Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 567 Alchemist Zheng kneels down

Chapter 567 Alchemist Zheng kneels down

Everyone was blinded by the vice president's words. Isn't Jia'er a street performer? Even if she has something to do with Zhang Kun, it's not worthy of the vice president's expression, right?
"Vice President, he fell in love with that girl. He didn't even look at me before!" Lin Nuochun felt her body was getting red and hot, her hands were tightly grasping the hem of her skirt, and her body was trembling up!
This kind of contrast is too big, I am obviously the daughter of the dignified Lin family, a talented girl who joined the alchemist union, and her appearance is even more top-notch, but the person who is valued by the vice president is not her, but the villager who has nothing. Wild daughter?

Lin Nuochun couldn't accept this fact for a while, her body trembled slightly and her face turned pale. She still wanted to expel Jia'er and then took the opportunity to approach Zhang Kun, but she didn't expect that it would be self-defeating, and she could only leave the scene in a disastrous defeat.

Everyone was also puzzled, as if the brilliance of Lin Nuochun's body had receded, all the men present, including Zheng Danshi and Rong Hong who were courteous in front of her, all focused their eyes on Jia'er!

Jia'er also froze, standing there in a daze, as if in a fog.

Zhang Kun smiled and said, "Jia'er, why don't you hurry up and see Master?"

"Ah, oh!" Jia'er finally came to her senses, and hurriedly bowed to the vice president: "Master, please accept my apprentice's bow!"

"Hahaha, good!" The vice president smiled, as if he had found a treasure, and looked at Zhang Kun with a smile and said: "Thanks to Zhang Keqing, I am happy to accept my beloved disciple. Such a happy event is worth going to." Have a drink."

Zhang Kun smiled and said, "As long as you are happy, deputy leader."

"Hmph, so it seems that someone has something wrong with my beloved student?" The vice president frowned and sneered, and the invisible vigor swayed, and everyone's hearts tightened.

And that Rong Hong and alchemist Zheng were so frightened that their souls were about to fly out. Although their goals were all aimed at Zhang Kun, the excuses were all Jia'er, but at this time and at that time, the previous Jia'er had no right. She can be slaughtered at will, but now her master is the vice president of the alchemist union!
The president of the trade union has always been a shadowy figure, and has not shown up for countless years. The vice president is the god of the trade union.

Rong Hong and Zheng Danshi immediately panicked, hurried to Zhang Kun and Jia'er, blushed, gritted their teeth and apologized to them.

"I'm sorry, it was our fault before. I hope that alchemist Zhang will ignore the past." Rong Hong and alchemist Zheng said reluctantly with their heads lowered. It's the vice president of the trade union, so he can only choose to bow his head at this moment.

Everyone felt like a dream, this kind of situation they could never have dreamed of, which one of Rong Hong and Zheng Danshi is not a guy who can be arrogant and domineering?
Asking them to bow their heads and admit their mistakes, the sun really came out from the west, and the eyes of everyone looking at Zhang Kun completely changed. Everyone knew that Zhang Kun would be even more difficult to mess with in the future, and he was the vice president's confidant!

"Oh?" Zhang Kun smiled lightly, pointed to alchemist Zheng and said, "This person insulted and cursed a martial artist who was asking for pills in every way in front of the trade union, and wanted his life. I want to kill Jia'er together."

What Zhang Kun said was understatement, without a trace of expression, but Zheng Danshi was sweating profusely and his face was pale. He never expected such a result!

When the vice president heard the words, his old face immediately pulled down. He looked at Jia'er and asked, "Teacher, what Zhang Keqing said is the truth?"

"Well, what Eldest Young Master said is the truth, this man also said that he would have his subordinates tie me up and send me to his room!" Jia'er looked at Alchemist Zheng in extreme disgust and said.

"Hmph, Danshi Zheng, I didn't expect you to be such a person. It seems that I have to re-examine the relationship with you. In addition, what you have done before is really very disappointing. You don't need to work under me in the future. It's gone!" The vice president snorted coldly and flicked his sleeves.

Alchemist Zheng felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his level of alchemy was not outstanding, but he worked under the vice-chairman all year round, took some orders for pills, and made a lot of money, and his status in the union was also increasing. increase.

But now, the vice president's words seemed to send him into hell, and all his previous status, power and money disappeared at this moment!

"Vice President, please listen to my explanation!" Pill Master Zheng was so frightened that his face paled, and he knelt down to the Vice President with a plop, wailing hoarsely.

But at this time, the vice president didn't want to talk to him at all, turned around, took Zhang Kun's hand and said, "Alchemist Zhang, this person has made some contributions to the union, so let him live, you see how the old man can deal with it like this ?”

"Well, the deputy leader handled it properly." Zhang Kun said lightly, and the vice president said: "Okay, let's go back to the business alliance and chat for a while."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Zheng Danshi who was limp and crying on the ground, and led Zhang Kun out of the trade union, leaving only his jaw dropped from shock!

"My God, Pill Master Zheng has been treated like this, if we lose our minds and attack that kid, we can imagine the consequences!" Everyone fell silent, and the venue was silent.

Rong Hong and Nuo Chun felt as if all the strength in their bodies had been sucked out, and after a moment of fear, they seemed to read the horror in each other's eyes.

"Mr. Rong Hong, I'm tired, please take me back." Lin Nuochun was completely disheartened, she no longer thought about Zhang Kun, she only felt that her body was very heavy.

Rong Hong sighed and said, "Miss Lin, I will take you back."

After finishing speaking, the two of them disappeared into the trade union. With their departure, the atmosphere of the venue suddenly reached a noisy climax!

"Wow, I really opened my eyes today. I have never seen Wang Ronghong and Zheng Danshi look so ugly before!"

"Yeah, yeah, even Miss Nuochun has a horrified look on her face, that young alchemist is really amazing, I was dumbfounded just now!" play.

"Wait a minute, does any of you know who that boy is?" Suddenly someone asked around.

The alchemists began to recall: "Hey, it seems that the vice president called him Zhang Keqing, and he is from Ronghaomeng!"

"The guest of Rong Haomeng, surnamed Zhang, can't be!" Suddenly the old alchemist sitting in the corner stood up suddenly, and everyone looked at him suspiciously.

"Old Chen, why are you so excited? He is a guest of Rong Haomeng, so it's normal for him to know the vice president very well!" Everyone asked.

"It's not this, haven't you heard that recently, the major forces in our Raging Wave City have been disturbed by a gang, and there is no peace!" Old Chen said mysteriously.

Everyone responded: "Old Chen, are you talking about the newly promoted Ge Ranhui?"

"It's Ge Ranhui, but you may not know what relationship Ge Ranhui has with Zhang Kun!" Old Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Everyone shook their heads in doubt, only a few who had heard of He Zhi used the name and said it, but Lao Chen shook his head, and someone asked: "Old Chen, don't you mean to say that Zhang Kun is Ge Ran?" member of the club?"

"Member?" Old Chen sneered and said, "You are wrong, Zhang Kun is the owner of Ge Ranhui!"

"What?" Everyone was terrified. In the eyes of the four major powers and ten families, Ge Ranhui might still be just a new sprout, but in the eyes of these ordinary alchemists, it was already a colossus!
As long as a Golden Core expert is born in the Ge Ran Society, the balance of power in the city of Raging Waves may be reshuffled in an instant, and another day will change!

The four major forces are about to become the five major forces, and Ge Ranhui has already reached the top among the second-tier forces, but Lao Chen said that the master of such forces is Zhang Kun!

"Oh my God, it's a good thing I didn't make enemies with him before!" Everyone was overjoyed and scared. They couldn't believe that Zhang Kun, who had been cornered by Rong Hong and Alchemist Zheng, turned around because of the appearance of the vice president. To kill, to deprive Danshi Zheng of everything!
"Hey, it's a pity. We should have a good relationship with him. In the future, Ge Ran will very likely become the fifth largest force in our city of Raging Waves!" Old Chen sighed for a while.

In the Ronghao League, the deputy leader is exchanging cups with Zhang Kun, talking happily.

"Zhang Keqing, thanks to your appearance, our Ronghao League was able to obtain the nine-tooth wood and the 300-year-old iron wire grass." The deputy leader said with a smile.

Zhang Kun smiled calmly. Although he said that he has been kind to Rong Haomeng, but a companion is like a tiger, and Ronghaomeng is like a tiger. At this moment, Zhang Kun's power is still too small compared to Ronghaomeng Yes, Zhang Kun wants to profit from it by dancing on a tightrope!
"Deputy leader, I don't understand one thing. Why are you willing to support Jia'er?" Zhang Kun asked. No matter how you look at it, Jia'er is not worthy of him, unless the business alliance has a request for Zhang Kun. .

The deputy leader smiled lightly: "Don't be nervous Zhang Keqing, I have no other intentions, you may not know, your friend is very talented!"

"Ah?" Zhang Kun was slightly surprised. Jia'er has been by Zhang Kun's side these days, and Zhang Kun didn't find anything special about her. Fu'er was less than [-] years old and practiced Qi level [-], which is an extraordinary talent. , and Jia'er is ordinary no matter how you look at it!

"Haha, Zhang Keqing doesn't need to worry too much, she looks ordinary, but the special exercises I practice fit her physique, so I attach so much importance to it!"

Zhang Kun nodded, and the deputy leader changed the subject and said, "Keqing Zhang is going to participate in that auction tomorrow?"

"Well, Elder Xun has already sent someone to give me an invitation letter." Zhang Kun smiled.

"Keqing Zhang, is there anything you want to transfer at the auction, I can use my authority to add something to the ranking list!"

(End of this chapter)

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