Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 532 The Evil Servant

Chapter 532 The Evil Servant
"30 taels of silver?" Zhang Kun couldn't help but smiled wryly. This beautiful jade is a bit brittle, but it is of high quality, called chalcedony, and it has the effect of warming and nourishing the human body. Not to mention 30 taels of silver, thirty spiritual jade Stone may not necessarily be able to buy it!

Only an alchemist like Zhang Kun with a huge sum of money can afford to buy such an expensive pendant jade, and the price is obviously beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Hey, little girl, it looks like this jade is not only 30 taels of silver, but at least 30 taels of gold, right?" The passing people couldn't help saying when they saw that the jade was like emerald, with fine texture, warm texture and luster.

"Ah? 30 taels of gold?" The girl dancing the sword almost passed out. You must know that 100 taels of silver is enough to cover the expenses of a family of three for a year. Gold and other things are not something street performers like them can afford!

What's more, 30 taels of gold can't actually be bought with the small rope connected to that piece of jade!

Zhang Kun sighed and said, "That's all, you don't need to pay, just be more careful next time!"

"Girl, hurry up and thank this young master, you have met a good man!" The bearded man quickly winked at the girl.

The common people also nodded and praised Zhang Kun's generosity. If it were a dude who came here, this girl would have to be ripped apart, and even be sold as a house slave forever and be humiliated!
"No, no, how can the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes do something wrong and just leave?" The girl with a stubborn face pulled the bearded man who was playing with a big gun to pester Zhang Kun and said, "I don't care, I'm here The young master is working as a guard by his side, young master, you can pay me a salary, and leave after I pay back your money, and the big gunman, this matter has something to do with you, come and pay off the debt with me!"

The bearded man looked helpless, but he seemed to be no more stubborn than the girl. In addition to Zhang Kun's appearance as a rich young master, being able to work under him obviously made more money than performing on the street. Being a guard for him was also a good idea. Not a bad thing!
Just when Zhang Kun didn't want to mess with them, Fu'er shook Zhang Kun's arm gently, tilted her head and said: "Master Zhang Kun, I like that sister very much, let them come with us, otherwise My sister doesn't seem to give up."

Zhang Kun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said helplessly, "Okay, I'll give you 30 taels of gold a day, and after paying this jade, you can leave."

"Tsk tsk, this young master is really kind-hearted. This may be from Pengci, but he also accepts it!" The common people talked a lot.

"Why don't you be a young master, spending a lot of money, what is 30 taels of gold a day?" The eyes of the onlookers looked at Zhang Kun, full of envy.

"Look at the maid with the young master, tsk tsk, that is called a water spirit, not a hundred times more beautiful than the top card of the Purple Butterfly Pavilion that you have been thinking about!" The people's eyes fixed on Fu'er, and the girl suddenly looked at her for a while. Excuse me.

"Okay, young master, the two of us will follow you from now on!" The sword dancing girl breathed a sigh of relief as if a big stone had fallen in her heart, drew out her two swords and walked in front of Zhang Kun, posing , made a grimace and yelled at the surrounding people: "Go, go, don't look, you are blocking my young master's way!"

Zhang Kun couldn't help but smiled wryly, and looked at the bearded man with helplessness, but Fu'er covered her mouth and smiled lightly, it could be seen that she really liked this elder sister.

"I said, young master, we have met for a while, why don't we find a place to have a meal!" The sword dancing girl smiled slyly, Zhang Kun couldn't see what she was thinking, eating and drinking with him was really better than that Strong street performer.

"Yes, my old He is also very itchy, and I can only fight if I have meat and wine!" The bearded man laughed loudly.

Zhang Kun is naturally not a stingy person, it is interesting to watch the two of them, so what is it to invite them to a meal?He became happy, and it would not be difficult for each of them to give a spirit pill to directly raise their realm to a higher level!
"Okay, Fu'er is hungry too." Fu'er looked at Zhang Kun with a slight smile, her beautiful eyes bent into a crescent shape.

Zhang Kun stretched out one and knocked on her forehead: "Didn't you just eat glutinous rice balls, you snack food."

"Hey, it hurts, it's different," Fu'er said innocently, "When it comes to eating, I get hungry again."

Zhang Kun said with a smile: "Okay, I don't know where the dishes are delicious when I first came to Rage City, the two guards tell me, where do you want to eat?"

"Are you really free to say what we want?" Stars appeared in the eyes of the sword dancing girl, she seemed to be greedy, the kind who hadn't had a good meal for a few days, she counted with her fingers, and finally pointed to the distance A chic wine house said: "Let's go to Lingxueju!"

"Yo, the little girl is really good at picking. I thought of going with Lao He. This Lingxue House is the most expensive restaurant in Nutao City. Why don't you do it? We are just working for a day, and the young master's money is not enough." It's not from the wind!"

Zhang Kun smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, let's go to Lingxueju."

Are you kidding me, the honorable elder Rong Haomeng, the distinguished alchemist, is afraid that he can't afford a meal?

"Tsk tsk, young master is really rich!" Old He laughed enviously.

Lingxue was in the middle, and everyone ordered a table of dishes, and the three people's eyes lit up when they saw it. After three rounds of wine and five flavors, everyone gradually became acquainted and chatted.

The girl who dances two swords is named Jia'er, she lost her parents since she was a child, she lived on the street, she learned a few skills from an old artist, her strength was barely above the level, and she was able to make ends meet in the rivers and lakes, she was dressed in yellow cedar , the hair is also slightly withered and yellow due to malnutrition, but it is tied up with a red string, which looks a bit spiritual.

And the bearded uncle, Lao He, is a knight who roams all over the world, but his luggage was robbed in the city of Raging Waves, and he had no money to spend. In the end, he could only perform some kung fu and earn a little money. However, his strength is slightly better, but he has reached day level.

Zhang Kun only said that his family was doing some business, and his family was well-off. As for Fu'er, he didn't say she was a maid, but only his sister. Fu'er slapped her toes on the ground, her pretty face blushed again.

"Young master, it is fate that we met. I, Jia'er, will present you with a bowl! Hehe!" Jia'er smiled heartily, showing a pair of cute canine teeth, and licked up the big bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus stuffed with a neck!
Zhang Kun couldn't help laughing, in the past, he used to associate with ladies from all over the world, nobles, nobles, and women from aristocratic families. How could I have seen such a hot girl like Jia'er, who even used a big bowl for drinking, and immediately found it interesting. He picked up the wine bowl and drank it down.

But this qi practitioner cannot get drunk no matter how much wine brewed by ordinary people, and he still doesn't blush or heartbeat, but Jia'er is already lying on the wine table, drooling.

"Hahaha, the little girl is not strong enough to drink, let's continue to drink with the young master!" The bearded man laughed, picked up a bowl of wine and respected Zhang Kun.

Just when everyone was having fun, there was a commotion at the door of Lingxueju, and a man with a fierce face came in, swept everyone's faces coldly, locked on Zhang Kun's table, walked straight over, and pushed Jia'er , I have to pick her up!
Zhang Kun frowned suddenly, he hated someone disturbing his interest at this time, but before he could make a move, Lao He reached out his hand to stop the vicious man and shouted angrily: "What are you doing?"

"Yo, it doesn't matter if you don't know grandpa, grandpa, I don't care about you." The vicious man pointed at Jia'er and shouted: "I want this bastard, she stole my young master's bracelet and asked her to hand it over, otherwise you No one can stand and walk out of here!"

When Jia'er heard this, she became angry immediately, like a wild little beast, she pushed the ferocious man away and cursed angrily: "What do you mean I stole your young master's bracelet? It was originally my mother's relic, it was you The young master killed her, I just want to get back what belongs to me!"

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" The spectators in the restaurant all cast curious eyes, and people who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement gathered around.

"Hey, who is my young master? That's the young master of the Liu family. It's only right to steal something from a lowly like you. If you steal it back, you're a thief!" The vicious man became angry immediately and said something. Bandit logic.

"Tsk tsk, it turned out to be from the Liu family, it's over, that girl is miserable, the Liu family is powerful, and several markets are their territory, they don't make sense at all!" The spectators shook their heads and expressed sympathy for Jia'er.

Zhang Kun immediately understood what was going on. The vicious man was an evil servant. His young master kidnapped Jia’er’s parents, killed them, and took away the bracelet. I found the bracelet back, but I don't know why the traces were exposed, but the family still found it!

"You!" Jia'er blushed with anger, picked up a pot from the table with the help of wine, and put it on the evil servant's head.

"Oiyo!" The evil servant was thrown into a mess immediately, and became angry instantly. He kicked Jia'er to the ground, and stretched out his hand to grab Jia'er's hair and drag her out.

"Let her go." Zhang Kun's plain words sounded and reached everyone's ears, which was shocking.

The evil servant was slightly taken aback, glanced at Zhang Kun and said with a sneer: "Boy, don't mind your own business, or the Liu family will make you suffer. You have never suffered for your skin and tender flesh!"

"Noisy!" Zhang Kun snorted coldly, and an invisible energy exploded in an instant, blasting the evil servant out and smashing it on the door of Lingxueju, making a hole, and the ground was full of broken wood!

"Okay, very good, just wait for me, Young Master Liu will arrive soon, and then I will see how arrogant you are!" The evil servant stood up with difficulty, Zhang Kun gave him a dog's life, but At this time, he was covered in injuries and his face was covered with blood, but the arrogance on his face remained undiminished, and his eyes were full of hatred when he looked at Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun sat on his seat and chuckled lightly: "Just call your Patriarch Liu over, lest you have to trouble him to come here later!"

(End of this chapter)

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