Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 509 Promoted to Alchemist

Chapter 509 Promoted to Alchemist
"Damn it!" Luo Quan was furious secretly, but there was nothing he could do. Even he had to admire Zhang Kun's talent and strength had reached a heinous level. Maybe he really should restrain his arrogance and teach this little guy sincerely. Something is off.

"Congratulations, you have completed the assessment, and your alchemy attainment has reached the level of a first-class alchemist." The calm voice of the realm came over, the fog cleared, and Zhang Kun had returned to the mirror realm.

This time, Luo Quan, the lord of the dark veins, held the scepter without saying a word. He is the one who truly holds power, and the arrogance in his heart is somewhat stronger than those of the pride of heaven. It is really difficult for him to bow his head.

Zhang Kun knew that the old man was not so easy to accept the fact that he was defeated for a while, so he ignored him.

"Zhang Kun, you have passed the early assessment, in addition to the regular rewards, you will also have additional rewards!" Jing Yu said flatly.

Zhang Kun couldn't help showing a bit of joy when he heard it, and said: "What kind of reward, I won't accept it if it's too bad!"

"All the affiliated worlds of Dandian, Daodian, and Qidian will be open to you. You can go to more spaces and add various new adventures and treasure hunting opportunities!" Jing Yu said lightly, but Zhang Kun is getting more and more Excited, I was too busy dealing with the war before, so I didn't have time to explore the secret realm, now I should go to explore those various worlds!

As soon as Jingyu's words fell, Zhang Kun felt countless stars light up all around, dotted with a large piece of Jingyu's sky. With a trace of connection, he easily found Beiluo Xingchen, which he often borrowed from the stars. force planet.

Around the Beiluo Star, there are hundreds of stars shining brightly at the same time. They were all hidden by the mirror field before, but now all the spaces and worlds have opened their doors to Zhang Kun. If he wants, he can enter the exploration!
"The alchemist passed the assessment and will be rewarded with a top-grade Taoist weapon, but you can only receive it after the device hall is opened." Jing Yu said, Zhang Kun couldn't help feeling a little regretful, the top-grade Taoist weapon, that is a real treasure, take out one Come on, the Xiaoshuo Empire will be turned upside down!

It's a pity that the Artifact Hall was polluted by the power of shadow, even if the Lord of the Black Moon died, it didn't dissipate.

"In addition, the previous fixed benefits will also be upgraded. Every month, you can get a elixir below the third-order panacea produced by Jingyu, which will continue to grow with your alchemy!" Jingyu introduced .

A flash of excitement flashed in Zhang Kun's eyes. He is only a first-level alchemist now, so he can refine a first-level panacea. The value of that one is just a few spirit stones, but the third-level panacea is different. , better quality can reach the high price of a hundred spirit stones.

Not to mention anything else, the income of one hundred spirit stones this month is enough to make Zhang Kun happy. After all, his entire net worth is only [-] spirit stones.

"Then how can I unlock the seal of the Qi Temple?" Zhang Kun asked.

"You need to find a material called the Holy Spirit Moon Essence, in order to purify the traces left by the Lord of the Black Moon."

Zhang Kun silently memorized the term, even though he had never heard of it before.

"Where is the master of the Dao Palace?" Zhang Kun asked.

Jing Yu said: "We are searching, and we will find a teacher who is proficient in various exercises in Xilan Country High School."

Zhang Kun nodded in satisfaction and said, "Okay, there's nothing else, I'll go first."

After exiting the Mirror Domain, Zhang Kun slowly opened his eyes from sitting quietly.

"What we need to do now is to register the level in the Alchemist Union first. After leaving the Xiaoshuo Empire, the Guest Medal will be useless. Fortunately, the Alchemist Union is spread all over the continent. It will also recognize my rank." Zhang Kun murmured.

In the middle of the night, the Pinggu County Trade Union was still brightly lit. Although there were not as many people as during the day, it was still quite lively. Many alchemists gathered here to exchange experiences and information.

"Master Zhang Kun, how can I help you?" The beautiful maid at the front desk showed a professional smile at Zhang Kun, and her two sweet dimples were very touching.

"I need to register the alchemy level." Zhang Kun said lightly.

The maid froze for a moment and asked, "Master Zhang Kun, do you want to register directly, or go through the process of assessment?"

Zhang Kun is a person whom the county magistrate of Pinggu respects. When he moved in here, the county magistrate had already greeted the staff. As long as Zhang Kun asked, he must do it!

At this time, the alchemists who were still in the alchemist guild pricked up their ears when they heard the movement over there, and a few of them who were irritable frowned immediately.

"Who is it, with such a big show, can you directly register the level of alchemy?" A fat alchemist spat out.

"That's right, it's such a drag, don't you need to be assessed?" The alchemists were talking about it. Could it be that there is a fair and just alchemist union that directly opens the back door?
"Tsk tsk, which prince is this, register directly, doesn't it mean that he can say as many levels as he wants?" A slick alchemist deliberately raised his voice a few degrees, so that everyone in the field can be heard.

Immediately, everyone exploded. The level of an alchemist is a symbol of status. If there is a small level difference, the status is also very different.And this level has been assessed through their hard work. Now that a person can directly register for the level, isn't he just talking nonsense?
"Is this still decent? How decent is the Alchemist Union to make it like this!"

Zhang Kun turned his back to everyone, and no one could see his face clearly. Faced with such a situation, he just smiled.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang Kun, this." Seeing that the scene was out of control, the maid said to Zhang Kun apologetically.

Zhang Kun's face was calm, and he looked at her with soft eyes to signal her not to be nervous.

At this moment, the county magistrate just walked in. Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere at the scene, he quickly came to Zhang Kun and said to him respectfully, "Master Zhang Kun, what happened?"

Only then did Zhang Kun turn around, and said with a faint smile, "It's nothing, those people seem to be dissatisfied with my strength."

"Hey, you bastards, this is Master Zhang Kun, the heir of Gongsun Yangyan!" The county magistrate had already learned about him from Zhang Kun, and he was extremely respectful.

When the rogue alchemist saw the star-shining chief guest medal on Zhang Kun's chest, his eyes went dark, and he screamed and begged for mercy: "Damn the little one, damn the little one, I don't know if Master Zhang Kun is here , Master Zhang Kun, please let me go!"

"Since everyone has said it, then I will follow the rules and go for the assessment." Zhang Kun looked at everyone indifferently and said, then turned his head and said to the maid: "Arrange for me, I need to assess the first-level alchemist!"

"What, a first-class alchemist?" After hearing this term, everyone couldn't help taking a step back. Alchemists are so rare, and there are very few newly promoted alchemists now!
"No, no, why does Master Zhang Kun still need to be assessed?" The fat alchemist came up to greet him with a smile, "Don't worry about what they say, Master Zhang Kun just register!"

"Ah, but that's a first-class alchemist, Mr. Zhang Kun is only 15 years old." Someone below couldn't help but questioned.

The fat alchemist glared at the man fiercely and said: "I'm not sensible yet, Mr. Zhang Kun is Gongsun Yangyan's high-achieving apprentice and heir to his alchemy. What's wrong with becoming an alchemist at the age of 15? Say, that's a matter of course!"

"Yes, yes, Master Zhang Kun, you don't need to go to the assessment, just register, everyone will recognize your strength!" The alchemists below changed their faces faster than turning the pages of a book, and they all smiled obsequiously.

Zhang Kun showed doubts on his face and said: "I think what everyone said is reasonable. There is no reason to directly register the strength. Wouldn't it be a mess?"

"Hey, Mr. Zhang Kun doesn't know something. The registration of alchemy depends on the assessment. If everyone expects it, of course the cumbersome assessment process can be saved!" The fat alchemist said with a smile, the fat on his face also Then trembled.

"The assessment is time-consuming and laborious. It's boring. Mr. Zhang Kun, you are already a first-class alchemist!" The fat alchemist said firmly, and glanced at the alchemists below, giving them an intriguing look.

"Yes, yes, we can all prove that Mr. Zhang Kun has already reached the level of a first-class alchemist. I saw him refining a panacea in front of me yesterday!"

"When you say that, I just remembered that the clouds that gathered at the trade union yesterday were because Mr. Zhang Kun was refining the panacea!"

"Yes, that's right, Mr. Zhang Kun has long been a first-level alchemist. You are the ones who are blind and still suspect him. Now you know that you are wrong!" The alchemists below said one by one. They all swear with certainty that Zhang Kun, a first-level alchemist, is what everyone expects!

Looking at them like this, Zhang Kun secretly laughed in his heart, but since the assessment process can be omitted, he is also happy to relax.

"Okay, then register for me!" Zhang Kun immediately said to the maid, and put the Chief Guest Medal pinned on his chest.

"Okay Mr. Zhang Kun, the production of your medal has already started, please come here to collect it tomorrow!" The maid smiled sweetly and nodded to Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun rubbed his nose and went back to the high-rise room of the trade union to sleep. In the lobby on the first floor, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you fat brother for saving me!" The rogue alchemist got up from the ground with lingering fear, and bowed deeply in front of the fat alchemist.

"Yeah, if Brother Bufat reacts quickly, if we offend Mr. Zhang Kun, it will all end badly!" Everyone felt that they were out of breath just now.

(End of this chapter)

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