Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 504 The end of the war

Chapter 504 The end of the war
"Die!" Zhang Kun shouted loudly, mobilizing the power of heaven again. In his current state, he could only strike a second time, but it was enough. The current Lord of the Black Moon is at the end of his battle. One hit is enough to kill him!
The power of that blow shook the heavens and the earth, just like the brilliant power of heaven. At that moment, countless strong men woke up from their meditation and cast their gazes at the position of Xiaoshuo Empire. However, the power of heaven finally dissipated in the next moment. , no longer exists.

"Remember, this deity will come back!" The Lord of the Black Moon angrily got into the gap in the space, leaving a sentence of cruel words, which echoed on the vast land. Scatter!

The space that shielded everything suddenly shattered, revealing Zhang Kun and the Lord of the Black Moon. Everyone could only see that a ray of light descended and shattered the Lord of the Black Moon. It must have nothing to do with Zhang Kun. , it's all a mystery.

"Even if it's death, I'll pull you back!" The Lord of the Black Moon looked crazy, grabbed Zhang Kun, tore open the void, and led him into the turbulent flow of the space tunnel!

"It's finally over!" Seeing this scene, the big stone in everyone's heart finally fell to the ground.After paying a huge and heavy price, the Lord of the Black Moon was finally defeated, and he was forced to flee into the void in extreme embarrassment.

"Zhang Kun!" Gongsun Yangyan shouted heartbreakingly, almost fell on the mirage, but he could only watch Zhang Kun being caught by the Black Moon Lord and sent into the turbulent flow.

At this moment, in an unknowable place, in the vast darkness and chaos, an ancient existence opened his eyes again, his eyes fell, and traveled through endless time and space.

"After all, it's still a little bit worse." He seemed to mutter to himself, and then he looked towards the end of the void. A horizon line in the sky traversed the entire chaos. At the same time, because of the disappearance of the horizon, the space here fell into chaos, and the sky and the earth folded together.

"It's time for me to take action." The ancient existence murmured, and slowly closed its eyes again, only to see the sword light passing through the void, piercing the Black Moon Lord in the turbulent flow of the space tunnel!
The sword light was so gorgeous and beautiful that the Lord of the Black Moon felt as if he had been hit by a small world. The laws of chaos and collapse bombarded him, and his supreme demon body was completely wiped out like a world-destroying torrent!
"Ah!" The Black Moon Lord let out a scream, and was finally wiped out without leaving any residue.

"Hey, I'll take you back." The old man lowered his eyes and fell on Zhang Kun through the endless space.

In the turbulent flow of space, Zhang Kun could not cross the void at all in his current state. Those space fragments were so sharp that they were about to cut his body apart, but a warm force suddenly erupted from him, tearing him apart. Wrapped up, bumped into the surroundings, the space changed, and I don't know where it appeared.

After the death of the Lord of the Black Moon, the energy he absorbed from Elder Xu and the others in Quyangguan came back. Their state did not recover, but at least the old state of their bodies had recovered.

The shadow of the lunar eclipse collapsed from top to bottom, their god is dead, and all the powers bestowed by the Lord of the Black Moon are also gone, and several priests who have been infused with power by the Lord of the Black Moon explode at the same time The organization that had plagued the Xiaoshuo Empire for hundreds of years finally disappeared.

However, as one of the participants in the decisive battle, Zhang Kun was still talked about by the people in the streets and alleys.

After all, he is too young. How old are the other participants?They are all old guys from the grandpa generation, but Zhang Kun is only 15 years old. According to the customs of the Xiaoshuo Empire at the age of 16, he is still just a child!
Moreover, from some well-informed people, everyone learned that Zhang Kun was not as simple as just participating in the war, but also played a key role. As for what this role was, ordinary people don't know.

After the war, the Xiaoshuo Empire was devastated and its families were destroyed.Half of Kaiyang City was destroyed, countless civilians and troops were killed and injured, the strength of the first sect, Huangjimen, was greatly reduced, Xu Chixiao's death was too fatal, and the Xiaoshuo Empire declined!

"I'm still alive?" Zhang Kun clutched his still-paining head and raised his body with difficulty. His body trembled violently. He hissed, "Is the Lord of the Black Moon dead? Where am I?"

It had been several weeks before Zhang Kun Youyou woke up. He looked at the surrounding scenery, which was extremely strange and desolate, not in the city.

Zhang Kun tried to communicate with the mirror domain, but found that the mirror domain was still closed at this time, and he could only sense Luo Quan's consciousness. He was in the wilderness, almost seriously injured and dying. The space tunnel is no joke. When he got inside, he was covered in bruises.

Zhang Kun took out a Chibai Fuling Mixed Color Pill and took it. His stiff limbs finally became conscious. He moved his limbs a few times and blasted away the debris blocking the way with his sword. He walked to the top of a hill and looked into the distance. Go, faintly found a city.

"Let's find a way to contact the people of the empire first, I don't even know where I am."

Soon Zhang Kun locked on a target. He went down the mountain with his sword, and the vitality in his body stabilized at the third level of Qi training. Every level of Qi training is a level of heaven, and the third level is a threshold. For a person with extraordinary talents, only the threshold bottleneck can restrict his realm.

Pinggu County, located at the other end of the empire away from the disaster of the undead, Zhang Kun Yujian flew directly to Pinggu County in mid-air.

"Who's here? What's your business?" Pinggu County is located in a remote area, except for the county magistrate appointed by the imperial court, it is rare to see Qi practitioners. Zhang Kun's appearance directly attracted the county magistrate to show up.

"I am an alchemist, I want to contact Kaiyang City!"

Zhang Kun was dressed in rags and was in a state of distress, but the county magistrate didn't dare to despise him at all.

Because he was pinned to his chest with a Medal of Honor from the Alchemist Guild, which symbolized his status. With this thing, he would be very popular wherever he went.

"It turns out to be the alchemist, please come in quickly." The magistrate of Pinggu said flatteringly.

In Pinggu County, there is a big drum that can only be played after an emergency.Then the drum can transmit the message to Kaiyang City, the capital of the emperor.

"Master alchemist, we can't ring it if there is no urgent military situation!" County Magistrate Pinggu said, "Otherwise, the higher-ups will blame me, and I can't afford it!"

Zhang Kun smiled lightly and threw out a pile of spirit stones.

"I have an emergency military situation, call me immediately!"

Seeing this, the county magistrate of Pinggu nodded and bowed again and again, took the spirit stone, summoned up his strength, and beat the big drum himself.

In Kaiyang City, in the imperial palace, it is noon at this moment, and the sun shines on the glazed tile roofs, like a golden island.

Xu Qing was so busy these days, there were too many things to deal with after the war, as the emperor, he hardly had any time for himself, all was spent on voluminous official duties!
"Father, something really happened. One of our outposts on the border was destroyed, and we can't find out who did it, but it is clear that behind all this is the shadow of the Hopeful Wen Empire!" Daosheng came to the imperial study with a worried expression on his face. said.

Xu Qing shook her head and sighed: "Unexpectedly, this day has come!"

The Wangwen Empire and the Xiaoshuo Empire bordered on each other, and there were frictions on many borders, but the strength of the two countries was equal, and there had been no war for a long time in hundreds of years!
"This time, the Wangwen Empire will definitely take advantage of our being consumed by the undead war and invade us wantonly. This outpost is just the beginning!"

"Father, we have contacted Zhang Kun!" Prince Daosheng handed over a jade talisman engraved with the word "Ping", which means that it is connected to Pinggu County.

When Xu Qing heard this, she casually put away the case file on the table, and the tiredness on her face also faded a bit.

"Zhang Kun, you are still alive, I am Xu Qing, the king of the Xiaoshuo Empire!" Xu Qing's voice came from the beating of the drum.

Zhang Kun was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that the drum in Pinggu County could directly talk to the emperor.

"Your Majesty, I was pulled into the turbulent space by the Lord of the Black Moon. I was lucky enough to survive. After waking up, I came to Pinggu County."

"Okay, I know what's going on with you, but you can't go back to Kaiyang City yet!" Xu Qing sighed.

"Why?" Zhang Kun was puzzled, the war was over, why couldn't he go back?

Xu Qing shook her head and sighed, "It's like this. Although Aiqing has turned the tide in the battle of the undead, our Xiaoshuo Empire is already in dire straits, and people's lives are dying!"

"The house leak happened to be raining overnight, and the Wangwen Empire is ready to move, secretly plotting to take action against me, the Xiaoshuo Empire!"

Zhang Kun frowned slightly when he heard that. He had heard of the Wangwen Empire. At that time, he was on the Yaohuang Mountain. The strength of the country is comparable, but now the Xiaoshuo Empire is no longer able to fight anymore!
Xu Qing went on to say: "The strength of our Xiaoshuo Empire alone will definitely not be able to defeat their invasion, especially now that all the elders of Huangjimen have fallen together."

Xu Qing continued: "If we want to win the war and defend our homeland, we must seek foreign aid!"

Zhang Kun asked suspiciously: "Your Majesty, I don't understand what you mean."

"Haha, it seems that Aiqing doesn't know her teammate very well either!" Xu Qing shook her head and laughed, the Pinggu County Magistrate at the side was stunned for a moment. How could this young man talk to the emperor?

"Teammate?" Zhang Kun froze at the mention of this word.

Xu Qing smiled and said: "Yes, we have been observing your performance in Poling City. One of your teammates, Qi Zhengyan, is actually from Xilan, and his background is extraordinary. He is from Xilan. The young master of the largest business alliance, the Ronghao League!"

Zhang Kun's face suddenly changed. He knew that there must be a powerful force hidden behind Qi Zhengyan, but he never thought that he would be the young master of Ronghao League!
(End of this chapter)

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