Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 519

Chapter 519
"Well, I'm here to look for my brother." The corner of the girl's mouth slightly raised, revealing a sweet smile.

Soon the gate of the city of Raging Waves was in front of them, and the two of them had to part after entering the city. Zhang Kun couldn't help reminding again: "It's better to treat your physical problems earlier."

"It's okay, I just do this occasionally," the girl with cherry hair said, "If something happens, I have medicine on me, as long as I take this Biying Pill, I'll be fine."

Speaking of which, the cherry-haired girl took out a blue pill from a small bottle.

Zhang Kun's expression changed drastically when he heard the words. He knew exactly what Biying Pill was, and even Luo Quan in the Mirror Realm couldn't help exclaiming: "Biying Pill is extremely poisonous!"

Biying Dan is very rare, and it is also a kind of poison. Although he has heard of its formula, this is the first time Zhang Kun has seen Biying Dan.

Zhang Kun grabbed the cherry-haired girl's wrist, and said sternly: "There is something wrong with this elixir, you'd better stop taking it!"

Even though the cherry-haired girl was stunned, she glanced at Zhang Kun curiously. Seeing his serious expression, she couldn't help biting her tender lips. After a moment of hesitation, she still showed a gentle smile and said: : "No matter what, thank you very much, my brother will take good care of me."

"Your brother asked you to eat this Biying Pill?" Zhang Kun frowned deeply, thinking that it was not that simple at this time.

The cherry-haired girl couldn't bear Zhang Kun's sharp sword-like eyes, she lowered her head in embarrassment and said softly, "Yes, there shouldn't be any problem, I've been eating until now."

Zhang Kun couldn't help being taken aback. The cherry-haired girl ate Biying Dan as a meal. It was obviously highly poisonous. After she ate it, she didn't have any problems. She still ate it until now?

"Fu'er, what are you doing?" At this moment, a somewhat rough male voice came, and a tall and thin man was shouting at the cherry-haired girl: "Don't get so close to the men outside, come quickly to brother !"

Zhang Kun frowned slightly, and looked up, only to see that this person's eyes were gloomy and cold, his eyes were slightly squinted like a person who had been ill for a long time, and a faint evil spirit was still exuding around his body.

The eyes of the two collided in mid-air, and Zhang Kun could clearly feel the warning in this person's eyes.

"Sorry, my brother is here, I'll go with him first." Fu'er, a girl with cherry hair, smiled apologetically at Zhang Kun, bowed slightly to him, and waved goodbye.

Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "Well, if you have anything to do, you can come to Rong Hao League to find me, my name is Zhang Kun."

Although Zhang Kun has not yet joined the Ronghao League, since Qi Zhengyan is the young master of the Ronghao League, it is only natural for Zhang Kun to join the Ronghao League. Looking at it, it is obvious that the three words Rong Haomeng represent an extremely heavy weight in Raging Waves City!
The cherry-haired girl gently parted her tender lips and murmured Zhang Kun's name, wrote it down carefully, nodded vigorously, and immediately ran to his brother.

Fuer's elder brother glanced at Zhang Kun coldly, and finally took Fuer away.

"Fu'er, who is that kid?" the sick man asked.

Fu'er thought for a while and said, "It's a friend I just met!"

"Hmph, your brother is enough, you don't need friends, you know?" The sick man snorted coldly, grabbed Fu'er's wrist, and dragged her into a dark alley.

Zhang Kun shook his head slightly when he saw this scene, but after all, he and Fu'er just met by chance. Now that her brother is here, it is inconvenient for him to intervene. Maybe she has a special constitution and just needs Biying Pill to fight poison with poison?

After bidding farewell to Fu'er, Zhang Kun found out the location of Rong Haomeng after asking around for a while, but they all cast contemptuous looks at him.

"Hehe, you still say that you belong to Ronghaomeng. Even where Ronghaomeng is, you need to ask others!"

"That's right, it's just pretending to be aggressive in front of beautiful women, this kid is really cunning!"

"The person I look down on the most is this kind of person. He pretends to be aggressive without strength. From his appearance, he may be a pauper." Everyone sneered contemptuously.

Zhang Kun didn't bother to pay attention to those gossip, and walked directly to the Qi Mansion where Rong Haomeng was located.

He walked all the way through the streets and alleys, and gradually learned from the mouths of the people that in addition to the royal family, the ten major families and the four major forces are in charge of this raging wave city. Rong Haomeng is one of them, and the Qi family is also one of the ten The head of the big family, Na Hehe's power is comparable to that of the royal family.

"I didn't expect Brother Qi to have such a great background, but it's hard for him to come to Yaohuang Mountain to be an ordinary disciple in obscurity." Zhang Kun laughed, and soon arrived at the door of Qi's mansion, and the ten people of Qianlongwei followed naturally Zhang Kun moved over, stood in several key positions, and faintly blocked the surrounding streets.

This is the duty of Qianlongwei. They are sharp blades hidden in the shadows. It is said that there are only four groups of Qianlongwei in Xiaoshuo Empire. This time Xu Qing sent two groups to support Zhang Kun.

I saw that Qi Mansion is a simple and unsophisticated building complex, with sandalwood as the beams, crystal as the wall, bright jade as the lamp, and pearls as the curtains are extremely luxurious. The red walls and yellow tiles are resplendent and resplendent. It's not too late to come.

Zhang Kun walked forward and saw that the two guards at the gate of the Qi Mansion had extraordinary auras, and they were both Qi trainers. Zhang Kun couldn't help being slightly surprised. It seems that the water in the Qi Mansion is really deep. The Qi Mansion is just acting as a gatekeeper!
"I'm afraid there are Jindan powerhouses guarding this Ronghao League, and there are more than one!" Zhang Kun said slightly astonished.

But he didn't have any fear. It's not like he didn't kill the golden core powerhouse before. Didn't even the master of the black moon who became an immortal die under his sword?
"Stop, what are you here for? Why have I never seen you before?" The two Qi practitioner guards stopped Zhang Kun directly, and asked cautiously, without any contempt for him because of his youth. Maintain a state of readiness for battle.

Zhang Kun was not annoyed, and said lightly: "I am a friend of your young master. I have come to discuss something with him, and please inform me."

The guards of the Qi practitioners didn't believe the acquaintance at first glance, looked at Zhang Kun suspiciously and asked: "We have never seen the young master have a friend like you in the Ronghao League for decades. If you want to build a relationship and join our Ronghao If you don’t want to be a member of the League, please give up your heart.”

"Our Ronghao League is only open to those who are truly capable. Naturally, it is okay if there are capable people, but I think you are so young, and you must not have this strength. I advise you to go for a few years and then come to me. It's not too late for Rong Haomeng to try his luck."

Zhang Kun chuckled, shook his head slightly, revealed the Alchemy Medal on his chest and asked, "Excuse me, I have this, is it worth the trouble to inform you?"

The two Qi practitioners took a closer look, and it turned out to be the Alchemist Medal of the Alchemy Association. It was made of gemstones, with complex patterns on it, depicting many exotic flowers and plants, representing the profession of alchemists who deal with these medicinal materials.

The alchemist guild is a power that spreads all over the world, and the identities assessed in the Xiaoshuo Empire are naturally valid for Zi Xilan Kingdom. When this identity was revealed, the expressions of the two people changed slightly.

"It turns out to be Master Alchemist." The tone of the two qi practitioners suddenly became respectful. Even a super business alliance like Rong Haomeng treats alchemists with extra courtesy, or rather, the bigger the business organization is, the more It's the energy of the alchemist!
"I didn't expect you to be so young!" The two qi practitioners couldn't help but gasped. Zhang Kun was only fifteen or sixteen years old, so he was already an alchemist?Young people at this age are generally new to alchemy and have just learned one or two first-order elixir refining, but Zhang Kun is already an alchemist!
How could this talent not arouse their surprise and attention?
"Brother, look at that matter, do you want him to try it?" A guard glanced at his companion and asked tentatively.

"Hey, there is no one in our entire Ronghao League who can do anything about it. Although he is an alchemist, he is still so young and lacks experience!" Another guard said suspiciously while looking at Zhang Kun.

Seeing the two talking, Zhang Kun couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "I don't know what the two are talking about?"

"Brother, it doesn't matter if you tell him. Our alchemists in Ronghao League can't do anything anyway. If he is really the young master's friend, maybe he can help us."

The other Qi practitioner took a deep breath, glanced at Zhang Kun again, then nodded and said, "Then this little brother comes in with us first, maybe you can help!"

Zhang Kun nodded and said, "Well, good!"

"Little brother, this is your first time to our Ronghao League. My name is Sun Bin. May I ask who you are?" A guard stayed at the door to guard, while another guard guided Zhang Kun to Ronghao League. Walk in the alliance.

"My name is Zhang Kun." Zhang Kun replied calmly.

"Zhang Kun? My alchemist in Xilan country, and the business alliance have more or less contact, it seems that I have never heard of you." Sun Bin asked suspiciously.

Zhang Kun nodded and said, "Your young master and I are brothers from the same school. I come from Yaohuang Mountain."

"It turns out that's the case, so it makes sense. It seems that you really know the young master. He did secretly go to Yaohuang Mountain to learn from a teacher." Sun Bin showed a bit of relief.

Zhang Kun wondered: "I never understood why he traveled thousands of miles to Yaohuang Mountain to learn the way of alchemy. Is there no similar sect of alchemy in Xilan Kingdom?"

"Haha," Sun Bin laughed dryly and said as he walked, "Of course there are, but there are not many top ones. Among them, the strongest one is the Lord of the Rage Tower, Blood Nine King Luo Quan, but our relationship with him is a bit tense. , the young master wants to learn the most top alchemy technique, so he has no choice but to go to Yaohuang Mountain!"

 As of today, it is finally completed, and starting tomorrow, it will be able to change three times a day normally.

(End of this chapter)

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