Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 560 Sword Hill

Chapter 560 Sword Hill
"Let's continue!" Zhang Kun slowly walked up the sword hill with the countless astonishing sword energy, and saw the blood-colored sky like the setting sun on the desolate sword hill, as if weeping blood, telling the chill of this place, There are different swords with different styles, and they are inserted on the endless sword mound, which is endless, and there is no end in sight!
Every sword seems to be telling a story. The accumulation of endless years, those swords are fierce or cold, bloody or overbearing, seem to be active, and what they have in common is that they are all gods. The sword is sharp, and the world is shocked with a sword!

"Ah?" Fei Zhu exclaimed again and again, she found that there were several swords with very high ranks in her hand, so she couldn't determine what ranks they were at a glance!
"No way, I'm a great master of weapon refining, and I'm also an expert in appraising magic weapons, so there are so many weapons that I can't see through at a glance?" Fei Zhu's face was slightly pale, she never thought that things would be like this!

Zhang Kun was also amazed, Chengying in his hand was acquired after a lot of hard work, and there are hundreds of thousands of swords on the sword mound, just randomly stabbing the ground like a chaotic graveyard?

"Now you believe it?" Zhang Kun stroked a slender blood-colored cranked long sword and looked at Fei Zhu lightly.

"Well, I really didn't think that these are all hallucinations, right?" Fei Zhu was so incomprehensible that she couldn't figure it out, the impact on her was really too strong!

As a grand master of weapon refining, she thought she was at the top of the way of tool refining, but it seems that everything she saw today reminded her that there is a sky beyond the sky!

Zhang Kun asked Jing Yu with a thought, "Can I take these swords?"

"I'm afraid it's not that easy. All the swords in the Sword Hill have been restricted. If you don't untie them, you can't pull them out. And you need to be recognized by these swords before you can use them. Otherwise, these are just gorgeous It's just a decoration." Jing Yu's voice sounded in Zhang Kun's ear.

Zhang Kun nodded slightly. He is very clear about the rules in the mirror domain. There is absolutely no such thing as free money. If he wants to get anything from the mirror domain, he must pass the assessment and trial and pay a certain price. Only then can the corresponding compensation be obtained.

Of course, the price in the Mirror Realm is already very affordable for Zhang Kun. There is no way to imagine the existence of these magic weapons in the outside world. A way to get them.

Fei Zhu was completely sluggish there, she walked across the sword hill in a daze, really feeling the divine swords all over the mountains and plains, repeatedly and carefully observing the patterns and patterns of those divine swords, these were things she would not be able to touch in normal times level!

"How is this possible? There are so many divine swords that can build a fairy-level sword array, attract boundless vitality to communicate with the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, and the earth, and kill immortals!" Fei Zhu muttered to herself. I was shocked by what I said.

Kill the immortal?This is something she never dared to imagine. In the world she lives in, the cultivator is the most top existence, but she knows that there is a more powerful world outside this world, then It's fairyland.

Immortal World has repeatedly photographed descendants in her hometown. They are all immortals. Even if their strength is limited, they are still invincible. The indigenous rulers can only bow their heads, and they cannot be defeated by all means.

There is only one way to defeat them, and that is to master the power of the fairy level, or become a mortal fairy who is truly invincible like the old emperor. Except for Zhang Kun, a freak who uses the power of the mirror domain, no one who descends Put it in your eyes!
Or use the fairy weapon to kill the immortals, but the fairy weapon is so rare in the lower realm, a world may not be able to appear a single one, even if there is a fairy weapon in hand, the cultivator of crossing the tribulation will not be able to use all the power of the fairy weapon!
But now Feizhu seems to see a glimmer of hope to defeat the descendant, that is the fairy-level sword array, one fairy weapon is not enough?Then ten handles, one hundred handles!

If the number is enough, even the celestial beings can be cut down, which shows how powerful it is, and Fei Zhu is already dumbfounded at the thought of this.

But Zhang Kun next to him still looked indifferent, as if he didn't pay attention to these things.

Are you kidding me, so what if the Excalibur is strong?Compared with Jingyu, it is not at the same level at all. After seeing the power of Jingyu, how could Zhang Kun lose his size because of a few divine swords?
Seeing this, Fei Zhu frowned and said, "Zhang Kun, after seeing these divine swords, you didn't react at all. It seems that you are not only incapable, but also have a problem with your vision!"

Zhang Kun chuckled and said, "Sister Feizhu, is she trying to say that these swords are powerful? I already knew about them. If I remember correctly, you didn't believe me before, so I brought you to see them, right?"

"You!" Fei Zhu was choked by Zhang Kun's words again, her brows were frowned, her almond eyes widened, and she originally wanted to ask Zhang Kun if she could take the sword here to the Artifact Hall for her to study, but at this moment, she couldn't say no. exit.

Zhang Kun seemed to understand her thoughts, smiled and said: "Seeing that you really like this place, why don't you just stay here and watch the sword, I think you are tired of being alone in Qidian."

"I, I don't like this place! It's very desolate here, I don't like it!" Fei Zhu quickly denied, but her eyes couldn't move away from the divine sword.

Zhang Kun shook his head and had nothing to do with her, so he backed out calmly. The most urgent task now is to upgrade his level of refining to the fifth-level craftsman. As for those divine swords, he already has Chengying in his hand. In addition, obtaining them still needs to go through trials. Zhang Kun has just returned from Xuanyuan Fourteen, and he still needs to practice to consolidate his realm.

Fei Zhu stood on tiptoe and looked around. He breathed a sigh of relief when he watched Zhang Kun walk away, and immediately squatted down regardless of his appearance to observe those divine swords carefully.

"The secret realm in the Ronghao League will take at least a week to be officially opened, and for me, there are at least [-] days to practice!" Zhang Kun sat in the hall of equipment, holding the The booklet given by Fei Zhu, muttered to himself.

"There is only one quota for entering the secret realm. At that time, the Qianlongwei and Ge Ranhui's forces I accumulated outside will not be able to be used. The only thing I can rely on is my own strength and the magic weapon in my hand."

"Then I will improve my strength during the seventy days!" Now that he has made up his mind, Zhang Kun has entered into a state of retreat again. In fact, his original goal of retreat is as long as three months , if he was not interrupted by the island master Menglu, he would be able to practice all the way.

"Dong dong dong!" Just when Zhang Kun closed his eyes and was about to enter the cultivation state, he heard a clear knock on the door, and he frowned slightly, and retreated from the mirror field.

"Squeak!" Zhang Kun withdrew the barrier and opened the door, only to see Fu'er bringing Elder Xun to see him. It had already passed the night, and after the Elder Rong Haomeng returned, he told him what happened that night. The business alliance.

Soon Elder Zhang Kun Xun came here to change Zhang Kun to a new residence. The specifications were the same as before, but the location was closer to the Qi Mansion. Although the elder didn't say anything, Zhang Kun understood that he was in business. The status of the League has increased a bit.

Of course, it would be easier for the Great Elder and the Shangmeng to monitor him, but thinking about it, Ronghaomeng would be quicker to take action if he was in danger!
"Huh? Several of the soul slaves of the island master of Menglu have already arrived!" Not long after Zhang Kun settled in the new residence, he sensed the breath of the soul slaves.

"See the master!" The soul slaves were very surprised at first, they thought it was the island master of Menglu who was calling them, but when they arrived at the place, they heard that the streets were talking about one thing!

The island lord of Menglu has fallen!
Their master, the Island Master Menglu, who was already a Jindan strongman, went to the city of Raging Waves to find a young man to beg for property, but he died here himself, and Zhang Kun even got the array to control the soul slaves!
The world only knows that the island master of Menglu is a top foundation builder who fell because he offended the Rong Haomeng. The fighting momentum that night was too great to hide, and many Qi practitioners witnessed it from afar. After dawn, the news of that battle spread, and the entire Raging Waves City was shaken!

The four major forces and the ten major families all held emergency meetings. The atmosphere at the meeting was dignified and solemn. All the adults said to the people below with deep faces: "Tell me, who is this Zhang Kun?"

"Find out for me, who is Zhang Kun, and what is his relationship with Rong Haomeng?"

"Why is a junior alchemist worthy of the elders' help? Find out the reason!" Those patriarchs and elders couldn't figure it out. What was it that a fledgling 15-year-old boy relied on to become famous for his long-standing scheming? Did the island master of Menglu play to death?
"Immediately evaluate Zhang Kun for me. Whether he is an enemy or a friend, he must be included in the family's key observation list!" At this moment, such scenes are happening in countless families in Raging Waves City. The balance has been experienced for decades, and all the big forces have a faint premonition that the balance in Raging Waves City will be broken by this young man!

When the outside world was turbulent and the undercurrent was surging, Zhang Kun didn't know it at all. He could receive soul slaves who came back from all over the world to join him every day. After Zhang Kun took away the resources they brought, he arranged them Enter the Goran Society.

Now Zhang Kun has two strong foundation builders, five foundation builder monsters, and thirty or forty Qi training monks under Zhang Kun's command. This lineup can already gain a foothold in the second-tier forces in Raging Waves City!
"Continue to expand. If there is any trouble, Qi Zhengyan will cooperate with you!" Zhang Kun just sat quietly on the futon in the quiet room, and ordered He Zhiyong outside the room to arrange everything.

(End of this chapter)

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