Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 529

Chapter 529

An imperceptible smile flashed across the corner of Zhang Kun's mouth. Sure enough, Xun Qingshan didn't tell him the truth from the beginning, or he deliberately ignored something. Otherwise, why should he be so nervous in a small secret world that is no longer useful to them? However, there must still be some places in this small world that the business alliance has not investigated clearly. Since he knows this opportunity, he will definitely not miss it.

"Then let's go and have a look." Zhang Kun nodded and said, he is confident that even the business alliance can't refuse his condition. In this situation where the Nascent Soul does not come out, Jindan is the top combat power , One more Jindan powerhouse can even affect the balance between several top forces, not to mention Zhang Kun gave the business alliance unlimited possibilities.

"Old Xun, you're back. I knew it just by looking at your expression. I said that there is something that the entire business alliance can't find. How could that boy of unknown origin have it." Zhang Kungang followed behind Xun Qingshan. , I heard an angry voice in the room.

"Ahem." Xun Qingshan turned his head in embarrassment, seeing that Zhang Kun only smiled lightly, he felt relieved, and led Zhang Kun into the room that was tightly protected by countless formations.

"Everyone, please stop for a moment." After entering, Xun Qingshan suspended the meeting, looked at the doubtful eyes of everyone, and said slowly: "There are some clues about the iron thread grass, and Keqing Zhang can provide it." Are you Zhang Kun?" A short, fat, red-faced old man stood up and yelled impatiently: "Boy, if you really have iron wire grass, take it out, my business alliance will never treat you badly, but if you are just sensationalizing , even if you are personally arranged by the young master, we will let you know the means of the business alliance."

"Elder Bi!" Xun Qingshan revealed dissatisfaction in his tone, winking at the short elder, but Elder Bi didn't seem to notice it at all, and was still chattering there.

"I'm talking about Lao Xun, you are really too, he doesn't know where this meeting hall is, don't you know? Just bring an outsider in casually like this."

"Elder Bi, right? I think you may have misunderstood something." Zhang Kun was never the kind of person willing to be beaten, and interrupted Elder Bi mercilessly, "The reason why I came to the Business League is only because you The Lord's invitation. Everything I got in the Shangmeng was exchanged at equal value. I don't owe you anything. On the contrary, you are asking for me now. It's disappointing, and I don't think we need to talk anymore."

After Zhang Kun finished speaking, he walked out without delay, leaving the whole room full of people looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Presumptuous! What kind of place do you think this is? You can come and leave whenever you want!" Elder Bi slapped the table, stood up, and shouted sternly.

In fact, he originally wanted to use power to suppress people. He thought that people from Zhang Kun who came from a small place must not have much knowledge. Kun was so upright that he would leave if he disagreed with him, so he was the one who was so embarrassed. Anyway, Zhang Kun was invited by Qi Zhengyan, and it was impossible for them to really attack Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun sneered in his heart, but sped up his pace a little. He didn't take Elder Bi's words seriously at all. The moment he stepped out of the gate with one foot, someone finally spoke.

"Little friend Zhang Kun, don't leave in such a hurry. It is true that Elder Bi did something wrong. He also offended you for the benefit of the business alliance, so please forgive me."

Zhang Kun stopped, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. He knew that the Shangmeng could not give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If he was really bluffed by Elder Bi just now, then these old guys who watched the theater would never come out. Voice.

"But, Great Elder..." Elder Bi didn't want to just lose to a kid who just arrived, and was about to say something, but was stopped by the Great Elder with a wave of his hand.

Elder Bi blushed. He didn't expect that he would be humiliated in front of a young man. However, due to the majesty of the elder, he could only shut up obediently. Full of threats.

Zhang Kun saw that Elder Bi sat back unwillingly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became wider. He turned his head to look at the elder with white beard and hair, and said sadly: "Although what some people did made me very sad, since the elder Having said that, then I will give the Great Elder a face, just treat it as if I have suffered a little loss and not care about him, after all, I am also a guest of the business alliance, so I naturally hope that the business alliance will develop."

The other elders couldn't help rolling their eyes after hearing this, and scolded this kid in his heart for being too shameless, and it's fine to hit a snake with a stick, and he still didn't forget to humiliate Elder Bi, and how much wronged he would suffer , Elder Bi's old face was completely blackened, and those elders all cast sympathetic eyes, and at the same time, they could see that this kid was a hedgehog, no matter who he was, he would dare to stab him.

"Zhang Keqing is a gentleman, I admire you, this time I really wronged Zhang Keqing." The Great Elder said with a calm smile.

The great elder with white beard and hair was originally a bit of a fairy, but now Zhang Kun felt that he smiled like an old fox no matter how he looked at it.

An old man and a young man stood there politely as if no one was there, watching others stare blankly, Elder Bi subconsciously stayed away from Zhang Kun, and the others did not expect that the dignified and stable Great Elder actually had such a side.

"Okay, just based on your words, Great Elder, I will never sell this wire grass to others." Zhang Kun said boldly.

The corners of those people's mouths kept twitching. Except for the Shangmeng, even if the other people took the iron thread grass, it would have no effect. It was really a big sesame seed cake. Everyone had a new level of shamelessness towards Zhang Kun. know.

"How much do you plan to pay for Zhang Keqing's iron thread plant?" the Great Elder stroked his beard and asked slowly.

"The next time you are in the small world of the Ascended, I need a place." Zhang Kun said lightly.

"Yes." The Great Elder agreed without the slightest hesitation, which made Zhang Kun look a little sideways. It turned out that he was already ready to bargain.

But what he didn't know was that in the heart of the Great Elder, Zhang Kun, an alchemist, would not be able to compete with other people for opportunities even if he entered, so although the quota is very precious, it is definitely worthwhile to exchange it for a plant of iron thread grass .

"If you still have conditions, you might as well say it together." The Great Elder said generously in a good mood.

"Then I'll just say it straight, I need the prescription of Zhang Jiangling Pill." As soon as Zhang Kun said the words, there was a lot of scolding.

"Boy, you need to know what is enough and enough is enough. With such a big appetite, aren't you afraid to hold on?"

"Great Elder, he is a liar at all. I suspect that he doesn't have wiregrass at all, and he is just talking nonsense."

"Are you tired of living, and dare to blackmail our business alliance?"

The Great Elder frowned slightly, stretched out his hand to signal the elders to calm down, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Zhang Keqing, isn't your request too unreasonable? One plant of medicinal material needs to be exchanged for a prescription. There is no such thing in the world. business."

"I didn't say I only have one wiregrass, did I?" Zhang Kun asked doubtfully.

"Huh?" The Great Elder was stunned for a moment, and then said ecstatically, "Do you have two plants?"

Zhang Kun kept silent, just shook his head with a smile, which can be said to be a good gesture.

"Could it be three plants?" The elder elder's voice raised a bit, because the crimson spirit pill is too important, and every additional iron thread grass means that the probability of success in alchemy is increased by a few points.

Zhang Kun still shook his head under the eyes of everyone. Xun Qingshan, who was standing aside, couldn't stand it any longer. provide us with more than 300-year-old clematis."

As if to match Xun Qingshan's words, Zhang Kun had a few more knotted herbs in his hand, which are iron thread grass. If it is an ordinary iron thread plant, it should be white all over, and these few iron thread plants are white. It was silvery white, and one plant even showed a faint golden color, reflecting a faint halo under the light.


"Hiss..." The sound of the silk thread being torn off resounded in the quiet room, followed by the sound of gasping for air.

There were a few strands of silver beard and hair on the hands of the great elder, and various noisy voices suddenly sounded in the room that had been silent for a moment. These elders of the business alliance who were usually in high positions now seemed to be seeing each other. The paupers who came to Jinshan all messed up their hands and feet, some fell off the chairs, some smashed the table, and some were directly stunned, and the whole room was full of ugliness.

"Ahem." The Great Elder rubbed his fingers in embarrassment, and the beard and hair in his hand disappeared, but he couldn't help but touch his forehead when he saw the sound behind him.

When the elders sat down again, the Great Elder looked at Zhang Kun with scorching heat in his eyes. He understood what this meant more clearly than others. If the Shangmeng really got such an opportunity, Then they can even generate a large number of
Golden core monks, in this era of lack of energy resources and decline of cultivation, this is undoubtedly an incredible thing. At that time, what else can the business alliance not do?

"Hey, why are they not talking anymore? Didn't they say that I'm a liar, and are they clamoring to drive me out?" Zhang Kun mocked mercilessly.

"Hehe, Zhang Keqing is serious. You are the guest of our business alliance. How could we drive you away?" An elder smiled awkwardly.

"That's right, Zhang Keqing is young and promising, and his talent is so good. Our business alliance needs a talent like you." Others also responded and praised Zhang Kun one after another, and the scene showed a one-sided trend.

(End of this chapter)

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