Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 538 See President

Chapter 538 See President
Zhang Kun kept his expression on the ground, but Jia'er and Lao He were all stunned. They didn't expect that Zhang Kun's reputation had spread to such an extent that everyone in the Ge Ran Club knew him well.

"That young man is extremely mysterious. It took us a lot of effort to dig out his information. His name is Zhang Kun!" said the intelligence disciple.

"I'm so good, a young man can do this, he must be a high-level son of Ronghao League?" Everyone praised and guessed.

Young Master Dai shook his head again and again, he was eating very fast in the second-generation circle of Raging Tao City, he heard the news about Zhang Kun from a few friends of the noble son, who were sitting on the second floor of Lingxueju that day. Your son.

"No, I know all the sons with names and surnames, and I have never heard of one named Zhang Kun. His rise is too sudden!" said Young Master Dai, and everyone admired: "As expected of Master Dai Lord, you are the only one who knows these mysteries!"

Huo Maoxue immediately frowned, and asked lightly: "Could it be the holy son of some great sect, who went down the mountain to practice?"

"Haha, Mr. Huo is almost the same as those holy sons!" Everyone praised them again and again, and at the same time they were fascinated. They are all old, and they are just mixed up in the gang. Those holy sons are all arrogance, Not to mention inheriting their master's mantle and becoming the suzerain master in the future, even appearing as the holy son now can make these Qi practitioners bow their heads!
"That's the real young hero. Compared to Mr. Zhang Kun, what is that dandy next door?" Huo Maoxue and Dai Zicheng laughed loudly.

Seeing Zhang Kun being humiliated in this way, Jia'er stomped her feet angrily, wishing she could rush up and tell them that the person beside her was the very respected Master Zhang Kun!

Lao He looked at Zhang Kun playfully, and he could vaguely guess what was going to happen next, so he couldn't help grinning.

But Fuer only focused on eating, and she snatched all the sweets on Zhang Kun's table.

Zhang Kun smiled slightly, and turned his eyes to He Zhiyong again.

Immediately, He Zhiyong came to Ge Ran's president and said, "Mr. President, the guests are here at about the same time. Let's start the celebration."

Dai Jiatuo, the president of the Ge Ran Society, patted He Zhiyong on the shoulder with great respect. Ever since He Zhiyong joined the gang, the Ge Ran Society seemed to have ushered in spring, so he was promoted along the way and became the vice president.

Now He Zhiyong is the celebrity in front of Dai Jiatuo's eyes. Not only are many things in the gang left to him to decide, but he also has to be guided by him in cultivation.

"Okay, Vice President He, it's really a blessing for us that you can stay in our Ge Ran Club!" Dai Jiatuo said with a smile, and patted He Zhiyong's shoulder affectionately. A stern look flashed across He Zhiyong's face.

"Everyone!" Dai Jiatuo stood up from the chairman's throne with a loud sound, and stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Finally it's about to start!" Everyone shut their mouths, especially the members of the Ge Ran Society cast their eyes on Dai Jiatuo, waiting for him to speak.

"First of all, thank you very much for coming here to support our Ge Ranhui. Now we have merged with another gang and become the overlord. This is inseparable from the support of everyone present!" Dai Jiatuo said excitedly, and immediately enjoyed the following Everyone cast admiring glances at him.

"Although there were sacrifices in our previous battles," Dai Jiatuo forced a tear, patted He Zhiyong's shoulder beside him and said, "One of Vice President He's brothers also died in battle. But our results more than make up for that loss!"

"Long live the president, long live Ge Ran!" The gang members below shouted excitedly. Young Master Dai narrowed his eyes slightly, Ge Ran's power has risen, and his status in the second generation circle of Raging Wave City has also risen. Obviously enjoying the moment very much.

"Hehe!" Suddenly a piercing laughter resounded, tearing apart the lively atmosphere in Changchun Waterside Pavilion like a sharp sword, piercing everyone's hearts like a knife.

Dai Jiatuo frowned suddenly, turned his head to look at He Zhiyong beside him, but saw that his eyes were full of indifference.

"President Dai Jiatuo!" Zhang Kun suddenly shouted loudly, the voice filled with powerful vitality exploded in everyone's ears like rolling waves!
"What?" Dai Jiatuo was stunned for a moment, looked up, and saw Zhang Kun smiling calmly, and the man beside him who had been silent all this time moved instantly, turned into a ray of light and shot at him Coming here, Dai Jiatuo was about to react, but he saw He Zhiyong, whom he trusted so much, made a bold attack, and the majestic vitality roared out, immediately fixing Dai Jiatuo in place!

"He Zhiyong, you!" The vitality in Dai Jiatuo's body was stimulated to the extreme, pouring into the limbs and bones, trying to break free, but He Zhiyong's foundation building vitality was like a surging ocean, and the vitality that penetrated the body unexpectedly They all went deep into Dai Jiatuo's body!

"Ah!" Dai Jiatuo wailed in pain, and everyone else in the audience was stunned. The incident happened so fast that no one could react to it!Everyone's eyes were still attracted by Zhang Kun who suddenly stood up and spoke!

"Boom!" Zhong Liye held a sharp, blood-colored thorn in his hand, and stabbed Dai Jiatuo's heart with one blow!
"Drink!" Zhong Liye sneered again, turned the thorn in his hand, and strangled away the unparalleled vitality, and the bloody fluctuations were transmitted to Dai Jiatuo's body, disrupting his meridians!
The blood-colored thorn in Zhong Liye's hand is the spoil he captured after the blood kill. There are countless sharp blood-grooved barbs on it. Once pierced into the opponent's body, it will release a strange force to tear the target's body apart. !

"Why? So you have always been ambitious!" Dai Jiatuo's eyes were covered with blood at the moment, his arms convulsed from the pain, his hands turned into claws, his face was ferocious, he stared at He Zhiyong, completely disbelieving He will attack himself at this time.

"Ambition?" He Zhiyong smiled contemptuously and said, "This is for the brother who was killed by you!"

"Boom!" He Zhi used his hands to increase his strength again, and his vitality turned into a giant palm to cooperate with Zhong Liye's attack, directly tearing off Dai Jiatuo's right arm.

"Ahhh!" The people present finally came to their senses and opened their mouths wide open. They were all stunned when they saw this scene. The vice president actually directly attacked the president at the banquet, crippling his right arm!
"Protect the president!" Young Master Dai turned pale with fright, stood up and shouted.

However, few people did anything. Young Master Dai was so anxious that he broke into cold sweat and howled, "What are you doing? Didn't you see that my father was killed? Hurry up and save him!"

"Sorry, we are the vice president's people." Those Qianlong guards looked at Young Master Dai with a sneer, and the aura on his body exploded in an instant, and he was at the peak of Qi training!
Even Fu'er stood up, and the breath of the ninth level of Qi training came out, and the real gang members of the Ge Ran Society around them were all stunned. Even if there were a few loyal ones who wanted to support Dai Jiatuo, they were directly caught stop!

"Don't act rashly!" On the other side, another team of potential dragon guards who were originally lurking in the Changchun water pavilion pretending to be waiters and cooks all rushed in.

The ten remaining Qi trainers in Ge Ran's meeting lost their chance to make a move in an instant, and the Qi trainers on Zhang Kun's side had an absolute advantage in an instant, not to mention that Zhong Liye turned around after stabbing with one blow. Come back to suppress the people of Goran Society!

Now only Young Master Dai is left with two or three Qi practitioners to resist, as for Huo Maoxue?He was instantly frightened by the scene and hid under the table!
Seeing this scene, Zhang Kun chuckled, got up and walked to the chairman's throne, and sat down slowly.

Everyone stared blankly at the young man.

"Is he crazy? Didn't you see that there are several strong foundation builders here?" Everyone was shocked and puzzled, and couldn't help asking and answering.

At this moment, several Qianlong guards stood directly behind Zhang Kun, and He Zhiyong knelt down in front of Zhang Kun with Dai Jiatuo, whose body and vitality had been imprisoned.

"Master Zhang Kun!" All the Qianlong guards knelt down to Zhang Kun and shouted very respectfully.

Zhang Kun nodded with a faint smile, looked coldly at the people below and said, "From now on, in Ge Ran's meeting, I will be the president!"

The audience shook, everyone's jaws were about to drop, everyone was stunned, almost petrified!
"See the president!" Qianlongwei looked at Zhang Kun with eager eyes, and everyone in the Changchun water pavilion was stunned for a moment. Isn't Zhang Kun a small character? How did he suddenly become the president?Moreover, many members of the Goran Society knelt down to him!
"Damn it, those are all newcomers to our class meeting this month. They came with Vice President He. They should belong to that kid!" In a dead silence!
"Ah, that person!" The intelligence disciple of Ge Ranhui widened his eyes, pointed at Zhang Kun tremblingly and said, "This person is Zhang Kun, Zhang Kun of Ronghao League, alone Zhang Kun, who trampled the Liu family so hard that they couldn't lift their heads!"

"What, it turned out to be him!" Everyone present was shocked again and again, their mouths were wide open and they couldn't say a word. Now, only this identity can explain all this. May I ask, is there any young man in Furious City who can Do it too!
Young Master Dai stared at Zhang Kun with bloody eyes. At this moment, his face was as ugly as a pig's liver. He took a step back, and suddenly thought of the words Zhang Kun said to him in his mind!
"Goran will soon be mine!"

"Boom!" Zhong Liye breathed out slightly, and the faces of everyone present were as ugly as eating shit. Immediately, Young Master Dai lost the last trace of resistance, and the weapon in his hand fell directly to the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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