Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 531

Chapter 531
"Well, Fu'er will definitely work hard!" Fu'er nodded vigorously, her pretty face flushed, and she looked full of energy.

But only Zhang Kun knows how much pain this cherry-haired girl has suffered in secret. She is very weak, but she insists on cleaning the house for Zhang Kun every day, pinches her shoulders and beats her legs, and even begins to teach herself how to distinguish medicine, which is a great support for Zhang Kun's alchemy. started.

Seeing such a hard-working girl, Zhang Kun couldn't help showing a somewhat gratified smile.

"Master Zhang Kun, this is an invitation card sent by Ge Ran. When the time comes, you will be able to enter with this invitation card and your identity as guest minister of Rong Haomeng." He Zhi handed over two cards respectfully. On the bronzing invitation card, the three big characters of Ge Ranhui were written in flying and phoenix dances.

Zhang Kun nodded, and handed it to Fu'er beside him. If this scene is seen by outsiders, they must be extremely envious. This Ge Ran has already entered the second-tier power, with nearly thirty qi training masters, the president He is also a strong foundation builder, and being able to participate in the banquet held by Ge Ranhui is definitely a symbol of status and status!

Fu'er looked at the invitation card curiously, and carefully put it in her bag.

"Okay, if you have nothing else to do, go back first, and I will treat Fu'er." Zhang Kun waved his hand casually, and Zhong Liye and He Zhiyong retreated wisely, and closed the door closed.

"Master Zhang Kun is so generous. I would be a little nervous to subdue Ge Ran, but he seems to be a normal person!" He Zhiyong exclaimed.

Zhong Liye laughed and said: "You don't know, on our way to Xilan Kingdom, he killed a city lord and the fifth-ranked killer of our Xiaoshuo Empire, bloody killing, without blinking an eye!"

"Hiss!" He Zhiyong took a deep breath, it seems that under Zhang Kun's kind and gentle surface, there is still unknown cruelty and cruelty hidden!

"Fortunately, we are not his enemies!" Zhong Liye rejoiced: "He has just come to Ronghao League for less than a week, and he is already an honorary elder of Ronghao League, and his power is comparable to that of a county lord!"

"I can't see it through, I really can't see it through!" He Zhiyong was speechless again and again.

Zhang Kun once again practiced kung fu to heal Fu'er. This time, with the help of Fahua Lingjun Jing, Zhang Kun communicated with the world and breathed out all the time. After one treatment, he didn't consume too much vitality.

Zhang Kun took out a few pills and sent them to Fu'er and said: "This is Huabilanzesan, which nourishes the internal organs, and this is the red and white Poria cocos mixed color pill, which can slow down the toxins of the Biying pill in the body. Take out the sword that devours your soul, I have no idea yet."

Zhang Kun was a little annoyed, he was good at treating poisonous wounds, but he was powerless to take the sword.

"It seems that we can only ask the new master after the opening of the Artifact Hall!" Zhang Kun sighed, and that's all there is now.

"Master Zhang Kun, you haven't gone out for several days, let's go outside together!" Fu'er summoned up her courage and looked at Zhang Kun expectantly.

Zhang Kun smiled, thinking about it, since Wei Xibu pointed out many of his shortcomings, Zhang Kun has been completely tense these days. In addition to practicing swords, he has not done anything in alchemy. Not only did he have to study the half-point pill given by Luo Quan, but he also had to think about how to detoxify Fu'er.

"It's not bad to go out for a walk once in a while, and relax a bit. The efficiency can be higher by combining work and rest!" Zhang Kun nodded with a smile.

Raging Waves City is a castle in the sky built on the sea, supported by the Raging Waves Tower, it is particularly miraculous. Although Raging Waves City is difficult to enter, it does not prevent it from having a population of millions. As the imperial capital of Sealan Kingdom, the people here The bazaar is very lively and staggering.

Yiyang District is the most prosperous area in the city of Raging Waves. There are all kinds of hawking noises one after another. There are only things you can't think of here, and there is nothing you can't buy. The crowd is bustling and bustling, shuttling in various teahouses and restaurants Among the stores, it seems that today is another major festival in Xilan Kingdom. There is a temple fair in Yiyang District, and the traffic is even more overwhelming!

Numerous people from Raging Waves City flocked here. Even if they didn't buy anything, they still wanted to visit the lively temple fair and feel the festive atmosphere.

"Fu'er, I've always wanted to ask you a question. The Biying Pill is highly poisonous, won't it hurt unbearably after you take it?" Zhang Kun looked at Fu'er who was next to him with pity. , asked softly.

"It hurts," Fu'er shook her head lightly, "But it's good to eat with sugar, there is a kind of fructose in my hometown that is very sweet!"

"Hey, Mr. Zhang Kun, there are glutinous rice dumplings for sale. Fu'er wants to eat, can I?" Fuer pulled Zhang Kun's skirt and begged softly.

Zhang Kun smiled lightly and said, "Why not, let's go shopping."

Since he was out to play, Zhang Kun naturally let go of his hands and feet, put aside his previous seriousness, and acted like a big brother next door, showing extreme doting on Fu'er.

Of course, Qianlongwei is still in the crowd, if Zhang Kun is in the slightest danger, they will take decisive action!

"Well, it's delicious, Master Zhang Kun should eat one too!" Fu'er had a sweet smile on her face, and there was no way to connect her with a humanoid weapon.

Zhang Kun also ate a glutinous rice dumpling, and it was just as Fuer said, soft and glutinous, and fragrant. Since he became an alchemist, he has not eaten for a long time, and one pill can heal dozens of people. You don't need to eat every day, all the nutrients you need are in the elixir.

But tasting these delicacies occasionally made Zhang Kun feel the taste of life. Xiuzhen asked, isn't it just to live a better life by constantly becoming stronger?

The world of mortals needs to experience the turmoil, joy, anger, sorrow and joy in this world. Zhang Kun suddenly felt that some shackles in his mind had been opened, and the barriers of realms that had been difficult to break through had completely disappeared. As long as he wanted, he could enter at any time. To the fourth level of Qi training!

"Yang Zhishui, white stone chiseling. Plain clothes and Zhu Yu, follow Zi Yuwo. Now that you see a gentleman, why don't you be happy?" At this time, there was a clear and ethereal singing in the distance, and at the temple fair, many Jianghu entertainers posed Tan Xianyi, the a cappella just now came from the throat of a good-looking singer.

"Master Zhang Kun, there is a show over there with big guns, let's go and see!" Fu'er was obviously excited, and without waiting for Zhang Kun's answer, she dragged him to the booth.

Zhang Kun smiled and shook his head helplessly, how good is the so-called quack artist?With the strength of the sky, the martial arts routines are also ordinary, and they can't catch Zhang Kun's eyes, but they won the rounds of applause from the surrounding people, and even Fu'er applauded again and again, smiling like a flower.

"Hey hey, thank you for your support. I'm new to Guibao, so I don't want to be filial to you all. I will try my best to practice kung fu for everyone. I hope that everyone who is rich will give me some money. The field is a field for holding individuals!" The big man with a big gun laughed loudly, and the ground was already full of copper coins.

"it is good!"

"It's amazing!" The common people applauded repeatedly, and they flocked to it, and the audience in several other booths also turned their heads to look.

"Okay, next, our family will show you a big boulder in the chest!" The big man with a full beard smiled heartily, and even Zhang Kun couldn't help but stop to watch the excitement.

"Hey, wait a minute, that big gun guy, do you understand the rules!" Suddenly a girl squeezed out from the crowd, with two double swords tied around her waist, she seemed to be a street performer dancing swords, she With hands on hips and angry face, he pointed at the bearded man and shouted: "This is the territory of my heroine, who will allow you to perform here to make money?"

"Hey, you little girl, you are not very young, but you have a good temper." The bearded man suddenly stopped what he was doing, looked at the girl with his arms crossed and laughed loudly: "It's up to you, you have to Let me ask the audience, do you want to watch the sword dance, or the broken stone?"

"Hey, little girl, this strong man is very good at playing with a gun. We are all waiting to see his next performance. You should get out of the way first!"

"Yeah, little girl, you have small arms and legs, it looks boring, we like to see strong ones!" The crowd watching were obviously attracted by the moves of the bearded man, and no one was optimistic about the little girl!
The girl was immediately ashamed and angry, stomped her feet, snorted coquettishly, and was about to leave, but when she was leaving, she panicked, stepped on something, and bumped her head into Zhang Kun's arms.

"Ouch!" The girl was in pain, only to hear a crisp sound, as if something had broken.

"Ah? Is Master Zhang Kun okay?" Fu'er ran up quickly and asked worriedly. Zhang Kun frowned slightly and waved his hands again and again: "It's okay."

In an instant, the murderous aura that seemed to penetrate the body from all directions was about to pounce on the girl. Zhang Kun waved his hand to stop Qianlongwei from moving, telling them not to be too nervous.

"It's just that one of my pendants is broken." Zhang Kun shook his head with some annoyance. To him, the best pendants are not worth much, but the sapphire he carried with him was from Su Fangmeng in Kaiyang. The city carefully selected to give him.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" The girl panicked immediately, and quickly picked up the pieces of beautiful jade that fell on the ground, trying to put them together.

Zhang Kun sighed and said, "Forget it, if it's broken, it's broken, it doesn't matter."

"That's okay, I...I will pay you back!" The girl shook her head vigorously and said, she suddenly thought of something, turned around, and grabbed the bearded man with a big gun.

"Hey, you little girl, you bumped into someone, why are you dragging me?" The bearded man was suddenly puzzled.

"I don't care, you caused me to bump into someone, anyway, that's it, you have a share in this matter!" The girl said unreasonably, looked at Zhang Kun and said aggrievedly: "My lord, tell me , how many taels of silver do you want, is 30 taels enough, if not, we will be your long-term guards until we pay for it!"

(End of this chapter)

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