Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 539 Kill and Feed the Dog

Chapter 539 Kill and Feed the Dog

Zhang Kun sat on the chairman's throne, neither happy nor sad. Wherever his eyes met, everyone bowed their heads and surrendered!

In an instant, Ge Ranhui was turned upside down by Zhang Kun. Originally, half of the Ge Ranhui's Qianlong Guards were hidden in it, and a group of Qianlongwei brought by Zhong Liye was immediately training Qi In terms of the number of soldiers, it crushed Ge Ranhui.

If this is not an overwhelming advantage, then Zhong Liye and He Zhi used Shangkai to abolish Dai Jiatuo with a beautiful hand. Zhang Kun has two strong foundation builders present. How about Ge Ran? Will there be any capital to fight with Zhang Kun?
Even though there were still a few loyal disciples of the Ge Ran Society who were still stubbornly resisting, they were quickly eliminated by Zhang Kun's subordinates. Even Fu'er showed the strength of the ninth level of Qi training. The members of the Ge Ran Society only had despair in their hearts. !
In addition, the intelligence disciple told the truth that Zhang Kun was from the Rong Hao League, and his background from a top-level force instantly crushed them to the point that there was not even a scum left!
"How could this happen!" Young Master Dai felt as if his spine had been taken away, and he knelt down on the ground like a useless dog, feeling the icy coldness of the floor, and his heart was also shattered. Before the clock, he was still a high-spirited young leader of the gang, a man of influence in the second-generation circle in Raging Wave City, with the support of a father who was a strong foundation builder, he could simply be domineering!
However, in an instant, Ge Ranhui changed his appearance and became a force under Zhang Kun's subordinates!

All of a sudden, there was a flutter of chaos in the Changchun water pavilion, and all the people attending the banquet hid, sticking out their heads to watch how the situation developed curiously.

"It's unbelievable. I didn't expect him to be Zhang Kun!" Passers-by were stunned. They didn't expect this young man to make so many big moves in a few days, which would turn the city of Raging Waves upside down!

"My lord Zhang Kun, you are only 15 years old, and you have such a demeanor. It's amazing!" Many people looked at Zhang Kun completely, and they looked at Zhang Kun completely. Before, they thought he was a playboy, but At this moment, no one dared not to put him in their eyes.

Several beauties cast eager eyes on him, and at the same time they regretted that they had missed the opportunity just now and didn't seize the opportunity. Now it is too late to get closer to Zhang Kun!

Huo Maoxue didn't have the airs of a big sect disciple at all. He was completely shocked by Zhang Kun, his face was pale, and his demeanor was hard to match even the holy son of his sect. He was in charge of a gang at the age of 15 and became Rong Hao. League's guests?Giving him Huo Mao studies for another ten years may not be able to do it!
Young Master Dai's previous arrogance and reliance were destroyed in an instant, his body was still trembling at the moment, he gritted his teeth and raised his head to stare at Zhang Kun, angrily said: "Zhang Kun, even if you use such a despicable If you trick us, will Ge Ran sincerely rely on you!"

Zhang Kun chuckled, caressing carelessly the tiger head adorning the president's throne.

"is it?"

As Zhang Kun snapped his fingers, suet jade bottles appeared in front of everyone, and what they contained were elixirs full of aura.

Zhang Kun said slowly: "Everyone who worships under my command will get a bottle!"

In an instant, the Changchun Water Pavilion turned from silence to a commotion. Everyone's eyes widened, staring at the bottle of elixir. Many people even drooled and fell directly at Zhang Kun's feet, shouting repeatedly. Said: "Meet the president, long live the president Zhang Kun!"

Even those who were still standing behind Young Master Dai knelt down tremblingly, and shouted to Young Master Dai: "Young Master Dai, I'm sorry, we still choose Master Zhang Kun!"

"What?" Young Master Dai's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, as if he was mourning a concubine, the last hope in his heart was broken by Zhang Kun, revenge and rebellion became completely impossible at this moment!
Zhang Kunen used both force and force, killing what deserved to be killed, and he was not stingy with rewarding him. Immediately, the entire Ge Ran Society was easily taken down by him. Among the Changchun Water Pavilion, there were still many members of the Ge Ran Society. The friends who came to congratulate Dai Jiatuo simply knelt down in front of Zhang Kun at this moment, worshiping his strength!

It can be seen that the charm of the elixir in Zhang Kun's hands is so great that even their beliefs and minds can be completely changed. Whatever loyalty or loyalty, they are all fed to the dogs in front of the huge benefits given by Zhang Kun.

"What about now?" Zhang Kun looked playfully at Young Master Dai, whose face was like a pig's liver, and said with a smile, "Do you still remember what you said before?"

"Correct your position, don't fantasize too much, your current performance can only be ridiculous!" Zhang Kun learned his words again, and said it again. Young Master Dai felt his face burning hot, and couldn't help it. If you want to find a seam in the ground and get in, or crash your head against a pillar, forget it!
"I've already told you about my power, why didn't you listen, do you regret it now?" Zhang Kun chuckled, his eyes narrowed as he glanced across the audience, which made people startled.

When they thought that they had ridiculed Zhang Kun again and again, they trembled and buried their heads in the dust.

"Ignorance." Zhang Kun said lightly, the simple two words weighed on everyone's hearts, making them dare not raise their heads!

"Master Zhang Kun, what should we do with the Dai family father and son?" Seeing that the general situation was settled, Zhong Liye came up to ask.

Zhang Kun's face was frosty, as if he had no emotion at all: "Kill and feed the dog."

"Wow, Master Zhang Kun is so handsome!" Many women present gave Zhang Kun admiring eyes. They are the father and son of the Dai family. Death, this fascinating demeanor, is like a king.

Fu'er's eyes were full of smiles, this Mr. Zhang Kun, who had a clear love and hate, was exactly her favorite type.

Lao He was so shocked that he was speechless for a long time. He was only a heaven-level strength, and he was only the bottom of the Changchun Water Pavilion, but now the congenitals and Qi practitioners who are several times stronger than him are all kneeling Fall to the ground, one by one like slaves!
Jia'er never thought that she would be able to have what she is today. In the past, she was bullied by disciples from various gangs and lived on the streets. But at this moment, Zhang Kun's words can make the entire Ge Ran Society lower its noble head. This is a raging wave The second-tier forces in the city, even if they have just joined the second-tier forces, it is enough to prove their strength. The so-called Liu family is just a joke in front of Ge Ranhui.

Of course Ge Ran would be a joke in front of Mr. Zhang Kun, something that can be overturned and controlled with one hand. The energy of that young man really shocked everyone present.

Zhang Kunxuan clenched his fist, only feeling that he held boundless power and power between his fingers. The feeling of holding power is really fascinating!
"From now on, Ge Ranhui will be headed by me, and He Zhiyong will be the vice president. He will be in charge of all affairs, big and small. Disrespecting him is like disrespecting me. There will be no mercy!" Zhang Kunteng stood up and said in a low voice. drank.

"It's Mr. Zhang Kun!" Everyone bowed their heads and surrendered completely.

The general trend is set, Zhang Kun will continue to preside over the following banquet, and everything will go on as usual, except that the people celebrating have changed their identities. Cup of compliments.

"Who would have thought that the humble boy who stepped into this place would become the leader of the Goran Society?"

"We've all lost our sight!" Everyone sighed, and the banquet gradually came to an end amidst the sighs and shocking shouts of many people.

Ge Ran will have his own residence, and Zhang Kun asked He Zhiyong to continue to lead them. The potential dragon guards under him have already infiltrated into the Ge Ran Society, holding key positions, and at this moment they are being promoted by He Zhiyong , entrusted with an important task, Zhang Kun's rule over Ge Ranhui will be extremely firm and there will be no dead ends!

Naturally, Zhang Kun took Fu'er and the others back to their residence in Yiyang District. Along the way, the two girls waved their fists excitedly, bluntly saying that Zhang Kun is so handsome today.

Zhang Kun smiled lightly and said, "This is just the beginning."

"Hiss!" Old He took a deep breath. If Ge Ranhui, as a second-tier force, can only be regarded as the beginning, how big is Zhang Kun's ambition?The entire Yiyang District, or the entire Raging Waves City, or even the entire Xilan Country?

After returning to his residence, Zhang Kun detoxified Fuer as usual. Gradually, Zhang Kun seemed to be somewhat familiar with the toxicity of Biying Pill. He was drawing a blueprint in his mind. About a new pill.

In the half-frame elixir prescription given to Zhang Kun by Luo Quan before, it recorded two kinds of basic supplementary materials, which were used to refine the rough embryo of the elixir. As for the effect added to it, it was completely determined by the medicinal materials added by Zhang Kun himself!

"Fu'er, go to Elder Xun and ask him to find me the unicorn of a rhinoceros-like monster in the enlightenment period, and then find three different detoxification elixir from Rong Haomeng's elixir storehouse, and say I want to study it." Zhang Kun ordered.

Fu'er accepted the order happily, and went bouncing away, and returned in less than half an hour, holding several brocade boxes in her hands.

"Master Zhang Kun, Elder Xun said that if you want to study the new elixir formula, Rong Haomeng will give you great support. If you can share the new elixir formula with them, there will be more rewards!" Fu'er said excitedly .

Zhang Kun shook his head slightly and said, "No need, this medicine is only developed for you."

"Ah?" When Fu'er heard this, her pretty face blushed immediately, she twisted her skirt with her hands and looked eagerly at Zhang Kun, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Mr. Zhang Kun."

Zhang Kun nodded, then took the elixir brought by Fuer and began to dissect it. For alchemists, innovation is not created out of thin air, and it is very necessary to study the elixir that already exists.

Refining the perfect state of mind, he was extremely careful not to let go of any details. Zhang Kun crushed and smashed those pills for a long time, and then he slowly got an idea in his heart!

(End of this chapter)

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