Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 530

Chapter 530
"Zhang Kun, the business alliance has agreed to your conditions. We can discuss the specific situation. Now I invite you to become the honorary elder of the business alliance." The elder made a final decision and extended his hand to invite Zhang Kun.

Everyone's hearts suddenly seemed to be pinched. What is the identity of the honorary elder?Although there is no real power, but the status and identity are exactly the same as the real elders. Elder Xun has worked for the business alliance for decades before he climbed to this position. Good guy, Zhang Kun has not been here for more than a week. First, the deputy leader personally worshiped him as a three-star Ke Qing, the Great Elder will be named an Honorary Elder later!
Zhang Kun smiled slightly. For him, wealth, spiritual stones, art treasures, etc. are not urgently needed. On the contrary, it is the improvement of status and power, which is most in line with what he is looking for now!
"Thank you, Great Elder!" Zhang Kun readily agreed, and under the envious eyes of everyone, the Great Elder smiled and handed a token made of pure gold to Zhang Kun's hands.

"Whatever happens outside in the future, as long as you show this token, most of them can be solved. If you go to any city, as long as there is Ronghao League, you can use it in exchange for protection!" The elder ordered.

Zhang Kun is a treasure, he must keep this genius-level figure for Rong Haomeng well, so he hastened to make friends.

Everyone was stunned, even they had never received such courteous treatment, they couldn't help being filled with emotion, some envied, some admired, and some felt jealous and jealous.

Zhang Kun smiled and said: "In this case, I will go back first, remember to send the pill formula to my house, and I promise that your promise will be fulfilled, and when you are ready to explore the small world, you can go back to the small world. Call me!"

"Hehe, to talk to the Great Elder in such a tone, it really shines when given a little sunshine, and the tail hits the sky!" The elders cursed angrily in their hearts, but kept silent, daring not to say a word.

And what they didn't even think of was that under the horrified eyes of everyone, the Great Elder stood up directly and sent Zhang Kun out with a smile on his face. His kind and kind expression was like Zhang Kun getting close to him. The elders in general.

Everyone present was stunned, they couldn't help opening their mouths, and stared at the back of Zhang Kun leaving!
A 15-year-old boy can actually do this step!
"Great Elder, is it necessary for you to do this? There are only a few places in the small world of the Ascended, and they are all given to the core members of the family. The formula of Jiangling Pill is even more precious. As one of the top secrets, you actually promised him everything like this?" An elder asked everyone's doubts.

"Besides, Zhang Kun is an alchemist. The formula of Jiangling Pill has come into his hands. If he collects all the materials to refine Jiangling Pill, wouldn't he need more Jindan experts around him?" Another elder worried He said: "After all, Zhang Kun is a guest, not a member of our Qi family. If an outsider is so powerful, will it affect the status of our Ronghao League?"

"Hehe, do you think things are really that easy?" the Great Elder sneered.

"Even if Zhang Kun can supply 300-year-old iron thread grass in unlimited quantities, it is difficult for him to find other precious materials. Even with the efforts of the entire alliance, Rong Haomeng only collected the amount of ten refinements. That's all!"

The Great Elder said solemnly: "How difficult is it to refine Jiangling Pill? If it is half successful, it is already burning incense, and you have to invite the top alchemists to refine it!"

"Even if we get five crimson pills, one will only increase the probability of breaking through to the golden pill by [-]%, and each person can only take one."

"In the end, optimistically, I, Rong Haomeng, can have three more Golden Cores, and pessimistically, one or even none!"

The Great Elder looked into everyone's eyes and said with a sneer, "I, Rong Haomeng, can only do this, but Zhang Kun is alone, so what can he do?"

"So that's how it is!" Only then did everyone suddenly realize that the formula of Jiangling Pill was given for nothing, and if it was given, it was given for nothing. How can Kun do it.

Therefore, he can give him the prescription of Jiangling Pill if he wants it, but it is just a small means to win people's hearts.

"As for the quota for exploring the small world?" The elder said with a smile: "That's okay, at least all the participants will be the venerable foundation builder. What kind of waves can Zhang Kun, a small monk in the Qi training realm, make? ?”

Everyone was amazed immediately, and they all praised: "The Great Elder is indeed a Great Elder, this skill of controlling people is an eye-opener for us."

"Hmph, otherwise why am I the Great Elder and you are not?" The Great Elder smiled and sat down.

The benefits he gave to Zhang Kun are real. As for how many benefits can it play?According to his estimates, Rong Haomeng's core interests would not be threatened at all, so why not do it in order to win over a talented alchemist?

"But Great Elder, is this crimson spirit pill really that powerful?" An elder asked curiously: "Even if the probability is not high and the material is precious, if it succeeds, there will be an extra Jindan expert. The status and strength can skyrocket by a few more, which is a crushing trend for some forces, and the balance of power in Raging Waves City will be broken in an instant!"

The Great Elder stroked his beard and sighed: "But the value of the crimson elixir is too high, the 300-year-old Iron Thread Grass is worth [-] spirit stones, this elixir is destined to be rare, and this elixir has a fatal flaw. "

"What shortcoming?" Everyone was suddenly curious.

"After using this elixir, regardless of whether it becomes a golden elixir or not, it has reached the end of the road of cultivation, and there will be no further progress from now on!" the Great Elder said with a sigh.

Everyone was stunned. Such a serious side effect can't help but make people feel horrified, but the magic power of the word "Golden Elixir" still has a great attraction. Even if you can't make an inch of progress, it's better than not breaking through the golden elixir. !
When Zhang Kun returned to his mansion, Fuer brought tea and water, squeezed his shoulders and beat his legs. These days, Zhang Kun spent a lot of energy in treating her illness. Fuer felt that she had nothing to repay, so she just Can serve Zhang Kun wholeheartedly.

Zhang Kun smiled slightly. The most important thing in the negotiation with Rong Haomeng this time was not the prescription of Jiangling Pill and the title of Honorary Elder, but the quota to explore the small world!

"A place left behind by an Ascended One, I'm sure it will surprise me!" Zhang Kun faintly looked forward to it.

"However, I still need to be fully prepared before going in!" Zhang Kun immediately sketched out a picture in his mind. For him, there are still many things that need to be made up. more secure.

While Zhang Kun was making plans, Zhong Liye walked in. Beside him was a healthy man in light armor. It was He Zhiyong, another general of Qianlongwei.

"Master Zhang Kun, we have something to report to you!" Zhong Liye said respectfully, glanced at Fuer slightly, saw Zhang Kun nodded slightly, and then continued.

"Let's talk about it!" He Zhiyong took a step forward and reported solemnly: "Master Zhang Kun, a gang I joined earlier is called the Ge Ran Society. These days, the Ge Ran Society is expanding. Long Wei's brothers also joined the battle, and with our help, Ge Ran won a big victory, annexed a force of the same size, and became a second-tier force in Raging Waves City!"

Zhang Kun nodded slightly. The forces in the city of Rage are intricate. The first-class top forces are the four major forces and the top ten families. He almost controls Ronghao League alone. Although there are many joining families below, Ronghao League is obviously dominated by the Qi family.

The other forces are composed of super family alliances in twos and threes, and they are absorbing some second-tier forces to join!
Zhang Kun motioned, "Continue talking."

"It's a pity that we lost a Qianlongwei soldier!" He Zhiyong said with a sigh.

Zhang Kun frowned suddenly. Xu Qing trusted him a lot, and gave half of the super powerful guards around her to herself. Not long after entering the country of Xilan, she lost a strong Qi practitioner, Zhang Kun How could Kun not feel distressed?
"How did he die?" There was already a hint of anger in Zhang Kun's tone, even if he died in a normal battle, with Zhang Kun's temper, he had to avenge him!
"It's the president of the Ge Ran Society, and he used our brother as a sword!" He Zhi said in a cold voice.

"Crack!" Zhang Kun slapped the table angrily, stood up immediately, frowned deeply, and said, "Anyone who dares to take advantage of me? Court death!"

"My lord Zhang Kun, calm down first, my subordinates have a plan, please listen to it." He Zhiyong said hastily.

"Say!" Zhang Kun ordered shortly and forcefully.

"Because of the military achievements accumulated in the previous battles, I have already climbed to the position of vice president, and the remaining eight Qianlong guards also have positions, so I want to make a coup d'etat. Fu Zhengwei, the president of the Ge Ran Society, will be in the raging waves tomorrow. Let’s have a banquet in the city and invite members of the Goran Society and other gangs.”

"You want to catch the turtle? A group of Qianlongwei is not enough to shake Ge Ranhui, but I have two groups in my hand!" The corners of Zhang Kun's mouth curled up slightly, he had already guessed He Zhiyong's plan.

"Master Zhang Kun is wise, our two groups of Qianlongwei plus your [-] top masters can turn the Goran Society upside down! You also need to be present at that time, and I will let the disciples in the meeting treat you as the master !” He Zhi said with a smile.

Fu'er listened in a daze for a while, but when she heard that Zhang Kun was also coming out, she weakly raised her hand and said, "Master Zhang Kun, can Fu'er go with you?"

Looking at the cute girl who wanted to do something for him, Zhang Kun couldn't help but feel warm, and said with a smile: "Okay, Fu'er is a peak Qi training expert, so please protect me!"

(End of this chapter)

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