Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 528 Three Years of Ironweed

Chapter 528 Three Years of Ironweed
On this day, an elder from Rong Haomeng finally came to Zhang Kun's residence.

"Zhang Keqing, are you inside?"

As soon as Zhang Kun finished refining a batch of pills, there was a slight knock on the door and soft inquiries.


Zhang Kun pushed open the door, and saw Elder Xun standing at the door with a big smile on his face.

"Elder Xun, what's the matter?" Zhang Kun asked calmly.

"Hahaha, Zhang Keqing, you have been in our business alliance for a few days. Is there anything you don't like?" Elder Xun said with a smile.

"The whole business alliance is very polite to me. Elder Lao Xun is concerned about me." Zhang Kun said without leaking, but he was secretly trying to figure out his intentions.

"That's good, that's good." Elder Xun also found that his own words were too blunt, laughed twice, and said awkwardly: "Actually, I came here this time to ask for something."

"Elder Xun said it's okay, as long as I can do it, I will do my best." Zhang Kun said seriously, but he just joined the business alliance, and if the business alliance really made some excessive demands, he would not agree. So he didn't say enough.

However, Elder Xun was not angry about this, and still said with a smile: "You also know that the business alliance has sub-alliances in this world, so it is involved in various industries, but the business alliance still focuses on pills. It is also because this is the most profitable industry, and Zhang Keqing must have a deep understanding of it with his level of alchemy."

Zhang Kun nodded. Pills are indeed a lucrative business, especially when there are some senior alchemists in the business alliance.

"So Elder Xun also wants me to refine pills for the Shangmeng?"

"That's not the case. You were introduced by the young master. How dare we let you make alchemy for the business alliance?" Elder Xun said politely, but Zhang Kun still heard another meaning. His level of alchemy is indeed not worthy of too much attention from the Shangmeng.

"Actually, I just wanted to ask Keqing Zhang. I wonder if you have more than 300-year-old iron wire grass?" Elder Xun gritted his teeth and finally said his purpose.

"Iron thread grass?" Zhang Kun was stunned, looking at Xun Qingshan with strange eyes, not because this iron thread grass is too cherished, but because this thing is really too bad, it is a kind of many low-level pills The basic medicinal materials that are available for refining are used, and the iron thread grass is extremely tenacious and can grow in all kinds of soils, so its price is low, and even a tael of silver can buy a big basket.

However, because of its wide range of uses, there are no strict requirements on the year of growth, and the medicinal properties of iron thread grass will even be lost as the years grow, so let alone 300-year-old iron thread grass, even 30-year-old iron thread grass I am afraid that the grass is rare, and it has been picked by those herb pickers long ago. No wonder the big business alliance is helpless. This is indeed a thing that cannot be bought with money, and it is even difficult to say whether it exists or not.

"Zhang Keqing, I also know that this is really difficult, but if you really have iron wire grass over 300 years old, we are willing to pay a high price to buy it, even if it is a little less old." Xun Qingshan said sincerely.

"Tell me first, why did you think of buying medicinal materials from me?" Zhang Kun said with a strange expression.

When Xun Qingshan heard that Zhang Kun did not directly refuse, he knew that the matter might really come true, and immediately said: "This is what the young master told me, the young master said that you always have some weird medicinal materials here, so let me ask you."

Xun Qingshan turned his head and sold his young master without hesitation. It seems that the iron thread grass is indeed very important to the business alliance.

"That's it." Zhang Kun nodded, dispelling some doubts in his heart. If it was what Qi Zhengyan said, it would make sense. After all, he had seen some medicinal materials in his private collection. Because of his identity as the young master of the business alliance, Zhang Kun was also shocked by the variety of medicinal materials collected by Zhang Kun, so he was speechless.

"I do have 300-year-old wiregrass, and I can indeed sell it to you." Zhang Kun stopped suddenly in the middle of speaking, looking at Xun Qingshan whose face was ecstatic.

Xun Qingshan was also a thoughtful person, so he immediately understood Zhang Kun's meaning, and patted his chest to assure him: "If Zhang Keqing has any difficulties, you can tell them, and our business alliance will satisfy you as much as possible."

"Actually, it's not a big deal. I just want to know the purpose of the iron wire grass you took." Zhang Kun slowly expressed his intention.

Xun Qingshan hesitated for a moment, waved his hands and set up a sound-proof barrier around him, and said softly: "Although this is not a top-secret matter, only the upper echelons of the entire business alliance know about it. Of course, as Zhang Keqing, it's okay for me to tell you , In fact, years ago, our business alliance discovered an ancient relic, which was actually hidden in a small world, and from some clues, we speculate that this is very likely to be the place of inheritance left by an ascendant .”

Zhang Kun was surprised when he heard the words. The treasures contained in the inheritance of an ascendant are absolutely unimaginable. If this is the case, the strength of the business alliance will rise to a big level. It could have been as powerful as the business alliance There are only a handful of organizations in China, and now I am afraid that the business alliance really has the capital to dominate.

"It would be great if this is the case, but it's not that simple." Xun Qingshan also guessed a bit from Zhang Kun's expression, shook his head and sighed: "That small world seems to have suffered a devastating blow. Not a single blade of grass grows now, and although the Ascended Man's Palace has been preserved, the magic weapons in the spiritual grass contain a strange power, and they will turn into flying ash with a slight touch. We only found it in the corner of the alchemy room A pill recipe, which was used by the ascendant to pad the corner of the table, we guessed that it was preserved because the pill recipe was too low-level and placed randomly by the owner."

"And what is recorded in this elixir is the refining method of an ancient elixir, Jiangling elixir." Xun Qingshan restrained his smile, and said solemnly: "This elixir has only one effect, And only those who have perfected Qi training can take it, it can increase the probability of the golden elixir becoming an elixir by [-]%."

Zhang Kun fell into silence, and Xun Qingshan didn't bother him with a slight smile. When he knew the news, he was so shocked that he almost made a fool of himself.

"Have you collected all the other materials?" Zhang Kun raised his head and asked, he just communicated with Jing Yu with his spiritual sense, and Jing Yu told him that Jiangling Pill can indeed increase the success rate of pills, and it can be exchanged in Jing Yu, However, Zhang Kun dispelled this idea after looking at the price. A crimson spirit pill needs a million spirit stones, and the pill formula needs a full 3000 million spirit stones!

"Yes, although the medicinal materials needed are very precious, and even some of them are almost extinct, there are still some stocks in the business alliance, but we really have nothing to do with this iron wire grass." Xun Qingshan's tone showed Show strong self-confidence.

"In this case, how many plants do you need?" Zhang Kun asked lightly.


Xun Qingshan was already sitting on the ground, the chair he was sitting on had been turned into broken limbs, but he didn't seem to feel it at all, his old face was full of shock.

"Elder Xun, what's the matter with you?" Zhang Kun didn't know why, so he stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Xun Qingshan.

"Ah? It's nothing." Xun Qingshan realized that he had lost his composure in front of a junior, and a look of embarrassment flashed across his face. He couldn't control his own strength just now, how could a chair bear the pressure of a Qi training monk? It was directly broken into countless sawdust.

But Xun Qingshan immediately ignored these small details, looked at Zhang Kun with a fiery face, and asked, "Do you really have more than one wiregrass? Or are they all over 300 years old?"

After seeing Zhang Kun nodding, the excitement on Xun Qingshan's face was even more uncontrollable, fearing that Zhang Kun would regret it, he hurriedly said: "I will buy it at the price of one hundred thousand spirit stones, if you are not satisfied, we can talk about it again .”

"No, I don't need spirit stones. Elder Xun, you should know that as an alchemist, the most indispensable thing is spirit stones." Zhang Kun shook his head with a smile.

"If there are some genius treasures, as long as they are owned by the Shangmeng, you can choose whatever you want, even if you don't have them, we can help you buy them." Elder Xun promised very grandly, it is really this crimson panacea for the Shangmeng. It's so important.

But Zhang Kun still shook his head. Elder Xun looked at Zhang Kun helplessly, and Zhang Kun said unhurriedly: "I think the Business Alliance should still explore that small world, right?"

"You mean?" Elder Xun was stunned for a moment, guessing Zhang Kun's purpose, but immediately refused: "Impossible, Zhang Keqing, we can talk about other things, but this is absolutely impossible."

"Elder Xun, don't panic. What if I say that I can provide you with 300-year-old wiregrass in unlimited quantities? Is this enough?" Zhang Kun looked at Xun Qingshan with a smile.

"Impossible!" Xun Qingshan yelled regardless of his appearance, but seeing Zhang Kun's confident face, he murmured suspiciously: "Do you have a legendary magic weapon that can change the flow of time?"

"Elder Xun, stop thinking about it. How could I have this kind of magic weapon that only exists in legends? Besides, if there is such a magic weapon, will I use it to grow medicinal materials?" Zhang Kun also admired Xun Qingshan's imagination. Said helplessly.

It was only then that Xun Qingshan realized his fault. No matter what method Zhang Kun used to provide a large amount of high-year iron wire grass, he should not inquire about it. This is also very sensitive to monks.

"Zhang Keqing, I was rude." Xun Qingshan sincerely apologized, and then hesitated: "If it is true what Zhang Keqing said, then this matter is too important. I am afraid I cannot make a decision by myself. The elders made a decision together, and now the elders are discussing about that small world, if Zhang Keqing is free, why not go together?"

(End of this chapter)

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