Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 534

Chapter 534
As soon as Zhang Kun's words came out, the audience fell silent. Everyone opened their mouths wide, but they couldn't speak. The young master of the Liu family, is he going to deprive him of his life with a single word?

"This young man is really crazy. If he really kills Young Master Liu, Patriarch Liu will definitely fight him forever!" The nobles on the second floor said nervously.

"Yeah, Patriarch Liu is not easy to mess with. Maybe he alone is not enough to win over the people standing next to the young man, but Qi practitioners have cultivated all the way up, and there are too many friends and masters. Call for a vote." You can crush that kid!"

"There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. He can suppress First Young Master Liu, but if Patriarch Liu comes in person, the young man will have no good fruit to eat!" The nobles said with a sneer.

They called a servant and whispered: "Go, quickly inform Patriarch Liu that his son is dying in Lingxue Residence!"

Young Master Liu was so frightened by Zhang Kun's words that cold sweat came down his face, his clothes were completely soaked, and he pleaded with snot and tears: "Master, you can't kill me, can't I be wrong? ?”

As he said that, First Young Master Liu took a few steps back, wanting to stay away from Zhang Kun. The man's power radiated at will, which made him feel heavy, as if he was about to suffocate!
"Did I let you go? Come back and kneel down!" Zhang Kun said indifferently, but his words seemed to have magical powers, and he fixed Young Master Liu in place, making him advance or retreat.

Zhang Kun looked at Jia'er, stretched out his hand and patted her on the shoulder comfortingly: "He is your enemy, I will give you this opportunity to avenge them with your own hands, without thinking about any consequences."

Jia'er's body trembled, her enemy was extremely jealous, she wished she could kill Young Master Liu with a single blow, she drew out the two swords at her waist, and was about to strike, gnashing her teeth, but finally stopped.

"Young Master, I shouldn't trouble you anymore." Jia'er looked at Zhang Kun and sighed. Zhang Kun had already done this for her. If she really killed Young Master Liu, what would happen? But there is no way to clean up!
The guests in the restaurant also breathed a sigh of relief, the matter has gone beyond their imagination, if Young Master Liu really died, it would be another bloody storm.

Jia'er secretly hated herself, but felt a sense of powerlessness. The other party's identity was like a natural life-saving talisman. Even if he knelt in front of you, you would be afraid to make a move.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Liye said with a smile: "Girl, you don't need to be scruples. You haven't fully understood the power of Master Zhang Kun. Even if Patriarch Liu comes in person, you can kill him right away!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's hearts trembled. What kind of character is Patriarch Liu?The common people living in this area know that it is like a fairy, and no one here dares to say no to Patriarch Liu!
And the guard under Zhang Kun opened his mouth to kill Patriarch Liu!

"What, what is the origin of that young man? Is it a private visit by the prince in micro-clothes, or is it a grand son who traveled around the world?" The nobles on the second floor were already dumbfounded, and began to speculate about Zhang Kun's identity.

Zhang Kun chuckled, picked vegetables for Fu'er, poured out the jug but found that there was no wine, and shouted involuntarily: "Son, serve the wine!"

Trembling, the child brought a jug of wine, cautiously came to Zhang Kun's side, put it down, and sent Pai to run away.

Zhang Kun smiled slightly, this is awe, the eyes of those people looking at Zhang Kun, respect like a god!
When Jia'er heard these words, she clenched her swords tightly, walked slowly in front of First Young Master Liu, and took a deep breath: "This sword is for my parents! Drink!"

A sword pierced into the heart, and blood splashed all over the ground. Young Master Liu let out a scream like killing a pig, and hot blood spurted out from his heart!

"You, you, you..." First Young Master Liu is a heaven-level strength after all, and after piercing his heart with a sword, he still has the strength to continue speaking.

Jia'er took revenge, and her body softened all of a sudden. Zhang Kun took a step forward and embraced her in his arms. Jia'er's almond eyes were still watching the tragedy of Young Master Liu before his death. Zhang Kun stretched out his hand to cover her eyes and smiled. He smiled and said: "Okay, it's over, it's okay, forget about this guy, or you will have nightmares at night."

"Hey, young master, I think we'd better go, run away!" Old He said to Zhang Kun with a sigh, but Zhang Kun just shook his head slightly.

At this moment, a figure shot in from the outside like a ray of light. The domineering aura made the spectators bow their heads and dare not make a sound. Only through their fingers did they see that this person was the head of the Liu family!
"Son?" Patriarch Liu saw Young Master Liu lying in a pool of blood with a sword stuck in his heart at a glance. He was furious, his hair stood upside down, and a terrifying aura struck. There were countless tables behind him. All turned into powder!

Fortunately, there was no one there, otherwise dozens of people would have died in one blow!

"Who is it, who killed my son!" Patriarch Liu stared at the tiger, and swept across the entire Lingxueju coldly. Everyone seemed to have lost their ability to speak. They were extremely nervous and did not dare to make a sound.

Master Liu looked at him coldly, grabbed a bystander and asked, "Say, whoever killed my son will kill you if you don't tell me!"

"Oh no, don't kill me, yes, it's him!" The onlooker was so frightened that he peed his pants and pointed at Zhang Kun tremblingly.

The audience was dead silent, and everyone was extremely nervous, looking at Zhang Kun with some sympathy in their eyes.

"This is great, is something wrong?" the extremely noble young masters on the second floor gloated.

Zhang Kun's face was indifferent, drinking and eating food, he didn't pay any attention to Liu's intentions.

"The kid is so crazy!" Patriarch Liu snorted coldly and walked towards Zhang Kun.

"It's you kid who dared to kill me." Then Patriarch Liu fixed his eyes on Zhang Kun. It doesn't matter if you don't look at him, he is speechless!

On Zhang Kun's belt was a scarlet gold token, on which were written in large characters: Rong Hao League!
What was even more frightening was that he suddenly discovered that Zhang Kun was standing beside Zhang Kun with extremely restrained men looking at him with stern faces.

At this moment, Patriarch Liu felt the chill coming from the depths of his soul for the first time, he immediately shut up, took half a step back behind him, secretly squeezed the magic formula, and was about to use body skills to retreat quickly!
"Boom!" At some point, a punch from the back came with the force of collapsing mountains, and hit Patriarch Liu's vest, only to hear a loud explosion, Patriarch Liu had already been punched into the support hall of the restaurant. Among the pillars!
"Pfft!" A mouthful of old blood sprayed out from the corner of Patriarch Liu's mouth, he gritted his teeth, and forced himself to leave.

Zhang Kun said lightly: "I didn't let you go, come here!"

Patriarch Liu suddenly felt as if he was being kicked around like a ball, and another mysterious master with a deep breath kicked him to Zhang Kun's feet.

"Ahem!" Patriarch Liu suddenly lost his temper.

"My lord, I have never had any enmity with you, so please let me go!" Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Patriarch Liu bowed his knees and begged for mercy with the utmost humiliation!
"What?" The atmosphere in the venue was dignified. Everyone lowered their heads wherever Zhang Kun's indifferent gaze swept across. In the entire Lingxueju, only Zhang Kun and Fu'er were left drinking and eating, occasionally chatting and laughing. up.

Jia'er's face was flushed, and she looked at Zhang Kun with radiance in her eyes. Lao He also took another deep look at Zhang Kun, speechless for a long time.

Just now, the two Qianlong guards moved too fast, and they were just two phantoms in the eyes of everyone. From their point of view, Patriarch Liu didn't know what happened. He seemed to kneel down and beg for mercy after seeing Zhang Kun's face!
"Fuer, do you still like sweets?" Zhang Kun looked at Fuer with a slight smile, and she actually ate all the sweets.

"Yeah, because it's delicious!" Fu'er muttered to Zhang Kun while chewing something in her mouth, making her look even cuter.

The audience was as silent as the night, and Patriarch Liu knelt there motionless, as if waiting for Zhang Kun's punishment, without daring to have the slightest disobedience.

"I'm probably dreaming, Master Liu bowed his head to a young man?"

"Crazy, crazy, this world is in chaos!" The whole audience shook, no one knew that this piece of land belonged to the Liu family, but the powerful Liu family leader knelt here like a useless dog, with his son's body next to him , he didn't even bother to take a look!

After a long time, Zhang Kun said, "I have a bad temper. Your son offended my friend, so he died. Are you convinced or not?"

"Submit!" Patriarch Liu replied abruptly, this is to make him smash his teeth and swallow blood in his stomach!
Zhang Kun picked up a handkerchief and wiped his mouth slowly and gracefully, and continued: "You are provoking me again, and I will take all the property of your Liu family. Are you convinced or not?"

"Submit!" What can Patriarch Liu do at this moment, his life is in the hands of others, how dare he say "No"?
"My lord, I've given you everything I can give you, is that enough?" Patriarch Liu said with difficulty, for a while, he already had nothing!

Zhang Kun chuckled and said, "Not enough!"

"You disturbed my mood for going out to play. I am short of coolies. In order to save your life, you will go out of the city to collect medicine for me starting today. If you are still alive in 100 years, I will set you free."

After saying this, without waiting for Patriarch Liu to answer, Zhang Kun stood up and led everyone outside.

"Okay, let's go." Zhang Kun said flatly.

After Zhang Kun left, Patriarch Liu was still kneeling there, not daring to move. The scene in Lingxueju was shaken, looking at Zhang Kun's back with extreme fear and respect in his eyes.

"It turns out that we were all wrong. The one who is really powerful is that young man! Ten Liu families can't compare to him!" Only then did the aristocrat on the second floor see clearly that the red gold token on Zhang Kun's waist was this little boy. The objects are so heavy that Patriarch Liu dare not say a word!
(End of this chapter)

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