Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 536 The Arrogant Zhang Kun

Chapter 536 The Arrogant Zhang Kun

Dawn slowly opened the curtain, and a colorful morning came to the world with freshness. Zhang Kun looked at his subordinates and nodded lightly: "Okay, we should go, the goal, Ge Ran will!"

"Yes, Master Zhang Kun!" The Qianlong Guards responded excitedly. Zhang Kun's strength has improved again, which is also great news for them.

"It seems that Master Zhang Kun will soon catch up with us!" Qianlongwei were all surprised, Zhang Kun's advancement speed is really too fast, but after thinking that he is an alchemist, everyone is relieved up.

The road of cultivation without the support of elixir is simply hellish difficulty, but if there is a steady supply of elixir, it can skyrocket to [-] miles, not to mention a genius like Zhang Kun.

In the eyes of Qianlongwei, Zhang Kun has obtained countless resources from the Ronghao League, and such a rapid upgrade is also normal.

But if you let them know the real combat power, they will be more than shocked. Zhang Kun can kill high-level qi trainers when he is not in qi training, and even shake the peak qi training when he is in the third level of qi training. Now that he has practiced Qi at the sixth level, he is even more capable than a half-step foundation builder!
"Fu'er, Jia'er, Lao He, you all come with me too!" Zhang Kun said with a smile, now he is dressed as an idle gentleman, and naturally he also has a few maid guards around him, Jia'er and Lao He are very suitable this identity.

Of course, Zhang Kun's real support is the Qianlongwei who lurk in the shadows.

As soon as he went out, Zhang Kun met Master Liu kneeling in front of his door.

"Little Liu Guangyun, I have met Master Zhang Kun, please give instructions to Master Zhang Kun." Patriarch Liu was so respectful that his head was almost buried in the dust.

Zhang Kun glanced at him indifferently and said, "I need Yuhuiguo for alchemy recently. You can find a way to get five of them for me. The lifespan must be at least a hundred years. After you get them, come back to me."

When Liu Guangyun heard this, his heart trembled, Yu Huiguo?Those are top-notch spiritual materials, and even if he sells his entire family, he can't get a few of them!
"Don't worry, I will give you the map." Zhang Kun smiled, and took out a scroll from the storage space, which was obtained from the Ronghao League. One of the benefits of joining such a large force is that you can Received timely information, thinking that when those spiritual materials were born, they were the first to know that they were local residents, and then spread to the ears of the top forces through eyeliner.

As for those second-rate forces, they don't have the means to extend their tentacles so far and so wide!

"Yes, Mr. Zhang Kun." How could Liu Guangyun dare to bargain with Zhang Kun, he was lucky to have a map, at least he had a guide, which would greatly reduce the difficulty for him to find Yu Huiguo.

"Get back!" Zhang Kun waved his hand, and Liu Guangyun disappeared into the shadows in fear, guessing that he would spend the next month looking for medicinal materials for Zhang Kun in that deep mountain forest.

Seeing that her former enemy is now groveling like Zhang Kun's dog, Jia'er immediately feels the thrill of revenge.

"Brother Zhang Kun, where are we going to play this time?" Jia'er, still dressed in yellow fir, walked in front of Zhang Kun to clear the way for him.

"Ge Ranhui, have you heard of it?" Zhang Kun and Fu'er walked side by side on the street, and many people gave him curious looks. After all, he is like those dudes now, shouting back and forth. Own, swagger through the market.

Jia'er shook her head, but Lao He was suddenly agitated, and said in a deep voice: "I know that the Ge Ran Society is very powerful, far beyond what the Liu family can match, and their president is even more powerful in building foundations! "

As soon as Lao He said this, Jia'er's face turned pale. Once the term "Building a strong foundation" is uttered, it makes people feel frightened. It is synonymous with power and power. Compared with the strong foundation builders, Family Master Liu is a scum!
At most, Patriarch Liu only controls a few markets, while the scope of Ge Ranhui's power is an entire block!

"That's right, but after today, Ge Ranhui will surrender to me." Zhang Kun said with a faint smile, his tone was soft but determined and taken for granted.

"No way, that's a whole gang, a second-tier force in the city of Raging Waves!" Old He was surprised, and his footsteps stopped.

Jia'er was immersed in her admiration for Zhang Kun, and said with a chuckle, "If the young master says yes, then he must not have run away!"

Lao He still has some doubts. After all, this time is different from the previous ones. Ge Ranhui is not a behemoth of the same level as the Liu family!

Zhang Kun looked at the two with a smile, and soon the Changchun Waterside Pavilion, the place of the banquet recorded on the invitation, was in front of him.

In the impression of Lao He and Jia'er, Lingxueju is the best restaurant in Raging Wave City, but for Qi practitioners, only in Changchun Water Pavilion can they eat food made of rare and exotic animals. dishes.

Some dishes even contain medicinal effects, comparable to some low-level pills. For Qi practitioners, those whole grains are no longer interesting to eat. Only the exquisite dishes in Changchun Water Pavilion can make their index fingers move.

Huo Maoxue is a disciple of the Tianhan Sect, a great sect of cultivation in Nutao City. At the age of 27, he has cultivated the fifth level of Qi training. He is a well-known genius in the local area. He also prepared a big gift today and came to Changchun Waterside Pavilion to congratulate Ge Ran. , because when he had not entered the Qi training state, he went down the mountain to practice and stayed in the Nage Ran Society for a period of time.

"Master Huo is here, please come in quickly, the president has been waiting for you inside for a long time!" An old member of the Ge Ran Society greeted him in front of the door, and when he saw Huo Maoxue appearing, he smiled respectfully Welcoming him in.

"Old Huang, why do you have to be so formal? I used to be a member of the Ge Ran Society, so naturally I won't forget my roots. It's good that you and I are brothers." Huo Maoxue said lightly, but there was still a sense of arrogance between his brows, as if to say I and Lao Huang are people from two worlds, don't get too close!

Lao Huang is an old Jianghu, so he naturally sensed the hidden meaning in his words, laughed dryly a few times, and said please come in quickly.

As soon as Huo Maoxue appeared in the water pavilion in Changchun, everyone exploded.

"Brother Huo, I haven't seen you for five years. You are already a Qi practitioner?" The old members of the Ge Ran Society stared at him with surprised and shocked eyes. Here comes the look.

Both pairs of eager eyes fixed on him, but Huo Maoxue ignored him coldly, cupped his hands casually and asked, "Where is the president, take me to see him."

"Yes, yes, please, Mr. Huo!" In an instant, they didn't dare to call Huo Maoxue a brother anymore, and they dared to call a qi-training arrogance a brother, are you worthy?
Zhang Kun saw that Huo Maoxue walked in, and then led the people inside.

"Wait a minute, who are you? Today, Changchun Waterside Pavilion is reserved by Ge Ran. If you are an individual visitor, please come back." Lao Huang glanced at Zhang Kun, who didn't recognize him at all, and frowned immediately.

Zhang Kun took a deep look at him and said, "I'm here to attend the banquet of Ge Ranhui."

"You?" Old Huang Zai looked at Zhang Kun carefully, but saw that he looked like an idle young master, yelling and hugging, so he was sure that he was here to make trouble.

"Boy, you want to show off and go find another place. This is the territory of Ge Ranhui, and you can't act wild!" Lao Huang sneered, and he glanced over. Zhang Kun's strength is unknown, it is probably too low to be ignored , that Fu'er's maid's dress is naturally not very impressive, Jia'er, who is holding a pair of swords and claws, is only a mere prefecture level.

How dare you come to their Ge Ran Society's territory to act wildly?I'm afraid it's a big joke, there are many Qi practitioners in Ge Ran's club, and there are even a bunch of innate powerhouses. If you pick any one out, you can crush Zhang Kun and the others.

Zhang Kun chuckled, and suddenly there was a bronzing invitation card in his hand, handing it to Lao Huang, and asked playfully, "What if I have this?"

"Ah?" Lao Huang was stunned. What Zhang Kun held in his hand was a real invitation letter, and it was the top-level one in the Ge Ran Club banquet. Only the distinguished guests invited by the president and vice president in person To have it, even Huo Maoxue came here uninvited, there is no such kind of invitation blessing!
"Well, I, Old Huang, said something wrong before. Please forgive me, my lord!"

Zhang Kun glanced at him lightly and said, "Then can I go in now?"

"Yes, yes, of course!" Lao Huang bowed repeatedly.

As soon as Zhang Kun waved his hand, just as Lao Huang bowed his head, the Qianlong Guards led by Zhong Liye climbed over the wall and sneaked into the water pavilion in Changchun without a sound. Only Zhong Liye and another Qianlong Guard stayed in Zhang Kun. Kun's side.

"Can I take them in?" Zhang Kun asked, pointing to Jia'er, Zhong Liye and others beside him.

"Ah? So many?" Lao Huang was also a little apprehensive, and couldn't help asking, "Who are they?"

Zhang Kun signaled Fu'er to take out another invitation card, and said flatly, "It's my maid and guard, what's the problem?"

"No, no, how dare you have it, hahaha." Lao Huang smiled apologetically and let everyone in.

It's not that the guard work of the Ge Ran Society is not doing well. After all, the president, vice president, and a group of Qi practitioners are here today. The security level here is not much different from the old lair of the Ge Ran Society. Where dare to come?

In addition, since He Zhiyong led people to join Ge Ranhui, he won consecutive battles, and the president was a little dazed by the victory. This big banquet is really a big attraction!
Zhang Kun walked into the Changchun Water Pavilion with a smile, and immediately attracted the attention of countless people. They looked him up and down several times, and they were all puzzled. Have you never seen this person before?
"Who is that kid, why is he so arrogant, several people surrounded him, what a big posture!" Everyone was puzzled, but they couldn't guess Zhang Kun's identity.

(End of this chapter)

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