Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 516

Chapter 516

"I said, why do you guys have such short memories? The Skyfire Sect provoked me, but the suzerain died, and the saint died tragically. The Huangji Sect provoked me, but the sect master died suddenly, and the elders fell! Don't worry, Xianwei and Qixing Pavilion Right, I will eradicate them all and bring them to be buried with you!" Zhang Kun's icy voice contained no emotion, which was chilling!
"No, Zhang Kun, you can't kill me. I'm Xianwei's deputy leader, and I'm the fifth killer in the world, Xuesha! If you kill me, you will be chased to the ends of the world by Xianwei!" Xuesha begged, While threatening and wanting to save his own life, he had an idea and shouted: "Zhang Kun, you are an alchemist, right? If you need protection or assassination, I can do it. Let me join you!"

"I'm not interested in your name at all, and I'm not interested in you at all. I can give you two choices, either die a little bit, or I will plant torture poison for you and throw it in this desert to let you die." You fend for yourself! Choose yourself, after all, I, Zhang Kun, am not a devil!" Zhang Kun said, smiling brightly, showing his white teeth, but Xuesha felt the bone-chilling coldness!

"Zhang Kun, shit, you're going to die!" Xue Sha stared red, his body wriggling on the ground like a maggot, Zhang Kun's two choices were to let him die!
"Okay, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, die!" Zhang Kun glanced at Xuesha coldly, unwilling to make a move himself, Ji Sai immediately understood, a trident directly pierced his heart, and by the way His head had been chopped off!
"Master Zhang Kun, the rest of the people have been killed, there is no one left alive, and no one escaped!" Ji Sai bowed and bowed while holding the bloody head.

"Okay, you have done a good job, go back!" Zhang Kun nodded flatly, and the five monsters turned into streamers and disappeared, as if they had never appeared before!
On the edge of the battlefield, a young man with a long sword on his back was completely stupefied. He was the genius of the Baihong Sword Sect, his heavenly level, but after seeing such a scene, all his pride collapsed. I thought I had seen through Zhang Kun's identity and thought he was just a kid pretending to be rich, but at this moment, it seemed that I was the naive guy. He was so shocked that his sword fell to the ground, and he was so frightened that he went crazy, and ran aside Shouted: "Help, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Old man Wang was so frightened that he was already stunned. Looking at the Qi practitioners and monsters flying around in the sky, he felt as if he saw a god and demon in a fairy tale!
"It turns out that this young man is the real powerful person!" Old man Wang felt that his outlook on life had been subverted. Before that, he just thought that Zhang Kun was just a wealthy businessman. How could he have imagined that he would have such power and ability? Wei!

Old man Wang shook his head, tried his best to stand up, and led Qianlongwei's people across the desert to Zhang Kun from the other side.

"Master Zhang Kun, this...!" Qianlongwei were all stunned. They saw the headless corpse lying on the ground. It was the strong foundation builder, the fifth killer in the world!

"Blood kill, I fought against him before. He killed a prince I was supposed to protect under my nose. I didn't expect him to be a dead bone now!" Zhong Liye muttered to himself, looking at Zhang Kun's eyes seemed to be looking at a monster!

"Hiss!" After hearing Zhong Liye's words, everyone gasped, feeling horrified and unbelievable. They quickly knelt down and shouted to Zhang Kun: "Master Zhang Kun, this matter is our negligence of duty. Good Master Zhang Kun, please punish him."

Zhang Kun waved his hand and said, "Get up, you've done a good job, just pay more attention in the future."

"Master Zhang Kun, what shall we do next?" Zhong Liye asked doubtfully.

Zhang Kun pointed to the mountain range marks on the clothes of the corpses over there, and said with a sneer, "If someone wants to harm me, then, kill him!"

Zhang Kun's short and cold words immediately shocked everyone present. They also heard the bloody words just now. It was the city lord of Shanliao County who helped Xianwei!

Could it be that Zhang Kun meant to kill the city lord of Shanliao County? No matter how bad he is, he is still an official ordered by the court, and the emperor of the land who ruled one side!

Everyone in Qianlongwei was shocked at the first glance, but when they saw the messy scene in front of them, the bloody death was still vivid in their minds, and the blood of countless Xianwei killers even stained the desert red, they understood that what Zhang Kun said was terrific. No lie!

"Let's go!" Zhang Kun said lightly, and everyone led the old man Wang into streams of light and rushed back to Shanliao County City!

Hula la, suddenly it rained like a torrential rain, with dark clouds, lightning, and heavy wind and rain. It seemed that something big was about to happen.

In Shanliao County, in an elegant place, Shen Dawei, the city lord of Shanliao County with a pot belly, was hugging the slender waist of a beauty. Just now, one of his subordinates came to report that the treasure of Shanliao County had been successfully dispatched. Zhang Kun had already been slaughtered by Xian Wei. He knew about the assassination this time, and the Seven Star Pavilion issued several secret orders in succession, asking Mr. Xuesha to take action in person to ensure nothing goes wrong!
With Master Blood Killer, Zhang Kun must have already been killed, and Shen Dawei will reach the rewards of Qixing Pavilion and Xianwei organization. Thinking of this, he is very excited. Solve the target here!

And as long as he turns a blind eye, he can get benefits from the killer organization. After Xianwei appeared, he directly joined the most powerful killer organization in the Xiaoshuo Empire. Accumulating a large amount of money is thousands of times higher than the salary issued to him by the imperial court!
"Hahaha, this time it's a fat sheep. Zhang Kun is known as the number one alchemist in the Xiaoshuo Empire. If he is killed, there must be many treasures. This time I have worked a lot, maybe I can get a blood kill." An extra reward from your lord!" Shen Dawei's greasy face was full of smiles, his hands became more and more dishonest, and slowly moved to the sensitive parts of the heavily made-up Meiji.

"I hate it, my lord is so impatient!" Na Meiji said coquettishly, and Shen Dawei laughed even more excitedly, the fat on his face quivered violently.

"Boom!" There was a sudden loud noise, and the door of the elegant place was kicked open. Immediately, nine figures so fast that the naked eye could not catch their traces rushed in, directly surrounding the entire hall. Get up, but their aura is restrained so well that they didn't realize that they are all Qi practitioners.

(End of this chapter)

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