indomitably, the formation was broken in an instant!
"Ah!" With a scream, Xu Qing couldn't dodge in time, the black knife directly cut off one of his arms, blood and flesh flew, and the aftermath of the black knife exploded. , Xu Qing screamed that he could no longer maintain the formation, and fled away in a flash.

"Hahaha, Xiaoshuo Divine Formation? But that's it!" The Lord of the Black Moon sneered again, killing wantonly among the crowd like a madman. In an instant, three strong foundation builders exhausted their means and were easily defeated. Kill!

boom!Suddenly there was a loud noise, and a huge building appeared in the sky. It was the mirage controlled by Xu Qing. It was so strong that it could accommodate countless people!

"Get on the mirage!"

The shrill shouts spread throughout the entire battlefield. The power of the master sword of the formation is so strong. At the moment when the master of the Huangji sect died, it can be said to be the strongest attack method that the Xiaoshuo Empire can use. What real impact did the Lord of the Black Moon have? He was just stunned and stopped in place, unable to chase those who had taken refuge in the mirage.

The strong foundation builders who were in the formation quickly followed Xu Qing's footsteps and fled into the mirage, while Zhang Kun was far away from the central battlefield. Even if he started to fly towards the mirage at this moment, it was too late!

"Hahaha, there is another bug leaking out!" The Lord of the Black Moon sneered, staring at Zhang Kun and laughing wildly.

Zhang Kun's heart trembled suddenly, and he was extremely anxious. After all, the Lord of the Black Moon alone had cracked the ground around him, and a forceful aura surged over him. He seemed to be locked, and his whole body was frozen. As if falling, he was so anxious that the vitality in his body almost stopped.

"Ahhh!" Zhang Kun clenched his fists tightly, trying to fight for a chance of survival in despair. He wanted to break through, but the state of refining the state of mind is very special and cannot be entered if you have enough vitality. The heart replaces the heavenly mind, the body and the Tao are united, and only when you reach the state of perfection can you reach the state of Qi training and start the road of a real Qi practitioner!
But now with Zhang Kun's eagerness and anxiety, it is impossible to reach that level at all, and the blade of the Lord of the Black Moon is so fast that he has already killed it in an instant. They all exploded, Gongsun Yangyan on the mirage shook his head again and again and shouted: "No!"

Everyone was blindfolded. This time, it was a dead end. The Lord of the Black Moon couldn't stop the foundation builder with a single blow. Even Xu Qing and Gongsun Yangyan had to back down. How could a mere Zhang Kun stop it? ?

Those sect leaders who had enmity with Zhang Kun didn't say a word at the moment. Zhang Kun's death under the knife of the Lord of the Black Moon seemed to be a dead end!

Suddenly the world seemed to stop for a moment, time and space were condensed, and even the Lord of the Black Moon was frozen in place. A trace of horror flashed in his evil eyes, and he stared at the back of Zhang Kun. ,

Zhang Kun only felt that he was wrapped in something as warm as water, as if he had returned to his mother's embrace. He lowered his head and looked behind him, only to see colorful blood gushing out from Chen Xiyue's heart, a gorgeous flower. Blood flowers bloomed from her heart, and a delicate and small dagger was deeply pierced in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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