Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 521 Linglong Drunken Laurel

Chapter 521 Linglong Drunken Laurel

Qi Zhengyan brought Zhang Kun to a side room. Although there was no one living there all year round, it was cleaned very clean, and the decorations and furniture inside were also taken care of, making it look brand new and spacious.

Zhang Kun couldn't help being dumbfounded. It took him a few quarters of an hour to follow Qi Zhengyan all the way through most of the courtyard. It can be seen how big this Qi mansion is, and it is possible to buy such a big house in Raging City, where every inch of land is expensive. A piece of land, Rong Haomeng's strength can be seen.

"Junior Brother Zhang Kun, you should live here first. If you need anything, just ask. There is also an independent alchemy room for you to use. Just let it go for a while. If you succeed in stimulating the wood species, Rong Haomeng will I can hire you as a guest minister, and I will arrange a better residence for you, even an independent mansion!" Qi Zhengyan said.

Zhang Kun nodded with a smile and said, "Where are Brother Han and the others?"

"We're all at the mansion. We were more or less injured in the previous battle, and we're all recuperating now. Want to see them? I'll take you there." Qi Zhengyan said.

Just as Zhang Kun had this intention, the two continued to walk deep, and soon arrived at Han Dongxu's residence. When everyone met, they felt a burst of emotion.

"Hey, I really didn't expect that the situation at that time was too critical. If the Qi family's team hadn't arrived in time, we would all be buried under the claws of the undead!" Han Dongxu said with lingering fear.

"Where is my sister Liang Lingxue, where is she?" Zhang Kun looked around but found no trace of Liang Lingxue.

Qi Zhengyan said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, Junior Brother Zhang Kun. Liang Lingxue was selected by my father as a disciple. She is traveling around the world with him and practicing cultivation. She won't be able to return to Raging Wave City for a while."

Only then did Zhang Kun nod his head reassuringly. It is also a good opportunity to be selected by the leader of the Ronghao League. I hope everything goes well for her.

"Wait, where is Ding Yingshang, isn't she with you?" Zhang Kun suddenly asked in confusion.

"Hey, don't mention it!" Han Dongxu suddenly clenched his fists.

Qi Zhengyan also shook his head for a while, and Zhang Kun was puzzled and asked repeatedly: "What happened to her?"

"Zhang Kun, you went out of the city at that time, so you don't know what happened later." Qi Zhengyan took a deep breath and said.

"She betrayed us, took away the core of the alchemy formation, and destroyed the defense line of Poling City!" Han Dongxu's eyes were bloodshot, and he clenched his hands tightly, looking unwilling.

Zhang Kun suddenly seemed to be struck by lightning, and shouted angrily: "What? Thanks to my trust in her, I gave her the most important core of the alchemy formation!"

When Zhang Kun heard the news, his head was about to explode. He said coldly in a low voice: "It turned out to be her, okay, okay, I will definitely find her and make her pay the price!"

Seeing Zhang Kun like this, everyone dared not speak, and the whole room was silent.

After a long time, Qi Zhengyan tentatively opened his mouth and said, "Junior Brother Zhang Kun, I don't know what you are talking about when you come to Xilan Country this time?"

"Phew!" Zhang Kun took a deep breath. As a peerless genius who has passed through the state of refining his mind, he quickly adjusted his state of mind and said calmly: "After experiencing the catastrophe of the shadow of the lunar eclipse, many cities in the Xiaoshuo Empire were slaughtered. , millions of people have been displaced and the army has been greatly reduced.”

"And the neighboring countries hope that the Wen Empire is waiting for the opportunity to move, and they are ready to move. They have already begun to disturb the borders of our Xiaoshuo Empire. War is inevitable!" Zhang Kun said.

Han Dongxu and Xue Zhenghao immediately became nervous. They never thought that after suffering a wave of disasters in their hometown, they would be devastated by war again!
"Junior Brother Zhang Kun, do you mean that you are here to ask for help?" Qi Zhengyan was worthy of being the young master of the Ronghao League, and he guessed his intention of coming from a few words of Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun nodded as expected and said: "That's right, I hope to get the support of the Xilan Kingdom, send troops to the Wangwen Empire to contain them, encircle Wei and save Zhao, and come to rescue the Xiaoshuo Empire."

Qi Zhengyan suddenly fell into silence.

"Although I am the young master of Ronghao League and the future heir of the Qi family, I can't mobilize too much power now."

"What's more, although my Qi family is the number one family in Raging Waves City, there is still a royal family on top of us. If you want to borrow enough troops to affect the war, it is not enough for you and me now!" Qi Zhengyan Said with some regret.

Zhang Kun nodded and said: "It doesn't matter. I don't expect Sealand to send troops directly this time. The war between the two countries will continue for a while. Let's hurry up and arrange this matter, and we will definitely change our fate."

Qi Zhengyan nodded and said, "Well, that's fine, but do you have any plans?"

Zhang Kun glanced at Qi Zhengyan and said: "Although you are the heir, you don't have much real power in your hands. On the one hand, I will help you gradually take charge of the Ronghao League. At that time, I will need you, Brother Qi, to help me resolve this war." , On the other hand, I will also develop my power so that it can affect the state affairs of Sealand!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. If they hadn't seen many miracles created by Zhang Kun, they would definitely think that this kid is crazy. A mere 15-year-old boy dared to say that he can change Rong Haomeng. Even the situation in the entire Sealand country!

Qi Zhengyan was silent for a moment and said: "If it's Junior Brother Zhang Kun, maybe it can be done. I dare not promise the whole Ronghao League, but I will definitely do my best to help you here!"

"Thank you Brother Qi!" Zhang Kun thanked again and again.

"It's just Junior Brother Zhang Kun, do you really have a way to mobilize the Nine-tooth Wood Seed?" Qi Zhengyan was slightly suspicious: "The deputy leader said before that if you can't do it, you will have to pay the price. The power of the deputy leader Second only to my father, even I can't help you much!"

"Ah?" Han Dongxu and Xue Zhenghao couldn't help opening their mouths, and they were shocked again and again: "Junior Brother Zhang Kun, you actually took on this difficult problem. You must know that the deputy leader looks amiable, but in fact his methods are very vicious. If you are caught by him When it comes to the handle, it will really be very troublesome!"

"That's right, and the plan you mentioned before is out of the question!" Qi Zhengyan said worriedly.

"Don't worry, everyone, then I'll go back first and urge this wood seed up," Zhang Kun said confidently, "Then I'll take my leave first!"

Ever since Zhang Kun left the inner hall of the Qi Mansion, the news that he wanted to urge Mu Zhong spread among the Ronghao League. Everyone in the Qi Mansion, men, women and children, had heard that there was a 15-year-old alchemist who was going to challenge everyone in the way of alchemy A problem that even the masters could not solve!
"I heard that this Zhang Kun is the young master's friend!"

"Are you saying it's grandstanding?" Everyone in the Qi manor speculated.

"That's right, even Master Feng Dangzha of the Alchemy Association has already said that there is no alchemist in the world who can revive this kind of wood. He is a little boy, can he do it?"

Zhang Kun secretly contacted Qianlongwei to hide in the city of raging waves. Because of Qi Zhengyan's presence in the Qi mansion, there is no one who is not open-eyed, and will directly come to trouble Zhang Kun. The Qianlongwei sent by Xu Qing should have already Branches and leaves were scattered in the city of Raging Waves, Zhang Kun asked Zhong Liye to look for them.

With Qianlongwei's strength and skills, joining a mercenary group or family will soon become an elder, hold some power, and then form an independent family for Zhang Kun to use.

That night, Zhang Kun arranged the enchantment in the room, and his spiritual consciousness communicated with the mirror domain. A white light flashed, and he entered the mirror domain.

"Jingyu, I need to urge a nine-tooth wood seed." Zhang Kun said lightly, and walked slowly to the alchemy hall.

The medicine garden in the Dandian Temple is already filled with spiritual seeds collected by Zhang Kun. Under the attention of ten times the time flow of the mirror domain and the powerful immortal essence, those herbs are growing wildly at a speed of a hundred times and a thousand times!

"This is not a nine-tooth tree species, but the spiritual species of Linglong Drunken Laurel," Jing Yu replied, "it's something from the upper world, because the spiritual energy in the world you live in is lacking, and the spirituality contained in it has shrunk. That's how it became!"

Zhang Kun was slightly surprised, Rong Haomeng only thought it was ancient clothes, but Jingyu said it was something from the upper world, Zhang Kun couldn't help being slightly surprised, what has he experienced in the world he lives in?
"Since it is something from the upper realm, it cannot be stimulated with ordinary vitality. If you pour a drop of liquid immortal essence into it, it is enough to activate the vitality contained in it. However, if you want to cultivate it thoroughly, you have to infuse it with immortal energy. Yuan, if it is watered with vitality, it will only grow into a nine-tooth tree in the end!" Jing Yu said lightly.

Zhang Kun felt that it was a pity that Linglong drunk laurel and nine-tooth wood were completely two-grade materials. It was indeed a waste of money to waste immortal materials like this, but now he needed this seed to germinate and hand it over to Rong Haomeng to gain status.

"Okay!" Zhang Kun responded, and came to the medicine garden, where he saw colorful flowers and grasses growing here, which made people feel full of vitality. Guan, just as a drop of immortal essence was dripping, Zhang Kun put the nine-tooth wood seed under it, and the clear and crystal-clear water drops fell on the shriveled seeds, and a strange scene appeared immediately!
I saw that the shriveled skin on the wood species was infiltrated and faded away from the earthy color, revealing the bright ice crystal color inside. The seed seemed to contain a star river universe, which was as bright and gorgeous, and it was shining with spiritual light. It is nothing!

Zhang Kun couldn't help but sighed in admiration: "As expected of something from the upper world, I really look forward to the day when I can use such materials to refine elixir!"

"I don't know if Rong Haomeng can give me some wood seeds. I will plant them in the medicine garden and let them grow into real exquisite drunk laurel!" Zhang Kun said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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