Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 505 Opening the Mirror Domain

Chapter 505 Opening the Mirror Domain

Zhang Kun couldn't understand what the largest business alliance in a country meant. Ronghao League's status in Xilan Kingdom was definitely no less than Qixing Pavilion's status in Xiaoshuo Empire.

Unexpectedly, a person of Qi Zhengyan's status and status would hide his body skills, worship Yaohuang Mountain as an ordinary disciple, and go to the front line of Poling City to participate in the battle. You must know that he should be surrounded by his servants like Yu Yefeng, and he would do everything He doesn't need to act personally, someone will come up to curry favor with him!
"Xilan country?" Suddenly Zhang Kun seemed to realize something, his pupils shrank slightly, isn't that the country where Luo Quan is located.

Seeing Zhang Kun's brief absence, Xu Qing didn't think too much, just thought he was surprised that the true identity of his teammates was so noble.

"Hey, old man Luo Quan, how is Rong Haomeng in your Xilan country?" Zhang Kun asked Luo Quan while communicating with Jing Yu consciously.

"Rong Hao League, it's a super power all over our country of Xilan. It's incomparably rich, and it's also the only big power that the old man didn't intervene in." Luo Quan replied.

Zhang Kun teased: "Tsk tsk, didn't you say that in Xilan Kingdom, you cover the sky with one hand and control everything?"

"Hmph, the old man certainly didn't lie to you, because the Ronghao League is not limited to the region of Xilan, its business is very large all over the planet, and it is even the most powerful business alliance on the entire continent!" Luo Quan Said unconvinced.

Zhang Kun couldn't help being taken aback, he didn't expect that he still underestimated Qi Zhengyan's identity!It's rare for him to keep such a low profile.

"Your Majesty, I didn't know Brother Qi's identity before," Zhang Kun said, "And he disappeared during the Battle of Poling City, and I don't know where he went."

"Haha, I have already done the investigation for you. The city of Poling fell that day. Fortunately, Rong Haomeng's team arrived and left Qi Zhengyan and nearly [-] refugees. Your teammates are all there, and your sister Liang Lingxue is also there Follow them." Xu Qing said.

Zhang Kun's eyes also brightened. Fortunately, Liang Lingxue was fine, otherwise he would live in self-blame for the rest of his life.

Xu Qing let out a long sigh, stood up and said, "Although I know it's not very appropriate to make this request now, but now our Xiaoshuo Empire is in danger, and only you can save this country again!"

Zhang Kun quickly got up and looked at Xu Qing, seeing that his eyes were full of earnestness, Zhang Kun couldn't help but nodded and said, "Please speak, Your Majesty."

"Pinggu County, where you are now, is very close to Shanliao County, the border of Xiaoshuo Empire. After Shanliao County, you will be Xilan Kingdom. I hope you can go to Xilan Kingdom, find Qi Zhengyan, and ask Rong Haomeng for help. Let the Xilan Kingdom send troops to help the Xiaoshuo Empire fight against the Wangwen Empire's invasion!" Xu Qing stepped forward and held Zhang Kun's hand tightly, and said solemnly.

"For the sake of confidentiality, your information will not be disclosed to the country for the time being."

"Going to Xilan Country?" Zhang Kun couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Zhang Kun did not expect that not long after the war, Xu Qing would go to Xilan to ask for help. It seems that the crisis facing the Xiaoshuo Empire this time is really not small!

"Come on, boy, come to my country of Xilan, the old man is covering you!" Luo Quan had already shouted in Zhang Kun's ear when he heard that, the country of Xilan was his territory, and he had already I want to meet Zhang Kun!

Although Zhang Kun's heart was already surging at this moment, he pondered for a moment and did not answer.

Xu Qing saw it, and asked kindly: "Does Aiqing have any concerns?"

Zhang Kun took a deep breath and said to Xu Qing: "I hope that the Wen Empire will never die. As a citizen of the Xiaoshuo Empire, I should do my best. Your Majesty, I am willing to go, but this is the journey. It is far away, and it takes a long time. As the saying goes, parents don’t travel far.”

Xu Qing smiled and said lightly: "You can rest assured, Aiqing. I will immediately decree to move your parents and even the whole family to Kaiyang City. If you have any other demands, just ask."

"I don't have any usable magic weapons or weapons on me now, and I have no one to protect me." Zhang Kun wondered.

"I will send my elite guards to you to cooperate with your actions. In addition, in a village in Pinggu County, there is a special branch established by Qixing Pavilion, which specializes in trading with neighboring countries. It is very secretive and low-key, and few people know about it. But the actual scale is not weaker than the Imperial City headquarters, you can go there to find magic weapons."

As the king of a country, Xu Qing has countless eyes on this empire, and only he knows about these mysteries.

"You played a great role in the war, and I intend to reward you, but now that the people's livelihood in the empire is in decline, you can get some spiritual stones from Pinggu County to make the transition." After Xu Qing finished speaking, the duration of the big drum seemed to be too long. When it arrived, the two sides cut off the connection.

Zhang Kun took a deep breath. It seemed that he would not be able to enjoy leisure anymore, and he had to act immediately as time was running out.

The county magistrate of Pinggu was very polite to Zhang Kun now, he was a celebrity around the emperor, he quickly opened the county treasury and gave most of the spirit stones to Zhang Kun.

Pinggu County may seem ordinary, but there is a branch of Qixing Pavilion. In fact, the people are quite rich, and the county collects a lot of taxes. After countless years of accumulation, Zhang Kun brought tens of thousands of spiritual stones.

You must know that the price of a magic weapon is between one spirit stone and a hundred spirit stones according to the quality, and the price of a Taoist weapon has no market, but it is mostly between hundreds of spirit stones and tens of thousands.

If Zhang Kun is willing, he can already climb to the mountain gate of a big sect and throw down tens of thousands of spirit stones, and take away their Zhenzong Dao Artifact!
This is because the Xiaoshuo Empire suffered successive wars and the national treasury was empty, otherwise it would not be impossible for Xu Qing to directly throw Zhang Kun a superb Taoist weapon.

With the emperor's decree, the Ministry of Household Affairs was extremely efficient. Xu Qing wrote a letter in his own hand and sent it to Wojia King City overnight.Last time, for the sake of safety, Zhang Kun personally went to arrange to move his family out of the more dangerous Changyang City, and temporarily lived in the Wojia King City.

With Xu Qing's care, Zhang Kun's family will not worry about not being able to develop.

It was late at night, a round of bright moon dotted the dark blue night sky, in Pinggu County, in an elegant small room, all kinds of exquisite ornaments were antique, and a young man sat cross-legged on a soft futon.

The pale golden brilliance around him appears and disappears from time to time, and his body is crystal clear. Countless vitality between the heavens and the earth penetrates into his body like hundreds of rivers entering the sea. There is a Sanskrit chanting, the bells and drums are beeping, and the blood is as heavy as mercury!
"Now that I have perfected my state of mind, I have finally become a Qi trainer, and the medicinal powers of Origin Dao Pill and Nanci Xuancheng Pill in my body have been fully stimulated, and I have risen to the third level in a row, reaching the peak of the third level of Qi training!" Zhang Kun murmured He muttered to himself, there was a light of vitality in his deep eyes, time passed quickly, he had already stayed in Pinggu County for several days.

The mirror domain has recovered, and after getting the bronze mirror fragment in Chen Xiyue's hand, the mirror domain began to merge.

The voice of Jingyu came faintly beside his ear: "Zhang Kun, the fusion of Jingyu has been completed."

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Kun looked at the fully fused bronze mirror in front of him. Now the bronze mirror has begun to take shape, no longer just a few fragments, it looks like a small mirror.

"Since the main body is a mirror, maybe it has other functions?" Zhang Kun couldn't help guessing that all the power of this artifact came from the mirror field, but he has reason to expect that this small mirror has other functions .

It was dark before Zhang Kun closed his eyes, a white light flashed, and he had appeared in the mirror field again, next to the alchemy hall and the dao hall, another majestic fairy hall rose from the ground, the star river The ladder connects the three main halls, and Luo Quan is still in the Dan hall, but because of the restriction of the mirror domain, he can only stay here, and cannot go to the Dao hall and the new hall.

"Mirror Domain, which area is it open this time?" Zhang Kun raised his head and asked.

"Qidian and Jianqiu." The mechanical voice of Jingyu came.Zhang Kun was about to climb the ladder of the galaxy, but he saw the clouds and mists filling the mirror space suddenly dispersed, and he saw that the towering fairy palace exuded a dark red light, like a ghost town.

Zhang Kun couldn't help frowning and asked, "What's going on?"

"This fragment is in the hands of Chen Xiyue. It was eroded by the Lord of the Black Moon. Although it has merged into the mirror domain, it has been sealed by me. The Hall of Artifacts and Sword Hill are temporarily unavailable. You must find suitable materials to remove the attached fragment. Evil breath."

Seeing this, Zhang Kun could only shake his head and sigh. It's a pity that the Qidian and Jianqiu are very fascinating. If he can get their support, his strength will definitely skyrocket.

"Why is there a sword hill here besides the Qi Palace?" Zhang Kunfa asked.

"Other than Jing Yu, the old master is good at using swords. Cheng Ying in your hand is the saber he loved to use when he was young." Jing Yu said.

Zhang Kun nodded. To him, Chengying is already a top-grade artifact. So far, there is no weapon that can compete with it. However, as Zhang Kun's strength is revealed, Chengying is gradually being targeted. He was not guilty of the crime, but he was guilty of the crime. If he exposed Chengying's strength, he might attract the coveted by the strong of the foundation and Jindan.

"Dongyue can no longer meet my fighting needs. I have the two broken blades of the magic knife Xueqi Liyun in my hand, and a whole intact Jiuxiaotianlan, but they can't take it out and use it directly, otherwise God Daomen will definitely trouble me!" Zhang Kun frowned slightly.

It's a pity that the Artifact Hall can't be opened this time, otherwise he can smelt these magic knives and upgrade Dongyue, at least to reach the level of quasi-dao artifacts, which is enough for his own use.

"You have collected three bronze mirror fragments, and the energy in the mirror domain has increased significantly. Now the pure cultivation room in the Dao Temple can already be filled with pure immortal essence for your cultivation, but it must be diluted. You can only inhale a little bit at a time, otherwise your body will explode and die!" Jing Yu said.

(End of this chapter)

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