Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 535 Shadows Die 2 Degrees

Chapter 535 Shadows Die Twice

Zhang Kun didn't even turn around to take care of Patriarch Liu, and just left him there, but he understood that even if he lent Patriarch Liu ten guts, he would not dare to disobey him. Like a dog, he crawled to Zhang Kun's house and begged for mercy.

All the people present froze there, motionless, everything in their hearts was shaken, obviously Patriarch Liu is the overlord of this area, high above them, one word can decide their lives and deaths!

But today, the appearance of Zhang Kun broke this situation. He would kneel down and die if he said a word, and if he said another word, Patriarch Liu would be crushed under his feet, and everything would be taken away by him, even himself. The herb pickers under Zhang Kun!

"It's horrible, one person pushed Liu's family to the ground!" Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering who Zhang Kun really was.

The shopkeeper looked very fortunate, he got a spirit stone out of thin air, and he was very grateful to Zhang Kun.

After returning to Zhang Kun's mansion, he arranged a place for Jia'er and Lao He. He killed Young Master Liu and insulted Patriarch Liu like this, but he was fine. If Jia'er and Lao He didn't stay by his side However, it would be bad to meet other members of the Liu family. There was a huge crowd, and Zhang Kun couldn't guarantee their safety.

"Master Zhang Kun, thank you for bringing me out today. Fu'er is very happy." Fu'er smiled sweetly: "And I also met Sister Jia'er and Old Uncle He."

Zhang Kun nodded and smiled. The biggest gain from going out this time is not the property of the Liu family. For a patriarch who is in the realm of Qi training, it is very good to have a fortune of hundreds of spirit stones. The entire family property adds up to about a hundred spirit stones. , Two hundred spirit stones are just an addition to Zhang Kun now.

But Zhang Kun's strength has entered the fourth level of Qi training, and the breakthrough is naturally carried out in the realm. Zhang Kun is surrounded by firefly vitality, which slowly merges into his body, and the fairy lake in the distance is under his control The waves surged, and Zhang Kun stepped on the waves to reach the sky and reach the stars!

The misty light from the fairy lake water and the stars in the distant sky enveloped Zhang Kun. After a long time, Zhang Kun lightly landed on the floor of the Dao Hall.

"The fourth level of qi training and the third level are the difference between cloud and mud. The fourth level means that the realm of qi training has reached the middle stage, and it is no longer a fledgling qi trainer. The use of vitality and the understanding of Taoism are more profound! The combat power is several times higher than before!"

"Hey, what is that?" Zhang Kun was puzzled to find that the vitality flowing in his meridians was mixed with some silver power.

"That's the power of faith. Do you remember Beiluo Xingchen?" Jingyu said to explain Zhang Kun's confusion.

Zhang Kun nodded slightly, Beiluo Xingchen was the place where he met Zhuang Lei and Zhuang Rui, it was also the place where he obtained Chengying, and it was also the place where he was able to control the power of the stars.

"On Beiluoxingxing, your legend has been spread, and worship and belief in you have been established. These devout beliefs are conveyed into your body and become the power of faith!" Jingyu said.

Zhang Kun was slightly stunned. Of course he knew that the power of faith was so strong that the emperor of an empire must be a strong Golden Core.

And the shadow of the lunar eclipse is even more terrifying, the Lord of the Black Moon has used the power of faith to the extreme!

Many strong men in the upper realm will leave a lot of legends in the lower realm. The establishment of temples and temples to spread faith is to obtain that power!In the world where Zhang Kun lives, there is no worship of gods from the upper realms, and the objects of people's beliefs are generally emperors!
Zhang Kun is vaguely aware of the specialness of the world he lives in. It seems to be a place that is not discovered and paid attention to by the upper world. The Lord of the Black Moon is the only immortal who wants to get involved in this place. Otherwise, there should be many gods left in Zhang Kun's world. The legend is.

Zhang Kun raised his head and said to Jing Yu: "Open up a star for me, I'm going to get body skills!"

At this moment, the stars began to line up, forming magical symbols and constellations, flashing across the night sky like a streamer, and finally a few stars lit up high and bright, making Zhang Kun dazzled for a while!
"These three stars all have a complete collection of body skills. The first star of Hyades has the comet running method, the ninth rank of human rank, and the second Nanhe star has the step of chasing clouds and chasing waves, and the human rank Grade Nine." Jing Yu said.

Zhang Kun raised his forehead slightly. The human-level exercises correspond to the practice of Qi training to the Nascent Soul stage, while the ninth-rank means that they are the best in this level, and they are the most top-notch exercises. You must know that Zhang Kun’s In the eyes of Jing Yu, all the classics of exercises in the world are not popular!
They didn't even find the cultivation method for the Nascent Soul stage, let alone construct a complete set of human-level exercises.

Zhang Kun asked aloud: "Then, what is the skill on the other star?"

Jing Yu was silent for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Xuanyuan Fourteen, the first-class upper star is the star of the emperor, and there are earth-level exercises on it, and the shadow dies twice!"

"Boom!" Zhang Kun felt like his head was going to explode, and the shadow passed away twice, the ground-level skill, that is the Mahayana to the stage of crossing the catastrophe, which means that it can achieve the gods of immortals!
Zhang Kun lowered his voice, suppressed his beating heart, and pointed at the immortal road with the earth-level exercises. If he could get a copy, it would be infinitely powerful!

"I'm just practicing qi, can I practice earth-level exercises?" Zhang Kun was suddenly discouraged, but asked with a glimmer of hope.

Jing Yu replied: "You have already experienced the state of refining the mind. With such a talent, there is no problem in cultivating earth-level exercises beyond a few levels, but."

"But how?" Zhang Kun frowned slightly.

"Xuanyuan Fourteen is the star of the emperor after all, and his level of strength is several times stronger than that of the world you are in. The highest is a monk who has crossed the catastrophe!" Jingyu warned.

Zhang Kun's face changed slightly. So far he has not seen a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, let alone a monk who is aloof and transcending robbery. As for the Lord of the Black Moon, although he is an immortal, he was only at the peak of Jindan when he came. .

If Zhang Kun was to face a strong man in the Nascent Soul stage, he might not be able to hold on even for a moment!

"Understanding this, are you still willing to go to Xuanyuan Fourteen?" Jing Yu suggested lightly: "For you, the human-level movement method is enough, and the comet running method will give you the ultimate human-like gale force, and gradually The cloud chasing wave step allows you to shuttle between the clouds and waves, and you can walk on the flat ground in countless dangerous places!"

Zhang Kun asked curiously, "Then what about Shadow Die Twice?"

"Shadow Passing has surpassed the scope of ordinary body skills for the second time. After completing the cultivation, you will have a shadow body, and you can exchange places with it at any time!" Jing Yu said lightly.

Zhang Kun's eyes lit up immediately, no matter how fast the speed is, how can it compare to the treacherous and changeable Shadow Passing Twice? Not only can it confuse the enemy and play them in applause, but it can also do many things that they dare not do before. matter!

"Okay, I will choose this Shadow Die Twice!" Zhang Kun said firmly.

"Come back in a day, the formation to be sent to Xuanyuan Fourteen is being established." Jing Yu said slowly, and stopped talking.

Fighting spirit was involuntarily ignited in Zhang Kun's heart, and the shadow passed away twice. If he can master this movement technique, the benefits in the future will be self-evident. His subordinates have Qianlongwei, all of whom are powerful, so the enemy will use him as a Prioritize the target to kill, and if Zhang Kun has a superb body technique at this time, he can avoid all these attacks!

"I need to get this month's third-order panacea." Zhang Kun finally said, last month's panacea he used to exchange for pill formation, last month's third-level panacea he used to exchange for Su Fangmeng A set of pills, this month he can finally get a third-order panacea for himself.

"Taihao Sanqing Pill is suitable for you to break through the realm at this time!" Jing Yu seemed to be able to read Zhang Kun's thoughts at the moment, and a spiritual light slowly floated over and landed in Zhang Kun's hands.

With a flash of white light, Zhang Kun stepped out of the mirror field.Feeling the full vitality in his body, Zhang Kun couldn't help showing a slight smile. In a month, he went up to the first level again, the fourth level of Qi training!

"Fourth order, it's not enough!" Zhang Kun chuckled.

Both Kunyu Huazhang and Fa Hualing were stimulated at the same time. In the night, Zhang Kun's mansion shone with golden light, and the vitality of the four directions poured into his body like a funnel.

"What happened?" The Qianlongguards went out to look one after another, and saw that the clouds in the sky gathered over Zhang Kun's house, and there were seven-colored brilliance in the clouds, and the sky was auspicious!
Jia'er and Lao He were stunned watching this scene. They were just mortals with a little force. How had they ever seen such a fairy-like scene?

On Rong Haomeng's side, the powerful men sitting in the deep darkness couldn't help but opened their eyes and looked towards Zhang Kun.

"Hoohoo!" Taihao Sanqing Pill turned into a surge of vitality as soon as it entered the mouth. The third-order panacea is a pill that is enough to make the foundation builders look at it. Only alchemists above the sixth-order can do it Refining this thing!

Moreover, the elixir bestowed by Mirror Domain must be a top-notch product, almost beyond the scope of elixir, but a kind of pure energy, which makes people want to get close after seeing it, it is simply a god-sent spiritual treasure!

This kind of elixir cannot be measured by ordinary value. If one is auctioned outside, tens of thousands of spirit stones will be copied. A chance to improve several levels without side effects can greatly save time for cultivation, and it is very important for the pursuit of longevity and For Qi practitioners who are constantly getting stronger, timing is everything!
Zhang Kun closed his momentum, and all the power of the elixir and the vitality of the world were completely absorbed into his body. Zhang Kun suddenly felt that his heart had been washed away. When he opened his eyes again, he felt his own strength. Has reached the peak of the sixth level of Qi training!
"Although there are nine levels in the Qi training realm, every third level is a threshold, and the rest is just the accumulation of energy. Since I have broken through the first level of threshold, reaching the peak of the sixth level with the power of pills is just a matter of effort. "

"Congratulations, Mr. Zhang Kun!" Zhang Kun pushed the door out, and Qianlongwei half-kneeled in a row in the courtyard, respectfully saluting him.

(End of this chapter)

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