Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 515 Assassinate Zhang Kun

Chapter 515 Assassinate Zhang Kun
After walking for several hours on the mountain road, Zhang Kun saw a desert scene in front of his eyes. The sky was full of yellow sand, boundless, with no signs of life, and extremely short of water. However, the most dangerous thing here is not the harsh desert, but the desert. Spatial cracks can be seen everywhere, and I don't know what happened here. Deep ravines can be seen everywhere. If one step makes a wrong step and falls into the cracks, it will be doomed!

"My lords, you must be careful. No matter how strong you are, it is impossible to survive in the cracks in the space. What is even more dangerous is that the positions of these cracks will change, but as long as you follow me closely, you will be fine!" Old man Wang said solemnly.

Zhang Kun looked at it and saw a huge crack that was [-] meters long in the distance, directly across the entire desert. He pointed to the big crack and asked, "Can we go through this crack?"

Old man Wang nodded and said: "No way, that is the only way to go to Xilan country, we need to wait for a while, wait for the gap to be closed, and speed up to cross over, the other side of the big gap Theoretically, it is already the border of Sealand!"

Everyone cautiously followed Old Man Wang, huddled together, sometimes stopping, sometimes speeding through, and the journey was safe and sound.

Just when Zhang Kun and others were about to approach the [-]-meter rift, dark clouds gathered in the sky, which made people startled. Zhang Kun frowned, and Zhong Liye shouted loudly: "My lord, be careful!"

All of a sudden, Zhang Kun's surroundings seemed to have turned into a blood prison, and several terrifying instruments of torture shot towards him. The Qianlongwei immediately moved into action, the previous disguise was instantly eliminated, and the powerful momentum burst out instantly, blowing everyone in all directions All attacks were blocked!

"Tang, clang, clang!" Those terrifying and sharp instruments of torture seemed to be endless, shooting away from the surroundings, Zhang Kun frowned slightly, and calmed down to sense the fluctuations of vitality nearby.

Suddenly he shouted: "General Zhong, 500 meters southwest!"

"Boom!" Zhong Liye shot directly without thinking for a moment, a gorgeous knife shadow flashed across the empty desert, and a black figure was shot out immediately!

"Who is it that dares to attack us?" General Zhong was furious, his figure flickered, and he turned into a golden light and flew away!

"Boom boom boom!" Several pitch-black figures suddenly rose from the surrounding desert, as if they had drilled out of thin air from the bottom of the desert, and they all rushed towards Zhang Kun in a strange way. The strong man at the peak of Qi shot again and again, shooting out various colors of brilliance, and the dazzling rainbow light was extremely shocking!

"Ahhh, help!" Old man Wang has never seen such a scene, let alone a strong foundation builder, even a battle between Qi practitioners, he has never seen it before, and he was so frightened that he sat on the ground , lying in the desert with her head in her arms, like an ostrich.

"Damn it, it's Qianlongwei!" A cold voice shouted angrily.

"Go up to me, since you have already made a move, you must kill me!" A man hidden in the shadows said coldly in the distance.

"Even if it's Qianlongwei, the masters of our Xianwei organization are not easy to mess with! In order to assassinate a little guy, the headquarters actually sent me several ace killers who have half-step foundation!" Xuesha sneered, A confident face.

Zhang Kun was vigilant, and with a thought, a small orb appeared out of thin air in his hand, a wordless Dao rhyme flowed on it, and the Jiugong Bagua diagram suddenly appeared, Zhang Kun's pure vitality was injected into it, and the Jiugong Bagua bead It was activated immediately, and the terrifying power made people feel extremely frightened. Everyone was attracted by his action. He blatantly blasted a blow at the shadow killer in the distance, and the mixed black and white light waves immediately The entire desert was evaporated, leaving a bottomless pit, and a black shadow over there was directly crushed into pieces!
"Good baby!" Zhang Kun couldn't help admiring, the power of the Jiugong Eight Diagrams Bead didn't shrink at all, and the half-step foundation-building killer whose strength was comparable to Elder Xu and Quyang Pass was directly killed with one blow. Evaporation!

After Xuesha saw this scene, he didn't feel distressed at all, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Okay, then take it lightly, you will suffer later!"

"Master Zhang Kun, your magic weapon is so powerful!" Even Zhong Liye couldn't help admiring a few times. If the power of this orb was used against him, Zhong Liye would not be fully sure to resist it!

Zhang Kun smiled slightly, his face was full of complacency, but in fact he was extremely cautious in his heart!
"Boom!" Suddenly there was a loud noise, Zhang Kun's heart skipped a beat, and suddenly a crack floated over, blocking him and Qianlongwei's people!
"This is the opportunity we've been waiting for!" Seeing this scene, Xuesha was extremely excited, and his eyes flickered!

"Death!" Xuesha shot up out of thin air, turned into a sharp arrow and shot towards Zhang Kun, a bloody rainbow light hit Zhang Kun's heart!

Zhang Kun's face suddenly changed, and he repeatedly urged the Jiugong Bagua Bead in his hand, and countless vitality poured into it, but this time, the treasure didn't respond at all!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that Zhang Kun, you are dead!"

The blood kill is a killer move as soon as he makes a move, and the killing intent that is solid like substance penetrates the space, making people feel terrified!
"Master Zhang Kun!" Zhong Liye's face suddenly changed wildly, but he was blocked by a crack and couldn't rush to rescue Zhang Kun!
Zhang Kun stared blankly at the Jiugong Eight Diagrams Bead in his hand, with an unbelievable expression on his face, flustered and absent-minded, like a helpless child!
"Hahaha, Zhang Kun, you didn't expect us to have a secret door!" Xuesha smiled triumphantly, and the thorns in his hand came suddenly, and they were about to pierce Zhang Kun's heart!
Zhang Kun suddenly raised his head and said with a sunny smile, "I lied to you!"

"Sacrifice!" Zhang Kun roared, and the five pitch-black pills in his hand exploded, and an aura of ancient prehistoric times came over immediately, and the monstrous demon pressure made it difficult for everyone to breathe!
"Boom, boom, boom!" The phantoms of the five main roads solidified out of thin air, and five monsters in the early stages of the Void Core Realm roared out, and a pair of bloody eyes stared at the bloody killer who came from the attack!

"Master Zhang Kun is in danger!" Zhong Liye panicked immediately, why did five monsters with foundation-building strength suddenly appear out of thin air, which completely exceeded the fighting power of their Qianlongwei!

However, the worry on their faces turned into horror in the next moment, and all the monsters knelt down to Zhang Kun, as if seeing a god, and worshiped!

Zhang Kun ordered indifferently: "Kill them all!"

"Obey!" The five monsters headed by Ji Sai laughed cruelly. All of them have solid foundation building strength. It turned into meat sauce immediately, they couldn't react at all what happened, they only saw five big monsters appearing out of nowhere, the terrifying momentum even made them tremble with fear!

Xuesha's face changed wildly, but at this time he could no longer control his body, he could only let out a loud shout once again. The thorns shone with bloody light. To break through Zhang Kun's defense, but at this moment, a huge toad's tongue rolled towards him, and a black hole-like swallowing force swept his weapon away!
"How is it possible!" Xuesha's eyes widened. His weapon is connected with him by blood. He often feeds the thorn with his own blood. He has already firmly controlled the weapon, but now it was taken away by someone!

"It's unpalatable!" The giant toad's tongue directly smashed the medium-grade Taoist artifact into pieces, and was swallowed by the big toad in one gulp!
"Impossible, impossible, Zhang Kun, you're fucking with me!" Xue Xue was so angry that he bumped his head on the skin of the toad, and suddenly felt the unbearable itching all over his body. It is extremely poisonous, once it is contaminated with a trace, it will be poisoned!
Zhang Kun sneered: "This uncle, you are the one who is here to kill, should I just stand here and let you kill me?"

Zhang Kun looked at Xuesha coldly with his hands behind his back, with no emotion in his eyes.

"Damn it, you actually discovered the secret door on the Jiugong Bagua bead!" Xue Sha couldn't believe it, his face was extremely ugly, and he shouted angrily!
"So what, you should pay for your stupidity!" Zhang Kun said with a light smile, with a wave of his big hand, a cyan swift light flashed, and the monster that looked like a praying mantis with its forearm turned into a sharp knife was killed in an instant It seems that he is the top killer among monsters, extremely deadly, born to be the top cunning hunter, and his assassination ability without blood is poor!
"Stab it!" Xuesha couldn't dodge in time, and his intestines were cut open!
Xue Sha coughed up blood, gritted his teeth and wanted to escape, took a mouthful of blood, shrank his body, turned into a light spot and wanted to fly away.

However, among the five monsters, the only female monster, the big storm bird, spread its wings and soared, and its speed reached several times the speed of sound. Kill grabbed it, turned around, and threw the half-crippled Xue Sha in front of Zhang Kun as if throwing garbage.

Looking at the half-dead Xuesha under his feet, Zhang Kun couldn't help laughing: "Tsk tsk tsk, don't you want to kill me? I'm right in front of you now, kill me?"

"Son Zhang Kun, how dare you insult me ​​like this!" Xue Xue was so angry that his face was contorted, and he roared ferociously, wanting to tear Zhang Kun into pieces.

Zhang Kun stepped on his festering and smelly wound, and there were screams like slaughtering pigs, Zhang Kun's eyes turned cold and he said: "I know you are from Xianwei, tell me, who is it?" I am helping you, why can I control the location of the crack movement?"

Zhang Kun knew that the gap separating him from Qianlongwei just now was definitely not a coincidence, there must be someone helping Xianwei!

"Bah, it's impossible for me to tell you!" Xuesha sneered, with a look of arrogance.

"Oh really, do you know my alchemist?" Zhang Kun looked at him with a smile and said, "Actually, I'm quite a dishonest person, and I don't know how many medicines can save people. There are plenty of medicines!"

Xuesha's face suddenly turned pale. He is a member of the Killer Organization. He doesn't know how terrible the poison in the hands of those evil alchemists in the organization is. Will be tortured to death!
"You're ruthless! It's the city lord of Shanliao County. He has the treasure of Shanliao County in his hand, and he can slightly control the position of the crack!" Xuesha said fiercely, cursing Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun suddenly realized that in the Xiaoshuo Empire, in order to stabilize the notification, each county has a treasure. Their rank may not be very high, but the effect is absolutely unique. The ancient altar and the treasure of Shanliao County can actually control these dangerous cracks. Fortunately, they can't be controlled completely precisely, otherwise Zhang Kun would have died in the cracks of space!
Zhang Kun's cold eyes fell on Xuesha's body, as if looking at a dead person.

(End of this chapter)

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