Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 514

Chapter 514
When everyone saw the man coming, they all fell silent, and saw him sitting on Zhang Kun's table with his buttocks, and said in his mouth, "I'm going to meet you here, get out of here."

Zhong Liye frowned again and again, this Shen Hui is completely a Gaoliang boy, not even a heaven-level strength, a complete waste, dare to talk to them like this?

Zhang Kun took a deep look at him, and saw that there was a mountain symbol on his gold-embellished robe, which was particularly conspicuous. He couldn't help but look a few more times, then winked at Zhong Liye, stood up without saying a word, and sat down at the next table. go.

"Hey, you're still sensible, what's the matter, you see that I'm from the City Lord's Mansion?" Shen Hui laughed triumphantly, but there was a bit of contempt in his tone, and no one in the restaurant dared to speak .

Zhang Kun ignored him, and a sternness flashed across Shen Hui's face. No one in Shanliao County dared not answer his words!

Zhang Kun came to the old man with a jug of wine, nodded and smiled politely: "This old man, can we sit here?"

Zhong Liye also came up and bowed his hands politely. The old man hesitated slightly, for fear that Shen would cause trouble again, but after seeing Zhang Kun's sincere attitude, he nodded and said: "Please go ahead, we don't have a big place here. , I can only squeeze!"

"Wait a minute, who asked you to sit down?" Shen Hui sneered and sat on the seat, and shouted at the shopkeeper: "Today, the young master of this restaurant has booked all of them, and the account is charged to my father!"

Where did the shopkeeper dare to say a word, he hurriedly nodded and bowed and shouted: "Yes yes yes, Master Shen Hui has the final say!"

"Very good, you all heard that here, now I, Shen Hui, have the final say, that kid over there, you can get out, there is no place for you here!" Shen Hui smiled wildly, and sneered at Zhang Kun again and again.

The man with the long sword on his back was also sitting in the restaurant pouring wine for himself. After seeing such a scene, he couldn't help laughing. As expected, Zhang Kun and his party were just fake tricks. After the meeting, it was immediately revealed!
Zhang Kun frowned slightly, and the murderous intent of Qianlongwei hidden in every corner of the restaurant suddenly appeared!
The murderous intent seemed to slash through the entire restaurant like a sharp knife, and the hearts of those with higher strength tightened, as if they were being grabbed, but when they looked back, they didn't find anything unusual.

But Shen Hui still didn't feel anything, his strength was too low, he had no awareness of the killing intent released by the top Qi practitioners, the invisible killing intent was the most deadly, how could a guy with low perception like Shen Hui be able to sense it?

Seeing that Zhang Kun was still standing there without any reaction, Shen Hui was furious and called out to his subordinates, "Get this kid out!"

Zhang Kun snorted coldly, and the faint aura around Zhong Liye erupted instantly, shaking the whole restaurant, the tables and chairs exploded, and the cups and bowls shattered into pieces, Shen Hui was so frightened that he sat down on the ground!
"Ah, it's so scary!" Everyone panicked, looking at Zhong Liye as if they were looking at a monster!
"You, you, you, dare to make trouble in the city of Shanliao County, don't you want to live? Do you know who I am, I am the son of the city lord!" Shen Hui was furious, pointing at Zhang Kun and Zhong Liye and yelling.

"Looking for death!" Zhong Liye is a strong foundation builder, how could he allow the son of a city lord to threaten him like this?

He stepped forward and kicked up a cloud of dust. Just as he was about to kick Shenhui, Zhang Kun stretched out his hand to stop him. He took another deep look at the man who was sitting on the ground with only one mouth left. Shen Hui said: "You can do it yourself."

"Old man, come with us, we have something to look for you." Zhang Kun said lightly, Zhong Liye quickly followed, the old man froze in the air, looked at Zhang Kun and then at Shen Hui, Finally, he shook his teeth and followed behind Zhang Kun.

"Okay, okay, dare to treat this young master like this, you are dead, this time my master is not here, otherwise you will be cut into pieces!" Shen Hui shouted heartbreakingly, the restaurant was in a mess, everyone They dodged one after another, and ran out without even paying their bills.

"Oh, little brother, why are you bothering? Do you know who you offended? That's the son of the city lord, Shen Hui!" On the street, Zhang Kun was walking in front, and the old man followed him heartbroken. behind him.

"Little brother, you must be from an outer city. You don't know that Shen Hui has power in the local area. You have to know that in Shanliao County, no one dares to provoke that evil star! How dare you beat him?" The old man repeated Speechless, with a dejected look on his face.

"I followed you out on impulse. Now it's over, and Shen Hui will definitely come to trouble me. What should I do now!" The old man's face was completely hopeless.

Zhang Kun didn't say a word along the way, but at this moment he turned around with a smile and asked, "The son of the city lord? Is he very powerful?"

"Of course!" The old man said solemnly: "I advise you two to run quickly, otherwise Shen Hui will take revenge!"

"Don't worry, old man, just follow us, Shen Hui won't dare to do anything to you!" Zhang Kun said lightly.

"Children can't be taught, why don't you listen to what I said so much!" The old man was about to be pissed off by Zhang Kun, why didn't he believe it?

Although Zhang Kun looked like he was a son of a wealthy family, as the saying goes, if the people do not fight with officials, then Shen Hui is the son of the city lord. No matter how rich Zhang Kun is, he is no match for him!
Seeing the old man shaking his head again and again, Zhang Kun felt amused. He waved his hand and said, "Old man, we came to you because we wanted to ask you something."

"Hey, you are all dying, what else do you want to ask?" The old man sighed again and again. He has been in Shanliao County for so many years, and it is the first time he has seen such a person who is not afraid of death. He shook his head and said, "Forget it, forget it, if you have anything to say, hurry up and talk about it!"

"It is such an old man. We are passing merchants. We want to go to Xilan Country. How should we go?" Zhang Kun asked.

"Well, are you guys going to run away?" The old man was immediately amused, thinking that Zhang Kun is really capable of pretending, but he said that he was going to Xilan country to do business in order to avoid Shen Hui.

Zhang Kun was noncommittal, watching the old man waiting for him to speak.

The old man said: "My Xiaoshuo Empire and Xilan Kingdom are not far away, but they are not neighboring countries, because there is a big gap between the two countries!"

Zhang Kun frowned slightly, motioning for the old man to continue talking.

"Because of the existence of this big rift, there is relatively little exchange and trade between the Xiaoshuo Empire and the Sealand Kingdom," the old man stroked his beard as if showing off his well-informed, and said with a smile: "But it is also because of the Great Rift that the Sealand Kingdom There has never been a war with the Xiaoshuo Empire, so there is no way that thousands of troops can pass through the cracks in large numbers!"

Zhang Kun nodded slightly. This is also why after the decline of the Xiaoshuo Empire, only the Wangwen Empire came to provoke and prepare to launch a war, but Xilan Kingdom did not move. Even if they wanted to send troops, they could not break through the barrier of the day. If only high-end combat forces are sent in, the Xiaoshuo Empire will be able to stop it.

"Then is there any obstacle between the Xilan Kingdom and the Wangwen Empire?" Zhang Kun asked involuntarily.

"No, the border between the two countries is a plain, and both sides have built fortresses to confront each other!" The old man didn't speak, but Zhong Liye spoke.

The old man took a deep look at Zhong Liye, this kind of news is not known by ordinary people, his heart suddenly trembled, do these two really have the strength not to be afraid of Shen Hui?
Zhang Kun felt relieved, but it suddenly dawned on him that Xu Qing was naturally clearer than himself about such strategic matters, and would not make a wrong judgment. There are conditions to form a deterrent to the Wangwen Empire.

"Is it difficult to pass through the big crack?" Zhang Kun asked.

"That's right, without the guidance of the local guide, even if you are a Qi practitioner, you have a high chance of falling into the Great Rift!" The old man raised his head when he said this.

"Let me tell you the truth, I have led people through the Great Rift more than a dozen times, and they were all safe and sound every time!" The old man's eyes flashed with pride, and he looked at Zhang Kun intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhang Kun quickly understood, smiled and took out a crystal clear small spirit stone from the storage props.

"This is our wish, old man, please don't refuse." Zhang Kun said with a faint smile, and sent the little spirit stone to the old man.

"This is a spirit stone!" The old man's eyes widened immediately. A spirit stone is equivalent to 10 taels of gold. Zhang Kun unexpectedly gave away something of this value!

The old man's eyes immediately changed when he saw Zhang Kun. How could a person who can take out a spirit stone be an ordinary person? After contacting the previous ones, the old man immediately understood that these two people are definitely not simple. He knelt down and said respectfully: "My lord, please forgive me for being disrespectful before. I will take you to this big rift. Please take back the spirit stone!"

Zhang Kun shook his head helplessly. For him, the smallest unit of wealth at the moment is a spirit stone. The other medicines in his hand are all more than this value. The old man was scared out of his wits.

"Get up, this is what you deserve. After you bring us safely to Xilan, I will give you another spirit stone." Zhang Kun said lightly.

"Yes, thank you sir!" The old man was very excited, his old body seemed to be a few years younger, 10 taels of gold is enough for him to live to the next life!
Zhang Kun waved his hand, and the Qianlongwei lurking around slowly gathered over. Zhang Kun pointed at them casually and said, "Can you take eleven of me and pass through the big rift at once?"

"Yes, yes, no problem, please rest assured, my lord, I will definitely do it safely!" The old man said solemnly, and Zhang Kun did not doubt his sincerity at all. After all, it is a spirit stone. You can't even earn a scrap of Lingshi!

Zhang Kun said with a smile: "Since this is the case, how about we set off now?"

"Okay, okay, no problem, my lord, you can call me old man Wang!" The old man said beamingly, and he couldn't wait to get the other spirit stone into his hands.

Zhang Kun and the others exchanged glances. They are all top monks and can display their maximum combat effectiveness at any time. They don't need to make any further preparations, and Dang even decides to set off directly.

"My lord, please come with me!" Old man Wang greeted him with a smile, he was completely different from the worried old man before!

Zhang Kun and his party went straight out of the city. It looked like an ordinary caravan crossing the border. The guards guarding the city had seen Old Man Wang many times. Every time someone wanted to cross the big rift, he was the experienced man who led the way. .

After Zhang Kun and the others left, a few black shadows flashed across the city, gliding past the ground, sneaking into the dense forest beside the road, holding their breath, without letting out a breath.

This is the quality of the top killer organization, killing people invisible, and after the prey falls, they may not know why they died!

(End of this chapter)

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