Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 526

Chapter 526
Zhang Kun touched his nose helplessly and said, "General Zhong, stop joking. That girl has a special physique. She reached the peak of the ninth level of Qi training at the age of 15, but her body is full of toxins. It is a miracle that she can live till now. I just finished a session of therapy for him with little success."

Zhong Liye looked at Zhang Kun with an expression that I understood and said with a smile: "Young people are just shy, but it's okay. You don't need to make excuses for this kind of thing. We all understand that the hero saves the beauty just for this moment?"

Zhang Kun rolled his eyes at him, feigned anger and said, "Get lost!"

Another room was found, and Zhang Kun still carefully arranged the vitality enchantment before taking out the bronze mirror fragments, and a white light flashed into the mirror domain.

"Jingyu, I have found the Holy Spirit Moon Essence!" Zhang Kun said excitedly, a small bottle appeared out of thin air in his hand.

"Can the purifier hall be used now?" Zhang Kun asked.

"It is indeed the moon essence of the holy spirit, but the concentration is not enough, and the quantity is not enough. If you want to purify the temple, you need at least ten times the quantity!" Jing Yu said calmly.

Zhang Kun suddenly seemed like a deflated ball. He thought he could directly open the Artifact Hall this time, but he didn't expect that the Holy Spirit and the Moon Essence were not enough.

"Since I got it from the subordinates of the island master Menglu, there must be some on the island master Menglu. It seems that I need to go to Menglu island!" Zhang Kun immediately thought of this.

Just as Zhang Kun was slowly strolling in the mirror domain space, the mirror domain suddenly said: "Zhang Kun, the master of the Taoist Palace has found it for you."

Zhang Kun's originally dim eyes suddenly lit up, turned around and walked towards the Taoist Palace, stepped on the galaxy-like ladder, and came to the Taoist Palace like a palace. Zhang Kun pushed the heavy bronze gate, and there was a roar like an ancient giant. The roar of a beast is general, and the inside of the Dao Temple gives people a feeling of profound heritage.

At this moment Zhang Kun is still a little nervous, this is the first time he has welcomed the master of the Dao Temple, he has been practicing for such a long time before, even Gongsun Yangyan has never intervened, but judging from the results , is still very good.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to complete all the previous realms and enter the realm of refining the mind.

I saw mysterious and incomprehensible symbols engraved on the four walls of the Daoist Hall, and the murals seemed to depict a great war in ancient times. The torrent of annihilation washed over the world. Matter has been turned into the most basic particle state, and all energy is attributed to the laws of heaven, so it also appeared in front of Zhang Kun.

I saw a thin old man standing on the dark floor of the Dao Temple, which was as dark as an abyss. Under the nourishment of vitality, a scholar is like the smooth and tender skin of a virgin baby.

Zhang Kun couldn't help being slightly surprised, because he couldn't feel the opponent's strength at all, it wasn't that it was too high to measure, but Zhang Kun knew at a glance that there was no internal energy in his body, and even the spiritual power belonged to mortals Level.

Zhang Kun checked again carefully, wanting to find out the extraordinary things in his body. However, even the power of blood was carefully checked by Zhang Kun, and he still couldn't find out anything special about the old man.

Zhang Kun couldn't help but wondered secretly in his heart: "Is this the teacher of the Dao Temple? Why is he so weak, or is he hiding so well that I can't detect it?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Kun respectfully stepped forward and saluted: "Junior Zhang Kun, I have seen the senior, dare to ask the senior's name."

The old man looked timidly at the empty Taoist halls around him, and then at Zhang Kun who was bowing to him in front of him, he was suddenly puzzled.

"Where is this place?" the old man asked tremblingly.

Just as Zhang Kun was about to speak, he saw a pale golden misty radiance sprinkled in the midair, slowly pouring into the old man's mind. It was Jing Yu who was infusing the information here into his mind.

This also prevented Zhang Kun from wasting his tongue introducing him here.

But Zhang Kun was still very puzzled, and couldn't help asking Jing Yu: "Is this really the teacher in the Dao Palace? Why do I think his strength is low, and there is nothing extraordinary about him?"

"That's right, he is your new teacher. He is very special and is the most suitable teacher for you at this stage." Jing Yu just said that without telling Zhang Kun any reason.

Zhang Kun couldn't help scratching the back of his head in confusion. In his imagination, the teacher of the Dao Palace should at least be the suzerain of a large sect, or the leader of a superpower, and even drag the emperor of Xilan Kingdom here himself!

As a result, what appeared in front of Zhang Kun was an old man who was waiting for ordinary people. Not to mention what he could teach Zhang Kun, Zhang Kun even suspected that with his old body and faint breath, he might fall down at any time!
"Don't you need to compete with someone this time?" Zhang Kun asked suspiciously. There was only one old man in the Taoist Hall, and there was no test opponent like before.

"No, you just passed the qualification examination of Pill Palace, and it was an early assessment. You have already proved your worth, and your control over Jingyu is getting higher and higher. Jingyu has recognized you as the master, and there is no need to The qualification test will be carried out again!" Jing Yu said.

Zhang Kun relaxed, and then Jing Yu said again: "Of course, in order to motivate you, there will be assessments and rewards and punishments in the future."

Zhang Kun touched his nose, and sure enough things were not that simple.

"Huh!" The old man let out a long breath, and then he recovered from the short-term stagnation of Jingyu's instilling information.

"So, according to that strange voice, I want to take you as an apprentice?" The old man asked with a bit of confidence.

Zhang Kun heard that Jing Yu said with certainty that this is the most suitable master for him, so he couldn't care less about it, and quickly saluted: "Yes, senior, this junior is willing to worship you as a teacher!"

"But you've seen it too, I'm just a mortal, lost in the outside world, without status and power, how can I teach you?" The old man laughed at himself, seeing Zhang Kun in a plain red robe, Wearing beautiful jade around his waist, carrying a long sword on his back, dressed like a young hero, with white lipstick and white teeth, sword eyebrows and star eyes, he looks like an elite genius disciple trained by a wealthy family.

"Senior, you don't need to be humble. You can be summoned here, which proves that you are the best in the whole country of Xilan in terms of attainments of Taoism. Above the countless sect masters, you are even stronger than the emperor of Xilan country. You Of course I can guide the juniors!"

"Hey, how do you say hello?" The old man was silent for a while looking at Zhang Kun's sincere eyes, and then said quietly: "Okay, my name is Wei Xibu."

Zhang Kun silently memorized the name.

"You haven't heard of it, it's right if you haven't heard of it, because I'm really just an unknown little person." Wei Xibu sighed.

"However, I did have some adventures. Since I have come here, the strange voice asked me to teach you, and I will do my best to teach you." Wei Xibu finally let go.

Although Zhang Kun didn't know how strong he was, but he was willing to teach Zhang Kun, he was naturally willing to see what was special about him.

"What weapon are you good at? A sword?" Wei Xibu asked as he saw Zhang Kun carrying a long sword on his back.

Zhang Kun nodded and said, "Yes, this sword, junior, is called Chengying."

Speaking of a bright and crystal shadowless sword, it exudes a little bit of starlight, which is extraordinary

"You are already a Qi trainer, and you have your own system for sword moves, so please write a paragraph for me to read." Wei Xibu said.

Zhang Kun nodded, and in the Daoist Hall, an independent space suddenly separated, separating Zhang Kun and Wei Xibu, and a phantom suddenly appeared on Zhang Kun's side, which looked exactly like Zhang Kun in terms of appearance and weapons. Without saying a word, he directly attacked and killed him.

Zhang Kun was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that the Jingyu Dao Temple had evolved to such a point that even Zhang Kun himself could be simulated, but Zhang Kun was not flustered either. Under the shadow of his mind, every movement of his opponent seemed to be slowed down. In a flash, Zhang Kun discovered three flaws in the phantom!
"Obscure Moon!" Zhang Kun let out a low voice, and raised his sword to cut obliquely. The body of the sword drew a beautiful arc in the mid-air. The blue-golden sword light, like a hazy moon in the water, was struck at a strange and tricky angle. Hit the phantom's ribs directly!

"Qing, clang, clang!" The phantom also reacted quickly, changing his moves in the air, and the long sword in his hand whirled, disintegrating Zhang Kun's offensive in an instant, using Zhang Kun's favorite skill, wild wind!
"It's kind of interesting!" Zhang Kun couldn't help but fight with high spirits. He can lose to anyone, but how can he lose to himself?

He came to fight with a sword, sometimes agile, sometimes domineering. The two fought on the ground for dozens of rounds. With a sword in hand, he slashed like a cloud!
"Boom!" The phantom also soared into the sky, and the sword energy was pressing Zhang Kun vertically and horizontally. The two sword lights collided together, and immediately formed a cloud ring, driving away the thick fog. stop!
"I lost this move?" Zhang Kun couldn't help being surprised. The phantom was completely his own, and his strength and sword moves were all the same, but on the spot, he actually lost a bit?
Zhang Kun refused to admit defeat, and once again slashed with his sword, his steps were intricate, like a butterfly playing in a flower bush, trying to win with skill.

"The forearm is too stiff, the elbow is drawn in, and the right hand is lowered by half an inch!" Zhang Kun was surprised, and when he heard Wei Xibu's voice, he did it subconsciously without thinking about it. What Zhang Kun suddenly felt was another world!

"Stab!" With a sound like a sword being torn apart, Chengying in Zhang Kun's hand happened to be incomparable. He caught a gap in the phantom's sword light, and directly sent the sword in, directly breaking through his defense!
(End of this chapter)

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