Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 559: Three Swords of the Holy Emperor

Chapter 559
"Well, anyway, you are my apprentice. If you want to identify a weapon, take it out and have a look. If it is a bad street weapon or something, you don't need to take it out again. It is a waste of my time. !” Fei Zhu said coldly.

Zhang Kun's fingertips moved slowly in the mid-air, and a ray of light appeared under his hand. The stream of light at the fingertips was dazzling, like a galaxy running across the universe, and a transparent and crystal long handle appeared on Zhang Kun's hand. sword.

"Then sister, let me take a look for you. Wait a minute, what is this?" Disappeared, she was completely stunned.

"How could you have this kind of thing? Hey, I can't see its quality at all! It's beyond my imagination. I've seen a fairy artifact before, but the feeling it gives me is even higher than that of those fairy artifacts. On top of the utensil!" Fei Zhu couldn't help but praise.

"What's his name?" Fei Zhu asked.

"Chengying." Zhang Kun replied indifferently, Feizhu's eyes suddenly changed, and a blush appeared on her unbelievably pretty face.

"Chengying is a famous sword in ancient times, as famous as Hanguang and Xiaolian, and also known as the Three Swords of the Holy Emperor!" Fei Zhu said in disbelief: "I didn't expect that I would see the legendary sword here, it shouldn't be really?"

Zhang Kun's eyes lit up immediately, this was the first time he had heard the legend of Chengying, and could the Holy Emperor she was talking about be the old master of Mirror Domain?

"Go on, what are the Three Swords of the Holy Emperor?" Zhang Kun said excitedly.

Fei Zhu looked at Zhang Kun suspiciously, and said suspiciously: "Haven't you heard the legend of the Holy Emperor's Three Swords? It's a story that everyone knows!"

Zhang Kun shook his head again and again, no matter how widely the story spread, he would never know about it. The world he lived in seemed to lack gods and myths, and there were no legends of ghosts and ghosts. The people all believed in the ruler as a god.

"It's fine if you don't know. In short, there is a super strong man called the Holy Emperor. He once forged three swords. Cheng Ying is one of them. God, how could Cheng Ying fall into your hands? It's a waste of money! " Feizhu felt distressed for a while.

Her excited body trembled a little, she stretched out her white and emerald-like hands, and asked Zhang Kun, "Can I touch it?"

Zhang Kun nodded and said, "Yes."

So Feizhu stretched out his jade finger and pointed at Chengying Sword, only feeling a cold temperature passing through his fingers into her body, that cold and sharp sword is simply chilling to the touch, even more so Needless to say, its full power has been aroused, and fear is already felt just by seeing it.

"I've never seen such a powerful weapon. Where did you get it?" Fei Zhu fondly slid her fingertips across Chengying's elegant sword.

"Well, well, I got it from a star called Beiluo, which was originally a suppression of a formation!" Zhang Kun said truthfully, at this moment he understood the power of Chengying, worthy of being a saint. One of the Emperor's Three Swords, suppressing a planet, how powerful it is!
"You're really lucky, it's at least an immortal weapon, and it's the most powerful among them!"

"And I sense that there is a seal on this sword, which has not been released yet. It is hard to imagine what it will be like when it is in its peak state!" Even a top craftsman like Fei Zhu was stunned, which is beyond Beyond her understanding, I'm afraid she will never be able to forge such a sword in her life!

The way Fei Zhu looked at Zhang Kun also changed a lot. Being able to own this weapon and get its recognition, it seems that this young man is not as ordinary as she imagined.

"Really, is it very precious, but I think there are many similar handles on the sword hill over there." Zhang Kun said calmly, as if talking about an insignificant matter.

But Fei Zhu was completely stunned. There are many more. In the world where she is everywhere, fairy weapons are rare. Only the top powers have a few big treasures to suppress luck. This is very likely. The weapon above the fairy weapon is very common in Zhang Kun's mouth?Is the world still in chaos?
Feizhu suddenly felt a wave of faith collapse, she felt that Zhang Kun was just joking, it was unbelievable!

"Can you stop talking big, you should be content with this miraculous weapon, I suspect you are delusional, it is impossible to produce such a large number of fairy weapons!" Fei Zhu repeatedly shook her head and vetoed Zhang Kun. In other words, even if she was beaten to death, she would never believe that a weapon like Chengying could find a second one!
Zhang Kun tilted his head and asked, "Why, are you so sure?"

"Because I'm already a great master of weapon refining. Standing at the pinnacle of the way of refining weapons, I can refine any kind of magic weapon except that immortal weapons are bestowed by gods, conceived by heaven and earth, and can not be achieved by humans!" Fei Zhu Confidently said: "I am an authority in this regard. Every fairy weapon is unparalleled in the world. As I said, you Chengying will never find a similar weapon, but you can't find it!"

Looking at her stubborn and beautiful face, Zhang Kun couldn't help but laughed dumbly and said, "Since you don't believe it, why don't we go and have a look. The Sword Hill is not far outside the Hall of Qi."

Just like the Alchemy Hall is equipped with a medicine garden, the Qi Hall also has an attached venue, which is the Sword Hill.

According to the voice in the mirror domain, the old master of the mirror domain is used to using swords, and has stored countless famous swords in the world in the sword hill. Chengying used them to suppress the stars because they contained the power of seal.

Most of the swords are still stored in the sword hill. Ever since the seal of the Artifact Hall was lifted, Zhang Kun could feel waves of fluctuations from the Chengying Sword, as if he had met an old friend from the past.

"Although I want to say that your work is completely useless, since you are not far away, it doesn't hurt to take a look. Anyway, you have left me alone in the Hall of Artifacts for a long time!" Fei Zhu still couldn't resist. Despite Zhang Kun's temptation, even if 1 people in her heart don't believe it, there is still a voice telling her beyond reason, maybe all of this is true!
Because since she came to the mirror field, all kinds of unbelievable things have happened one after another. Don't look at her cold appearance now. When she saw the star forge for the first time, she couldn't help but pounce on it. Give me a few kisses!
"Sure enough, you are still angry because you are alone in the Artifact Hall, but you can't blame me, I have already racked my brains to unlock the seal of the Artifact Hall, and I didn't know beforehand!" Zhang Kun He touched his nose and said helplessly.

"I don't know what?" Fei Zhu tilted her head and asked, her eyes still looked like they could kill people, if Zhang Kun couldn't give her a satisfactory answer, she would devour him.

Zhang Kun touched the back of his head and said, "I don't know that there is still a fairy living in this Artifact Hall. If I knew you were there, I would definitely put down other things at hand and rescue you first!"

"Hmph, you glib kid, you dare to tease my sister?" Fei Zhu's eyes were still cold: "Do you think I really want to see you? If I want to teach you such a weak guy, I might as well stay in the cellar alone." In the palace!"

Zhang Kun was helpless, obviously she was covering up her embarrassment just now, when she saw Chengying just now, she really lost her composure, like a girl, and this kind of mood was obviously Fei Zhu didn't want to show in front of others, so at this moment She was desperately trying to show her arrogance.

Zhang Kun claimed to understand her psychology well, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said in his heart: "When we get to Jianqiu and completely shock her, you won't be so pretentious, right?"

"Okay, okay, I don't want to be as knowledgeable as a little kid like you, take my sister to Jianqiu!" Fei Zhu ordered.

Zhang Kun smiled playfully and said: "Aren't you looking forward to it? Why did you pretend to be indifferent just now? Look at you, your eyes are shining!"

"Zhang Kun, get the hell out of here! I'm not interested in that sword hill, you insisted on taking me there, please figure out where you stand!" Fei Zhu was furious, gnashing her teeth, if she could, she would really I want to throw Zhang Kun out!
"Come with me." Zhang Kun glanced at Feizhu lightly, but was slightly speechless in his heart: "This sister is so pretty even if she is angry, but I'd better not make her angry, she looks like a black belly Guy, when the time comes to count me, I will suffer."

The two were noisy, not like a pair of masters, but really like sisters and brothers, and soon they came to the front of Jianqiu.

I saw that it was a rather independent space, its style was completely different from other areas in the mirror domain, there was no fairy air fluttering, fairy sounds bursting, and some were just the extremely chilling sword energy!
"It's so uncomfortable!" Zhang Kun couldn't help shouting out, he felt as if a big rock was being pressed on his body, and before he saw the sword, he was overwhelmed by the real killing intent.

Seeing this, Fei Zhu quickly seized the opportunity to laugh at Zhang Kun and said: "Look, it's not my sister who made things difficult for you, but your strength is really inferior. You brought me here to Jianqiu, but you couldn't stand it yourself."

"Why don't we go back, I don't have any interest anyway, so it's not ashamed, I won't laugh at you for too long!" Fei Zhu had a smile in her eyes, it seemed that as long as she had the opportunity to belittle Zhang Kun, she would not Will let it go!

Jian is the king of a hundred soldiers, and the majestic aura of kingship reveals it, which makes people hold their breath for a while, and makes people have the urge to kneel in front of Jianqiu. Fei Zhu is a great master of refining weapons. Accept it, Zhang Kun has Chengying by his side, so naturally he won't be afraid of those weapons!

Zhang Kun coughed a few times and took a deep breath. He was in a good mood and he was not scared by the sword of the master, so he quickly adjusted.

(End of this chapter)

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