Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 524 Heroes Save America

Chapter 524 Heroes Save America
The man's face was full of ferocity, and he ran wildly holding Fu'er all the way, Zhang Kun frowned slightly.

"Help!" Fu'er saw Zhang Kun, a trace of hope flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she shouted loudly, and then she was blocked by the man, and she passed out with a slap, Zhang Kun saw the situation Immediately speeding up to follow, Qianlongwei saw Zhang Kun moving, and immediately followed.

"Boy, I advise you not to meddle in your own business!" The sick man sneered, and threw darts behind him as he ran. Judging from the strength of his shaking hands, he turned out to be a Qi trainer. , pierced a bit of cold light in mid-air, Zhang Kun's speed did not decrease but increased, and he directly met him head-on, only a crisp sound was heard.

"Clang!" Zhong Liye shot, and he also threw out several hidden weapons to bounce off several darts at the same time. Zhong Liye was extremely fast, and caught up to Zhang Kun's side in a short while. He couldn't help but asked through voice transmission: "Master Zhang Kun!" ,How is this going?"

"Don't worry about it so much, save that girl!" Zhang Kun responded, his eyes fixed on the sick man who was fleeing fast in front of him like a torch, it was already night, and under the cover of night, the figure of that man became more and more erratic, but How could he escape Zhang Kun's thoughts? His spirit suddenly released, and he was able to cover a range of ten miles!

Everything in it was clearly seen by him, even a mouse that came out of the sewer couldn't escape his discerning eyes!
"Damn boy, this is a matter between us brothers and sisters. I advise you to leave quickly, so as not to lose your life!" The sick man was so focused on running forward that he didn't notice that there was an extra speed around Zhang Kun. The afterimage was extremely fast, and he didn't realize that his surroundings had already been surrounded by several nimble Qianlong guards!
Zhang Kun frowned slightly and said, "I don't know what kind of relationship you two have. At least I have never seen a brother who would take Biyingdan for his sister for a long time. Do you know that you are harming her!"

"Hmph, this little girl, you really talk about everything!" The sick man sneered, and tightened his grip on Fu'er, as if he was taking revenge.

"I don't care what kind of medicine I give her. Could it be that you are a nosy alchemist?" The sick man said while running, mocking again and again.

Zhang Kun chuckled and said, "You really got the answer right!"

"Damn it, since you are so persistent and eager to die, then go die!" The sick man sneered, and shot a cloud of black mist to the rear, and suddenly the dark fog rushed towards Zhang Kun, Zhong Liye His complexion changed slightly, and he was about to make a move when he saw Zhang Kun's body shining golden light. His body seemed to be carved out of gemstones and jade, exuding colorful glazed light, directly resisting the evil attack in the black mist , the speed of the physical body skyrocketed again, directly breaking through the black mist!
"Hey hey, boy, you should have a good taste of being attacked by a hundred poisons!" The sick man is extremely confident, this move of the fog of a hundred poisons is his special skill, even a high-level Qi trainer would be afraid of it He thought that Zhang Kun should be dead at this moment, right?
"Sorry, what are you talking about?" Zhang Kun smiled brightly, and the hearty laughter was so harsh when it reached the sick man's ears!
The sick man's face suddenly changed, his figure paused slightly, slowed down, and said in shock: "How is it possible that you can ignore my attack?"

"Oh, it turns out that you are really an alchemist, so the explanation makes sense!" The sick man immediately found a reason for his failure. If you want to say what the poisonous Gu thing is most afraid of, it must be able to detoxify Healing alchemist!

Zhang Kun was too lazy to talk to him, and sneered, "I'm warning you for the last time, let Fu'er go, or you will bear the consequences!"

"Hmph, who do you think you are, a 15-year-old brat who dares to meddle in my business!" The sick man sneered again, and he stopped running this time, because Zhang Kun His pursuit made him scurry around like a headless chicken, and he accidentally walked into a dead end. There are many streets in Nuotao City that lead in all directions, but there are also many places that cannot be passed.

Seeing this, the sick man simply refused to run away, stopped, hugged Fu'er, and looked at Zhang Kun with a sneer.

"You came here by yourself, no wonder I!" The sick man raised his head slightly, and when he saw Zhang Kun chasing after him recklessly, with a calm and righteous look on his face, he suddenly felt a little funny.

"Hehe, do you think that your hero is very powerful in saving the beauty?" The sick man sneered: "Just relying on your strength, wishful thinking!"

Zhang Kun stood on the spot, expressionless, just raised his hand, as if he was trying to stop something.

"Tell me, who are you? What did you do to Fu'er?" Zhang Kun said plainly, but there was an undeniable majesty in his words.

The sick man smiled playfully: "Tsk tsk, our little hero is really cute, anyway, you are going to die, so why not tell you?"

"Fu'er is my own sister, it's true, but it's a pity, she's just a tool in my eyes!" The sick man said frantically and coldly.

"I planted a magic weapon embryo in her body, and used her body and soul to raise the magic weapon. Now the time is ripe, I want to take the magic weapon out of his body, it's that simple!"

"It's a pity, I don't know why, but when I thought about it, my obedient and obedient sister actually asked me, why did I give her Biying Pill?" The sickly man locked Zhang Kun with his poisonous snake-like eyes, and said through gritted teeth, "It must be you." This kid, instill this idea in her!"

"Damn it, you actually ruined my well-behaved and lovely sister. The purpose of her coming down is to fulfill my wish. I have waited countless days and nights to take out the magic weapon in her body. I will not allow anyone to destroy my plan!"

"Are you a craftsman?" Zhang Kun asked.

"That's right!" The sick man raised his head high, looking extremely noble.

Zhang Kun looked at the man in front of him coldly, his face suddenly sank. He had heard of countless methods of refining weapons, but he didn't expect that the scum in front of him would use the most cruel one. The embryo is planted in the human body, one can imagine how painful it will be!

Not to mention that Fu'er still needs to take Biying Dan regularly. After Zhang Kun returned to the alchemy hall, he consulted the classics. Biying Dan is indeed highly poisonous to the human body, but it is indeed an extremely rare nourishment for some metal materials. , that sick man went so mad that he asked his own sister to take Biying Pill!

"Brother, so you have been using me all these years?" Fu'er woke up from the coma at this time, and when she heard what his brother said before, she immediately felt extremely chilling, and she burst into tears from nowhere. It flowed out of the beautiful eyes of the assistant.

"Hmph, shut up my good sister, you will soon die with that kid, the moment you take out the magic weapon is the moment you die!" The sick man sneered again and again, as if in his eyes the sister Your life is worthless at all!
Zhang Kun frowned slightly, he noticed some strange aura nearby.

"Boy, I'm a craftsman. When you step into this place, it means you're dead!" The sick man smiled sinisterly, clapped his hands, and several people came out from the shadows, each with their own hands. With a weapon on his face, he looked fierce and fierce, and looked at Zhang Kun as if he was looking at a dead person!
"Tsk tsk tsk, you are just a brat, you dare to jump in front of our elder brother, you really don't know how to live or die!" The men of the sick man didn't pay attention to Zhang Kun at all, in their view, Zhang Kun was completely an ant.

"Zhang Kun, run quickly, they are experts at the fifth level of qi training, you can't beat him." Fu'er yelled weakly, looking at Zhang Kun worriedly.

The sick man snorted coldly and shouted angrily: "Fu'er, you actually spoke for that kid, everything I did was for you!"

"As a Qi trainer, the most important thing is the magic weapon. I gave you the top magic weapon in your body. Didn't you realize that your strength is infinitely stronger than your peers?" The sick man showed a ferocious expression: "I have blessed you for so many years, now it's time for you to repay me!"

"Oh, by the way, my brother hasn't seen you for so many years. I didn't expect you to be so juicy. Your skin is as smooth as egg white. Before you die, I must enjoy the wonderful taste of your body, hahaha !" The sick man laughed wildly, his hands disheveledly floating on Fu'er's body.

"Brother, why don't you give it to us as well?" The thugs also had lewd looks in their eyes at the moment, and they drooled when they saw Fu'er's pure and graceful body.

The sick man glanced at them coldly, but said: "Help me get rid of that kid first, I can give you a chance while it's hot!"

"Hey, big brother is wise, let's just take this one!" The subordinates laughed evilly, already drooling.

When Fu'er heard these words, her heart was ashamed, and she stopped struggling, with a sad face.

"Boy, you are dying, so you have nothing to say?" The sick man looked at Zhang Kun contemptuously. Although the other party repeatedly broke the means he used to escape, it was not his real strength at all, let alone a No matter how strong a 15-year-old boy can be, he is a noble craftsman, if he moves his fingers, his subordinates can crush him to death!
Zhang Kun was silent, just chuckled.

The sick man chuckled and said, "Since you don't say anything, I'll give you a word. If you don't have the strength, don't force yourself, especially if you see a woman!"

(End of this chapter)

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