Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 525 Don't Let Him Die Too Easy!

Chapter 525 Don't Let Him Die Too Easy!

"Hahaha, but you won't have a chance in this life, so remember this lesson well in your next life!" The sick man held Fu'er in one hand, and the other hand was flying up and down in the air. A thunderball with pitch-black lightning was being produced, and it faintly sucked all the boundless vitality around it, sending out thunder and lightning flashes, and the people in Rage City thought it was thunder from the sky!

"Kill me!" The sick man gave an order, and he rushed towards Zhang Kun with a group of wolves and tigers.

"Die!" At the same time, the sick man yelled angrily, and an electric snake shot towards Zhang Kun. Zhang Kun's expression didn't change at all, and he didn't move half a step. He just stood there, and the sick man's eyes flashed. With a mocking smile, besides Zhang Kun, he was so frightened that he was dumbfounded!

"You are the one who died!" Zhang Kun said lightly, suddenly a rainbow light flashed from a strange angle, and immediately crushed the electric snake, and the remaining power hit the sick man's body with a bang, causing him to utter a sigh of relief. There was a whine!
"Boom boom boom!" There were several explosions, and those subordinates fell to the ground one by one, losing their breath.

"What?" Before the sick man had much reaction, several weapons were placed around his neck. As soon as Zhang Kun stretched out his hand, a suction force snatched Fu'er from his arms, and gently In his arms.

The sick man suddenly turned pale with fright. He looked at several masked men who appeared out of nowhere around him, his vision went dark for a moment, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, are you cheating on me?"

Zhang Kun mocked: "No, it's just that you are too naive. I don't have time to design you."

"Since you already know that you are an alchemist, haven't you ever thought that there are people under me?" Zhang Kun looked at him playfully, and said with a smile on his lips: "Besides, my people are a lot stronger than you." Times!"

The sick man suddenly lost his temper. He struggled angrily, but the cold light of the blade on his neck made him calm down. The people around him used the secret technique at some point. The surrounding space was locked, leaving him nowhere to hide. What's worse, he found that the strange energy emanating from those weapons actually sealed the vitality in his body!

"Ah! Go!" The sick man suddenly yelled coldly, and a sharp meteor cold light appeared out of nowhere in the midair, pointing directly at Zhang Kun's forehead, the streamer in the sky was as fast as lightning, and the gorgeous picture like the constellations For the first time, Zhang Kun was shocked!
"Ah!" Fu'er leaned timidly into Zhang Kun's arms, clutching Zhang Kun's clothes nervously with her small hands, her face full of worry.

"Boom!" Zhong Liye, who was hiding in the dark, shot decisively, and the condensed and majestic Foundation Establishment True Yuan blasted out instantly, forming a red beam of light that instantly lit up the night sky, and collided with that meteor cold light!
As expected of Zhong Liye, the leader of the Qianlong Guard, he broke out with all his strength and forced the meteor's cold light to disperse!

"Looking for death!" The Qianlong guards were furious, and the weapons in their hands moved a little closer to the sick man's neck again.

"You guys!" The sick man's face was bloodless, because he could perceive that the aura of those Qianlongwei was several grades higher than his. Behind him, he was as stable as Mount Tai. Just now, he just casually smashed his Thunder Snake, and forced the meteor cold light back!

"Building a strong foundation?"

The sick man's voice trembled. No matter how hard he struggled, the upper limit of his strength was only the level of Qi training. The appearance of a strong foundation builder directly pronounced his death!
"You, you can't kill me, otherwise, Meng Ludao will definitely not let you go!" Howled the sick man, raised his head and looked at Zhang Kun threateningly.

Zhang Kun looked at him coldly, and said coldly, "Are you threatening me?"

The sick man was so frightened that his head was covered with sweat and his body trembled. He gritted his teeth and resisted the pressure and shouted angrily: "Boy, you are in big trouble. The magic weapon in Fu'er's body is not for me to use, but for the island master Menglu!" If you want to, kill me and save her today, and you will surely die in the hands of the island master Menglu in the future!"

The corners of Zhang Kun's mouth turned up slightly, forming a cruel arc.

"What I hate the most is when others threaten me!" Zhang Kun said lightly, but there was a supreme majesty in his plain tone.

"I'm going to threaten you, but I can tell you that I am the confidant of the island master of Menglu, and I have a soul seed planted by him in my body. If you kill me, he will know immediately!" His eyes fixed on Zhang Kun, and he sneered again and again with his sharp white teeth.

Zhang Kun asked nonchalantly: "Meng Ludao? Is it very powerful?"

"Master Zhang Kun, especially according to our investigation, Menglu Island is a floating island outside the city of Raging Waves. It is the largest island in Xilan Kingdom. The owner of Menglu Island was a strong man in the Foundation Establishment 50 years ago. He Sitting on Menglu Island, you are like a prince!" Zhong Liye stepped forward and whispered.

"That's right, but I've even killed the golden core, do I still care about this foundation?" Zhang Kun smiled softly, but in the eyes of the sick man, it looked as terrifying as a hell demon.

Even Fu'er was slightly startled. What had Zhang Kun experienced to say this lightly?She looked at Zhang Kun with complicated eyes, but her fingers unconsciously gripped Zhang Kun's palm even tighter.

The only ray of hope in the sick man's eyes disappeared. He glanced at Fu'er in Zhang Kun's arms, and shouted excitedly: "Fu'er, Fuer, I am your brother, you can't let this stranger kill me!"

Fu'er stared at the sick man with disgusting eyes, turned her face away, buried herself deeply in Zhang Kun's chest, and said through gritted teeth, "I hate you!"

Zhang Kun turned around and left with Fu'er, walking slowly towards the distance, leaving only one sentence to Zhong Liye: "Don't let him die too easily!"

"Yes, Master Zhang Kun!" Zhong Liye arrived respectfully, and when he turned to the sick man, he had already turned into a bloody executioner!
As Qianlongwei, they are usually in charge of espionage, assassination and interrogation. Not only have they mastered countless combat skills, but they also have endless ways to torture people. Heart-piercing screams came from that dark alley again and again.

"Fu'er, your brother is dead, what are you going to do?" Zhang Kun let go of Fu'er in his arms and asked softly.

Fu'er's face was still pale, and she bowed softly to Zhang Kun, gratefully saying: "Thank you, my lord, for your rescue. Without you, Fu'er would not have escaped this catastrophe, but Fu'er has no other family members." gone."

Zhang Kun looked carefully at the girl in front of him at the moment. Apart from seeing her beautiful face, he also unexpectedly discovered that there was a vigorous vitality in her body. Zhang Kun couldn't help asking curiously:

"What state are you in now?"

"Peak of the ninth level of Qi training." Fu'er replied seriously, she had no reservations about Zhang Kun, the lifesaver.

Zhang Kun's face suddenly changed slightly, good guy, Fu'er looks like she is only 15 years old, maybe even younger, just like her own little sister, how could she possess such strength?You must know that you are a peerless genius in the Xiaoshuo Empire, and at the age of 15, you are only at the third level of Qi training!
A girl at the pinnacle of the ninth level of Qi training?If this is said, wouldn't it be thousands of times stronger than Dao Sheng Xixian and others?But it seems that this young girl doesn't know what her strength means.Her talent is at the level of a saint child and a saint in any sect, how could it be his brother's turn to ruin her like this!

"What's the matter, Mr. Zhang Kun?" Fu'er said something wrong by herself, which made Zhang Kun angry, wringing her hands nervously and showing worry.

Zhang Kun coughed a few times and said, "Ah, no, I wonder why you are afraid of your fifth-level brother since you are a ninth-level qi practitioner?"

"Because Fu'er's power all comes from the magic weapon that my brother said." Fu'er bit her cherry lips lightly, lowered her head, and said helplessly: "And my brother can make this power invalid, so I There is absolutely no resistance in front of him."

Zhang Kun suddenly realized that with normal cultivation methods, in this world, it is absolutely impossible for a 15-year-old qi practitioner to reach the peak of the ninth level of Qi training, but Meng Ludao's evil method can do it, but Fuer needs to pay her life and ten years of pain!

"Master Zhang Kun, thank you for helping me, but the owner of Menglu Island will definitely come to trouble you, so what should I do?" Fu'er's face was full of worry, for fear that something would happen to Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "So what's the matter, if he dares to come, let him and Menglu Island be destroyed together!"

Fu'er couldn't help being slightly taken aback, looking at Zhang Kun with a hint of splendor in her beautiful eyes.

"Fu'er, are you interested in following me?" Zhang Kun smiled brightly, and stretched out his hand to invite Fu'er, an innocent girl who practiced Qi at the ninth level, Zhang Kun is interested in cultivating her.

Fu'er's straight nose sucked slightly, a slight smile appeared on her pretty face, she looked at Zhang Kun with a bit of timidity in her eyes and said, "Really, is it okay?"

"The people around Mr. Zhang Kun are so powerful, and those uncles seem to be stronger than me." A trace of sadness flashed in Fu'er's eyes.

Zhang Kun nodded solemnly and said, "Of course, Fu'er is unique!"

"Oh!" Fu'er's face turned red immediately, she nodded vigorously and said, "Well, I will work hard!"

Zhang Kun messed up her white hair with cherry blossoms in it with a smile, and said with a smile, "Then you just follow me."

At this time, Qianlongwei had also completed the task and quietly returned to Zhang Kun's side. Zhong Liye walked up with a smile on his face. Seeing Zhang Kun and Fu'er standing opposite each other with their eyes intersecting, he couldn't help laughing and said: "I'm sorry to bother you."

(End of this chapter)

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