Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 508

Chapter 508
"It's not enough! Spirit comes!" Luo Quan laughed wildly, and heavy dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky, rumbling thunder resounded throughout the venue, and the vitality tide between the heaven and the earth gathered together like a funnel, following Luo Quan's movement The order turned into a spring, and all of it was poured into this emptiness pill!

Immediately, the elixir seemed to melt, and a phantom protruded from it. Its slender body was like a whip, followed by a long blue snake. The green snake was lifelike. Right next to you!
"Ah, a miracle, it is a vision of heaven and earth caused by alchemy!" The audience were all amazed, staring at the long snake, it was a spirit body formed by the condensed energy of heaven and earth!
The green snake summoned by Luo Quan is so huge that even people far away from Danzong can see this shocking sight. Many people can't help but kneel down, thinking that it is a god descending into the world, Piously kowtow and worship!

"This is the elixir, which was born by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Infuse it into the elixir, and a elixir is considered alive!" Luo Quan gently stroked the top of the big blue snake's head, with an arrogance on his face, young Luo Quan It is impossible to do this at all. This is the master of the Dark Vein who will rule the entire Sealand Kingdom in the future to achieve a miracle!
Seeing this, Zhang Kun couldn't help being slightly surprised. Even when Gongsun Yangyan refined the Origin Dao Pill for himself, he only induced the vitality of the heaven and earth within a radius of ten miles to inject the pill, but he didn't give birth to the Pill Spirit. It seems that Luo Quan's The attainment of alchemy really contributes to good luck!

"Zhang Kun, you are doomed. You will never be able to summon it just by relying on this pill spirit. It is better to admit defeat early. Don't waste your efforts. Although your talent is good, but if you want to challenge the old man, you need at least one more Practice for another ten years!" Luo Quan sneered, looking at Zhang Kun as if he was looking at a waste.

"This is simply an eye-opener!" The middle-aged suzerain quickly reacted from the shock brought by Zhang Kun's subtlety, and he stared blankly at the lifelike and real pill spirit off the field, All the elders around him also praised him, and even sighed!
Although the final elixir may not be as good as theirs, but the visual effect of Luo Quan's hand is really amazing!
"Luo Quan has won, there is nothing to watch, leave the field!" Many spectators stood up and planned to leave. This is obviously a matter of winning or losing. Is it possible that Zhang Kun can still go against the sky?

"Do you know why I have been refusing to admit that you are my master?" Zhang Kun said lightly, with no waves in his heart, and he was operating in a leisurely manner, as if he was making a handicraft carefully.

"Hmph, the old man is too lazy to accept you as an apprentice!" Luo Quan snorted, shook his head and said with a smile: "I didn't ask you to worship me as a teacher, at most you come to Xilan Country, I can make it easier for you! "

Zhang Kun couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "Senior Luo Quan, you have lived too long, your knowledge is too complicated, and you pursue too much power, and you tend to forget your original intention."

"What, do you still need a junior to criticize me for how this old man has behaved in his life?" Luo Quan snorted coldly, his hands flew up, and the green snake pill spirit jumped up and penetrated into the void pill, faintly The snake-shaped phantom is particularly miraculous.

"Wow, the elixir was born!" Everyone's eyes were firmly attracted by the elixir in Luo Quan's hand, the gorgeous brilliance was dazzling, and there was a faint fragrance of the elixir in the air.

However, Zhang Kun was unmoved at all. All his mind was concentrated on the elixir in his hand. He was carefully sculpting the work in his hand, and repeatedly polished it to perfection. After all, his body is not his own. He looked extremely weak, and his head was completely covered with sweat at this moment!
With the last hand, Zhang Kun shot a divine rainbow with his fingers. The last ray of internal energy in this body was completely exhausted. Zheng Yi's body collapsed for a while, and he sat weakly on the ground.

"Hahaha!" There were bursts of laughter from below, and the eyes of all the audience were full of mockery. Luo Quan had refined the elixir, and there were so many blessings of heaven and earth, and Zhang Kun actually fell down on the stage so softly, the gap is really not 01:30.

"It seems that I was wrong." The middle-aged suzerain also put away his horrified eyes and sat down.

"Zhang Kun, is this what you're capable of?" Luo Quan smiled contemptuously, took out his Void Immortality Pill from the alchemy furnace, played with his fingertips, and looked like a winner look.

Zhang Kun sighed lowly, but Zheng Yi's body didn't have much strength to stand up, Luo Quan looked at him with a smile and said, "It's really pitiful, Zhang Kun, why don't I come and see for you? What happened?"

"Hahaha!" Everyone couldn't help laughing, Luo Quan walked up to Zhang Kun with a look of pity, and took out the elixir for him like alms.

"The elixir refined by Zheng Yi didn't even absorb the aura of heaven and earth. It must not be a panacea. It is obviously incomparable with Lord Luo Quan's!" The audience chuckled and waited to see Zhang Kun's joke.

Luo Quan was extremely confident, and stretched out his hand to take out the elixir, only to see that the elixir was ordinary, without any light or fragrance.

"The outcome has been decided, Zhang Kun, you should obediently beg me to be your master, and perform the three-kowtow and nine-kowtow gift, and then I can consider teaching you a few hand skills. In fact, your talent is really good. If you are with me With me, I will definitely improve, hahaha!" Smiling, Luo Quan suddenly felt that something was wrong, and the quality of the Void Entering Pill he was holding in his right hand suddenly became lighter. The change in the weight of the pill is so sensitive and subtle, I quickly turned my head to look!

I saw the faint green phantom above the elixir, which came out through the elixir, as if being pulled by something.

"What's going on?" Luo Quan suddenly turned pale with shock, his face full of disbelief.

Zhang Kun took his elixir from his hand with a smile and said, "Didn't you say that my elixir doesn't attract the spiritual power of heaven and earth, so it can't be considered a panacea?"

"But what if I suck that pill spirit?" Zhang Kun chuckled, and saw the emerald green light in his hand radiate, and a force of attraction suddenly rose, and the green snake pill spirit was just captured by Zhang Kun. The pill was slowly drawn out!

There was a burst of neighing, and everyone couldn't help covering their ears. They had never seen such a scene before, and they were all stunned.

"You actually..." Luo Quan couldn't help coughing up blood in anger. The pill he had worked so hard to refine was actually taken away by Zhang Kun, and he didn't know how to stop it!

As a top alchemist, he has been in Xilan country for so many years, and this is the first time he has encountered such a situation. He was completely shocked, and the strange scene in front of him completely subverted his cognition of pills.

"Look, everyone! That pill spirit was actually absorbed!" The audience in the audience finally came to their senses, and they were all shocked to the extreme, taking a few breaths.

"What!" The middle-aged suzerain suddenly slapped the case, and almost smashed the table into pieces with a punch. He had never seen the spectacle in front of him before, and the pill spirit was enough to shock them. Seizing the soul with one hand even shocked their jaws!
Everyone stared blankly, turning into stone sculptures.

"Father, can Zheng Yi win?" A girl carved with jade carvings next to the middle-aged suzerain asked worriedly. Her lovely face became more and more charming, and her beautiful eyes were full of concern for Zheng Yi. The middle-aged suzerain, and he had been staring blankly for a while, before he came back to his senses and said, "I can't judge this either!"

Zhang Kun glanced at the girl indifferently. It seems that she should be the one who caused the fight between Zheng Yi and Luo Quan. Thinking about it, Zheng Yi was doomed to be defeated by Luo Quan, and then he was expelled. Zongmen, that Yan'er also followed Luo Quan later.

Zhang Kun shook his right hand, and the countless cyan rays of light were restrained. The elixir was plump and moist at the moment, exuding a glimmer of radiance, which was not inferior to the Void Immortality Pill refined by Luo Quan before.

At this time, Luo Quan was speechless. He watched helplessly as the spirit of the pill in his hand was taken away and turned into a Fandan. But the quality is infinitely worse!
"What happened? Luo Quan lost?" Everyone looked at the two people on the stage in disbelief, their eyes filled with infinite horror!
The audience in the audience was in an uproar. There was no need to say anything about the result. It was clear at a glance that the Luxu Dan in Zhang Kun's hand deservedly won.

"How could this be?" Luo Quan stretched out a trembling finger and pointed at the Void Pellet in Zhang Kun's hand and said, "I don't believe it!"

It would be fine if he lost when he was young, but Zhang Kun's talent is extraordinary, and it is justified when he was in the past, but now his future soul is attached to it, with the experience and techniques of studying alchemy for a hundred years Compete with Zhang Kun.

What's more, he also possessed a strange fire, had the support and cheers of countless audiences in the audience, and took advantage of the right time, place and people, but he still lost to Zhang Kun, a complete defeat without reservation!

"Senior Luo Quan, as I said before, you are too much pursuing performance. Your alchemy is suitable for fancy skills, but if you really compare it, you can't surpass me at that time!" Zhang Kun slowly Said softly, bowed slightly towards the audience under the envious eyes of everyone.

"My God, I can't believe it, he can win!" Everyone exclaimed again and again, looking at Zhang Kun with completely different eyes, adoring, envious and incredible, even though Luo Quan has a soul that will be a hundred years later, his face is also Embarrassment.

A white light flashed, Zhang Kun stepped into the white mist, looked at Luo Quan with a smile and said, "Senior, let's go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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