Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 561 Zhang Kun's Expansion

Chapter 561 Zhang Kun's Expansion

During those days when Zhang Kun was in seclusion, Ge Ran would make a move. First, he angrily bought a famous mercenary group in Raging Waves City with a hundred thousand spirit stones, and then attacked a gang on the outskirts of Raging Waves City. The momentum took their territory, and Zhang Kun's influence expanded again. Many wandering cultivators heard of his reputation and joined the Ge Ran Society!
Soon all the forces in the city of Raging Waves paid attention to this suddenly rising gang. They had already learned that the Ge Ran Society had changed its dynasty, and its real owner was Zhang Kun!

The Zhou family, one of the top ten families in Raging Waves City, and the gang that Ge Ranhui annexed belonged to the Zhou family in name, at this moment, the faces of several high-ranking old men in the Zhou family hall were like water!

"No, Zhang Kun is a complete scourge. He doesn't follow our rules at all, and annexes other forces wantonly. Sooner or later, he will mess with us!"

"But what should we do? His alchemist, and behind him is Rong Haomeng! When did Rong Haomeng treat a junior alchemist so well?"

"Damn it, we don't even know how many powerful people are hiding behind him! He dares to be so arrogant, he must have something to rely on behind him, maybe it's not just Rong Haomeng." The bosses of the Zhou family frowned deeply, like Zhang They don't want to provoke people like Kun.

The alchemist's network is too wide, and Zhang Kun may be alone on the surface, but behind him, I don't know how many strong people work for him directly or indirectly!
"This matter needs to be discussed in a long-term way. Don't worry, send someone to test his strength. He is only a 15-year-old boy. There will be a day when he will show his flaws!"

He has gone through several reshuffles of forces in Raging Waves City, and he has tried his best to keep the Zhou family alive in all the catastrophes. As long as he is there, it will be like a magic needle for calming the sea, and the Zhou family will not decline.

Just when the second-line forces in Raging Wave City were in a state of panic and the top forces were indecisive, under the cover of the banner of the Ronghao League, Ge Ran would strike again and again, and soon grew up, faintly The trend of transforming into a first-line force!

"Patriarch, what should we do?" Numerous forces and families in Raging Waves City are worried at this moment, and their six gods are at a loss.

"Don't worry, a power without a Jindan strongman will never be able to become a climate. Maybe this Zhang Kun can be prosperous in the city of Raging Waves for a while, but soon he will not fall. This is the iron law of power change. Only a Jindan strongman can make a power withstand it. The test of time!" All the people in power at the top forces replied leisurely.

"However, Zhang Kun killed the owner of Menglu Island!" Those family members were still in panic.

"Hmph, it wasn't Zhang Kun who defeated the owner of Menglu Island, but Rong Haomeng. This was a deal between them. Zhang Kun got their protection, and Rong Haomeng swallowed Menglu Island!" The antique-level characters are godlike, as if they have a clear understanding of the situation.

Sure enough, as they expected, after another wave of explosive growth, Ge Ran fell into silence, only consolidating his own strength, and no longer went around like a mad dog to annex others.

And the Ronghao League has also made a big move. Under the leadership of Qi Zhengyan, Menglu Island was brought into the sphere of influence of the Ronghao League almost without bloodshed. The reason is very simple, without the island master of Menglu and his soul slave After that, Meng Ludao seemed vulnerable!

In this way, a force originally composed of pirates and speculators, without a leader, is like a mess!
At the same time, Zhang Kun finally left the customs. On the fifth day after the attack by the island lord of Menglu, that is, fifty days in the mirror time, he finally walked out of his new mansion in the center of Yiyang District.

"Huh!" Zhang Kun gasped, "In fifty days, I finally reached the level of a fifth-tier craftsman. Fortunately, I have experience in material identification and I know the characteristics of many refining materials very well, which saves a lot of time. time!"

And the materials obtained from the island master of Menglu just met Zhang Kun's daily refining needs, so he didn't need to purchase them again.

He recalled the harsh assessment conditions that Feizhu had set for himself in the Mirror Realm just now, and he was afraid for a while. She actually asked Zhang Kun to directly refine the most difficult magic weapon that a fifth-level craftsman could refine, a middle-grade magic weapon!
It took Zhang Kun a lot of effort to complete the refining meticulously after two failures, and it was also thanks to his strong spirituality that he was able to get started so quickly.

If someone else came, it would be good to be able to get started with the art of refining in fifty days. I have to say that Fei Zhu's level of discipleship is indeed not fake. The top-notch refining classics are several levels higher.

After reading the booklet, Zhang Kun has a general and comprehensive understanding of the art of refining, and he is familiar with the restraint relationship of countless materials, countless smelting methods, and inscription techniques!

What he lacks is just practical experience. There is no way to be lazy quickly, and it can only be accumulated by time. Compared with alchemy, Zhang Kun's refining is progressing faster. On the one hand, it is naturally at the level of Feizhu. Far greater than Gongsun Yangyan and Luo Quan, on the other hand, Zhang Kun is not the poor boy he was back then!

"Finally began to accept Fei Zhu's personal teaching officially, and the next step is to help Fu'er take the sword out of her body!" Zhang Kun secretly planned in his heart.

He also saw all the things Fu'er did for him these days, endured the pain of a sword being stuck in his body, brought tea and water to Zhang Kun, rubbed his shoulders and beat his back, and almost warmed his bed. Zhang Kun, a cherry-haired girl with a miserable life experience, still hopes to relieve his pain.

He still remembers Feizhu's angry expression after learning about Fu'er just now in his mind. As a craftsman, she has no tolerance for such inhuman behavior of the island master Menglu!

Immediately, he promised Zhang Kun to help Fu'er, and soon Fei Zhu checked Fu'er's body with the help of the mirror field, and then fell silent.

Zhang Kun immediately frowned anxiously and asked, "How, can it be done?"

"It's a bit difficult, and you won't be able to do it in ten years," Fei Zhu shook her head and said, "But leave the specific operations to me, and you go and collect the materials."

"What material?" Zhang Kun breathed a sigh of relief, afraid that what Fei Zhu said was hopeless, but since she said so, with her strong personality, she would definitely help Zhang Kun and Fu'er to the end.

"Three three-inch-long Xiaokui iron nails, two withered jade, and a cursed beast gallstone. After collecting these, I can start!" Fei Zhu said.

"Wait a minute, these things you mentioned seem to be the casting materials of spiritual weapons!" Zhang Kun has read a lot of poetry and books in the past fifty days, and he has firmly remembered the uses, characteristics, and values ​​of various materials. in mind.

Fei Zhu nodded and said: "That's right, the sword in Fu'er's body is just a magic weapon embryo, but it's not an ordinary magic weapon embryo, but a spiritual weapon embryo. I have to say that although the owner of Menglu Island is cruel, he does have What strength!"

"And my method of helping Fu'er is a bit special. Among them, I have to cast this weapon into a real spiritual weapon, so that it can separate from Fu'er's body, and then it can be separated!" Fei Zhu said.

Zhang Kun was terrified when he heard that, as expected of a master craftsman who forged a spiritual weapon in a young girl's body?It's unimaginable!
Zhang Kun silently wrote down these materials, just as he was planning to go out recently, go to the auction in the city of Raging Waves to buy magic weapons and materials, and now he has millions of spirit stones in his hands, such a huge sum of course To make the most of them.

You must know that top Taoist artifacts such as Jiugong Baguazhu can be handled with eight thousand spirit stones. Although it is only a consumable, it will be a waste product after nine times of use, but it can still rank among the top Taoist artifacts, and even better Dao artifacts are only worth tens of thousands of spirit stones.

On top of this, the legendary quasi-spiritual weapons and spiritual weapons are not at this price. They start at [-] yuan, and there is no market for them. Even if there are millions of spiritual stones, you can't buy one.

Therefore, the casting materials of spirit weapons are also rising, and the price of the three materials that Feizhu mentioned is probably hundreds of thousands of spirit stones!
Xiaowai Iron Nail is a material produced by a ghost race that wanders on the Great Ice Field in the far north. The amount that flows into the human empire is extremely rare. Kudan Gouyu is the waste produced by the failure of casting a quasi-spiritual weapon. The value of the material used for a quasi-spiritual weapon It is conceivable that even if it is a failed product, Kudan Gouyu still has the effect of blocking attacks, not to mention the cursed beast gallstone, it is directly the inner alchemy of the golden core level monster beast!
Therefore, the 300-year Iron Thread Grass worth [-] spirit stones needed to create a strong golden elixir is a price that is not exaggerated at all. Golden elixir and foundation building are two-level worlds, and spiritual weapons are also crushed. The existence of Dao artifacts!

Zhang Kun quickly contacted Elder Xun with a talisman.

"Elder Xun, I need to buy some materials and magic weapons. I wonder where the auction will be held?" Zhang Kun asked through the talisman.

Elder Xun quickly replied: "Keqing Zhang is really a coincidence. Tomorrow, our Ronghao League, another big business alliance in Raging City, Taishan Club, and the royal family of Xilan Kingdom will hold a grand ceremony. auctions!"

Zhang Kun was slightly startled. The auction was quite prestigious. The Ronghao League and Jiatai Mountain would basically monopolize the commercial activities in Raging Waves City. Coupled with the royal family of Xilan Kingdom, this auction can be said to be the highest auction in Xilan Kingdom. A caliber auction!

"The day when Rong Haomeng sets out to explore the secret realm of the Ascended is coming soon. Rong Haomeng obviously wants to benefit from this auction, so make adequate preparations!" Zhang Kun secretly guessed.

"If Zhang Keqing is interested, I will send you an invitation letter right away!" Elder Xun said with a smile.

Zhang Kun nodded and said, "Well, good, I'm just going to see the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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