Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 503 Chen Xiyue's Dedication

Chapter 503 Chen Xiyue's Dedication
That ink-like black dress was soaked in blood, it was so glaring and soul-stirring, as the blood spattered out, Chen Xiyue's blood essence turned into a beautiful shadow, gently protecting Zhang Kun behind her Zhang Kun seemed to realize something, staring blankly at this scene, his eyes turned red, he opened his mouth wide but made no sound at all, only feeling a bit of coolness, Chen Xiyue left his body and rushed to the sky, stretching out her slender and With a hand without impurities, he took the black knife of the Lord of the Black Moon out of thin air!

"What?" The Lord of the Black Moon was horrified to the extreme. It was the first time he showed such a groggy expression. This kind of thing was beyond his expectation. Out of his control, the strength in his hands increased a little bit. , but his black knife was firmly held by Chen Xiyue, and he couldn't move down halfway!

Suddenly, the faint sound of chanting mantras came from everyone's ears, and the girl's clear voice seemed particularly sad at this moment. The light around her was shining brightly, but her face became paler and her figure gradually became thinner, as if About to disappear, like a residual flower in the wind, although beautiful but short-lived.

"All the heavens and all realms, gods and demons learn together, with my body, blood sacrifice to the Buddha, three souls and seven souls, and fall into hell forever!" The mantra was slowly spit out from Chen Xiyue's mouth, pressing on everyone's heart, all Everyone stared at her blankly, and a big fire ignited beside Chen Xiyue, and her blood burned up, turning half of the sky red!

That mantra seems to have been passed down from ancient times. It should not have existed in this world. The conditions for its activation are extremely harsh. Only the most loving and holy people can activate it once by burning everything in their hearts for the love in their hearts. Whatever the result, the initiator will be wiped out!
Zhang Kun was shocked all of a sudden, he stared blankly at what happened in front of him, he seemed to be able to feel Chen Xiyue's mood at the moment.

He seemed to be able to see such a scene, a frail girl holding a young boy in her arms, blood and tears were left on her beautiful face, behind her was a scene like Shura's hell, a sect was slaughtered, but even Killing everyone would not bring back the breath of the boy in his arms.

He saw Chen Xiyue knelt beside the young man like a log for endless time. Later, she was deceived by the Lord of the Black Moon, and a witch was born into the world. She gained supreme power, but her heart She has been empty all the time. She only lives in a young man in her heart. She has waited for some time for the arrival of the Lord of the Black Moon, but the Lord of the Black Moon has torn off his disguise. All of this is a scam!

Zhang Kun could feel her despair and anger at that time, and all kinds of real emotions filled his heart, and suddenly he felt that the world was dimmed, and he saw the girl in the black dress in front of him turning into a brilliant brilliance in midair , No one has ever seen such a beautiful brilliance, it is countless times more gorgeous than the sunset glow and starry night in the sky, the colorful light turned into a rainbow light and shot straight up, rushing towards the Lord of the Black Moon!

"No! What are you going to do? You are a fairy body with seven apertures. It is hard to find one in the world. You want to burn the fairy body and soul to fight with me. You are crazy, stop!" The Lord of the Black Moon was completely panicked. The supreme aura was broken in an instant, and the invincible power of the black knife in his hand dissipated, and the rainbow light hit him, causing the black aura on his body to dissipate in bursts!

"Chen Xiyue, if you do this, you will fall into hell forever, and you will never be reborn, stop!" The Black Moon Lord yelled frantically, but it was as if he was being suppressed on the Black Moon Throne, he couldn't move, He could only be incompetent and furious, staring at Chen Xiyue, he couldn't understand why she was willing to pay such a cruel price!

"Down to hell forever? I don't regret it!" These were her last words. After she finished speaking, she opened her arms and transformed into a fire phoenix. She rushed towards the Lord of the Black Moon sadly like a moth to a flame, and finally Her fate still devoured her completely, and the Lord of the Black Moon was immediately enveloped in the brilliance of the colorful colored glaze. He roared and howled, and his whole body was on fire!
Her fiery blood spilled on Zhang Kun's face, two lines of tears unconsciously shed on that beautiful face, Chen Xiyue's figure had completely blurred, and finally turned into countless fragments, and the wind blew away her soul .
When Zhang Kun saw the last moment, a smile appeared on her porcelain white and delicate face, she stretched out a hand to reach into the distance, looked at the void affectionately and murmured softly: "Brother .”

"This is." Zhang Kun witnessed all this from the nearest distance. At this moment, his heart was ups and downs like raging waves, and countless emotions rushed up, but in an instant, he calmed down all of them. He just Feeling that the world seemed to be suddenly enlightened, he caught an indescribable Dao rhyme, the world of mortals refines the heart, and at this moment it is finally complete!

The aura on his body soared to the peak in an instant, and the surging ocean-like vitality poured into his body from the outside world. The brilliant heavenly power made people feel like he was facing a god. Above the heavens, a bright galaxy and galaxy instantly lit up. Shine the world, shine Kyushu!

Zhang Kun's body was as dazzling as a star, illuminating the entire sky.

Like a dream, many visions appeared around him one after another. It seems that people have come to the initial era of the creation of the world. There is a chaotic atmosphere, the blue sea is surging, the tide is rising and falling, a bright moon hangs high in the sky, and there is a dragon in the distance. The evolution of the picture appears, which seems to be able to shatter the sky!
He has broken through to the third level of qi training, his skills are strange, and his spiritual body contains visions, which is especially extraordinary. With a body of third level of qi training, he can compare to half-step foundation building!
Everyone looked at what happened below, and everyone was stunned. No one thought that the leader of the shadow of the eclipse would burn his soul at this time, and dealt a fatal blow to the leader of the black moon. At the moment of powerlessness, it turned out that the girl they regarded as a witch saved them?
"Is it over?" Everyone asked blankly before they came out of the shock.

"It should be over, the Lord of the Black Moon has been eliminated by that girl!" Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. One could see the joy in each other's eyes at a glance. After paying the blood of countless people, the Xiaoshuo Empire finally won!

"No!" A roar suddenly spread throughout the world, and everyone's eyes widened. The excited expressions before were frozen instantly, and they stared at the mid-air, only to see that the rainbow light disappeared, and a figure still stood there, black and white. The Lord of the Moon is still alive!

"This deity is invincible and immortal, how can I be wiped out by a mere ants, God help me!" The Lord of the Black Moon laughed wildly while holding a black knife!

"Nothing can stop me anymore! Die, everyone!" The Lord of the Black Moon seemed extremely angry because of Chen Xiyue's confusion, and he raised his knife to chop the mirage into pieces!

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. Even Chen Xiyue's sacrifice didn't bring them victory. What else could stop the power of the Black Moon Lord?

Many people couldn't help kneeling down, their bodies trembling, and they had fallen into despair.

"And me!" Suddenly, a slightly immature voice sounded, and Zhang Kun stood in front of the Lord of the Black Moon with a calm face.

"It's just you, mere ants, what are you without the mirror field!" The Lord of the Black Moon sneered again and again, without hesitation, he drew his sword again. Zhang Kun shrouded in and isolated himself from the others!
"Zhang Kun!" Gongsun Yangyan shouted loudly, heart-piercing.

No one outside could see what happened inside, and no one could know the fate of the Xiaoshuo Empire. All the people could do was pray.

It was pitch black all around, and Zhang Kun was the only one here, and a vision appeared in his body, illuminating the sky and illuminating the completely dark space.

"Zhang Kun, you are very good. You were able to make a breakthrough on the spot. The legendary refining state of mind is perfect, but so what, the gap between us is heaven and earth!" The Lord of the Black Moon sneered, his strength is only ten One of them was seriously injured by Chen Xiyue's desperate blow.

Chen Xiyue can become his support to let him come, and in turn can destroy him!

A black awn appeared in the hands of the Lord of the Black Moon, and a tremor of the black awn seemed to be able to shatter the void. There were countless dark doors behind him, and the gaps were rumbled open. Immediately, murderous thoughts rushed out, as if hell had come to this world .

Zhang Kun looked down, his eyes were pure and he whispered softly: "Sword!"

I saw a ray of dawn falling from the sky, and the supreme way of heaven descended on Zhang Kun's body at this moment. He thought of taking a step to hold the heavenly sword. Yun tore open the black moon sky and chopped it down heavily.

At the same time, the Chengying Sword and the Heavenly Sword actually resonated, and the law of heaven descended, drawing out the power of the seal. A man in a blue shirt appeared behind Zhang Kun, like the ancestor of the creation world, Majesty is inviolable, overlooking the common people.

As soon as he appeared around Zhang Kun, a light appeared around Zhang Kun, all the dark forces were receding, the spiritual spring was bubbling, and the flowers and plants were in pieces, it was like a paradise.

I saw that he was waving a simple and unremarkable bronze mirror in his hand, shooting out the brilliant power of heaven, which was attached to Zhang Kun's sword.

"No, no, no!" The Lord of the Black Moon felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. In an instant, he could feel that the Dao mastered by Zhang Kun was several times stronger than his own. It was as if the Dao of Heaven had come in person, and he was like a baby in front of heaven and earth!
"Boom!" His immortal and invincible body was finally cut open by the Heavenly Sword, along with his Dao Foundation. The Lord of the Black Moon widened his eyes, but felt that his life was rapidly passing away until it dissipated!

Looking at the Black Moon Lord whose body was torn apart below, Zhang Kun finally felt more relaxed. The gloomy light on the Black Moon Lord's body dissipated in bursts, and the armor formed by the tide of black energy was chopped to pieces by the Heavenly Sword !

(End of this chapter)

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