Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 517 Who is he?

Chapter 517 Who is he?

"What's going on?" The people who were having fun inside frowned and looked full of complaints. They saw a young man slowly walking in through the door. There was no emotion on his stern face. With a sweep of his eyes, he immediately locked on to Shen Dawei.

Zhang Kun could see that the ornament on his body was the mountain symbol of their Shen family.

"Shen Dawei."

There was a soft shout, the sound was not loud, without the slightest emotion, but it spread throughout the place, and everyone could hear it clearly.

Everyone was immediately puzzled, who would dare to come here and yell at City Lord Shen, you must know that this is Shanliao County, the territory of the Shen family!
"Who is yelling, don't you want to live?" Shen Dawei became angry immediately, and snapped, "You dare to call me by my name, do you want to live?"

Everyone couldn't help being startled, and saw Zhang Kun wearing a plain red robe, looking very ordinary, and their nervous hearts calmed down immediately.

"Hehe, I think it's just a troublemaker, a fool, who dares to trouble Lord Shen, I really don't want to live!"

"Boy, I'm in a good mood today. I can give you a chance to crawl over and kowtow to me a thousand times. I can consider letting you go!" Shen Dawei sneered, he couldn't see Zhang Kun's appearance clearly from a distance , and because of Zhang Kun's slight change of appearance when he entered the city, he didn't even recognize that the young man in front of him was the target of his murder!
"Oh, Mr. Shen, how can you bully a child like this? Why don't you hand him over to me, and I will teach him what it's like to be a man!" The beautiful girl beside Shen Dawei smiled prettily.

Zhang Kun sneered: "Hehe!"

"Didn't you hear it? Get out of here!" Shen Dawei said angrily.

Zhang Kun didn't answer, and walked forward slowly. In the whole place, only his footsteps like a death knell remained.

"Come, come, beat me out of this unblinking boy!" Shen Dawei sneered, and with a wave of his hand, several thugs rushed forward.

Everyone covered their eyes involuntarily. They had already seen what would happen to Zhang Kun. The bloody scene was unbearable to look at!

"Clap clap clap!"

A few crisp sounds were heard, and everyone opened their eyes, only to see that the thugs had all been discounted and thrown aside, their breath had already died!
It was only then that everyone realized that the few people who came in with Zhang Kun made lightning strikes and directly killed Shen Dawei's subordinates!
Zhang Kun's footsteps did not stop at all, and a playful smile gradually appeared on his calm face.

"Don't stop, stop him!" Shen Dawei dropped the beauty in his arms in a panic, stood up, and slowly gathered vitality in his body.

Zhang Kun got closer and closer, and Shen Dawei finally saw his face clearly. Immediately, his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, as if an egg could be stuffed inside!
"You, you, you're still alive!" Shen Dawei's body trembled, cold sweat broke out on his face, he couldn't believe it was real.

With a wave of Zhang Kun's hand, a bloody head was thrown out and rolled all the way to Shen Dawei's feet. It was the head of a bloody murderer. He died with a pair of bloody eyes still staring at Shen Dawei.

"Ahhh!" Shen Dawei was terribly frightened, it was a bloody lord, the deputy leader of Xianwei, the fifth greatest killer in the world, and even a prince fell into his hands, even Shen Dawei was shocked when he saw it. Kneel directly to the ground!
But now, his head was thrown in front of his eyes by Zhang Kun like garbage, Shen Dawei went crazy immediately, his face was pale, his eyes almost popped out when he looked at Zhang Kun.

"Impossible, impossible, the strength of blood killing adults is overwhelming, Zhang Kun, you can't have any chance of surviving!" Shen Dawei was trembling, his legs softened and he knelt directly on the ground. walked in front of him.

Shen Dawei quickly hugged Zhang Kun's thigh, crying with snot and tears: "Master Zhang Kun, you are well, you don't know how many years our Shanliao County has been harmed by this Xianwei organization, That's really hard for the people, I, a parent and official, are squeezed by them and I can't straighten up!"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang Kun. You have eliminated harm for the people. I thank you on behalf of the people of the entire Shanliao County!" Shen Dawei begged and cried again and again, Zhang Kun frowned and shouted coldly: "Get out!"

Zhang Kun brought great strength with one kick, and the kick from a body comparable to that of a quasi-dao weapon was so terrifying. Even Shen Dawei, who was also a Qi practitioner, was kicked so badly that his face was covered in blood, and he hit the wall Just stop!
"Ahhh!" That Meiji was so frightened that she lost her soul, but her long tulle dress was stepped on by Zhang Kun, not caring about her own happiness, she took off her clothes skillfully, and ran like crazy opened.

Everyone present was stunned. Have they ever seen that tyrannical Shen Dawei in such a state of embarrassment?The lord of a county town begged a 15-year-old boy?
The audience was dead silent, and everyone's heartbeat could be clearly heard.

"Who is this young man?" Someone broke the silence and asked cautiously.

"I think there is only one possibility." Someone swallowed, gritted his teeth and said with difficulty: "Zhang Kun."

Everyone gasped, and the way they looked at Zhang Kun completely changed!
"It turned out to be Zhang Kun!"

"My God, I saw Zhang Kun here!" The crowd looked crazy, and their eyes were full of fanaticism, shock, and fear when they looked at Zhang Kun!
Without saying a word, Zhang Kun walked slowly towards Shen Dawei, like a ruthless executioner.Behind him, Zhong Liye had already walked up, the weapon in his hand glowed coldly, wanting to see blood!

"My lord Zhang Kun, you can't kill me. I'm the official of the imperial court. I'm the lord of a county. My official position is bestowed by the emperor! It's not my idea to assassinate you. It's all about killing that bastard with blood. He forced me. I can't help it, Master Zhang Kun!" Shen Dawei panicked suddenly, how could he not have heard of Zhang Kun's legend?

This person dared to kill the Tianjiao of the five sects including the Tianhuo Sect, and even the elders of the Huangji Sect, what else would he not dare to do!
Zhang Kun was expressionless, his cold eyes were as cold as ice for thousands of years, and everyone shuddered.

"Okay, I don't have to kill you." Zhang Kun showed a playful smile, but Shen Dawei felt like he was falling into an ice cellar. That was the devil's smile!
"Okay, okay, don't kill me, you can say anything!" Shen Dawei grabbed the last straw and struggled desperately. He finally stood up, looking not so embarrassed.

At this moment, a young man came in from outside the venue, and he yelled loudly: "Father, father, something is wrong, the child has been bullied, father, you must make the decision for me!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw Shen Hui running all the way in a miserable appearance. After seeing Shen Dawei, he cried again and again. Suddenly he saw Zhang Kun here. , Father, you help me kill him!"

"I'll tell you when you're done, my father is the city lord!"

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath, no one dared to look into Zhang Kun's eyes, they all said bad in their hearts!
Zhang Kun was instantly amused. Looking at the arrogant and smug expression on his face, there was a trace of cruelty on the corner of his mouth. He looked at Shen Dawei and said, "Sorry, it's not allowed now."

(End of this chapter)

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