Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 507

Chapter 507
Zhang Kun took a deep breath. He naturally knew the formula of the Void Pill, so he grabbed a few medicinal herbs in front of the counter and started to do some pre-processing.

Before using the flame to roast the medicinal materials, the alchemist's processing of the materials also includes slicing, smashing medicine, making powder and so on.

And Luo Quan is also doing these operations here, how rich is his vision and experience with the memory of a great Gu Master?Being able to think about several steps while doing one step, the whole operation gives people an unspeakable aesthetic feeling.

However, Zhang Kun didn't hold back at all here. Although it was his first time refining the elixir, the completion of heart refining gave him a rare calm state of mind. For alchemists, guarding against arrogance and impetuosity is also an extremely important part.

"Zheng Yi is doomed, his movements seem to be half a beat slower than Master Luo Quan!" The audience below shook their heads repeatedly.

"Wait a minute, have you noticed that although he is imitating Master Luo Quan, it seems that their movements are exactly the same!" Naturally, there are many alchemists in this alchemy sect, their eyes are old and unique, watching the battle until now, Naturally, I also found a clue!
Everyone was also puzzled and questioned: "Is this still Zheng Yi? He hasn't touched the alchemy furnace for a long time, why is he so proficient? Where did he practice secretly?"

"No way, his speed is getting faster and faster, and he is about to catch up with Master Luo Quan. Now the two are refining at the same time!" There was a burst of exclamation from the audience.

A look of horror flashed in Luo Quan's eyes, and then it turned into a smirk: "Boy, it seems that you are not lazy, and you have learned all the tricks of the old man!"

Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "If you lose to me, wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

"How could the old man lose?" Luo Quan sneered again and again, and his hand changed unexpectedly.

"Ah, what's the meaning of Mr. Luo Quan's move? Why have I never seen him concocting alchemy like this?" The audience in the audience suddenly felt strange. Luo Quan's sudden change of move caught everyone by surprise.

Even the middle-aged suzerain frowned. Luo Quan's techniques seemed incomparably exquisite, but he couldn't understand them. It was obvious that his own alchemy was an eighth-level alchemist, an extremely peak Existence, how can you not understand what a junior is doing?
Zhang Kun frowned slightly. Luo Quan started to use his real kung fu at this moment, so he naturally couldn't show weakness. Due to Luo Quan's change of moves, Zhang Kun no longer deliberately imitated his movements. With a change in style, he used Gongsun Yangyan's usual technique.

"Wait a minute, what's going on with this Zheng Yi? He also changed his tactics suddenly. Why do these two people look like they've changed each other!" Everyone was amazed.

"So what, the techniques are different and changeable, whether they can really refine the pill depends on their hard power!" The middle-aged suzerain was only stunned for a moment, and then reacted, after all, his strength Putting it there, the previous astonishment was just that I didn't understand it for a while.

Now that he has seen the way, the methods of the two sides are comparable, and the materials are quickly processed. Although the process is different, the results are quite different. It seems that the two walked to the alchemy furnace at the same time and started to release the medicine!
The process of Wen Ding was naturally going on while processing the materials. Luo Quan chuckled, and a cyan flame burst out of his body!

"Qihuo!" Everyone couldn't help shouting, such fetishes as Qihuo are supernatural powers of heaven and earth, and only a powerful alchemist can get a wisp of them by chance!
"Okay, Luo Quan is worthy of being the number one genius of our sect. Generally, this strange fire can only be attached to the alchemy furnace. Only in the realm of alchemy can we separate it and keep it with us!" The suzerain repeatedly praised, Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

Qihuo, that is the fetish that alchemists dream of. Even if you pay a high price, you will get a ray if you spend all your money, because it can greatly improve an alchemist. Is there any wonder? With the help of fire, the elixirs refined are completely two levels.

The reason why the Supreme Elders of Yaohuang Mountain are more respected than other elders is because they hold the strange fire in their hands!Zhang Kun also had a strange fire, which was the embers and flames in the cauldron of the divine fence, but unfortunately, it cannot be used here!
"Zhang Kun, you are doomed. I have already mastered the strange fire when I was 20 years old, and I have been using it until now. But your body is not even a qi trainer, and the spiritual fire that condenses the vitality is not good enough!" Luo Quan is determined to win.

If there is no strange fire to help and only rely on the alchemist's own strength to condense the spiritual fire, the quality of the flame will naturally be several grades worse, but the body possessed by Zhang Kun can be said to be rotten to the bottom, there is no After a good conditioning, the internal force in the body is so thin that it can barely maintain refining.

"Sure enough, the difficulty is not small!" Zhang Kun sighed softly, but he was not affected by Luo Quan. He devoted himself to the alchemy. Whether it was the cauldron or the flame, they were nothing more than foreign objects. As long as Zhang Kun grasped It is not impossible to practice the elixir that surpasses Luo Quan if you have mastered the core of the true essence!
"Hehe, even if that Zheng Yi has done all the previous steps, but in the refining stage, the gap in strength between the two is still too big, there is no comparison at all!"

"It's not bad that Zheng Yi has made it this far. If he goes up to another young man in the sect, he might really win. Unfortunately, compared with Luo Quan, he can only be regarded as dust!" The audience raised their necks to watch the battle, While pointing and commenting.

In Zhang Kun's mind, he began to recall the scene when Gongsun Yangyan refined the Origin Dao Pill for himself. It was the most grand alchemy that Zhang Kun had ever seen. While thinking, he tried his best to control this body to deliver internal power.

The flames in the pill furnace were raging, and several kinds of medicinal materials were all turned into viscous liquids. Zhang Kun carefully merged them together, and suddenly he felt a trace of repulsion. He took a deep breath, without panic, and Zhang Kun slowly Constantly adjust the angle and continue to merge.

Luo Quan's side is relaxed and freehand. With his strength and the help of Qihuo, fusion is not difficult at all!
"A elixir is not an ordinary elixir. To form a elixir, you need to absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth to make a powerful elixir!" Luo Quan sneered again and again, as if mocking Zhang Kun for not being able to do this at all.

Speaking of which, the vitality in Luo Quan's body was surging, and he directly penetrated the strange fire that seemed to have spirituality into the elixir.

"Calcination within alchemy? Good method!" The middle-aged suzerain couldn't help but praise again, Luo Quan unexpectedly brought him so many surprises today!

Immediately, Luo Quan was surrounded by blue flames.From a distance, it is simply gorgeous.A pillar of fire pierced the sky, and everyone cheered wildly when they saw this scene. This is simply a miracle.

"Not bad, not bad, there is no mistake at all. This is the state of no leaks, and it is the state that many famous alchemists must have. Luo Quan can have this state, and he has a bright future in the future!" The middle-aged suzerain stroked his beard. Looking at the colleagues around him, he said with a smile.

Obviously, he is very satisfied with Luo Quan. This perfect state is really not that simple. The so-called perfection requires many years of practice and repeated countless mechanical operations to ensure a perfect success rate!

This is something that many alchemists are unable to do. Luo Quan's ability to achieve this step is really amazing. The audience showed envious expressions, and Luo Quan also evoked a confident smile on his face.

On the other hand, Zhang Kun's side was unremarkable, with no bright spots at all, and everyone's eyes no longer focused on him, obviously they had no interest in him.

"Luo Quan possesses a strange fire, which is perfect in terms of purification and fusion, but I also have my own means!" Zhang Kun took a deep breath slowly, his thoughts condensed into a thread, and Siye seemed to be quiet Come down, all the noisy audience shouts are inaudible.

He calmly moved his palm and slapped it on the alchemy furnace, as if he had forced the abolition of the Sui and Jin dynasties in Poling City at that time.
"What!" With a thud, the middle-aged suzerain who had been sitting safely in the chair stood up with a thud, staring straight at Zhang Kun!
"How is that possible? That's a subtle realm that can only be mastered by a great alchemist!" The middle-aged suzerain couldn't help but exclaimed. If the realm of no leaks is only at a level that ordinary people can understand, super-intensive practice can also create If there is no leakage.

The state of subtleties can be called abnormal. To do this, the alchemist needs to be accurate to the outrageous level in the whole process of refining. It must be accurately mastered and controlled to condense the tens of millions of medicines into pills. How powerful is the mental power control required?

"That's a realm that even I can't believe!" The middle-aged suzerain was horrified to the extreme, and his expression became a little numb. Could it be that this kid's real realm is stronger than himself?
Isn't the world still in chaos?
"Huh?" There was a flash of horror on Luo Quan's face. He stayed in the mirror field all day long, and he also knew how powerful Zhang Kun's mental state was. Zhang Kun will directly crush the Dao heart, ranging from being unable to practice in a short period of time, to losing all the power of the whole body and becoming a cripple, or directly exploding to death!

Just think about the Sui and Jin Dynasties and the suzerain of the Tianhuo Sect, and you will know how abnormal this realm that no one has entered through the ages is!
But what Luo Quan never imagined was that Zhang Kun would be able to use such power in alchemy, and enter into an admirable state of subtlety, which far surpassed his state of perfection.

"Hmph, it's a pity that alchemy is more than that!" Luo Quan snorted, and the flames around him rose up, surrounding him like a demon god. The elixir in his furnace had already formed and was shining with golden light. There is a splendor in the eyes, presumably this elixir must have extremely powerful effects!
(End of this chapter)

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