Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 558

Chapter 558
That charming woman is so angry that her teeth itch, what is her identity?The flower of Gaoling whose reputation has spread throughout the stars, is the pinnacle of the level of refining weapons in the world, she is incomparably noble and gorgeous, and every day, countless supreme powerhouses come to her door, begging her to refine magic weapons, so she has to do it. Depending on your mood, you won't see customers you don't want to see, and don't do things you don't want to do!

She can do whatever she wants, no one can restrain her, and no one dares to say anything to her request, as long as she opens her mouth, all the men in the stars will do their best to run errands for him!
Even Luo Quan, an old monster who controls the empire, can't help but back away when he sees her!

Such a noble woman was threatened by an underage boy here today, and what was even more annoying was that she had nothing to do with him.

"Damn, hate, hate, a mere waste will look like a waste, what capital and courage does he have to dare to speak nonsense in front of me!" The charming woman was full of anger that she had never had before.

But at the same time, what she caught in her beautiful eyes were those magical phantoms, the exquisite and perfect casting platform, and the casting furnace she dreamed of. It has been a long, long time since she stood at the pinnacle of the world's crafting level. There is no such feeling of heart beating anymore. For a craftsman, this may be their fatal attraction!
Zhang Kun's face was indifferent, he closed his eyes directly, and waited for the woman's answer, as if he was not in a hurry at all, he had the chance to win, and he was sure that the woman would never escape from his palm!

"Forget it, you won!" The charming woman said in a voice like a mosquito that she never wanted to say before.

Zhang Kun slowly opened his eyes and said in doubt: "What did you say, I'm sorry I didn't hear it!"

"Huh," the charming woman's eyes were as cold as killing people, she gritted her teeth, stomped her feet, and the high heels hit the ground with a crisp sound.

"I said, I agree, and I allow you to worship me as a teacher, but you have to perform a great ceremony of worshiping me as a teacher, kneel down, kowtow, and you are not allowed to look at me like that again. I am your master, do you understand!" The charming woman glared at Zhang Kun fiercely, as if she wanted to tear him into pieces. He must have pretended not to hear it just now.

Zhang Kun smiled slightly when he heard the words, and knelt down to salute generously. He was in a happy state of mind, so there was no harm in kneeling down to worship the teacher who taught him the karma. A practitioner is at ease, proudly angry at the gods and kings of the heavens, and willing to be a bully when bowing his head.

Only now did the charming girl regain some balance in her heart, a sense of satisfaction appeared on her face, and then she smiled cheerfully: "You should be proud enough, I have never accepted a male disciple before, you are the first one, go out Then tell others that you are my Feizhu's disciple, which is enough for you to live a good life, there should be people from the top sect rushing to take you into the power."

Zhang Kun held his forehead slightly, this woman is really arrogant, and Zhang Kun doesn't want to hit her anymore, what if she backs out again?I had no choice but to nod repeatedly, pretending to look forward to it.

"That's about the same, okay, you know my name, what about you?" Seeing that Zhang Kun became more obedient, Fei Zhu's mood became a little brighter.

Zhang Kun said hastily: "Reporting to master, my apprentice's name is Zhang Kun."

"Well, you don't need to call me master, you're too old, just call me sister." Fei Zhu said while holding her chin.

"Okay, although you don't have any talent for refining weapons, my sister's strength is not just blown out, even if you are a pig, I can teach you well!" Fei Zhu raised her chin quite confidently.

Zhang Kun nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't let my sister down."

"I didn't say what I expected from you, I taught me, you learn from you, that's the relationship between us, understand?" Fei Zhu seemed to have returned to the iceberg beauty again, There is not much expression in Zhang Kun's eyes.

Listening to her utterance like pearls, her voice was soft and crisp, extremely beautiful, but Zhang Kun didn't feel much enjoyment, even after being bombarded by her poisonous tongue, Zhang Kun could only listen.

"Hey, this kind of girl who doesn't know how many years she has lived is not easy to deal with." Zhang Kun touched his nose resentfully. The last time he felt so emotional was when he faced the demon girl Chen Xiyue, but to be honest, then Fei Zhu's elegant demeanor made him infatuated with her, so he didn't care about anything verbally with her anymore, as long as she was willing to teach!
"What are you thinking about with that expression? I don't intend to teach you anything now." Fei Zhu glanced at Zhang Kun with a look of disgust, then handed over a small booklet and said: "This is about If you want me to teach you the basic knowledge of crafting, you should go through this little manual first, and go to your local craftsman association to pass the examination of a fifth-level craftsman."

Zhang Kun didn't expect it, and thought that the master of the Qidian was really troublesome to death, but since she arranged it like this, naturally it wouldn't just be for her own happiness, there must be her intentions in it, so Zhang Kun Also nodded to do so.

"Sister Feizhu, what level of craftsman are you?" Zhang Kun asked curiously.

When the charming woman heard Zhang Kun's question, she smiled sweetly and said, "Me, I'm a great master of crafting!"

Hearing Feizhu's happy voice, Zhang Kun knew that his question was in her arms, and quickly boasted a few words.

"Wow, it turns out that you are a great master of refining weapons, so my sister must be able to refine fairy weapons?"

Fei Zhu hurriedly waved his hands and said with a smile: "No, it's still too difficult for fairy artifacts, but for spiritual treasures, I can make them if I want!"

Zhang Kun's pupils shrank sharply, Lingbao, it is a higher-grade spirit weapon, it is the weapon of those who refine the emptiness, transform the gods, and cross the tribulation. It is infinitely powerful, and it is crazily sought after in Zhang Kun's world The Dao weapon and the spiritual weapon are just toys in front of Lingbao!
Fei Zhu looked at Zhang Kun's surprised expression with satisfaction, nodded with a chuckle and said, "Now you know how lucky you are to be accepted as my apprentice, right?"

The black lines all over Zhang Kun's face, it was obvious that he forced her to stay here, so how could it be that she was picking on him instead?
"I know what you're thinking. Although this mirror domain space is yours, I came to the Artifact Hall earlier than you, and you made me wait for you for so long. These are just a small punishment!"

There was a sly smile on Feizhu's face, as if a little girl was as happy as winning a toy from her younger brother in a coquettish way.

Zhang Kun was completely speechless to this dark-bellied craftsman. He nodded and accepted the booklet, sat down cross-legged in the Artifact Hall, and began to study the booklet.

"Learn quickly, learn quickly, you can't learn well by yourself, no wonder me!" Fei Zhu urged.

Zhang Kun found that he had a lot to learn recently. After becoming an alchemist, he became even more busy. Not only did he need to continue learning the alchemy recipes, but he also had to develop new medicines by himself. He just learned the basics of fur, and now he has to learn the way of refining weapons, so he wished he could have a few more heads.

Fortunately, compared with others, Zhang Kun has a great advantage, that is, the flow of time in this mirror domain is ten times faster, allowing him more time to take care of both cultivation and alchemy refining!

"This Feizhu said that he didn't want to teach me, but this little book actually uses materials from the mirror field." Zhang Kun saw a clue at a glance. He is the master of the mirror field, so he can naturally detect it. What is produced by Mirror Domain.

"Doesn't this mean that she has been writing this little book since she came to Qidian?" Zhang Kun was stunned for a moment. Thinking about it, the matter was a little subtle. He raised his head and glanced at Feizhu.

Of course, Fei Zhu would not have thought that Zhang Kun still had this ability, and with a calm face, when he saw Zhang Kun looking up at her, his expression darkened and he said, "What are you looking at, I don't allow you to look, turn around!"

Zhang Kun had no choice but to turn around, cursing secretly in his heart: "Dead Tsundere, hard-spoken, be honest and die!"

"The way of refining equipment and the way of alchemy are quite similar!" Zhang Kun couldn't help but sighed as he flipped through the booklet of basic knowledge of a refiner written in delicate handwriting.

The two are very similar in essence, they are both combining the raw materials according to a certain ratio to make the finished product you want, and that formula is a recipe for an alchemist, and it is a formula for an alchemist. Drawings are up.

Of course, the way of refining equipment also has its distinct characteristics. First, the amount of materials used is generally larger than that of alchemy. Secondly, it pays more attention to the mutual generation and restraint of attributes. Finally, it has higher requirements for the refiner's fire control, at least for smelting those hard ores. It requires the refiner's own high strength.

Of course, there are many special methods to smelt materials. This is the benefit of having a master. Fei Zhu recorded dozens of smelting methods in the pamphlet. Of course, smelting is just the beginning, just like the purification in alchemy, it is the most basic step.

The next step is to shape the shape. A powerful refiner can shape the armor and weapons to be refined into the shape he wants without the need for molds, so that he can do whatever he wants without any difference.

Shaping is just to make the outline of the magic weapon, and the next step is to inscribe, engraving patterns on the material and writing runes, so that the power of the magic weapon can be improved.

Generally, the craftsmen in Zhang Kun's world would go so far as to use a single magic weapon, but Feizhu had to go one step further, injecting spirits after inscriptions!
It is not difficult to understand the infusion of spirits. Luo Quan once infused his elixir with snake spirits, and Zhang Kun took the spirits domineeringly and turned them into his own use. Only with spiritual things injected into the magic weapon can the magic weapon be spiritual, but Generally, only the magic weapon above the spirit weapon has the spirit of the weapon.

After reading these basic knowledge, Zhang Kun slowly nodded and got up, came to Feizhu and smiled: "Sister Feizhu, can you help me identify one?"

 Most of the book lovers will go to work tomorrow, everyone should have a good rest, don’t go out and walk around, and read novels^_^!

(End of this chapter)

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