Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 522

Chapter 522
It only takes a moment to wake up the Nine-tooth Wood Seed, but it would be too shocking. After Zhang Kun retreated from the mirror field, he arranged a series of complicated tools in the alchemy room. Pretending to be stimulated, roasting with fire, watering, and instilling spiritual power made it very hot.

Quite a few people looked outside the house curiously, thinking that Zhang Kun was racking his brains, trying to find a way to stimulate the nine-tooth wood seed.

"Haha, after spending so much effort, if you can't make it in the end, it will be really embarrassing!" Everyone seems to be waiting to see Zhang Kun's joke, as long as he can't hand in the urged nine-tooth wood species tomorrow , he would instantly become the laughing stock of everyone, even if Qi Zhengyan was the young master, he would not be able to speak for him.

The night passed quietly like this. On the second day, Zhang Kun stared at the heavy dark circles under his eyes with a listless look, and appeared in front of everyone, which immediately caused a burst of laughter.

"Oh, if you don't have diamonds, don't do that porcelain job!" Feng Dangzha, the gray-robed alchemist in the inner hall, sneered, "You made yourself so humiliated, why are you bothering, wasting your time and everyone's time!"

Everyone shook their heads when they saw this: "It seems that we won't be able to see him in the Ronghao League in the future!"

"Junior Brother Zhang Kun." Qi Zhengyan's face was also full of worry, and he looked at Zhang Kun with a difficult expression on his face, but Zhang Kun gave him a reassuring look.

"Okay, the time we agreed on has come. Little friend, have you succeeded? Do you need me to extend it for half a day?" The majestic voice of the deputy leader came, showing a lazy noble air.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Zhang Kun took a step up, took out a brocade box, opened the box gently, and suddenly a clear light filled the whole room, and the faint brilliance of ice crystals reflected On everyone's cheeks, their originally calm and indifferent expressions turned into expressions of horror!

"What, how is it possible!" Feng Dangzha's face suddenly turned into the color of a pig's liver, staring at the nine-tooth wood seed in Zhang Kun's hand, his eyes were about to pop out.

"Impossible, this kid must have tampered with the appearance of the seeds!" After Feng Dangzha was surprised, he sneered suddenly. It's not like he hasn't seen this kind of cleverness before.

Zhang Kun said with a chuckle: "This alchemist, I am the Nine-tooth Wood Seed that has really been mobilized, but you framed me out of thin air and said that you have tampered with it. What should you do if it turns out that you are wrong?"

"Huh, you dare to be stubborn, you really don't cry when you see the coffin, okay, if I'm wrong, I will apologize to you, and I will offer you a thousand spirit stones with both hands!" Feng Dangzha sneered, extremely confident said.

"One thousand spirit stones, alchemist Feng is generous!" Everyone couldn't help admiring slightly, alchemist is indeed the most profitable profession, one thousand spirit stones is a gamble!

However, there is also the factor of Feng Dangza's confidence that he will not lose at all. He really doesn't believe that Zhang Kun can play any tricks. It's a ghost that he can really stimulate the nine-tooth wood species!

Zhang Kun laughed and said, "One thousand spirit stones? It's too little. It doesn't fit your noble status, alchemist Feng. Let me see how about five thousand spirit stones. If I lose, I'll give you five thousand spirit stones. If alchemist Feng loses, If so, of course you will give me five thousand spirit stones!"

Everyone gasped again and again, Zhang Kun is too bold, five thousand spirit stones, that is already considered a considerable amount of wealth, and the accumulation of net worth of a first-order alchemist is usually at this level. Buy a few good Taoist magic weapons for self-defense, and hire some high-level Qi training to protect yourself.

When Danshi Feng heard this, his face became embarrassed. To him, five thousand spirit stones is really not a small amount of money. Although his other wealth combined is far greater than this figure, but in cash, he may not have five thousand spirit stones. .

Seeing his expression of retreating half a step suddenly, Zhang Kun quickly said, "Hey, alchemist Feng doesn't have five thousand spirit stones, right? It doesn't matter, you can owe it first!"

Feng Dangzha was immediately angry when he heard this, and snorted coldly: "Hehe, you bastard, you are pushing yourself into the fire pit, don't think that you can scare me by doing this, just playing tricks!"

"Okay, I'll take the bet, five thousand spirit stones are five thousand spirit stones!" Feng Dangzha said with a heck.

The other alchemists present all laughed: "Feng alchemist is so lucky, someone sent you the spirit stone early in the morning!"

"I'm afraid that kid won't be able to do it, five thousand spirit stones is still a big burden for him, a new alchemist!" Everyone discussed, but none of them were optimistic about Zhang Kun.

Even the deputy leader frowned slightly. Even if Zhang Kun didn't succeed before, he wouldn't really do anything to him with his attitude. At most, he was asked to stay in the Ronghao League for free alchemy for a period of time.

But now he is digging a hole for himself. If he does this, Zhang Kun will lose five thousand spirit stones!
Qi Zhengyan took a deep breath and walked to Zhang Kun's side and said softly, "Junior Brother Zhang Kun, are you sure? If not, you can just admit defeat. I can make up for you with five thousand spirit stones."

Zhang Kun shook his head with a smile, took out the spirit seed, and sent it to the deputy leader with a smile: "Please check the deputy leader carefully to see if I have stimulated the nine-tooth wood seed?"

The deputy leader sighed, he just felt that Zhang Kun really didn't hit the south wall and didn't look back. He didn't appreciate such a stubborn and face-saving person very much, and he couldn't help but feel a little dislike for Zhang Kun in his heart.

"Young and frivolous, although you have good talent, you are still a teenager in heart!" The deputy leader shook his head repeatedly in his heart, and stretched out his hand to pinch the wood seed in his hand.

The surging vitality in his body, as well as the condensed spiritual power in his sea of ​​consciousness, all surged out at once and landed on the wood seed.

Everyone was about to show mocking smiles on their faces, but the expression on the deputy leader's face suddenly froze, and after a long while, he shouted excitedly: "Okay, okay, okay!"

Feng Dangzha was dumbfounded immediately, and he couldn't help asking: "Master Vice President, are you talking ironically?"

"No, this is definitely the best spiritual material I have ever seen. It is full of vitality from the inside to the outside, and the power contained in it is shocking. It really is not an ordinary thing. This ancient alien species can really Being urged successfully, alchemist Zhang Kun is really amazing!" The deputy leader was already full of praise and praised again and again.

He was full of joy and excitement, but everyone was surprised. Everyone in the room was stunned, and their faces turned pale. The deputy leader said so, how could it be false?
But they still couldn't believe that no one in the entire Ronghao League could successfully stimulate the Nine-tooth Wood Seed. Zhang Kun really revived it after working all night!
"Hiss!" All the alchemists present couldn't help but take a deep breath. They are all masters of alchemy, and they have already reached a conclusion. There is no way to stimulate this ancient spiritual material, but now the living example is What is even more frightening is that the person who created this miracle turned out to be a young man who has not yet grown up!
"Sure enough, it's a boy born from a hero. It's an eye-opener for me. I'm convinced!" Many alchemists in Ronghao League nodded repeatedly, and gave Zhang Kun admiring eyes. He can do this, regardless of other aspects of him. No matter how accomplished they are, they deserve their nods of praise!

Qi Zhengyan also let out a long breath, and Zhang Kun did not disappoint him!
However, Feng Dangzha's face was even uglier than eating shit. He still looked unwilling, and walked up to the deputy leader and said, "Deputy leader, can you let me check again?"

"Feng Pill Master, do you not trust the old man's eyesight?" The deputy leader's face darkened slightly, and he looked at Feng Dangzha coldly.

"Here, although the vice-president's realm is high-level, it's better for me to check it again." Feng Dangzha resisted the pressure and said, "It's not a big deal for me personally. If someone deceives the sub-president, That's the big deal!"

"Hmph, then take a good look for yourself!" The deputy leader sneered and handed the wood seed to him.

Danshi Feng twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, as long as the wood plant was in his hands, it wouldn't be all up to him to say anything, and there would be no problem with doing some tricks.

However, the moment Danshi Feng touched the wood species, he was stunned, he could feel a supreme power, as if a beautiful scene appeared in front of his eyes, the surging spiritual power rushed straight into his mind, He froze there, muttering in his mouth: "How could it be so perfect?"

Zhang Kun chuckled, took back the wood seed from his hand, glanced at him lightly and said, "How about it, do you believe it now, why don't you offer five thousand spirit stones!"

"Ah?" Feng Dangzha came back to his senses immediately, only to realize that he had accidentally slipped his mouth. He really wanted to slap himself a few times!
Everyone was shocked, no one could guess what happened before, it turned out to be such an ending!

Feng Dangzha's face was extremely ugly, his whole body trembled, and he said tremblingly: "Tomorrow I will send the Lingshi to your residence!"

Zhang Kun laughed and said: "Thank you so much, Pill Master Feng is indeed a generous person!"

"Hmph!" Feng Dangzha's face turned extremely ugly, and he found an excuse of being unwell and left here early.

"Hahaha, alchemist Zhang Kun, you really deserve your reputation," the deputy leader smiled heartily, stood up and patted Zhang Kun's shoulder with a very serious look: "Since you are the young master's friend, why don't you stay with me?" Let's join the Haohao League! Please be the guest of Three Stars, provide alchemy materials, and give you [-] spirit stones per month as funds!"

Zhang Kun nodded with a smile and said, "Thank you for your love, the deputy lord, Zhang Kun thanked you here!"

Everyone was horrified, the conditions given by the leader of the alliance were too generous, how could a newcomer be named a three-star guest minister on the first day he came to Ronghao League?
(End of this chapter)

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