Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 518 City Lord, Die!

Chapter 518 City Lord, Die!

Shen Dawei's face suddenly became very ugly. At this moment, he wished to swallow his own son alive. Didn't he see that he was so scared by Zhang Kun that he couldn't speak? Didn't he see that he was already on the verge of life and death? ?

"Father, what are you doing, kill him!" Before Shen Hui realized what happened, he stared at Zhang Kun with contempt, thinking that he was about to take revenge!

Shen Dawei was so angry that he was about to explode. He was so angry that his body was shaking, he stretched out his palm and slapped Shen Hui loudly, and roared: "You son of a bitch, I'll kill you first!"

"Boom!" Where did Shen Hui resist Shen Dawei's angry attack, and all of them were turned into flying ash fragments. Everyone was terrified, and the tiger's poison would not eat its children. Shen Dawei actually killed his own son directly in the middle of it!
All eyes were on Zhang Kun again. It was the appearance of this young man that changed everything. Everyone's world view was about to be subverted. A majestic city lord actually bowed his knees to this point!
After Shen Dawei killed Shen Hui, he still had a face full of fear, lying at Zhang Kun's feet and begging for mercy.

"Master Zhang Kun, the dog is disrespectful to you. I've already killed him. Please spare my little life!" Shen Dawei wept, as if the sky had fallen.

Everyone in the venue knelt down and buried their heads on the floor, for fear that Zhang Kun would kill them if he was unhappy!
Zhang Kun sneered, turned his head and said to Zhong Liye, "Get rid of him and block the news."

"No! Zhang Kun, if you do this, Qixing Pavilion and Xianwei will avenge me!" Shen Dawei's eyes widened, and he roared heart-piercingly, but Zhang Kun didn't intend to let him go at all.

"Yes, Lord Zhang Kun!" Zhong Liye replied respectfully, and the other nine Qianlong guards also started to move immediately. Zhang Kun slowly walked out of the elegant place and entered a curtain of rain. Strangely, everything around Submerged in the rain, only Zhang Kun didn't have any trace of rain around him.

There was a fierce fighting sound in the venue, but it soon calmed down. With the sound of a pig-killing cry, Shen Dawei was completely out of his mind!
Outside the venue, old man Wang was completely stunned. He knew Shen Dawei's power and energy best in Shanliao County. Unexpectedly, Zhang Kun waved his hand, but did not make a move at all from the beginning to the end. Shen Dawei knelt down and surrendered, and Shen Hui died immediately. The entire Shanliao County was under his feet!

It was raining heavily and the wind was howling.

After a long time, Zhong Liye came out with Qianlongwei. He saluted Zhang Kun respectfully: "Master Zhang Kun, Shen Dawei has been killed by us, and all ordinary people who witnessed this incident have been modified by us with secret methods. , our whereabouts will not be revealed."

"In addition, this is the magic weapon found from Shen Dawei. It seems to be the treasure of Shanliao County that can control the position of the crack. There are also thousands of spirit stones. It is probably the people's fat and people's ointment he collected."

Zhang Kun smiled and said, "Okay, with the treasure of Shanliao County, our subsequent actions will be more convenient."

As for the thousands of spirit stones?Zhang Kun didn't care, and just accepted it. Although it wasn't much, it was still a spoil of war!

"Master Zhang Kun, let's set off overnight. After dawn, the news of Shen Dawei's death will spread throughout the city. After all, he is also a city lord." Zhong Liye said respectfully.

Zhang Kun nodded slightly when he heard the words, looked at Old Man Wang and said, "Old Man Wang, I have to trouble you one more time to take us through the Great Rift. The bounty mentioned before will not change, but please keep it a secret."

Old man Wang was terrified and kept nodding his head like a marionette.

"Master Zhang Kun, don't you need to remember him clearly?" Zhong Liye asked suspiciously.

Zhang Kun waved his hand and said with a smile: "My principle is to respect the old and love the young. The kind of secret technique used by the elderly will cause too much damage. Besides, if you ask him who I am, will he dare to say?"

The old man Wang quickly thanked Zhang Kun, and brought everyone to the boundless desert again overnight. With the help of Shanliao County Zhibao, Zhang Kun and his party passed through the big crack more easily. I have to say that the harshness here The environment is indeed frightening. If you are not careful, you may die directly.

"This is already the border of Xilan Kingdom. My lords, go all the way." Sweaty old man Wang led the crowd through the crack. Even though Zhang Kun was not hostile to him, the huge gap in strength still made him feel that he was in the middle of the gap. Steel wire is average!
Zhang Kun smiled gently, and put a spirit stone into Old Man Wang's hand, thanking him: "Thank you, old man, please accept this spirit stone, and this one in addition."

Speaking of which, Zhang Kun took out a talisman, handed it to Old Man Wang, and said, "This talisman can transmit sound. If I need to travel back to the Xiaoshuo Empire from the Great Rift, I need you to pick me up. At the same time, if you encounter any danger , you can also contact me through this talisman."

Zhang Kun said lightly, this talisman is a gift from a chamber of commerce, and it is very valuable. Many sound transmission talismans are only one-time use, but this one in Zhang Kun's hand can be used many times, worth dozens of dollars. Lingshi.

Old man Wang nodded gratefully and left. Zhang Kun took Qianlongwei to Xilan.

"Master Zhang Kun, what should we do next?" Zhong Liye asked.

Zhang Kun thought for a moment, and said: "We have been delayed in Shanliao County for a day, so let's speed up and go directly to Raging City. The territory of Xilan Kingdom is even wider, and the road will take several more days. !"

"Yes!" Qianlongwei responded one after another. Even if they are all at the peak of Qi training, they still need to fly for several days without sleep if they want to travel through most of Xilan Kingdom and reach the imperial capital of Raging Waves City.

"Master Zhang Kun, we can no longer use mirages to fly in a big way in Xilan Kingdom," Zhong Liye reminded.

Zhang Kun nodded slightly, and everyone took out smaller flying mounts one after another, while Zhang Kun directly flew away with his sword.

Seven days later, Zhang Kun looked at the weird and splendid city in front of him, and couldn't help sighing. The city of Raging Waves was suspended above the sea without any support except for a towering tower in the center of the city.

"That's the Raging Tower, right?" Zhang Kun looked up, and the tall tower shrouded in misty water vapor was like a sky pillar, with no end in sight. Zhang Kun vaguely felt that this Raging Tower was not like a building , it's more like a magic weapon. I remember Luo Quan once said before that he is the owner of the Raging Wave Tower!
Zhang Kun and others soared into the air and landed lightly outside the city of Raging Waves. This city is particularly unique. There is a cliff a dozen miles outside the city, and the water flows here to form a waterfall. It is especially spectacular from below!

Walking slowly towards the city, Zhang Kun saw that the flow of people here is indeed very large. In addition to Qi practitioners who can directly set foot on this mid-air city, other people can also use the airship of the chamber of commerce to fly. Come up, but the price is not cheap that time.

Just now, Zhang Kun has seen the spectacular scene of countless magic weapons flying into the sky. Among the airships of the chamber of commerce, the logo of the chamber of commerce marked by amaryllis flowers is the most obvious, and the word Qi is written on it, It must be Rong Haomeng behind Qi Zhengyan.

"This is the imperial capital of Xilan Kingdom. Our ten Qi practitioners entering together will definitely attract attention. You each find an identity, and we will enter in batches." Zhang Kun said lightly, and all the potential dragon guards suddenly disappeared slowly. among the crowd.

When Zhang Kun looked again, he found that there were a few more warriors and merchants in the crowd.

Zhang Kun walked slowly towards the city of Raging Waves, thinking silently: "I am just Qi Zhengyan's former teammate, so I will definitely not agree to go directly to borrow troops like this. I must first make good use of resources in Xilan Kingdom to improve my skills Only by creating a powerful force can we have the capital to make demands on Sealand."

When Zhang Kun closed his eyes and thought, he suddenly felt squeezed and frowned slightly. When he opened his eyes, he saw a lovely girl about 15 years old frowning slightly with apologetic expression looking at him.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, I'm very sorry." The girl apologized obediently, like a fluttering catkin among the crowded crowd.

Zhang Kun nodded slightly, smiled gently and said, "It's okay."

"Well, is this your first time in Raging Waves City?" the girl looked at Zhang Kun with a pair of clear eyes and said.

Only then did Zhang Kun notice that her hair was actually white, but there was a bit of light pink cherry blossom in the pure white, which looked a bit poignant. In addition, there was a scabbard pinned to her waist, but there was no sword inside. This strange scene made Zhang Kun pay more attention to her, because the Chengying in his hand is an invisible and shadowless sword. It is possible that this girl is also holding a shadowless sword. And why bother with a scabbard?

Zhang Kun smiled and said as he walked: "Yes, I came to Raging Wave City alone, are you alone?"

"Hmm." The girl's serene demeanor is refreshing, like an orchid in an empty valley. She is the quietest girl Zhang Kun has ever met. Zhang Kun took a few glances at her.

Suddenly Zhang Kun frowned slightly, he seemed to be vaguely aware that there was something strange in her body, which was completely opposite to her delicate temperament, and Zhang Kun was a little horrified by the aura she emitted. The alchemist is sensitive, and the girl is a little abnormal.

Zhang Kun asked involuntarily, "Girl, have you been feeling unwell recently?"

As if responding to Zhang Kun's words, the girl covered her mouth and coughed softly, her face was flushed, she looked at Zhang Kun with a little surprise, and then she returned to normal and said, "It's nothing, maybe it's just an occasional cold."

Zhang Kun saw that she seemed to be aware of his physical condition, but she didn't want to say more, so he kept his mouth shut and didn't ask any more questions.

The cherry-haired girl asked cautiously, "Then what are you doing in Raging Waves City?"

Zhang Kun smiled and said, "I'm here to find a friend, how about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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