Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 520 The Wood Species That Are Difficult to Raise

Chapter 520 The Wood Species That Are Difficult to Raise

Zhang Kun nodded silently. With Luo Quan's temperament, he really had no deal with Qi Zhengyan at all, and Qi Zhengyan, the second-ranked Danzong, didn't like it either, so he simply came to Yaohuang Mountain.

"Okay, the elders and the priest are discussing things in the inner hall, I will take you in!" Sun Bin said.

At this moment, Jingyu's plain voice sounded in Zhang Kun's ear: "Zhang Kun, Dandie has woken up from a deep sleep, has cocooned, and will soon hatch."

Zhang Kun was slightly taken aback, he was about to forget about this matter, he once obtained a Dandie egg from Jing Yu's hands, and after it hatched, it became a golden silkworm, which cured Qin Kexin's illness After that, he fell into a deep sleep in the mirror field.

Later, after the fusion of the third fragment of the mirror domain, immortal energy could already be diffused in the mirror domain. For Zhang Kun, this was too much energy, and if it was inhaled directly, it would explode and die, but for Dan Die's bloodline, This is my ultimate tonic!
Coupled with the acceleration of time in the mirror domain, Dandie's growth rate has become extremely fast. In just a few months, it has already transformed from the golden silkworm stage to the butterfly stage!

This is undoubtedly good news. Jing Yu told Zhang Kun very early on that Dan Die would be an extremely effective helper on his alchemy journey, and Zhang Kun couldn't help but look forward to its role!

"Alchemist Zhang Kun, what's the matter with you, is there anything you are happy about?" Seeing Zhang Kun's happy look, Sun Bin asked in doubt.

"Very good, infuse Xianyuan, let it break out of the cocoon as soon as possible!" Zhang Kun moved his mind, and restrained the joyful expression on his face.

"No, let's go in!"

Zhang Kun followed Sun Bin into the inner hall, and saw several old men sitting there. The aura exuding from them was like an abyss, like an ocean. With such profound internal strength, they must be strong foundation builders, but they are all Frowning, seems to be troubled by something.

Moreover, a middle-aged man sitting on the first seat gave him a feeling of shock, as if facing Xu Qing or Gongsun Yangyan, he kept his eyes closed, no matter how quarreled in the hall, he would be nothing Don't care about your appearance, the old god is there.

"Several of them are alchemists!" Zhang Kun couldn't help but secretly startled. Such a dense crowd of alchemists appeared at the same time. Except for the apprenticeship ceremony in Yaohuang Mountain, where all the elders gathered together, there was really no such thing on weekdays. seen.

"It's indeed the largest business alliance in the country of Xilan, and even in the whole world!" Zhang Kun couldn't help admiring again and again. He glanced and found that Qi Zhengyan was also here. Somewhat young master's style.

"Elders, this is alchemist Zhang Kun. He said he knew Young Master Qi." Sun Bin said respectfully. Before he finished speaking, Qi Zhengyan stood up directly, stared blankly at Zhang Kun, and He walked up quickly and hugged Zhang Kun in his arms!
"I didn't expect you to be alive!" Qi Zhengyan's cold poker face also showed joy at this time. It seemed that they hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they were very happy to meet again.

Zhang Kun laughed and said, "Young Master Qi's news is too incomprehensible. It's been a month since the war, and you haven't heard any news from the Xiaoshuo Empire?"

Qi Zhengyan let go of Zhang Kun, and said with a bit of embarrassment on his face: "Recently, there are too many things in the business alliance, and it is too busy for a while, and the distance between the two places is too far, so the news is a bit behind."

Zhang Kun coughed a few times and said: "Let's not talk about this for now. I heard that Rong Haomeng encountered some problems, and they couldn't solve it after inviting many alchemists. Brother Qi, why don't you tell me?"

"Hmph, little brother, you're really confident!" Immediately, the alchemist sitting in the hall sneered. They were hired by the Ronghao League with a high salary, and even the leading figures like them are helpless. What does a little guy mix with?
"Alchemist Zhang Kun, I haven't heard of such a person, and he is so young, can be an alchemist, Sun Bin, have you misjudged, don't bring everyone here in the future!" A high-ranking elder slightly Frowning, said coldly.

If it weren't for Zhang Kun and Qi Zhengyan's acquaintance, those alchemists would have kicked Zhang Kun out a long time ago!
Sun Bin was suddenly in a dilemma, looked at Zhang Kun, but saw that his face was calm.

Qi Zhengyan said quickly after hearing the words: "Zhang Kun is the most talented alchemist I met when I was practicing in Yaohuang Mountain. Although he is young, I am afraid that many alchemy techniques are not inferior to you!"

"Hmph, since the young master said so, we have no choice but to believe it for the time being, but the so-called surpassing us?" A alchemist in a gray robe said with a sneer: "I don't think it's possible, I'm better than him anyway." A pill that has been refined for decades!"

Qi Zhengyan said indifferently: "I am not belittling alchemists, but my fellow disciple is really amazing, you will know once you try it."

Qi Zhengyan is very confident in Zhang Kun. Zhang Kun, who can come up with various kinds of pills, is not inferior to the veteran alchemists in some aspects. For those explosives and pill formations, the alchemists present are fundamental. I can't even imagine it!

"Okay!" The gray-robed alchemist immediately fell silent, but his gray eyes still glanced at Zhang Kun maliciously.

Zhang Kun didn't care about these and just asked: "I don't know if your alliance has any problems that can't be solved?"

At this time, the middle-aged talent who had been sitting on the first seat without saying a word slowly said: "Since all the alchemists can't do anything, why don't you let this little brother try it, Sun Bin, go and get one." Give him a nine-tooth wood seed."

"Yes, deputy leader!" Sun Bin said very respectfully, and hurried out.

"Nine-tooth wood species is one of the few wood materials. It is the main material in countless alchemy recipes, and it is an excellent material for making Taoist artifacts!"

"It's just that the Nine-tooth Tree is an ancient spirit tree, and it has been extinct until now. There was once a branch of the Nine-tooth tree that was auctioned in Raging Waves City, and was finally bought by the royal family at a high price of one hundred thousand spirit stones. Since then, I have never seen the Nine-tooth tree again." Wood appeared, and only a small amount of seeds survived, and I, Rong Haomeng, got a batch of wood seeds by chance." An elder said slowly.

"It's a pity that those wood species have withered and shriveled. We probed into the vitality and found that there was only a trace of vitality in them, and it was already difficult to revive. If we can stimulate the nine-tooth wood species, after a hundred years, our Ronghao League will be able to master a batch of wood species. A top elixir or a Taoist weapon!" the leader said quietly, with a bit of regret in his tone.

Zhang Kun couldn't help being startled. This person turned out to be the deputy leader of the Ronghao League, second only to the existence of the leader. If he could perform in front of him, his status in the Ronghao League would be great. Able to improve quickly!
At the same time, Zhang Kun couldn't help but feel the grandeur of the Ronghao League. He is now planning for things that will happen a hundred years later. He is indeed a big family with a deep foundation!
Zhang Kun couldn't help being slightly nervous. Although he was quite confident in his alchemy, there were so many strange medicines in the world, and there were some weird things that he couldn't do anything about!
The few alchemists present were all watching from the sidelines, they wanted to see what Zhang Kun was capable of!
Soon Sun Bin came in with a brocade box. After opening the brocade box, everyone saw only a shriveled tree species. It is still easy to be overlooked in the past!
Zhang Kun showed a trace of vitality, felt it carefully, and finally nodded.

"Hey, this kid is really putting on airs, you don't want to say you have a way, this is an ancient thing, and all the current methods are hard to work!" The gray-robed alchemist showed a contemptuous smile.

"Hehe, it's not impossible to let the young man try, anyway, he will be the one who will make a fool of himself!" The other alchemists also looked at him playfully.

Zhang Kun smiled and said: "This tree species is indeed saved, but."

"What?" the deputy leader said calmly, but he didn't really have much expectations, so he asked casually.

Zhang Kun said: "I do have a way to stimulate this wood species, but I need one night, and the exclusive secret recipe I use is not convenient to disclose to the outside world."

"Hmph, it's just playing tricks, what kind of night is it, you can't do it in this life, so what if I give you ten nights?" The gray-robed alchemist sneered again.

Zhang Kun ignored him and looked at the deputy leader calmly, waiting for his attitude.

"Yes," the deputy leader took a careful look at Zhang Kun, and faintly found that there seemed to be some extraordinary temperament in him, so he couldn't help being a little more interested. He turned to Qi Zhengyan and said, "Since he is the young master's friend, give him It doesn't matter if there is a chance, then I will leave it to the young master to arrange it at this time, and at this time tomorrow, I want to see the wood species that has been urged."

"Otherwise... you will have to pay the price for wasting all of us's time!" The deputy leader's words were suddenly a bit cold, making everyone present feel a little shocked, but the alchemists showed smiles on their faces, It seems that I can't wait to see Zhang Kun in a mess!
Qi Zhengyan nodded, patted Zhang Kun on the shoulder and said, "Then follow me, and I will arrange the room with you."

Zhang Kun nodded slightly, took the brocade box containing the wood seeds in Sun Bin's hand, turned around, followed Qi Zhengyan and left the inner hall.

"Hehe, deputy leader, do you really think this kid has this ability?" The gray-robed alchemist sneered.

"After all, he is the young master's friend, and this kid feels a little mysterious to me, maybe he really has some skills." The deputy leader glanced at the gray-robed alchemist lightly and said: "Feng Dangzha, you are so eager to stop me. Is he trying because he is afraid that if he really succeeds, you have no place to put your face?"

Gray-robed alchemist Feng Dangzha sneered and said: "It's so possible, I bet there is no alchemist in the world who can revitalize this kind of wood!"

The deputy leader smiled and closed his eyes again without answering.

(End of this chapter)

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